Can we please just throw him in the trash?
It's absolutly no fun to play against him.
If he's good he can hit you everyt7me you get to a pallet/window.
The things he puts on the ground are sometimes invisible and you can't attemp escapes/do anything while in the cage and i've had it multiple times that survs just don't get me out of this damn thing. Plus no perks get activated when you're in the cage.
You have to play differently against him yes, but his perks don't work on cages too, meaning BBQ and Devour have no affect on cages
Tricking Pyramid Head is a thing as well, works on even the best of them, he isn't fun to face but neither is a survivor team with all meta perks as well, Pyramid's whole kit is a middle finger towards that imo and thats why I love playing him
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I like going against him.
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Don't you dare speak about PH like that.
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I also love facing him, makes me pay attention way more often because thats what Pyramid is, you need to be paying close attention or he'll straight up take you out
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I find ph one of the more fun killers to face. His nonconventional game play makes him feel unique and interesting. I have no issues going against him.
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Post edited by Yords on1 -
You have to just hold W against him. I've been mind of enjoying it recently because every PH I go against falls for mindgames at pallets and windows, not that it's really counterplay. They could just not automatically assume I'm going to take or fake the pallet.
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Maybe learn how to play against him because it sounds like you vault every window and drop every pallet instead of keep running. He can't instantly hit anymore like on release so just keep going and don't drop or vault.
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Nooooo :(
Good Pyramid Heads are fun to play against, even if they're a god at accuracy.
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I love playing as him and going against him. There really isn’t anyone I dislike going against. He actually changes the way you need to play so I like it just like other killers who change up the usual play style. Hold W, fake pallets and window preferably without an item in your hand and make it seem you will loop an area that loses line of sight and continue to run ahead.
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So the second a killer requires you to play differently against them they're "no fun" to play against? If he's good he's waiting for you to commit to vaulting pallets and windows when he knows his power is a sure hit, you need to fake window and pallet vaults sometimes. His trail of torment in the ground can be a little buggy at times but you probably shouldn't be running around everywhere and maybe crouch around sometimes.
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Plus most people avoid that ######### like lava
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Pyramid head and dead hard were made for one another. Players look like complete sweatlords when utilizing either one.
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When he fakes his power most of the time i kinda agree, but when he mostly use his power it actually fun.
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Nah he's a fun killer and it's nice uniqueness that hooks and things related around them are separate from him. #NerfSpirit
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How dare you
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Lol, all the people with PH profile pics like “no he’s really fun I swear!!!!!!”
(No shade, we should all play whoever we like, I just found it funny. 😁)
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You realize that the only way he can use his power is when you screw up?
His whole deal is that survivors have to be actually attentive or be actually significantly punished for their mistakes.
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I mean what's wrong with people that know and enjoy the killer defending him from baseless accusations that he needs to be nerfed?
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actually, objection.
a good pyramid head is able to consistently hit shots out of animation lock and end chases in seconds. a bad pyramid head will only ever use their power during animation lock and becomes 30x more predictable
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I just like writing the encyclopedia on people through walls and pallets with Punishment of the Damned.
Is that a sin?
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tink Let me know if you get that.
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I didn’t see requests for nerfs anywhere in the OP, they were just complaining that they find him unfun. You don’t have to defend the honour of your chosen killer, it’s okay if people don’t like them. They just have different taste than you.
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While I admit that using the "nerfed" term didn't really tie into what I was trying to say, that's usually what the conversations when something is "unfun" evolve into.
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Well, you're right, they didn't ask for nerfs.
They asked for his outright removal. They said so in the first line of the post.
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Sure a good player can hit shots without needing to wait for animation locks but that's not always consistently possible against good survivors.
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thats because good survivors do nothing but hold w and you cant get animation locked hits anyway
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I’m sure the devs will pay rapt attention to an over the top post asking for a killer to be “thrown in the trash”. Lol.