Ruin, Undying, and Tinkerer are grossly OP and is a free win

I've seen these enough and they need serious nerfing. Either that or survivors need major buffs. I got out of a match against a Blight and I've never felt so cheated in games of all my life. First of all, I spawned with a Nea and we almost finished a gen but the Blight was given a "free" beacon that it was almost done so he shows up without any warning whatsoever. After a short tussle with the Nea she goes down away from the gen. Because of crutchy ruin, it lost almost half of our progress. In the meantime, the Blight uses his free aura read to chase another person off a gen and left her on the floor when he got the signal I almost had the first gen completed again so what does he do? With one on a hook, the other on the floor, he sprints across the map to get me off the "first" gen that should have been done a long time ago. I go down and hooked and both gens lost all progress. Because of perks two gens were lost. How is that even remotely fair?
By the way, the cycle continued and everyone is dead with 5 gens still up. A look at his perks shows BBQ, Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer.
I am sorry killers, if you win with this combo you didn't win because of skill whatsoever. No matter how good the survivors are and how hard they try to do the objective, you are using 4 crutch perks for a free win. You are carried because of perks. Every rank 1 blight is winning with this combo non-stop and the devs need to stop sleeping and look at this combo and how much killers are winning with it. It has to be astronomical.
BBQ and Tinkerer needs to be a one-time use perk like survivor perks. These perks are way too game changing to be used all the time. Put it on a 120 second cooldown. Something to make them fair.
It’s not though haha
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Thing is... I kind of don't disagree with them entirely. Forever build are dumb. I don't like that survivors can pull out second chance perks one right after the other, and I think killers should be held to the same standard.
but what to do? IDK, maybe that perks point system would work.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Huh, I just played against a default Laurie as Blight with Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer.
Perhaps I played against the infamous Sluzzy?
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I think Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer should be basekit honestly.
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Undying should be exactly that. The totems cannot be successfully cleansed. It still lets a survivor fill up the progress bar but instead of destroying the totem it removes a health state from that survivor
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Thanks. I'm going to test this build out.
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You know you are right when nobody even killer mains can't defend it. It's that broken.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Put on Spine Chill to counter Tinkerer. Ruin and Undying can sometimes be found fast and taken out.
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Unfortunately, the best counterplay requires coordination as the killer cannot defend totems and gens at the same time. OP? maybe, but there is a way out.
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Sluzzy would probably be a P3 laurie tbh
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Yeah man, it is impossible to cleanse two totems.
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Spoken from someone who plays both sides equally (or probably more survivor), it's not that. It's that debating you is about as constructive as debating a Flat Earther and a complete waste of time in discussing the health of gameplay in DBD. You're set in your biased mindset so much that reasonable people know it's not worth their time or effort to have an intelligent discussion with you, since you'll acknowledge nothing that doesn't fit your opinion (or they just assume that you're nothing but a troll poster and not worth the effort). Your posts are pure bait at this point, and they're not even particularly creative anymore, as this is one you've used already. Come up with some original material -- your act is beyond stale.
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I just learned Sluzzy is one of the top ranked players on Steam. He's literally top fifty and everyone disregards his opinion on here. It's pretty funny.
Here's Sluzzy versus OhToFu for context.
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Sluzzy's stats are nutty that's the thing.
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It's because they're a hardcore Nurse main that only plays solo survivor.
And it's interesting you bring up OhTofu, since there's actually a vid showcasing Sluzzy's survivor playstyle on his channel.
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I mean, I'd point out how incorrect this is but, why bother?
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You're the one trying to compare Tinkerer... To BBQ.
Remember when everyone pointed out in your BBQ complaint post that, amongst all the other superior info perks, Tinkerer was better in every way because unlike BBQ it doesn't have counterplay? Is this just a continuation of that, or...?
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I do agree that Tinkerer can be really oppressive when there are only 3 survivors left, mostly because it has no cooldown.
Killers with high mobility can kick a gen, wait a bit so it regresses below 70%, then come back when Tinkerer procs again. You can forget about finishing any gens when you’re with 2 survivors left. Imo they should add a cooldown to it so it can only proc once on the same gen every 30 secs.
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Sluzzy. I'm trying to stop people from turning your name into a stereotype, and you posting stuff like this, from the title alone, is not helping your case. You need to stop calling everything you don't like OP.
I mean, these perks, aside from MAYBE Tinkerer, only work out well for killers BECAUSE they're skilled. If y'all keep getting a gen almost done and then letting it run down over and over, that's your fault. If 2 or 3 people get pushed off the gen, make sure at least 1 comes back to finish it while the killer is chasing the other person.
Hatch is the only free win of this game, and you'd know that if you played killer more.
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Except that's a different Sluzzy.
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The problem is they compare top 1% killer gameplay with nurse exclusive against the average soloQ game with mixed teammates from their own experience.
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Sluzzy along with several others on the forums are a case of people wanting to change the game to challenge themselves.
Instead of taking on the additional challenges the game already offers for whatever reason.
Just remember one thing about both metaphorical and literal heights: The thinner air makes people go loopy at the very top.
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And that is the big problem pro league worthy killer gameplay (on the best killer exclusive too maybe) against the average rank 1 soloQ mixed bag experience on survivor.
No wonder their view on the game is biased when they compare the best against the worst.
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You sure?
This is the Sluzzy with those stats.
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Are the Nurse stats linked to that particular Sluzzy profile?
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Yes according to both the dbd player stats pages. They just get off to the fact people think their actually bad at the game meanwhile theyre actually one of the best killers rn. Apparently they throw on survivor and facecamp in a couple of matches (probably to put up a false persona?) But ya cant deny their nurse stats.
Post edited by supersonic853 on1 -
If that's true someone should make a Sluzzy movie haha...
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I.. I know this reply will sound rather biased. Since I'm a killer main. But, I don't think that's necessarily bad to an extent. Making a gen take up to a minute and a half with four people on it is extremely ridiculous. That's why I was in favor of Freddy's nerf, but am still happy with a perk or two to slightly slow things down since swf can cause things to spiral out of control rather fast. I hate blaming them for a huge portion of issues. But... well. They are pretty strong
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I think it would be neat if they introduced a perk that allowed survivors to hear loud noise notifications within a certain distance on a cooldown. Knowing you tripped Spies / Tinkerer / Disco, etc could be interesting.
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The only thing i disagree with in this post is the stuff about bbq
But then again people here think they need to stack slowdowns to even have a chance to win :')
Post edited by nursewannabe on1 -
I legit only run BBQ for the bloodpoint increase. :P
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Eyyy, Discordance and BBQ go really well with those perks!
Also. Why do I always become so happy when I see one of Sluzzy's posts? Sluzzy deserves a promotion for these amazing and 100% accurate posts. I love Sluzzy, Sluzzy is a legend xd
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And two totems pop first 30 seconds of the match is a free lose
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Bruh I can't tell if this is a troll or not lol.
Sure the perks are strong combined but 2 of the 3 perks can literally be destroyed.
Sooo... Yeah :)
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Is Sluzzy is even trying anymore at this point? The quality of their bait threads is dropping quickly.
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Is it bad that I actually agree with Sluzzy here that Tinkerer + Ruin needs a serious, serious change on high mobility killers, especially where solo survivors are concerned?
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No, it's not. Sluzzy is very provocative but he's right many times they make a thread.
Just because this forum is filled with whiny players, it doesn't mean that killers in general are in a bad state at all, and often have it way too easy, especially when it comes to solo queue (as you mentioned) but also against the average swf that plays for fun
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Funny think is i at first when ruin first got reworked thought tinkerer would only go off once. But once undying came out and i saw the 3s synergy i was like "tf is this?". I would say though once ruins gone even if you have pop tinkerer loses most of its value. So in the case its no different than ruin survelliance imo.
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In solo it's a miracle if a single totem ever gets cleansed or a gen gets done without your direct involvement ngl, so needing to cleanse totems before starting on gens while Blendette does nothing, baby Meg throws Shack pallet and dies in 0.2s still and Nea DCs because the killer won't chase her is a pretty hard gamethrow
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Yeah fair.
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OP: ...wat year is it.
Me: Huh? What?
Me: 2021.
OP: My god... Am I really in the future?
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*pats on head* very funny sluzzy. You're very funny
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Uh oh sluzzy is crying about perks now.
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Ok, maybe Ruin + Tinkerer needs some sort of change. This combo was okay with Old Ruin, but now it gets a little oppressive from time to time.
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They're hexes. You can destroy them. They wouldn't be as powerful if you couldn't destroy them. Boom defended.
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That would be an epic win
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No, I agree with Sluzzy here as well, actually. Tinkerer by itself is pretty oppressive, but throw in Ruin, and it can become borderline impossible to get a single gen done while it's up if you're not in a 4 man, especially on high mobility killers.
Tinkerer is by far my least favourite perk in the game right now. Ruin, Undying and BBQ are all fine, but Tinkerer is a bit too overtuned imo, it needs a cooldown from being able to activate on the same generator multiple times.
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Honestly, it only feels oppressive against really high mobility characters IMO. I will say, Tinkerer needs some sort of cooldown, like 40 seconds
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None of the individual perks in the ruin+undying+tinkerer combo are too powerful, they just become highly oppressive when used together on a high mobility killer like blight. i'm also not sure why you find bbq far too powerful - perks like thrilling tremors and discordance are even stronger in this build.
edit: i was baited. right? this is a bait.