HATCH Member Posts: 61
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

every time i play killer there is at least one key and one escape i know i can just tunnel or slug or use franklins demis but thats not the problem.İf there are 3 chests in a map like 1 of them has a key.Keys are free escape for even survivor that does nothing all match.And when they escpe bum.Brtual killer+wasted time+maybe add ons + maybe offering its just annoying as hell.U just played a match.U played really good without tunneling or camping.Or maybe you are ttrying to get adept.Than bam.1 escape with a goddamn key.CAN U PLEASE DO SOMETHİNG ABOUT İT?! İM SİCK OF THE KEYS THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.WHİLE PLAYİNG AS SURVİVOR İ FOUND A CHEST İNSİDE THE SHACK.İ OPENED THE CHEST AND BAM!PURPLE KEY.THEN İ GO İN THE BASEMENT.İ OPENED ANOTHER CHEST AND BAM!ANOTHER PİNK KEY! can u please do something about it?Cuz its a bit unfair escaping free and wasteing killers time and addons and thing like that.

Post edited by Mandy on
