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D-Strike: One Last Thing Should Remove It

So, the recent nerf to D-Strike really does help bring it way more into balance, as it makes it so it isn't 60 seconds of immunity from consequences. However, there is still one thing survivors can do, and aggressively so, when they have D-strike, with no consequences;

Flashlight. I have seen a pretty sharp rise in people with DS following killers around flashlighting them when they get other survivors. They still get their 60 second immunity, so even if the killer catches on and downs them, they cannot be picked up. My suggestion is to add using a flashlight to the list of things that disable DS, that way they cannot do so fearlessly.


  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    60 seconds where a survivor follows you around to try and blind you.

    Meanwhile, you are essentially chasing half the team for that entire time, and can easily just look at a wall or bait out the flashlight, or just slug the guy following you.

    Honestly sounds like a win in my book if someone tries to do that.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    Nah man you didn't think this through. Because a tunneled survivor should still be able to use their flashlight while being chased. Seeing as DS is an anti-tunnel perk why would it deactivate for other anti-chase actions? That's like saying dropping a pallet should deactivate DS.

    And like Zagrid said. You have 2 people not doing gens so what's your complaint? You want them on the gens instead?

    Just look up smarty.