Favorite Perk and why?

Glossed Member Posts: 49

My Favorite perk is We're gonna live forever. This is my favorite perk because I am more of a teammate based player. So even if I die and I got tokens for We're gonna live forever I still get a lot of bloodpoints. I can die and some how manage to get 20k to 25k Bloodpoints. What is your favorite perk and why? Tell me down below! :D


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    Right now it's Stake Out.

    Stake Out makes it so I do not need to focus as much for Skillchecks and incentivizes me to play stealthily. It also is a great counter to Hex: Ruin, as landing Good Skill checks will still count as hitting the Great for Ruin.

    Likewise, it does good against anti-skillcheck and gen stopper builds in general.
  • Forkkun
    Forkkun Member Posts: 3
    Mine is object of obssesion !
    Yes it's not really common

    I'm not that toxic guy but i like to be able to see the killer when i want to and it make the game more scary because you dont want to look where the killer is all the time and that can be dangerous
    I love this game 
    And i love object of obssesion design by the way
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    For the killer it would have to be BBQ and Chili. I love the aura reading on my billy and the points are amazing. For survivor hands down urban evasion. That perk has saved my ass so many times.

  • Easylife
    Easylife Member Posts: 163

    BBQ and Chilli, run it on every killer for the aura reading effect with the blood point part just being an added bonus.
    It stacks well with Pop Goes The Weasel/Overcharge and Nurses Calling with Ruin to complete the holy trinity.

  • jlangdon11
    jlangdon11 Member Posts: 4

    I love Tenacity. Crawling faster while healing is god. You really feel it when you don't have it equipped.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    Lithe will always be a staple of my perk builds. Climb a window and peace out!

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    Pharmacy because it's self care except ######### balanced.
  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 113
    It's a toss up between bond and urban evasion. I like being stealthy so urban evasion is great for that. Bond provides so much information that I miss it when I don't have it.
  • Fireax12
    Fireax12 Member Posts: 5

    Urban Evasion currently for survivor. Stealth is an extremely big factor in this game, and it helps a lot getting around tight corners without being seen. But for killer it has to be Brutal Strength. Mainly because... Screw Pallets. To be honest though for killers I always have a variety of loadouts for different killers based on their power of course. Like "No End Trapper" (BS, Blood Warden, No Ed, Nurse's).

  • Rob_Zombi3
    Rob_Zombi3 Member Posts: 31

    BBQ and Chilli for having extra BP and aura read on killer
    Self care to be more self-sufficient on survivor

  • robin
    robin Member Posts: 149

    wglf for survivor for the bloodpoints
    nurse's calling or brutal strength for killer

  • Fairweather
    Fairweather Member Posts: 1

    Vigil has become a personal favorite in recent months since I've been running perks that compliment it. Additionally, the hastened recovery while near other survivors gives it a lot of use for players coming out of a chase.

  • smityhead
    smityhead Member Posts: 47

    Sprint Burst. This perk is more life saving than self-care tbh.
    Make your choices. Im a wraith and hillbilly main, dont judge me :p

  • Laeriw
    Laeriw Member Posts: 2

    Adrenaline This perk saved me so often at the end of a game. First it was always borrowed time but since the change I prefer adrenaline.
    Monitor & Abuse I play Michael Myers and I think thats the must have perk for a Michael player. I like it when survivors scream because I scared them so much. xD

  • Noxurne
    Noxurne Member Posts: 4
    For survivor, it was D-Strike. I actually only use it to save other people. Mostly at the end of the game I throw in between an injured survivor and the killer and hope to get the skill check :). Since Dead hard came out I use Dead hard instead of D-strike. Saved me a lot of times too.
    As a killer I actually don't have a favorite perk. My build on each killer is different. 
  • NeedyKittyCat
    NeedyKittyCat Member Posts: 1

    Hang Man's Trick is mine cause paired with other perks it can be very useful in many situations. It almost guarantees a hook every time I use it and sometimes it is there to guarantee my final hook. When all the other hooks are to far away or just got unlucky with your hook locations. And I almost never have any problems with running it.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited June 2018
    No Perks is the best perk.
    Takes you back to good days when closets were a thing to use more.
  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Premonition is my favorite perk. The awareness you get from that perk is more than enough to keep you safe (and also creep you out)

  • Rat_Watson
    Rat_Watson Member Posts: 28

    My favorite perk has to be Adrenaline. It's a pretty good crutch perk if you've been chased by the killer the entire round, and you're injured, so uh....

  • foxofthestars
    foxofthestars Member Posts: 157

    @SadonicShadow said:
    For the killer it would have to be BBQ and Chili. I love the aura reading on my billy and the points are amazing. For survivor hands down urban evasion. That perk has saved my ass so many times.

    @SadonicShadow i agree with you especially with the urban evasion perk. That perk has saved my ass multiple times as well. Can not play with out it.