Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why ruin the game with the BP grind???

Member Posts: 301
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

BP is why I quit this game years ago.

Upon hearing that all perks [etc] are unlocked in custom games, my friends and I have come back to the game to play 5-man lobbies, and those have been lots of fun. And I feel like I'm able to play a game I've never been able to play before.

... But when everyone's offline or they don't wanna play DBD and I do, I'm left with... ... ... ranked mode. Where I have a weak Claudette, or totally perkless Killers.

From my lazy calculations, it takes about 1.5mil BP to level 40 a character... to unlock their Teachables... which then you still have to grind out the RNGweb to get on any given character...

THEN, god forbid you're trying to play Killer in general, trying to farm BP/perks... It's nothing but BM'ing, teabagging 4-stacks with quad flashlights and maximum perks, ranks 1-8 versus your rank 18 Killer... And GOD FORBID you actually hook someone. They just leave the game and rob you of your BP...


But custom games are a LOT OF FUN.

... Why not just MAKE the real game fun, too????? Playing the game, without BP on your mind, lets you focus on the actual game, and lets you just have fun with it. Lets you experience it. Having all the perks, again, LETS YOU PLAY THE GAME, and not spend your entire life trying to farm for the next thing.

At LEAST let me pay money to get my perks. Don't let all the Sunk Cost Fallaciers gatekeep DBD by being against that. Let DBD be a GOOD GAME. If everyone wants a game where you grind your whole life away and have something to show for it, Runescape is still alive & well. Go play that. The rest of us want to play DBD. (But can't.)

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 301

    How do they make money by having the BP grind?

    Can I spend money to lessen it? I saw nothing like that in the shop, but maybe I don't know how to navigate it. I'd be willing to just bite the bullet, if it was reasonable...

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It used to be a lot worse.

  • Member Posts: 301

    I don't care if the brick wall I'm smashing my head against used to have titanium spikes. I still don't want to bash my head against this brick wall.

    And if I wanted a "goal to work towards" I'd play Runescape.

    I don't want a goal. I want to play.

    Hey, you know what game is fun? Street Fighter. And boy am I glad I don't have to farm 25 million "Tournament Points" to unlock Hadoken.

    And then do it again if I want Ken's Hadoken.

    Like, can I just buy the whole game for $60 and not have to unlock the ability to play the game???


    Whatever. Just another game to stop playing, I guess. Another game claimed by its zealots that shun improvement & growth in the name of their god, Sunk Cost.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I find it funny that for a "horror" game, the only scary thing about it is the grind lol

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    I think its a strange design choice that new players have the worst grind and veteran players with optimal builds that don't really need it can get more than 1 million BP in an hour

  • Member Posts: 301

    You know what else is a strange design choice?

    Pig's reverse bear traps can only be setup on downed Survs. But it won't actually activate if they're downed or hooked. So it does nothing until they're back on their feet. Not to mention, it does nothing until a gen is activated.

    So, her entire ability only activates if you encourage them to recover from bad situations. "I trapped your face. Okay, now go get healed from Dying. Go do that Gen.

    "... Please... Please go do these things... I just want one trap kill in my lifetime..."

    And now you have to patrol, both, Gens AND Jigsaw stations. But, hey, you move slower if you're utilizing your crouch! So you gained twice the amount of ground to cover, and have the total opposite tool you need to do so.

    UGH. I want to like her. But holy hell.

  • Member Posts: 824

    Because people would stop playing without the grind!!!

    Honestly, I feel like there's a ton of people leaving/quitting because of the crazy grind.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    Pig's traps are slowdown. The best course of action is to ignore trapped Survivors because they aren't doing gens.

    I really appreciated Pig's traps when I was doing Adept. She didn't have any gen regression perks but it felt like I was running Pop or something because I didn't get gen rushed too hard

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    The problem is that the grind isn't to bad if you have been playing from day one. New players get absolutely destroyed by it and gifting them bp or unlocking x number of perks would make the older players mad without compensation.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    First post: Gimme stuff for free cuz I don't wanna have to actually play the game without all the best stuff. Gimme now or I quit!!


  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Nobody here has said that it shouldn't improved.

    But the grind should stay, just in a reduced form.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Just play the game,have fun and try not to think about BP that much,that's how it adds up fast.At least for me.😉

  • Member Posts: 121

    I mean... I don't really mind the grind. I like to play across all characters, killer and survivor. Do I wish I had BT unlocked for all my survivors? Sure. Do I wish I had BBQ on all my killers? Yep. Can I continue to play without those things, and still have fun? Of course I can!

  • Member Posts: 740

    You can't, but a skinner box makes you feel good and keep playing, and if your not playing your not spending money

  • Member Posts: 301

    The game isn't fun when it's always a 4-stack of max-Perk Survivors flashlight spamming you and teabagging you at the gates. Efficiently managing their time, everyone having Borrowed Time and other obnoxious things, and the game starting with 2-3 gens down.

    Yes. That is when...

    That is when I want free stuff so that I can play the game with the best stuff. Because everyone I'm playing against has the best stuff.

    You had to go through the grind? I'm sorry you had to do that. But I don't also want to have to, ESPECIALLY if it's just because YOU had to. That is NOT a good reason.

    Improve the game. It's that simple. Don't hold onto improvements because, like I said several times, all the Sunk Costers would feel mad about it.

    Let me BUY the game at a full price value, including all perks. Hey, how about you make it up to the Sunk Costers by giving them Auric Cells based on... their player level, or how many teachables they've unlocked, or something like that. BAM, done & done. Everyone's happy. (Well of course some people will still be mad, because they like being mad and they like gatekeeping. But, there'd be a lot more people happy than there are now.)


  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I highly doubt that you're going against what you say you do every game. Very, very, rarely do I go against the 4 man death squads like you are describing. You are more than likely just choosing to remember the negative experiences more than the positive ones.

    Taking this game seriously in a competitive viewpoint is just silly, it's not designed for that. It's a party game so try to treat it as such, and I promise you you'll enjoy the game way more.

  • Member Posts: 301

    You're not wrong about the party game aspect. It's just that... I dunno, that's why I kind of avoid party games. I get the concept of "pure chaos, just have fun," but I like games to have an objective, with skill matchups being the obstacles. Not something like, say, Mario Party, where you just randomly give another player 100% of your Stars, or something like that.

    DBD is already Survivor-favored, so it's just extra annoying when I'm a perkless Killer and I'm going against Day 1'ers with everything unlocked, spamming flashlights and having pristine comm teamwork. (Which, yes, I am facing way more than you seem to think I am. I REALLY wish I recorded my games last night, cuz it was pure misery... Gonna start recording from now on.)

  • Member Posts: 740

    Better for game play or Better for the devs ability ti make money, those are 2 different things

  • Member Posts: 301

    But that's my point. I can't play the game "however I'd like".

    I'd like to play in public lobbies with full freedom to design & play certain build ideas. But I can only do that with 4 other friends involved. I can't do that in ~solo public games.

    And in order to "earn" the ability to do that, I have to farm for like a year, legit. And it won't be fun doing so, either. I have to truck through a year of unfun gameplay in order to play the game how it is intended, designed, and balanced around.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I can only assume the devs don't have enough confidence in their game to believe that players will devote a lot of time to it if the grind isn't super crazy. But of course the grind chases away a lot of players, soooo... [[shrugs]]

    I mean, the perk tiers are ingrained into their system, so it's harder to get rid of those. They did remove a bunch of useless offerings from the pool a long while back, but then recently they added some new offerings. Every time a new realm is created a new offering for it is added, making it absolutely ridiculously expensive and sometimes nearly impossible to get a desired map offering. Because of perk tiers, just trying to get tier 1 of a preferred perk is painful. On top of that, BP rewards per match are absolute crap.

    Too many problems in the game are band-aided over with perks for this to be okay.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    I didn't consider it a grind. I enjoyed playing and unlocking every perk. Would I be upset if they got rid of perk tiers - no not really. Aside from that I don't think anything else needs to be done about "the grind." What's next - asking for Bloodpoints that can be bought so you can level each character up and get those 6 pages of perks??

  • Member Posts: 301

    Yes. Why not? Why are you constantly trying to gatekeep the game? Literally ask yourself that. (You'll find the answer is because you feel like others should have to go through the bad thing that you did.)

    A lot of people saying they just "played the game and enjoyed it and ended up unlocking everything". I wonder how many of those people are saying this because they did it very early on in the game's existence, and were thus grinding at the same time as everyone else, following the general curve of everyone's perk gains. (As in, opposed to someone grinding today, where every opposing player(s) have maxed perks (and are all a 4stack if you're Killer), while you have either nothing, or the very basic perks that don't even remotely compete.)

    As a side note, I want you to keep in mind that basic-ass Survivor perks are WWAAYY better than basic-ass Killer perks. Just as a little extra note here...

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    That's the problem you have - you assume that my "grind" was a bad thing. I enjoyed (almost) every game I have played since I began 4+ years ago. I enjoyed leveling characters and seeing their teachables on my bloodweb. I enjoyed playing the game with limited and then new shiny perks. Maybe stop assuming what I, and everyone else in turn, finds enjoyable. Do I think certain things could and should be done to lessen the "grind" - yes - like tier-less perks. That alone would make perks appear MUCH faster and save players a ton of bloodpoints. But No I do not think every perk should be unlocked at level 1 and just appear like they do in custom games. You can stomp your feet all you want, and decry the game/players for the "Sunk Cost Fallaciers gatekeep DBD" but I can guarantee your "I Win" demands will never be implemented in this game.

  • Member Posts: 301

    Yes. Exactly.

    "Since I began 4+ years ago."

    I EXACTLY addressed this.

    So - you grinded it out alongside everybody else. Yes, that literally makes it INFINITELY more tolerable. You're playing against other people still grinding it out, because the entire playerbase is still grinding it out.

    Let me put it in different terms here.

    A person who makes a WoW character alongside everybody else when a new server opens up.


    A person who makes a WoW character on that server 4 years later, where every zone has max level Rogues corpse camping lowbies.

    Does that make it click???

    One of these guys will say, "I enjoyed leveling up, it had some annoying parts [clips of person engaged in various 1v1 fights of equal levels] but overall it was great!"

    And the other guy will say, "Leveling is miserable, what am I even supposed to do? Can I get some dev intervention or something? There's no way the game was designed around this."

    And the first guy loops back and berates the second guy for "being bad" or what have you...

  • Member Posts: 301

    Side note, I want you to think about how you translated "TGB gets all the perks" into "TGB wins".

    Maybe you're gatekeeping power, instead?

    You don't want everyone to be on equal footing because, as you've just subconsciously revealed, you translate that into you always losing.

    (Don't get mad at me, you actually literally just Freudian'd that.)

    At any rate...

    Tierless perks would... would that literally cut the grind into being 1/3? That would be quite sufficient, yes. Something like that is definitely acceptable to me.

    As I keep saying: I just want to be able to play the game. I don't want to have to grind it to the point of hating the game before getting to play it.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Nice try at psychoanalyzing, but you are completely inaccurate in your assessment.

    You can call it gatekeeping all you want, but others call it progressing. FYI the game is easily playable as a survivor with the base universal perks and even just one other character's teachables. Just because YOU don't think it's not playable doesn't actually make it unplayable as MANY have and still do play without even 1/3rd of the available perks.

    This conversation is circular at best - and feeding your desire to try and analyze people completely without merit based off a simple online interaction consisting of a dozen sentences. With that being said - your obstinance in wanting it all now in order to "enjoy" the game is tiresome and will not lead to any actual conversation. Good luck in your future "discussions" as I will not bother replying any further to you here or probably any thread as it is obviously pointless. (Waits for the "Aha told you so" reply.)

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