Ruin, Undying, and Tinkerer are grossly OP and is a free win



  • Tempest753
    Tempest753 Member Posts: 50

    I'm with you up until the point of BBQ+Tinkerer being the problem. The problem is Ruin+Undying, if you pair BBQ+Tinkerer with Pop it's not nearly so miserable, and if you cleanse Ruin+Undying these two perks don't really do much of anything to delay the game.

    The problem is that Ruin needs to be a certain level of power to justify being a Hex perk, but if its effect is strong enough to warrant running alone then it becomes oppressive when paired with Undying. In general I think Ruin needs to be weakened a little and totems need to stop spawning in places where they're guaranteed to be spotted and cleansed instantly (like spawning on top of survivors at the start, spawning on top of hills, spawning 2 feet from a generator), but that's just me.

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    Oh look another Sluzzy thread

  • GreysTavernTTV
    GreysTavernTTV Member Posts: 12

    You defeat it by gen tapping to check for ruin, and then dipping to go nuke the totems. You almost always spawn opposite of the killer so if you get on that gen you spawn by you're already screwing up because odds are 95% of the time you will get interrupted before you can finish even with 3-4 people on it. Just, do, bones.

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    Lol found the rank 10

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited May 2021

    I do disagree with this. Ruin + Undying + Tinkerer is no longer as strong you make it to be. Like how DS + Unbreakable + Dead Hard isn't as strong as it's made out to be now. Tinkerer is very strong with killers like Hillbilly and Blight. But outside of mobility killers it's pretty lackluster. What good does Tinkerer do for a Myers or Huntress on Mother's Dwelling, Blood Lodge, or Thompson House with how far apart gens are? Or on Badham, Haddonfield, or the Game where the stealth doesn't matter since the survivors will be right next to a great loop or pallet? So yes Tinkerer is brutal on mobility killers. But, should we say Thanataphobia is very strong because it works so well with two killers. Or Stridor because it only works on Spirit but so well? Simply no. New Undying + Ruin isn't nearly as strong either because instead of 4 totems it only takes two. And there are so many instances where you're spawning right next to totems and with how loud Hexes are it's not uncommon for this build to be obliterated in the first minutes. And even quicker on maps like Autohaven and Ormond. So now yes you can say what if it's Lerys or the Swamp and then yes it'll take a while and there's a good chance the build lasts a while but that's the map not the perks. So while yes Tinkerer + Ruin + Undying is a strong build could've agreed old variation was OP but the new variation isn't OP. And BBQ still balanced.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    That's RNG being more inconsistent then ever. One day I got a whole desert on Wreckers Yard. Another I got Groaning Storehouse with Jungle Gym into Killer shack into two good loops, into the Storehouse.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,288

    Still don't get why people are trying to analyze Sluzzy like they aren't obviously trolling. Just look at their prior posts.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Although I would definitely still be annoyed and a killer as strong Blight doesn't need a mega slowdown build. Personally with my killers I run one regression perk. And get a little more creative.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    missed ya sweet cheeks :)

    But yeah I do agree to some extent for once. Against a solo q team these perks are overkill. SWF its manageable

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968
    edited May 2021

    Honestly at this point I think Ruin should just be a base mechanic for all killers, there has been no other solution to gen speed that has been acceptable to survivors for longer than current Ruin. Not a totem either, just there passively in the background so theres actually some base game mechanic rewarding killers for generating pressure.

    The part I can't stop laughing about is that the killer basically commits 75% of their perk build for gen defense, and then survivors get upset that the gens are successfully defended with that opportunity cost. Honestly, get over yourselves, otherwise the solution is to give killers more perk slots so that each individual perk doesn't need to be that strong.

    Furthermore, you do realize that asking to gut one of the most basic and honestly fair builds you are just asking for BVHR to turn around and gut survivors to deal with the new vacuum of power left behind in the killer role. I don't understand how survivors don't realize that even though the game is 4v1, the roles are symbiotic. The more powerful the killer role is allowed to be, the more impactful each individual survivor CAN be.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    Lol. "Just pressure the gens". *Gens get pressured* "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".

    They are not OP. It just actually gives the killer a way to deal with gen speed in a viable way. Remember, YOU get a free beacon when ANY killer is coming except a Ghostface, Myers, Pig, or Wraith. Killers have to spend perks to get awareness of you. Learn to have situational awareness. Learn to dodge a Blight. He isn't the typical M1 Killer in how you loop him. You have to switch between two different styles. But it is not a crutch perk. It is a perk that rewards a killer for playing well. Remember, none of those four perks actually did something like correct a mistake (Deadhard) or give him a second chance after a bad play (Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Deliverance, Soul Guard) or have no counter play (God pallets). Everything still required Blight to make the right judgement calls and perform the right actions.

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Just ignore him; he’s on here to get people riled up.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439
    edited May 2021

    And yet your side has keys and toolboxes. That's a good trade-off for this build in my opinion.

    "Professional" player or not, you need to realize something: Survivors have it good in this game. You have toolboxes and teammates that help accelerate generator repair and you have keys that just outright ignore the main objective of every game and give you what is very easily a free win for you.

    You also have anyone who goes for a Haddonfield offering because, guess what? Many killers do not have an answer to God House and thus the infinity loop will go on and on and on and that perk combination? Runs a stalemate with your team.

    If you think BBQ, Ruin, Undying and Tinkerer are grossly OP in this current state of the game, your priorities aren't straight regardless of how good you are. You're not thinking of why Killers run it, the cause of it, and instead focusing on what the Killers do with it, the effect.

    Now if you want these all to be nerfed, then you'll have to take a toolbox or key nerf to your side as well, because suddenly, Survivors are grossly broken to the point where every game, even with Spirit or Nurse, will more than likely be a free win for the survivors.

    You just want it easier for your side when it's already easy. Get a Key, get people with toolboxes + Brand New Part, get multiple people on gens at once. It's not the Killer's fault your side runs things that are basically "GGEZ Win" combinations, and thus use their own "GGEZ Win" counter against you because they prepared themselves for what would possibly be absolute hell.

    You get rid of these, then the Killers will have no fun and will ultimately decide NOT to play the game because it's too survivor-oriented now. It wouldn't be fair, nor would it be balanced.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    What you said means only a SWF has a chance to survive. If killers are so godly overpowered with perks that you have to coordinate perfectly to get a gen done then something is horribly wrong. Killers run it because it is a free win. How often do you ever see one lose with it? Watch some streamers and see how often they lose? It is always a bloodbath. 9 out of 10 times I play it is a horrid bloodbath with no hope to win. Do I have to play with 3 others that have thousands of hours to maybe win? If that is what it takes, that is proof the game is deadly killer sided. It shouldn't take a doctorate degree in looping to survive a chase longer than a few seconds. Maps have too many deadzones. Look at leatherface with no cooldown after breaking a pallet. How did that get past play testing? The only time survivors win is when the killer is a noob without those perks or they play nicely and purposely plays in a way survivors can win. But you can forget it against a tryhard killer that knows all the tricks.

    And no, survivors don't need nerfed any more for these perks to be nerfed. They've already been heavy nerfed. It's way past time for killers to be nerfed. Toolboxes are actually useless, they were overnerfed into the garbage can. Keys can be hard countered with Franklins. But do removing a slowdown perk is too much to ask right?

    All of these things like brand new part has been nerfed while killers and all those slowdown perks have been buffed. Game is extremely killer sided when the killer knows what they are doing.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Sluzzy's a forum troll. It has zero bearing on his actual skills as a player.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Ok, I have to agree with the deadzones in here. One of the Realm Beyond's countless failures.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Three questions:

    How difficult is it to find 2 totems and disable 2 killer perks for the rest of the match? There are only 2 maps where totems are more difficult to find: Midwich and Hawkins.

    How difficult is it to equip Spine Chill which helps with all kind of Undetectable stuff and even with mindgaming?

    How am I able to go against this build only with few problems if the team is not complete potato? I even see Freddy players use this and you can still win.

    No perk build is an automatic win. Same goes for UB, DH etc for survivor.

  • LilCrapper
    LilCrapper Member Posts: 89

    you are working on a gen with another...., Killer chases your friend thats NOT YOU, You do not finish the gen while the killer is busy. Cuz you are scurrrred

    I see what your problem is.... The Git Gud variety

  • kaskader
    kaskader Member Posts: 283
    edited May 2021

    Oh god oh man...

    Sluzzy is a biggest troll in dbd forum history.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Hi sluzzy I love you.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    Sluzzy please I require you to play as spirit with Tinkerer Ruin Undying and get 4k at r1 if it is a free win as you said, I know you arent gonna reply this because you know that you cant, if you want i send you a video of me playing against key swf with Stridor Ruin Thrilling Tremors Tinkerer and Duration and speed add-ons, .

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    Surely its gonna compete with the Office as the best comedy of all times.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    Ruin and Undying is fine. I think Tinker is OP but fortunately most killers don't even use it.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452


    Why do you think they're hexes in the first place?

  • DeadByCommunity
    DeadByCommunity Member Posts: 157

    It's not hard to deal with an it's not a free win. Totem placement is RNG an mostly bad even so run small game, detective hunch or bring a map to find and deal with totem even as solo q. As for tinker just bring spine chill or you know use your 3D field of view to look around or listen for foot steps? (Micheal breathing, ghostface clothing, demo footstep cuz it's loud) it's not hard to counter the killers perks, just don't be bad an rely on using crutch perks with second chances an use other perks to counter an deal with it. Not everything is op an not every player is a try hard.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Honestly, while Ruin + Pop is a strong combo and Undying boosts it even further this build is not that problematic.

    Yes you have to do Bones and sometimes their placement is bad. But this goes for both sides. I played Ruin a few times and its normal duration until they finde that totem is about 60 seconds to two minutes.

    For Pop you have to work and it rewards you if you get a down. The typical scenario here is that your Tinkerer goes off mid chase and you just down that guy a few seconds later with the undetectable. Now you have to make a decision: Slug the suvivor and defend the Gen or hook him an hope that you can still make it to the gen in time to apply Pop. If you slug you risc loosing both: The Gen because you miscalculate the speed and the downed survivor because Unbreakable or a rescue happens. If you hook there is a pretty good chance to loose the Gen while carrying the survivor to the hook.

    Yes, Ruin and Pop together are strong. But they are predictable and there are ways to counter them. Especialy Repressed Alliance can bail out the survivors here. Also you have no Perks for the chase then. No "Im all Ears", no Safe the Best, no Bamboozle. Also you have no information at the start, no Whispers, no Discordance, no Surveilance etc. (And for all Spirits: No Stridor)

    So overall this is a strong combo, I agree. But it is no free win and sometimes other perks are much more important.

    I would never play this on Ghostface as Discordance, Nurse Calling and Surge are so much better. Corrupt Intervention is much better sometimes (Myers) or Surge can get me better value with certaiin Killers and I recently started to like Surge, Sloppy, Thana a lot more. Also I like my BBQ for points so...only two of those Perks are in my builds at best and I am doing just fine.

  • Johnagon_Infinity
    Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178

    On the other side of this coin, I'm amazed that his Ruin stayed up for more than 30 seconds. EVERY TIME I run that perk, it is cleansed within literal minutes of the match starting. I hardly get any value out of it. Hex perks are so RNG they're almost useless.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    More like... "if you want a chance of winning as killer, you have to run OP perks"

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Your statement is completely false, since there is a high chance of both totems being broken usually before even one gen starts.

    I've played games where my totems are completely out in the open and/or they spawn near the survivor. So please tell me how is that overpowered when in the first 30 seconds, both my totems could be destroyed and I'd possibly only have 1-2 actually valuable perks.