You can't get mad at anyone at Behaviour if the RE characters are not who you want.

The decision for the characters chosen are both companies but mainly Capcom's. Some people don't seem to realize this when its obvious this is the case for every license.
Can I get mad if they are the 4th characters in a row to suck on release for Console?
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Naturally, i'll be annoyed if they're bad as well
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This sucks for BHVR.
The decision's pretty much out of their hands, but people are still gonna be assmad at them and them specifically if it's RE7/8 or the classic games.
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Good because I will be.
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I want Lady Nemesis and will riot if I don't get it!
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People can be mad at whoever they want, and for whatever reason they want. Whether it's justified is another question, but the wording is just so domineering I had to point that out. "Shouldn't" would be a better fit.
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Who's gonna be mad at them? People don't even know who the killer and survivor are and they are already begging for the chapter to be expensive like Stranger things so they get to waste more money.
The DLC will sell fine and people are easy to please.
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The people fighting the Dimitrescu vs. Nemesis war.
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and the jacks crying in the background
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Can I get mad at you for trying to have a good time playing DBD on a console
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You don't know the wrath of the RE fanbase sometimes.
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I feel like this can describe many fanbases
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This is just absolutely amazing.
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I do know it, it's 2021 and they are still sending death threats to the RE7 Chris face actor but don't you dare criticize RE3Make new hideous Jill face or you'll get stonned. But this is not RE, people will still buy the DLC because it says RE in the title. Even the people who will cry will spend money on it.
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I think that no matter who the character is survivor or killer, someone is always gonna be mad. For Re's case, it's not gonna be for everyone, they are gonna release a killer that not everyone wanted, and people won't be happy still if the killer is #########. For example, if they release Nemesis the 'most iconic' monster in RE and he sucks and is trash, people are gonna hate it because he sucks. Or if they release Jack Baker a still iconic character, and is actually decent if not strong, people are still gonna be mad because it wasn't Nemesis or someone else. So no matter what they are still gonna get backlash, the devs won't do anything wrong at this point, unless they release a buggy chapter. So ya'll gotta accept that your probably not gonna get what you
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Found on Reddit and have kept it close to my heart ever since :D
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Before Village, I wanted Leon and Claire as the Survivors.
After Village, I want Ethan.
Imagine the cosmetic potential:
- white dress shirt
- beige coat
- (limbs optional)
Endless possibilities.
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I mean I’d like to think that everybody understands that.
People also have a right to be disappointed if a game they support financially and time wise doesn’t include licensed characters which have already been established and people might have a longer history with, etc.
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Perfection, the best of both worlds.
Now we just need Mrs. X and we have the whole squad.
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I guess I can't complain. We're lucky to get a Resident Evil crossover in the first place.
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That's one heck of a mashup. Nice work!
Anyway, regarding the topic I'm happy regardless. Resident Evil has a strong selection of characters, so I wouldn't be disappointed.
If Capcom and BHVR want to make a money-spinner of this, choosing a tyrant would be best. My reasoning; legendary skins would be easier to achieve. You could interchange between Nemesis/ Mr. X/ RE1 Tyrant/ William Birkin skins, as well as some more I can't think of at present. Lady Dimitrescu wouldn't give those options, but whoever the killer/ survivor is, I won't be disappointed (well, unless the killer is just a zombie).
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I don't care who they add, I just want Claire Redfield in there.
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And there me that want Heisenberg
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His face it's actually scary
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I am contacting my lawyer if the Killer isn't Tofu.
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I mean, I've accepted that an RE7 is probably not going to happen. I'm probably one of the only people who would advocate for Eveline to be put in the game, but since she's not exactly a "fan favorite," it's probably not gonna happen.
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I don't know but for some reason Hank Anderson also came to mind.
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thankfully the resent change to blight made him playable on console though it dose not excuse the 6+ months where he was not even close to same killer as Mouse and keyboard blight
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He still isn't quite the same. The Beyblede tech is still only a thing on PC, to my knowledge.
But yeah, Blight is finally fixed after over 8 months of being unusable.
I expect Twins and Trickster to be similar time frames.
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Being disappointed and getting mad at them isn't the same thing.
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Problem is Capcom is not Konami and they choose carefully who to give away. They want high quality stuff for their high quality and very popular characters. We will be lucky if we get Nemesis or something which I do think we are getting him.
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Well listen you TheDarkTyrant
It's going to be Nemesis who else fits DBD since people like to be all technical ######### Mr X is way to slow The Tyrant would be like Pyramid Head ,Lisa Trevor could work but she is also kind of slow, all the others are well meh Capcom and Konami compete so if Konami sends there best monster what do you think Capcom will do?
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And so the halls fell Silent
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Not really.
I was disappointed that they didn't include a survivor when Ghostface came out, and I was pretty upset because I am a big fan of Sidney Prescott so to find out there wasn't even a survivor coming with him, was rather annoying to say the least.
I think you are confusing being mad while also being a jerk about it vs being mad and expressing your disappointment.
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Tbh my reaction to every licensed chapter (Except for halloween) has been "Oh ok" Im still waiting for a TWDG Chapter but it is VERY unlikely for the game to come instead of the show ;-;
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Why did you change your picture today and if you love Pyramid Head why about a subject about chucky, are you a troll?
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I though Pyramid Head was also very slow in his original game, and the power in DbD wasn’t even his power in Silent Hill?
they can create the Killers power and Balance like Terror Radius, walking speed etc like they (and the license holders) want..
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And then there's me, an El Gigante enjoyer, not even visible in the crowd.
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I wouldn't get mad even if the only thing we got this chapter was a canon fodder zombie as a killer. It's not like me.
But do know that I'd be reading this forum as if it were my frenemy's personal diary.
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Nah he's pretty fast surprisingly, during the chase sequence ,and the final Pyramid Head *fight*, he is slow with the great knife on Silent Hill 2,but I guess The Entity gave him some strength or something.
Yeah, I mean that's true, it's a game they can do whatever they see necessary for the match to be balanced but, you know how everyone can be a very technical when it comes to lore
It just makes sense that they would add him,and Mr X was killed by another Tyrant ,William Birkin I mean it seems like DBD usually picks the most efficient killer out of series, I'm sorry if, I offended anyone but we want know who or what is coming so theirs that.
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As a Dead By Daylight player it is my right - no, my DUTY - to be mad at BHVR for everything.
I passionately love 75 percent of RE7 (tanker? Nope) but actually find Evie a boring antagonist. By the time the game is over I came to really appreciate her story but as a killer, eh, I'm really over the "spooky kid with black hair" trope.
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I'll be a little disappointed if it's not Nemesis, but I won't be mad. It's still Resident Evil after all. However I will be pretty pissed if the RE Killer sucks on console.
How would Eveline fit in DBD? Her forms are either too big, too small, or don't attack you.
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The same applies with subsequent skins for licensed characters.
It's all red tape. You really think BHVR don't want to include 2018 versions of Myers and Laurie? Or Hoffman and Kramer as legendary Pig skins? We all know things like that would sell...cells.
It's down to the licence-holders.
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As long as we get Leon I'll be happy
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oh I won’t be mad, only disappointed if they dodged out on the cooler characters for another ‘sex sells’ character like trickster
...however I’ll turn a blind eye if we get any form of hunk and his re merc skins
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Why not Candyman ?