My Killer Tier List

After a while I've finally decided to make my own killer tier list to get my opinions out there.
There you go. No, Trickster is not the worst killer in the game. Deal with it.
EDIT: Lmao I switched Myers and Legion. Sorry folks
Seems pretty accurate.
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Twins, Plague, Phead and Huntress better than Freddy? I dont think so 😂
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Alright, this one I can get more behind although there are some changes I'd make I overall agree
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Dude, Freddy with his nerf it's a lot less strong than before, he barely have add on.
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Yeah id drop freddy a lot imo
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For me this position suit him, at the end of the day he's the easiest killer in the game to use, so it makes sense that he's not too powerful now.
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Id put him somewhere in c tier honestly. Most of his kit someone can do just as well or better than him, has garbage addons, and most of his kit require survivors to be asleep to be useful. He just doesn't offer enough to be that good now
I view wraith as more of an intro killer honestly.
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I ve seen enough with myers at tier D being worse than trickster/legion XD
Gonna love the people that doesnt know how to play myers and even worse, they understimate him.
People that complains about myers being trash is the same people that run random tier 1 perks with him and have no idea what are his god tier perks (corrupt and infectious).
At the end of the day, people will still say myers is trash, but their teams will still get destroyed with just only one tier 3. Cant take the people seriously those days xD
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Michael at the bottom, lol think this needs reworking for a list.
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I would agree Phead and Huntress and plague are more powerful, not Twins
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Straight up saying it, Ik hillbilly isn't as strong anymore, but you have no right putting him that low, he's at least B tier judging by who you put there,.
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There are some small disagreements I have, but overall I pretty much agree with everything here.
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this is post-nerf
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ok, time to do some explaining.
I've played Myers rather consistently since when I first got the game. I know what perks are good on him, I know what addons are good. And it pains me to say it, but he is not a very good killer.
The first reason for this is power creep. Everything he has (stealth, making survivors one-shots) is outmatched by other killers who also have other things going for them. Oni can one shot survivors, and has insane mobility. Plague can one shot survivors, and has a ranged attack to boot. Ghostface has stealth that doesn't make him a turtle.
He is also an M1-only killer with an insanely weak early game. You might argue that Ghostface has the same problem, but at least he can ambush the survivor. Sure, Myers can 99 his Tier 3 and I'm not going to ignore that, but if survivors play smart and spread out, you aren't going to get as much value out of it. He can use Corrupt Intervention, but it doesn't change the fact that he is a terrible chaser until he stalks a survivor enough. He can run Infectious Fright, but it doesn't change the fact that survivors can spread out. You can put on Hex: Retribution, but it doesn't mean that you're no longer an M1 killer.
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That might interest you.
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I knew this was coming