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General Discussions

The Argument An FOV Slider Would Give Players A Competitive Advantage Is Dumb.

Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

If everyone has access to the slider, then no one is at a "disadvantage"

Anyone can set the FOV to whatever they want, and whatever is comfortable to them will let them enjoy the game more and give them whatever advantages they want

Clearly, it would have to be limited to a certain point, but not having it under the argument of it being unfair to players is dumb.

Example being, literally any competitive first-person and third-person game in existence. Just to name a few.

Overwatch, Warzone, Titanfall, Gears, TF2, and Apex. (Not all esports level games, but games where players go against each other in a competitive environment)

None of those games have any issues allowing their players to alter their FOV without the need to hamper themselves by bringing something in-game to do it. Every player has access to it, and it comes down to personal preference of what FOV they want to use.

So with that argument completely busted, why does shadow born still exist and why is it not an option to have a FOV slider?

Adding a FOV slider would free up shadow born to be something more interesting than just an option to improve game quality at the cost of 1/4th of your build. It would also be a great QoL update for people that get motion sick at the low FOV that killer has.

This shouldn't be an argument about what is or is not fair to players because honestly, there isn't a single world where 10 degrees of extra view to your sides would cost someone an entire game. This should be an argument of accessibility. We got colorblind settings after years of telling BHVR to do it, I think it is about time to do the same with a FOV slider.

In general, perks shouldn't be tied to accessibility issues in the game. And FOV is an accessibility issue for some.

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  • Member Posts: 740

    So what would everyone thing of a fov slider that only limited your view never increased it beyond the base?

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    You named games that have FoV sliders, but didn't elaborate on anything. Sweatlords on those games tend to play on higher FoV (to a tolerable limit, at a point it just becomes ridiculous and everything looks like a modern art exhibit). Your average run-of-the-mill player might spike it up a few degrees for that little bit of an extra boon (in addition to it just feeling like you move faster), but not your DBD Ninjas and Tru3-talents (or however you spell it). 

    But that's not even the main issue. The most prominent reason a slider is there is because it adds another complicating factor to balancing. Remember moon bouquets? Even thought they didn't tilt the game in favor of either side, really, they were removed because having to account for lighting changes when designing new assets and maps, seeing if this would be too bright, seeing if this would be nigh invisible, was just too much to handle. Same thing here; some walls are meant to be blind spots for you, some are meant to be places you can look over. 

    I'm assuming "accessibility" and FoV is in reference to motion sickness. The unreal engine has blur effects from turning, so no amount of FoV is really going to fix that. If it's to the point where it's a threat to wellbeing, it may just be an unfortunate fact that they maybe shouldn't be playing games. Epilepsy is a life-threatening danger to some, but that doesn't mean they're going to remove doctor's screen effects out of that alone. You can't please everyone.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Those games you listed have issues with hardware advantage locking people out of playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 955
    edited May 2021

    An easy solution to the ’too small FOV’ issue would be to make Shadowborn’s FOV increase default, balance around the new FOV such as with Killer camera perspective changes or something like that, and work the perk into something else. Change Monitor’s FOV as well, maybe just outright remove it since the perk is decent with the terror radius effect alone.

    Shadowborn could be changed to, maybe increase the brightness of the Killer’s view, or give a Ghost Face style visual indicator when a Survivor is looking at the Killer directly, with a cooldown period of course.

    To simply tell people to not play a game that they paid money for and probably can no longer get a refund on, over the lack of a setting, is one of the most inane (edit: this was not a typo - I-N-A-N-E) arguments I have ever seen on this forum. Why should people lose their money because the developers refuse to make their game accessible over ‘competitive advantages’ in a non-competitive game? This is colourblind settings all over again, and those took a pathetically long time - five god damned years - to be added to the game and even then it was half-assed and could have been done with so little effort so long ago.

  • Member Posts: 10,167

    Because there is such a thing as too much fov. It's why I stopped using Shadowborn on Huntress and Deathslinger, because the fov made it seem like survivors were a certain distance from me, but then I lunged and missed, so that was the perk screwing me over.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    If you think flashlight spam is bad, just the normal flashlight blind animation is enough to be dangerous for epileptics.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    100% agree.

    The fact that the devs consider increased FOV to be an advantage but not things like low graphic settings on PC that give increased brightness and visibility in almost every regard while console is forced to play on high, dark settings actually bamboozles me. It's the lack of consistency with application that makes me very frustrated at some glaring issues with this game.

  • Member Posts: 14,883

    Sorry if it had been asked already, but was a second thread with this topic really necessary?

  • Member Posts: 8,593

    This is exactly why nearly every player in the comp scene uses some form of stretched res. It's like the steroid problem baseball had in the 90s. At a certain point players started doing it less for the advantage and more to not be at a disadvantage.

    If the game's engine can't be changed to not increase FOV with stretched resolution, then the only fix is to give an FOV slider to all platforms.

    I alter nothing in the game's files to change resolution. It's done via Nvidia control panel. I'm changing my display, not the game. They literally can't ban for it unless they want to spend resources patrolling twitch channels or whatever to watch for people gaming on stretched res.

    The only fair way is to give people options.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    As long as the devs take forever to patch stretched res i have no problems with a fov slider. Its a pc only advantage that actually shows itself pretty easily when a survivor can clearly see you over a loop.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I'm pretty sure a FOV slider would break first person animations for the killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Shadowborn should just be a toggle for killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    It is the survivor equivalent of an fov slider. yes I only know it applies to pc.

  • Member Posts: 1,556

    I guess... why quote me though?

  • Member Posts: 420

    The one problem I'd have with it is I feel it'd make survivors a lot stronger in comparison to the buff it'd give killers. They're already in third person so they have that advantage of being able to look around corners, having a wider fov could actually allow them to do stupid plays like camp pallets and not get punished because they'd see the survivors from a mile away.

  • Member Posts: 621

    There is already a solution to this. FOV sliders already exist. Grab two pieces of paper and tape them to either side of your screen. Slide them left and right. There you go, and you can even go to the max of the slider and take off the papers completely, but that is frowned upon as weak.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Why would survivors get to use FOV slider? They have 360 third person view.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    If you increase FOV sliders for killer, what stealth compensation are you going to give a survivor. Survivors do NOT need increased FOV, they need something to combat the fact that killers can find them easier.

    Do you reduce Scratchmark duration? Do you decrease bleeding frequency? even if you did, it would still be easier to spot a survivor and easier to be blinded. It's not a simple concept.

  • Member Posts: 420

    You seriously think killers could get a pov slider and survivors wouldn't complain?

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Idk. I just feel like that best for addressing someone

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Devs: Here's a FOV slider.

    (Slider goes from 87 to 75)

  • Member Posts: 3,268

    Lol 90-95... so much advantage.

    Well. Good to see that only survivors are allowed to use thirdparty software or edits for advantages AND demand those to be made basekit.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Really sad that we have to make such a big deal out of such menial things for BHVR to take action. I mean we were without colorblind settings for YEARS and they only just got them in a few patches ago. It is so small too, like is it really so hard to add colorblind settings in your game? Apparently not I guess, after all they were "working on it for m o n t h s".

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    You are not supposed to click them like that at a killer. Blinding them is fine. Its when they click it on and off and on and off that it is uncomfortable.

    Just remove the yellow flash off the screen and the problem is solved.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats a kind of stupid post, since killers use stretched res as well AND a killer demanded the increased fov to be made basekit.

    Has nobody ever taught you that 2 wrongs doesn´t make it right? Stretched resolution and brightness filters are basicly cheating in my opinion, and shouldnt be allowed in any case. The problem is you cannot control it. But that doesnt mean the next cheat has to be in the game. This game depends a lot on visuals, and thats why a colorblind option was demanded, so you can play the game without cheating, because external color filters actually gave you a way higher advantage then the color filters do, because they only change some of the ingame things, leaving the rest intact.

  • Member Posts: 3,268

    Was talking about voicechat...

    And then you come along and prove my second paragraph right.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Fov should never have been tied to perks.

    Just add a slider that goes from what we have now to shadowborn + monitor and change those perks.

    People feel sick playing your game, you should want to solve that.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Yeah, and since noone else was talking about voicechat that was totaly obvious.

    And yes, i am against voicechat too, but at least there is an argument for that, being that if an ingame voice chat was implemented, solo survivors would be closer in power to swf and thus killers could be buffed to competete with swf.

    You, however, had no arguments at all, and if you were talking about something else entirely, why do you do it in this thread?

    Because the other ones concerning voice chat are too hard to find for you?

  • Member Posts: 506
    edited May 2021

    This game needs an "FOV"-Slider as much as it needs a "Brightness"-Slider or a "Chase Music"-Slider.

    Spoileralert: it doesn't need any of these.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Just make shadow born base kit, because every killer even myself will just max it out. Its the same with the graphics, even though i can easily run this game at high settings on 1080p, i play at low settings for reasons like PERFECT FRAMERATE at all times, but also because it makes seeing survivors EASIER.

    Slider in my opinion would only be lowered by people who dont know better, like new players, or new gamers in general.

    Give killer base kit shadow born

    give survivors base kit kindred because solo is unbareable to play because u have so little info.fed up of 3 survivors all coming for the unhook with no progress being made on gens or hexes.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Why would Survivors need any sort of compensation for killers having an FOV slider? Do you need any compensation if i use Shadowborn every match? Does Shadowborn mean i can't lose? How will FOV help me see pallet campers? How will FOV let me see Blendettes in the dark bushes? The most useful aspect of FOV will be for killers with dumb cooldowns like Nurse and Legion that lose track of Survivors often when entering fatigue, all other aspects of FOv are to help each player individually, it offers no advantage whatsoever, it's a change in perception. Saying FOV is a Buff to Killer and Survivors need any sort of compensation is like saying everyone who has to wear glasses has an advantage over everyone who doesn't need to use glasses. Yes i'm so benefited for having to wear glasses for the rest of my life, having a smaller FOV, having to waste money on something expensive. Wow i'm so lucky...

  • Member Posts: 506

    It may be possible that you've got headaches or eyestrain from low FOV. I'm not confirming or denying.

    But it would be an issue to cater a minority and do something that will take a toll on game balance for the majority of the playerbase in the name of Accessibility. Having an FOV-Slider is not the same thing (gamebalance-wise) as having color-blind options.

  • Member Posts: 39

    It's funny because one of the arguments against color-blind options was that non-color-blind people could use them to gain an unfair advantage.

  • Member Posts: 708

    Well, it could have if key tracking cues were of an easier to distinguish colours than the background.

    Mostly blood. That was the argument of color blind giving advantage to others.

    However I do have a cousin who for the living hell couldn't see blood nor scratchmarks in vanilla.

    Had to download some 3rd party software (he has AMD gpu) to change colour pallete to some weirdo purple greenish monstrosity.

    Wont lie, seeing blood was so dang easy from across the map with that pallete, even though everything was like tripping on acid.

  • Member Posts: 39

    I know it could, anything could be abused, the question is does it matter? As you yourself said the pallette for easy tracking was given via a 3rd party. Anyone who wants to gain an unfair advantage can do so right now, FOV slider or not. By making Shadowborn optionally basekit via a slider and changing the perk (and Monitor) so they don't affect the FOV they can better account for the higher FOV for balancing and allow more people to play comfortably without giving up a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 839

    They already have that, or at least PC survivors do, it's called stretched res and the devs don't care. But a FOV slider? Oh no we can't have that as it would be unfair for console players, is not intended, and has balance issues.

    All of which applies to stretched res too by the way.

  • Member Posts: 39

    How significant is the added information from Shadowborn? How difficult would it be to rebalance things around the assumption everyone has the perk now? Why are some design decisions by the devs really silly and should be changed, but the killer's ridiculously tiny FOV perfection that shouldn't be changed to allow more people to play the game?

  • Member Posts: 159

    Well, it took them almost 5 years to add colorblind settings which is standard for the industry since like 2013. Good luck trying to get them to add something to fix motion sickness

  • Member Posts: 39

    Making current Shadowborn the new default with the ability to lower it and changing the Shadowborn perk entirely and Monitor's FOV effect seems fine to me. They should already be accounting for Shadowborn's FOV so while it'll still require rebalancing now that everyone can have it, it should be easier than with a higher FOV.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Huh, I thought I wrote a reply but guess I didn't.

    Anywho, I think having current Shadowborn as the default with a slider to lower the FOV (down to the current default?) would be a good call, along of course with changing the current FOV perks (which means a post-change Shadowborn would have to do something entirely different). Hopefully since they already need to account for Shadowborn as is, rebalancing for Shadowborn being the assumed FOV will be easier.

    Mostly just the idea of accessibility solutions being placed on Perks doesn't vibe well with me.

  • Member Posts: 598
    edited May 2021

    This isn't killer v killer. If that was the case then indeed nobody would be at an advantage. This is killer vs survivor.

    Edit: Again, your game examples are x vs x. This game is x vs y .

    It might not cost someone the game primarily because of fov but some techs will no longer work. I'm sure many survivor players don't want to see them gone unless the killer has paid for it with a perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    why would the devs add an FOV slider when you can just grind for shadowborn it's like the same thing except soooo much better and more convenient

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