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Why people hate Spirit while there is Nurse?



  • Member Posts: 571
    edited May 2021

    Simply 'cause when you face a good Nurse you can still apply counterplay by breaking LoS, not playing predictably, knowing how to double-back or fake it, learn when just to hold W etc... And still if you get down you know that the person playing the nurse put some hours into learning her (and if she's really good that can predict every movement you'll do, Let's say someone like SupaAlf, then they have a LOT of hours poured into one single killer).

    Spirit on the other hand needs a headphone. Not even a good one. You get a hit and the survivor is done 'cause she can outrun him and he has only a guess on what she's doing since She's invisible. Or she can stand still and wait to see what the survivor is doing to act accodingly. She can "mindgame" pallets by just standing still. And if you have Iron Will wich is the only good counter to a somewhat decent spirit, she may slap stridor like 90% of them does and you'll have literally 0 defense against her.

    "Pallets and vaults work agaisnt her". Since I've learned how to play killer in general, and when I play spirit, pallets and windows NEVER get me. You can just LITERALLY wait in the corner of a loop and bait the survivor to get near you or leave it, in wich case you just phase and hit them.

    Spirit has 0 effort on her if you have 2 ears and 2 braincells to use her.

    Edit: typos.

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Spirit has no counterplay, that’s why

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    No, that has nothing to do with how well the killer can be played.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    Oh but because Freddy was "easy" and OP and needed nerfing, that's way different from Nurse being "hard" and OP. How about we just nerf OP things in general? Why does the amount of "skill" required to do well with a killer matter if, once you do reach that level, the killer is completely game breaking?

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    Spirit has a crazy amount if counterplay if players will just try to do it. Spirit can't even see exactly what you're doing while she's phasing, so she can't know "Oh, I'll just counter that the next time they try it" since they didn't see the whole thing. Nurse on the other hand can see you the whole time she's blinking, unless you block los, which she can just blink through and see you anyway. No amount of doubling back or fake outs are gonna mean anything against a good Nurse, which is not the case with Spirit because she literally blinds herself while in her power, making chases more of a guessing game for her than the survivors, and she's pretty much deaf without using one of her precious perk slots for Stridor. The only thing wrong with Spirit is standing still mindgames.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    You can clearly see and hear the Spirit coming. And Nurse does not take as much skill as y'all pretend she does. You can get her down in like a day.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Because Nurse actually feels like she earns her wins?

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Freddy was never op. I am playing as him for years, i never thought he is op. He has fair counterplay and he can be defeat by survivors.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    Yes, he was nerfed so easily when he surely didn't deserve it, but the actual problem killer of the game, Nurse, the devs won't do anything about. Her killer power is the cheapest thing in this game, so only a full-on rework will be enough to really fix Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    No, she's broken. She does NOT take that much learning or skill. A mouse and keyboard definitely helps. Sure, a bad Nurse will perform way worse than a bad Spirit, but a good Nurse outperforms a good Spirit by miles. You're talking about a killer whose power is moving fast, vs a killer whose power is noclipping, and saying "moving fast is stronger". Like... what?

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    I can at least see what the Nurse is doing.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    If they nerf Nurse, she will be weakest killer. For now she is strongest killer in game. So i do not know how can they balance Nurse. Seem imposible.

  • Member Posts: 365

    I dislike both but Spirit is far easier.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I can play nurse decently after like 400 hours on her enough to be unfun for survivors, I can play spirit great as soon as I have 10 hours and stridor.

    Nurse takes hours to learn, spirit anyone can do great with her with only knowing the basics.

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  • Member Posts: 1,994

    The only thing obvious is that you don’t like to learn.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2021
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  • Member Posts: 193

    Because you have to constantly lose over and over and spend ages learning to even begin to win with Nurse, especially at Red Ranks. Spirit can be learned really easily and has zero downsides to her power, other than not seeing people. It's stupid.

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  • Member Posts: 193
    edited May 2021

    It's a power cooldown. It's not punishing in any way shape or form. That's a thing for every killer, so why is it a problem for Spirit? She gets no fatigue, no tell whether she's using her power if you're inside terror radius, it's stupid. Spirit does nothing when she's powered other than standing still, and Nurse inhales, which is audible from 20 or so metres away, she raises her hand, and lets out a mapwide scream telling that she's coming, with a 4 second downside for a miss. Spirit has no such thing other than her hissing, which is inaudible in chase, she's just way too easy and unpunishing. Nurse is the most punishing and painful killer to learn, and no other character is as good and easy to learn as Spirit. My 11 year old brother got Spirit and his first game was a 4k. That should tell you enough.

  • Member Posts: 193

    And how is a cooldown in the Genrush Meta? It doesn't make sense.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    I'm assuming they mean that having to wait 15 seconds costs a lot in a gen rush meta.

    But you don't have to use all of your power as Spirit. If you use it in bursts, you can have it up constantly. Then there's the thing about Nurse needing to use her power to get downs, while Spirit still has the option to chase as a 110% killer if it's favorable.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    No. I'm talking about a killer I can see and learn to anticipate vs. one where I hope they aren't just standing still.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    Her standing still mindgame is stupid and should be removed.

  • Member Posts: 4,695

    It's also about how fun they feel to play against. Nurse has very tangible counterplay and that counterplay is as rewarding as the killer's own plays. If you throw off a nurse, you win about six seconds or more of extra chase time, with the very real possibility of escaping completely.

    If you throw off a phasing Spirit, nothing happens. You're still in a chase and you're just as close to getting downed as you were before you outplayed her, if not closer.

    Even Bubba suffers more from an outplay than Spirit does, which makes her unbelievably frustrating to play against.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Nurse actually does have a counter play and its to be unpredictable. Spirit just stands still and you dont know whats going on. Since she is so easy spirit is in need of a dire nerf while nurse has a rewarding challenge

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    Because people's favorite streamers told them "Spirit bad, Nurse gud!"

  • Member Posts: 981

    Honestly I think Spirit is not that bad.

    I agree that an indicator that Spirit is using her power would be nice. There was a "bug" not long ago that allowed people to hear Spirits noise while she was phasing and it allowed some cool interactions. Even while I was playing I liked this: Now we were kinda even, as both me and the survivor were just listening.

    I do not hate Spirit, I just think she needs some tweaks to her power. Mostly a tell if she is using it or not or a penalty for missing her post-phase swing. The thing is, you need to retain her "ghost with a grude"-fantasy of suddenly appearing. As such the occasional Spirit appearing next to you, scaring the life out of you and hitting you is important.

    And finaly let us not forget that Spirit is the divine reconing for toxic SWF squads that t-bag, flashlight-flicker and overall bad manner baby-killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    Enlighten me then. Tell me what was incorrect about my comment. Learn what exactly? That Nurse does have counter play if it's a bad Nurse player? Is that what you mean?

  • Member Posts: 4,695

    Not by definition.

    Imagine a killer that moves at 100%, whose power is simply 'put a random survivor in the dying state. 300 second cooldown.'

    That killer would have no real counterplay, but they'd be absolutely worthless.

    So no, not having counterplay does not make a killer strong by default.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Nope all Nurses have counterplay because she has to predict your movement. When she starts blinking, she has to know if you are going to keep running or turn back towards her. If she reads u running forward and you decide to turn back, her second blink will not have enough range to catch up. This guess is even harder for her if you have structures/los blockers.

    I steamroll about 99% of survivors with Nurse because they hold forward and never try engaging in a mind game.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited May 2021

    Too lazy to learn Nurse? Just play Spirit.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited May 2021

    just because Nurse is stupid doesnt mean spirit is less stupid, they are close in level of stupidness. the only reason why people respect nurse more is because unlike spirit she does require skill to be played, a certain amount of hours, spirit doesnt. still, after some hundreds of hours at best you will become an insane nurse and unstoppable wich is just as boring and bad as spirit, because you cant do nothing especially because most spirits run stridor wich eliminate any kid of potential play the survivor could of done.

  • Member Posts: 300

    In my personal experience, a Nurse takes more practice to master, plus she has a warning sign of when she is going to blink. Sprit can just come up behind you with no indication whatsoever. The nurse is easier to face.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Spirit gives basically zero feedback when trying to counter them while you can always see what the nurse is doing/trying to do.

    I hate playing against both of them equally since they ignore the defenses of survivors. I hope both of them get changed to a more enjoyable state.

  • Member Posts: 76

    If you like, streamer Zeb89 (main Killer 6k+ hours) has started a petition to Rework/Nerf the power of the spirit. The petition started last night and we have already collected quite a few signatures.

    Petizione · Behaviour Interactive: Rework The Spirit ·

    I checked the forum rules and found nothing against posting links for petitions regarding the game, I hope it is possible to do so, if not I apologize in advance

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