Nerf BBQ & Chili already

justcherry84 Member Posts: 22
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Put a timer on it or something. The fact that these killers can chain kill because they can see where everyone is and most killers can scale across any map in a matter of seconds is ridiculous. You shrunk the maps and took away loops but these killers can see where most survivors are almost anytime.

Post edited by justcherry84 on


  • justcherry84
    justcherry84 Member Posts: 22

    If that were the case we wouldn't have campers. Campers will camp regardless just like they still do.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    It does encourage Killers not to camp and, it can be countered. If you don't want to be revealed anticipate the perk, especially on fast Killers. Find a locker or move in close to the hook.

    I once posted an idea that instead of a hard reveal, have the survivor's scream. This gains the benefit of interrupting Survivor actions and nerfs the hard reveal. I only worry that we would lose some of the motivation to not camp.

  • justcherry84
    justcherry84 Member Posts: 22

    I dont want think the perk should be abolished but rather changed. I actually run Kindred as main perk so I'm actually really good at countering bbq but the problem is that I dont sfw so I'm repeatedly in games where the entire team is murdered in minutes and I'm usually left alone to find hatch or exit gate alone. I just feel it makes it too easy for killers and harder for non-sfw teams.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    BBQ & CHILI is the Survivor's best friend, the one Perk that reduces Camping and provides the opportunity to make safe rescues. What is more, it is easily countered if you don't want to be seen. You can also only be seen if you are over a certain distance away, so you can be gone before the Killer gets there. In short, don't be ridiculous.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited May 2021

    How long has it been? 4 days since the last "nerf BBQ" topic?


    BBQ & Chilli is one of the healthiest perks in the game.

    There are many, many ways to counter it, and the effect of the perk is that it gets the killer away from the hook, and encourages the killer to go after different survivors.

    It's anti-camp and anti-tunnel, and probably the most effective perk at doing both of those things.

    It's effect isn't even that strong. It gives the killer 4 seconds of info, which can be easily out-of-date if it's the other side of the map, by the time you've crossed it. There's nothing OP about it. The reason you see it so much isn't because it's a strong perk, but because it doubles the killers bloodpoints.

    For info perks, I'd much rather run Thrilling Tremors. As the first couple hooks you make in a game will almost certainly show you which gens are being worked on so you can pressure them.

    Without it, we would have more campers.

    Camping works because it's (often) an effective strategy. BBQ gives the killer a strategy that's more effective than camping. They can see another survivor, another target, another reason to leave the hook. Newer killers learn to camp because they have no info, no other target to go after. If they don't know where to go, then leaving the hook will almost certainly just waste their time, and allow someone to rescue the hooked survivor. Killer is all about effective time management, it's a race against the clock, and any time wasted looking for survivors that doesn't yield results, is a bad play.

    This is precisely why BBQ has a bloodpoint bonus. To encourage more killers to use it.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454
    1. Killer picks up survivor
    2. Find Locker
    3. Press space
    4. Killer hooks survivor
    5. Wait 4s
    6. Continue playing normally
  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    That or:

    - hide behind gen

    - change directions

    - stand still, then go where you want

  • justcherry84
    justcherry84 Member Posts: 22
  • justcherry84
    justcherry84 Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2021

    Honestly I'll admit that that was my bad when I said "youa int good without bbq and chili" because that wasnt meant for you. This post I made is my opinion and I'm open to convo but of course getting attacked by people so naturally I'll defend myself. I did read your reply and thought you did have some constructive input and thanks for that. Sorry again.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited May 2021

    BBQ isn't something I'd consider a crutch because it can be played around so easily. Plus, you're potentially one of 3 survivors and there's no guarantee the killer will come after you.

    I run BBQ all the time, but only for the bloodpoints, and I barely use the information it gives me.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    Okaaay, so after cleaning up a bit... I highly advise remaining respectful, that goes to everyone. People can think what they want, they are free to have different opinions. You don't have to agree, that is fine, but don't attack each other.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    BBQ is pretty balanced

    The aura reveal is decent, it only helps out movement killers and even then its not too long

    Promotes not camping during early game

    Gives bonus BP

    Go into a locker, use distortion, or just go within the required meters and you'll never get detected, that easy