Create Your Own Perk



  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited May 2021

    Survivor perk: Purrfect Companion

    You and your cat are best friend and care for eachother even in this otherworldly realm.

    You spawn into the trial with a cat that stays within x meters of you and wanders/runs around in that radius. The cat uses a simple AI, no direct interaction/collision with killers or survivors. (Actually, let survivors pet the cat while crouching near it… might be too hard to implement though)

    When you are in a chase the cat will create scratchmarks just like a survivor.

    (This is a Perk that belongs to one of my survivor concepts, but it could also be cool as Jones the cat from Alien as a Ripley perk if we ever get an Alien chapter)

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • ThePotatoPlayer
    ThePotatoPlayer Member Posts: 9

    There's mine. It's killer perk.

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    Perk: Let it RIP

    You have a abittite for totems that fill you with gas.

    When you break a hex Let it RIP first ability actives get in a locker killer takes you out hit the skill check to fart stunning the killer for 3 seconds first part of perk deactivates.

    Second part of perk is always on only can be used ones.

    When you're on the ground and killer trys to kill you by there hand press active button to fart in there face making you get up from the dieing state and stunning the killer for 5 seconds.

  • arturradukevic
    arturradukevic Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2021

    hello, are you sure this happens once?🤐

    "Once per challenge, when the hatch is opened with the key or the last player left, the hatch is blocked by the entity for 15/20/25 seconds."

    Post edited by arturradukevic on
  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 146
    edited May 2021


    * For every other dying/hooked survivors, gain an additional 6/8/10% chance to self unhook.

    * self unhooking applies any unhooking perks equipped to you.

  • MegaGamer_01
    MegaGamer_01 Member Posts: 172

    Not as much of a new perk but a change to a existing one.


    After performing a Safe Hook Rescue on another Survivor or you enter struggle while on hook, Deliverance activates:

    Safe Hook Rescue:

    • Your Self-Unhook attempts will succeed 100 % of the time.

    Deliverance causes the Broken

     Status Effect for 100/80/60 seconds after unhooking yourself.

    Deliverance deactivates for the rest of the trial

    Enter Struggle:

    • Get one last Self-Unhook attempt while struggling with 4 % chance

    Deliverance causes the Haste

    Status Effect for 1/2/3 seconds after unhooking yourself

    Deliverance deactivates for the rest of the trial

    Let me know what you think :)

  • HEXthiCCstix
    HEXthiCCstix Member Posts: 4

    Killer perk:reaching death you start the trial with 3 tokens you can throw your base weapon by holding x button (pretty much same as hatchets) dose one health state of damage use a token to recall your weapon after you are out of tokens you can still throw your weapon but you have to retrieve it (walk up to it and press y button)

  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    Probably not an original idea.

    Activate-able Survivor Perk.

    "You know how a hunter tracks their mark. Upon activation, kick the dirt leaving a 10 meter trail of scratchmarks in the direction you are facing, exhausting you for 60/50/40 seconds."

    This should NOT hide your own scratchmarks to make it interact with other perks, which already do this.

    It would be used as both a vanishing perk, but also a head-start perk like sprint burst, since you can have the killer follow a false trail, look in the wrong direction, and then realise you are not there, which would give you enough time to get a little head start.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    A perk like balanced landing without SB that always worked but only at 70%. I use to love BL for the reduction that it did but now the entire perk deactivates, it made it useless since there isn't many drops in the maps.

  • Ebonbane2000
    Ebonbane2000 Member Posts: 160
    edited May 2021

    The perfect anti-camping perk called:

    Man on Fire

    Whenever a teammate is on the hook and is still within the killers terror radius, it fans the flame of your determination. Enabling an increase of 10/30/50 % generator repair speed. But your flaming red aura is visible to the killer. Once the killer's terror radius leaves the hook, your repair speed returns to normal but your aura remains visible to the killer for another 2/3/4 seconds.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    I have quite a few so here we go:


    With careful, precise strikes, you can dish out the most amount of bodily damage.

    Whenever you perform a basic attack on a survivor without lunging, that survivor will be inflicted with a Deep Wound.

    Additionally, any survivor that fails a healing skill check will cause the survivor being healed to become Broken for 40/50/60 seconds.


    You've mastered the element of surprise.

    Whenever you down a survivor, gain a stack of Consternation.

    Whenever you hook a survivor, Consternation activates, granting 4/5/6 seconds of Undetectable per stack.

    Maximum of 10 stacks.


    Your gorging attacks are so brutal they cause internal damages that even extensive first aid cannot repair.

    Whenever you down a survivor, that survivor will instantly lose 5/10/15% of their dying progress.

    When the Survivor is within a 10/15/20% threshold on dying, you have the option to kill the survivor.

    MADM3RT Member Posts: 17

    Not really an original creation but a replacement/rework for Stridor because I really don't like that you can never contest it, especially If you've equipped Iron Will or go against a Spirit. Stridor being just a passive with no real effort is just something I'm not a fan of, so, my version would be called:


    Once a survivor has been hooked, being in the terrorradius of the killer for 10/8/6 seconds, the survivors grunts of pain are 25/30/40% louder and their regular breathing is 0/15/20% for 8/10/12 seconds.

  • jarow8
    jarow8 Member Posts: 12

    Lets see perk that either lets you to recover exhaustion while running or allows exhaustion to go down faster

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Vigil from Quentin let’s Exhaustion go down faster (but not while running)

  • Jmang1245
    Jmang1245 Member Posts: 31

    Next time Bring a Tent: Anytime the killer is within 30 metres of a hooked survivor for more than 30 seconds Bring a Tent activates. Bring a tent has a cooldown of 20 seconds. After performing a hook rescue, any hit that would put you into the dying state does not.

    "That oughta teach those camping killers. Why don't you go and pick on someone your own size?".

    Couple this perk with Borrowed time to make killers salty.

  • Poka7Joke
    Poka7Joke Member Posts: 6

    Hex: Breakable

    You had enough from losing because of survivors being able to switch from dying to the injured state. Now is your time shine.

    Survivors can not heal themselves from the dying state by perks or syringes anymore. 

    If a survivor starts to heal a dying survivor, get a notification. After the a survivor is healed from the dying state, you can see his aura and the aura of the person who healed him for 6/8/10s.

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

  • KillerMain4Ever
    KillerMain4Ever Member Posts: 147

    Hex: Nightmare Escape: Players who are activating the exit gate switch are hit with blind status.

    If the exit gate switch is left with any progress, than the progress will start to regress by up to 3% per second.

    Players who tbag at the gate are hit with a warden effect preventing them from leaving for up to 6 seconds.

    You are also trash.

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited May 2021

    Killer Perk

    HEX: boycott (Tier I/II/III/teachable)

    "Your devotion to the entity creates unprecedented anger"

    description: you gain the ability to sabotage generators that are ready for as long as the hex lasts. Your sabotage actions have a 60/55/50 seconds of cooldown. Also, the total progression required on generators to be made by the survivors is 70%/75%/80% of the normal progression. furthermore, the hatch will only appear when all generators are completed or only one survivor remains. The hex is also undone if all generators are completed.

    "My devotion to you exceeds any limit" - Future unknown killer

    Ps: the total progress required for generators to be ready returns to normal , hatch will spawn normally and the sabotaging actions no longer have a cooldown if the hex is undone. It's the first perk that allows for killer a complete generator start regress, on the other hand, faster repair is allowed on the same time, and a little note is to avoid the hatch from spawn and disappearing if the generator starts regress, this limitation on hatch is also placed on the perk.

    Post edited by randonly on
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Live or Let Die:

    If you are the first survivor to die your death gives the other survivors a boost in action speed for the next 5/10/15 seconds

    Increases your chance to be the obsession

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    There are two types of perks I want to encourage and see more of for survivors:

    • Distance-based aura-reading perks
    • Obsession perks

    As such, my non-fleshed-out perk ideas (with arbitrary numbers) are mainly examples of similar concepts I would like to see rather than serious suggestions:

    Aura-reading perks:

    • Perk 1 - See aura of all killer belongings within 5m of yourself (totems, traps, hooks)
    • Perk 2 - See the auras of survivor scratch marks within 32m (basically a lesser bond, but with the added benefit of being able to use others scratch marks during a chase potentially)
    • Perk 3 - Allied survivors can see your aura within 40m when you stand still for 2 seconds (includes when being active; i.e. healing or doing gens)
    • Perk 4 - Allied survivors can see the aura of whatever you touched within 40m for 10 seconds (items, gens, totems, etc)

    Obsession perks:

    • Perk 1 - Bodyguard - Take a health state worth of damage in place of the obsession whenever the obsession is hit and you are within 10m. You are broken for 120 seconds. Reduces chance to be the obsession.
    • Perk 2 - Headbutt/self-sacrifice - Stun the killer for 5 seconds, but enter dying state in the process (even if at full health). Deactivates DS if used, like healing would. You become the obsession. (potential combo with mettle of man or deliverance?)

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342
  • Gameboyman99
    Gameboyman99 Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2021

    Hard Work Pays Off


    Your time as a mechanic has taught you how to work efficiently.

    After completing a generator, Hard Work Pays Off activates. While working on a generator, you can press the secondary action button to silence generator noises for 10/12/15 seconds. Once used, Hard Work Pays Off deactivates.

    "Spend as much time around machines as I have, and you can make them do all sorts of things." - Whoever would best fit with the lore IDK

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    New perk: GENeral FOCUS

    Exhaustion perk for survivors, trigger at will, survivor crouches, clutches head and focuses!!!

    The auras of generators and their level of completion will be revealed to you for 15 seconds.

    I don’t know what cool down should be, this would be a more entry level strategy developing perk. Might have some use for red ranks in late game. Maybe similar to DH cool down.

    (Idea is based on wraith perks that show gen completion.)

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited May 2021



    Your grief over your fellow survivors suffering emboldens you to make things right. For every other survivor hooked Recompense gains 1 token, Maximum of 3. While you are hooked all other survivors are granted a 3/4/5% speed boost to repair actions per token. Upon being Rescued all tokens are reset.


    Crippling Assault:

    Causing pain to your victims weighs heavily upon their ability to perform. Up to 1/2/3 survivors injured by you suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect until healed/healthy. Your successful basic attack recovery time is increased by 50%.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    To me... Crippling Assault is only enhanced by STBFL as that ends up compensating for the loss CA gives you, so I think the real question is Why Wouldn't anyone run STBFL with CA?

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Something like this, but maybe it just moves all other totems around the map?

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    Ive made a bunch of threads for this type of thing (you can check them through my account or whatever) but I thought of another so why not put my hat in the ring here

    Incentive bonus - for your hard work youre rewarded, but for your failures you suffer.

    for each:

    • gen completed
    • hex totem cleansed
    • 2 dull totems cleansed
    • 90 seconds in chase
    • safe unhook

    gain a token to a maximum of 8. for each token gain a 1% speed increase for all categories

    for each:

    • skill check missed on a gen
    • unsafe unhook
    • failed escape attempt on hook
    • missed healing skill check
    • time hit by killers weapon (not power)

    lose 6/4/2 tokens

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Step by Step

    Every time the killer changes levels by using the stairs they are visible for 1/3/5 seconds. Maximum 30 second cool down.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777


    All locks (Exit gate, chests, hatch) open in 1/2 the normal time.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2021

    Im ok with this as long as they fix current scratch marks. Nothing is more annoying than the current issue of scratch marks just stop existing mid chase.

    Also Perk:

    Killer: Deja Vu

    Whever a survivor performs the same action twice there aura is revieled for (4/6/8) seconds. Same actions are vaulting, working on gens, healing others, sliding over pallets, ect... Deja Vu has a 80/60/40 second cooldown between repeated actions.

  • HexSweetie
    HexSweetie Member Posts: 73


    You start with 5% decrease of all actions for the whole duration of the match, but for every 30 seconds you gain 15% speed of all actions including vaulting.

  • nutmilk420
    nutmilk420 Member Posts: 153


    Spaner in the works- rig a single hook to break the hook breaks 2/4/5 sec after you are picked up.

    Kash vault - vault a window/plattet and kick the killer if standing on the other side stunning him exaughston for 60/50/40 sec

    Nows my chance - every 20/15/10 sec while on the hook and within 12m of the killer gain a token up to 4 tokens. Each token increases your escape chances by 25%

    Scopophobia - after being hooked gain the endurance status effect while in the killers terror radius. Peresists for 5/10/15 sec after being unhooked or leaving the killers terror radius.

  • PabloLovesMC
    PabloLovesMC Member Posts: 163


    "Momentum is important because if you loose it you're done"

    At the start of the game get a 6% boost to breaking pallets and gens, picking up survivors, and hooking survivors. You also have 3% bonus movement speed so long as you are not in a chase. For every hook state achieved lose .5% of your boosts. For every downed survivor not on a hook after 3 seconds, lose 1% of your boost. (you regain your boost once they're picked up or placed on a hook)

    It was the best idea I had but I feel you could re word it to be understood better, basically I wanted a perk that could help killers with early game in a way that proceeding through the game forces you to loose your boost. I also wanted it in a way that the killer can get value from it all game if they haven't gotten the value from it (in contrast from corrupt intervention) with this perk or something similar a killer can help their early game and still help if they haven't been able to get downs or find survivors. let me know what you think and how you would change the wording.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    Survivor Perk: Bitter Pragmatism

    This perk starts with three tokens. Each time you are put into the injured state from a healthy state, consume 1 token and you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 8/10/12 seconds. This perk deactivates when all tokens are consumed.

    Strategy: I've always wished I could make a build featuring calm spirit, Iron will, and a perk like this. The killer hits the survivor, wipes their blade, and the survivor vanishes without a sound! Three perks is a heavy price for this tactic, but I would love it for the memes! Besides, players could drop calm spirit and instead put in lucky break (thereby still leaving space for an exhaustion perk or urban evasion) and truly vanish after one scream with no sound, scratch marks, or blood.

    I don't think this is broken as it can only trigger 3 times. Additionally, it creates a mind game with the killer, where the killer can still find you even with these perks trying to hide your presence by carefully searching the area.

    I gave it a little more time than comparable perks like Poised and the recent Self-Preservation because those have more opportunities to trigger. I felt that this perk would get a few more seconds because it can only trigger 3 times.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I'd like a Peeping Tom killer perk that lets the player temporarily have 3rd person perspective.

  • LordWack
    LordWack Member Posts: 21

    Campers delight.

    While on the hook the perk activates.

    If the killer decides to camp you and is 6 meters or less away.

    You can then hit the action button and you can Spawn on a hook on the other side of the map.

    The killer has no idea what hook your on.

    This would illuminate the non-intelligent people who stand there and hit you when you’re on the hook and Not go for any more survivors.

  • Shadow_Master953
    Shadow_Master953 Member Posts: 24

    A few days ago when I was watching a streamer play against Doctor and was breaking Hex: Ruin, they were talking about something with Hex: Haunted Grounds and I had this idea:

    Hex: Roulette

    When broken, 1-4 survivors (Based on RNG but minimum 1 survivor with the weakest version of the perk) can either be affected by Exposed, Oblivious, or Broken status effect (each survivor might experience a different effect than the others). The killer will have a notification that tells them which survivors are in what state. The Killer has a chance of getting a speed boost (again RNG for how big of a boost for how long. The higher tier the perk the better your odds). Other effects the killer can see is aura's revealed, undetectable or a combo of two.

    The reason why it's called roulette is because nobody knows what will happen. Its a gamble for survivor since they are the ones who chose to break the totem and its a gamble for killer since they chose to run it. Does it suck? Maybe but its not suppose to be sweaty. Its suppose to be fun.

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66

    Now I know this is a bit of a spicy one.

    Survivor Perk: Now we're even.

    Gain one token for each safe unhook up to a maxmimum of 3 tokens.

    In a chase, while looking at one of your fellow teammates up to a maximum distance of 12m, press the active ability button (E) to tag the teammate.

    The aura of the tagged survivor will be shown to the killer for 3s.

    Tagging a teammate will cost one token.

    ... Yes, I really REALLY don't like Blendettes :D

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609
    edited May 2021

    I don't know if anyone used this yet, but here's mine

    Killer Perk: Think Ahead

    The perk has 2 tokens at Tier 1, 3 tokens at Tier 2, and 4 tokens at Tier 3

    "At the start of the match, the perk has the number of tokens depending on the Tier. With these tokens, the killer is able to destroy a pallet before it is thrown down. Destroying a unused pallet consumes a token. Once all tokens are used, the perk is deactivated."

    Alternative idea: The Token maximum is 3 and a token can be reclaimed by destroying 2 downed pallets.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited May 2021

    Not sure if there is one similar to this yet in this thread but I'm not gonna read 9 pages ATM while I am at work lol xD. Ahem... Ill read them soon! Okay I am making this up literally right now so I know the seconds and meters need to be tweaked.

    Perk Name - Blending In.

    Perk Description - Your travels through the fog have taught you how to blend in to your surroundings. You're acute understanding of the fog and studying it has given you the ability to hide in plain sight finding pockets of fog.

    After 6/5/4 seconds of staying still and being 3/2/1 meters or more away from the killer after pressing "E" "Blending In" activates nearly becoming invisible to the killer.

    However Stillness Crows are drawn to your presence quicker and bring the noise indicator after 20/30/40 seconds being idle in one spot too long instantly giving you 3 Stillness Crows. The Stillness Crows remain until you're put into the dying state.

    Blending In can only be used again after being unhooked or unhooking yourself. (So for a total of 3 uses)

    My idea for this perk just came to me as I was thinking if there was a fun way to incorporate a perk that works with the fog itself and as a penalty uses the pesky crows as a cost to using this crazy idea for a perk lol. I might even make a whole survivor 3 perk build for this too lol.

    Post edited by TwitchyMike on
  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    I can see why you would feel this way. But it is a simple and very effective business strategy. Getting your clients feedback is key and getting fresh ideas from your player base is amazing! And people who want to keep their ideas for themselves are free to not share. W

    ho knows the product just as much as the person making it? The person using it! Now of course if I was the developers of DBD and saw someone post a great idea I would make sure to praise them for it and even offer them a unique in game skin for example or any type of reward for the great idea. I would even go far enough as to scout them out if they continuously were exceptional with their creativity and look into possibly having an interview with this client.

    Unfortunately and I'm not saying this about DBD but there are many companies out there that don't praise there fan base enough so again I can see why you would say this. But it's fun to just kick the can around with everyone here and bounce around ideas and hope we see something a customer suggested get put into the game :)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Well aren’t you a sunshine? :D

    this thread was freely created by a forum member and not by BHVR. Giving feedback and suggestions is also something done in every gaming forum.. and there are tons of creative and fun suggestions in the ‚Share your work‘ section but the devs are still creating their own content…

    and DbD isn’t ‚charging‘ anyone ‚out the arse‘. Every original chapter can easily be bought with shards which you just accumulate by playing. And skins are completely optional and can also be bought by shards in most cases… literally no one forced you to spend more money on this game than what you have to spend on the base game and maybe licensed chars, but you surely understand why they cost money right?

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited May 2021

    How how about you make a perk that block's the exits for 10 seconds ,since survivors attend to just troll the killer at the end of the game. It's pretty unfair considering how fast gens get done and toxic survivors like to just sit and t-bagg you and I'm talking about the threshold when the door is open, if there injured why do they get that privilege why do they get a free taunt when all the did was run the killer for three minutes mind you have gotten two or three hooks in that time so the perk should activate at least on 4 or 5 hooks,and block's the threshold for 10 seconds on a basic attack.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited May 2021

    Kind of already have this!

    No Way out

    After hooking a Survivor for the first time, No Way Out gains a token. When the last generator is repaired, The Entity blocks both exit gate switches for 10 seconds, plus an additional 4 seconds for each token in your possession.



    As soon as at least one Exit Gate 

     is opened, Blood Warden activates.

    • The Auras 
    •  of Survivors standing within the Exit-Gate area are revealed to you.

    Once per Trial, hooking a Survivor while Blood Warden is active calls upon The Entity 

     to block the exits for all Survivors for 30/40/60 seconds.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited May 2021

    No way out is a trickster perk yes. And blood warden is a Nightmare perk. There's a build to use both of these perks also along with Remember me which is also a nightmare perk. It's kind of a meme build but I'm currently trying to go for it. Of course any killer can do that build of course.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Oh okay Thank you ,I haven't purchased Trickster yet ,but I'm going to when ,I get paid .

    It's funny I haven't seen one person talk about it or run No Way Out ,but I seriously need a perk like that.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    Ya I have actually been researching DBD day in and Day out while at work lol. So even though I just started playing DBD since the 4th anniversary event I have learned some things pretty quickly. I like the idea of the end game build too.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Survivor Perk: Unity

    Life is full with dangerous but for you and your allies, that is not problem.

    When within 10 metres of a carried Survivor, killer will lose %5, 6, 7 movement speed.