"Stop camping/tunneling/slugging" Posts



  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Translation: 'If you're making a Survivor feel bad; stop trying to win.'

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2021

    I think this case is special, because we are talking about an assimetrical game. If you are playing LOL or FIFA for example, it´s just you vs a guy o squad that plays on the same conditions as you and can use the same strategies to get the victory. So you just do your best and try to win.

    With DBD is different, because as killer, u are the only player on the game that can reomove someone from the game not allowing him to particpate and therefore not having fun. 90% of your time on a hook it´s not what I´d call a fun game. Imo game should reinforce all the players to explore the map, enter on chases and having interaction between then. Penalizing strategies like tunneling, camping and gen rushing.

    Just one question. As an spectator of DBD games, tell me....do you prefer watching frenetic matches full of good chases or you prefer watching 1 guy on the hook, killer stand by next to him and other guys clicking m1 to repair gens? In terms of playing is the same. More action = more fun. That´s the essentia of every game. You play it because you have fun playing it.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    But if you remove or punish camping, you're literally punishing Killers for trying to win.

    There are more times where camping is a legitimate tactic than times where it's used to troll people.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Patroling....ok. Camping sucks.....and who camps is because he is going to tunnel at 99%.

    I don´t want killers lose the game. I just want they use tactics better for the gameplay experience. Killers need something to compensate camping is not allowed? Ok. Give survivors 6 gens to do, make survivors repair slower when someone is on hook....Idk... But that bad mechanic shouldn´t be meta game.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Why is it a bad mechanic?

    The Killer's goal is to kill you. Why do you get to say 'I don't like this way of dying; remove it'?

    It's a PvP game, after all. Do you think it would be okay to log into CS:GO and say 'I get sniped within 3 seconds of match start. Remove snipers. They're unfun because I don't get to play'? No, because the enemy teams goal is to kill you. They're just using the tools the game gives them.

    But, for some reason, Survivors seem to think that they have some right to either demand, or shame, Killers into playing 'right' and writing rules and demanding changes to make the game follow their made-up rulebook.

    I'll say it again; The Killer's goal, is to kill you. Not to ask you if you had fun. Not to make sure you fill a fun quota.

    Losing sucks, so being stuck on hook sucks. But it's a PvP game; someone is always going to lose. But you don't demand player agency be taken away because you don't approve of how they won, or disapprove of how you lost.

    And yes, gen speeds do need to be looked at. I'm a firm believer that camping will decrease if Killer's are not feeling the time crunch to remove someone ASAP because they have around 6-7 minutes to work with.

    But adding a 6th gen would be too much. It's just more 'mindlessly holding M1' that Survivors dislike, and it may add too much time.

    Maybe minigames? Like how Among Us does it; where you have to tie wires together, and put gears in, and add fuel. But all done on one generator. Puzzle-like, and more interactive, is what I'm saying.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    If I ever get a face camper I just suicide. The davids today have proven a point this morning they don't like going for a save. In the lab map, i was hooked infront of the exit gate. David opened that door, bubba just stood watching him do it and he just ran out. And this David hadn't been slapped or hooked so he could of easily taken a slap and both got out 😂 but nope, opens the gate and does a runner.... if anyone was that David. Cheers bro ✌😂

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401
    edited May 2021

    In the case u comment we are talking about a simmetrical game. They snipe you and you are out. That´s ok. But you can evade the shot, you can kill the other guy with a pistol, with a machine gun, or you can snipe him too.

    In DBD survivor can´t do anything if they get camped and tunneled. Their other teeammates will be making their stuff, but u are just on the hook, waiting to be hooked again. There are some perks, but is not enough as there is no communication or information between solo survivors. If you have luck, and the time borrow guy comes to unhook, u will scape. But that guy is insta tunneled instead of u.

    As you said, if survivors don´t like spam m1 on gens, maybe a 6th not the best idea. I think slowing down the progression on gens as there would be 1 guy on hook would be better. The option of minigames or something to do in hook that helps your team and yourself besides just winning time would also be nice imo.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Rescue into a facecamper Bubba? Haha good luck on that.

    If that was any other killer, ok. You try, but agains Bubba it´s better to leave or he will chainsaw down all the team.

  • Kanamishii
    Kanamishii Member Posts: 19

    As a killer camping and tunneling is a last resort, if gens are flying and someone's DOH then getting them out the game would put me in a better situation. Camping is mainly for when the doors are powered and the doors are to far away from each other to do anything about. Slugging in general is say is a decent strat. It's definitely helpful for winning games.

  • Hussein
    Hussein Member Posts: 29

    The way I see it is, tunnelling is fine in the late game. But at the start of the match, and I do 1/5 of a generator the entire match because the killer won't leave me alone, then I'd rather DC and ruin the killer's 4K streak and watch Youtube videos until I find another match.

    It's so boring and a waste of time watching myself on the hook waiting to get rescued if the survivors are not cowards.

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176

    "Killers are mean and should respect the other peoples fun by not tunneling/camping."

    Meanwhile I have yet to see a survivor be like: Lets not finish this gen, the killer is having a bad game. It would not be very fun for him, if we finish this now.

    Of course not, that is not the objective of the survivor. Ignoring the fact that survivors doing their objective is not fun for the killer. But who cares about that.

  • Zro
    Zro Member Posts: 56

    I don't know who of the the survivor mains also plays killer more often. I started out as a killer main and am currently playing more survivor to see the game from the other side. I got facecamped once in these matches. Am I getting upset about this now? It happens so rarely, even in the streams I watch. And when it does happen once, it doesn't happen two or three times in a row. Maybe I'm just incredibly lucky and the Streamers are too.

    But it's not about facecamping either, where someone is on the hook for 90% of the game. It happens so rarely, but it sounds like every match is like that.

    There are always people who want to destroy the fun of the game, but you have them everywhere, for example in mobas, when someone intentionally feeds. But such people are the exception. The point here is to play efficiently, on both sides. Blind me with your flashlight when I'm wearing a surv. That's your right. Teabag your soul out, click your flashlight until it's empty, if you think you can distract me with it. I don't mind. But then let me go on the injured survivor who was just hooked, without me getting insulted in endchat. Even that is a pleasure for me by now.

    But especially new players are scared away by immediately showing them what is "toxic". They don't decide on their own what can be toxic for them, when you hear from everywhere "this and that is not allowed, that is toxic, it makes no fun". If you hear it everywhere, it must be true. Then they let themselves be lured, howl with the wolves and also start to call "toxic" directly when the killer kicks the gen just after he has one on the hook.

    And if he plays by the "rulebook", he still gets laughed at because he plays loose and lets everyone get away with it. Because he no longer knows what he is "allowed" to do and what he is not. At least that's how it was for me until I started to question this double standard. And if I had started out as a survivor, I might be howling with the wolves now, too, and having a lot less fun on both sides because I'd have to get upset about everything.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686
  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited May 2021

    Well said. It's always 'Killers should sacrifice for our fun'. But it never goes in reverse. That's why these threads are so hypocritical.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I think most are asking the devs to change the game so that camping wasn't sure a good strategy so that killers would stop using it, I mean you want killers to try their best so would you be OK if they changed the game so that the best move wasn't camping? Sounds like a win win unless you really just like to camp

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176

    I agree. I am just sick of the argument that killers are supposed to be nice, while survivors can behave however they like.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    The thing is these sorts of arguments leave astounding amounts of room for that type of rebuttal.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Yah it gets a little messy because in either case the survivors are saying they want camping addressed, some are just not thinking it through when they say killers should just fix it, when they should be saying the devs need to fix it. It's not the killers fault the devs make it so good to camp just like it wasn't the survivors fault they could use ds offensively it was the devs fault. The problem are the survivors who are angry that the devs fixed ds fand the killers who get angry at the mention of fixing camping

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342
    edited May 2021

    In the last two days I have seen more camping and tunneling than I have in months. I think it is because all these killer mains are trying to get back in the red ranks since the rank reset debacle. So, the ones who usually don't do it I think are just to get back to where they were. Some of the ones justifying it should play solo survivor for a few days and I think your tune will change. I have played killer and have absolutely no idea what I am doing and in a few days I obtained 7 ranks,,, SEVEN with putting no bloodpoints in the character and only using one perk, Thrilling Tremors because that came with Ghost Face. It should not be this easy at any rank!!! I just stopped playing because it got boring.

    I can tell you without a doubt killer is way easier than solo survivor by a long shot! Anyone who says otherwise is just plain lying. Killers such as Spirit, Nurse, Wraith, and Bubba (who is the biggest camper of them all) are so OP if the player has even the slightest clue of what they are doing. In a 6 hour game play this is all the killers who are playing, no one else. It just gets old having a Wraith cloak right next to the hook always and proxy camp, a Spirit vape right to you every single time and down you, and Bubba camp you constantly.

    Lets face it, killers camp and tunnel because it works, simple end of story. Its not a great "tactic" because if it were every single streamer would be doing it. They do not at all because all their followers would call them out on it as being lazy and dumb. So if it so great why don't I see one single true streamer employing it in a game online? It is not a strategy to hook and sit by said hook until the person dies lol. Strategies involve thought and maneuvering and when you hook and camp subsequently causing no one to rescue you are wasting time and being a dick because you like FW players and getting points.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    I see come spanish speakers streamers doing it on Twitch, Facamping a guy because he is losing hard the game and get tilted. They also m1 the guy on hook and say "yes" moving up and down the killers head. Saying: u aregoing to die "hahaha".

    I liked their stream, but when I noticed they enjoyed doing these practices I just stopped watching them. Personally don´t like these unsportive and disrespectful manners.

    And yes, killer is by far the strong side of the game. I don´t like play killer because u play alone and I feel it like it´s a stronger side. I prefer playing on the underdog role.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2021

    One time a killer sluggled a survivor that came in my chase just so they could keep tunneling me. I'm like you really not gonna hook them because you want me dead that much?

    Got tunneled through the bt hit and I hit them with ds with two seconds left of it. The second time they hooked me they kept hitting me on the hook. I'm like are they made they got hit with ds when they deserve it?

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited May 2021

    about the killer being the power. Yes they are as they should be but survivors would stand more of a chance if they worked together. Yes I know this is unrelated.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Why my last post is: waiting to be approved? Did I brake the forum rules or spoken something in bad manners?

    see come spanish speakers streamers doing it on Twitch, Facamping a guy because he is losing hard the game and get tilted. They also m1 the guy on hook and say "yes" moving up and down the killers head. Saying: u aregoing to die "hahaha".

    I liked their stream, but when I noticed they enjoyed doing these practices I just stopped watching them. Personally don´t like these unsportive and disrespectful manners.

    And yes, killer is by far the strong side of the game. I don´t like play killer because u play alone and I feel it like it´s a stronger side. I prefer playing on the underdog role.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I don't know I was looking at it and responded to it.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    see come spanish speakers streamers doing it on Twitch, Facamping a guy because he is losing hard the game and get tilted. They also m1 the guy on hook and say "yes" moving up and down the killers head. Saying: u aregoing to die "hahaha".

    I liked their stream, but when I noticed they enjoyed doing these practices I just stopped watching them. Personally don´t like these unsportive and disrespectful manners.

    And yes, killer is by far the strong side of the game. I don´t like play killer because u play alone and I feel it like it´s a stronger side. I prefer playing on the underdog role.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    see come spanish speakers streamers doing it on Twitch, Facamping a guy because he is losing hard the game and get tilted. They also m1 the guy on hook and say "yes" moving up and down the killers head. Saying: u aregoing to die "hahaha".

    I liked their stream, but when I noticed they enjoyed doing these practices I just stopped watching them. Personally don´t like these unsportive and disrespectful manners.

    And yes, killer is by far the strong side of the game. I don´t like play killer because u play alone and I feel it like it´s a stronger side. I prefer playing on the underdog role.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    see come spanish speakers streamers doing it on Twitch, Facamping a guy because he is losing hard the game and get tilted. They also m1 the guy on hook and say "yes" moving up and down the killers head. Saying: u aregoing to die "hahaha".

    I liked their stream, but when I noticed they enjoyed doing these practices I just stopped watching them. Personally don´t like these unsportive and disrespectful manners.

    And yes, killer is by far the strong side of the game. I don´t like play killer because u play alone and I feel it like it´s a stronger side. I prefer playing on the underdog role.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Agree, But solo survivors could coordinate and play better if they had more game information. Solo survivors are demolished. Specially by characters are spirits, bubbas, blights.....

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Yep. Our game experience is not equal or close.

    I tried to search my historical win rate on games but I only found some information on https://dbd.onteh.net.au/ . Idk if there is another way. In that case, please tell me =D.

    Anyway, that stats don´t say the win rate / kills escapes u have. So, in order to have a more precise data than mi memory, I have started to register my games and take out my "real" stats.

  • Hussein
    Hussein Member Posts: 29

    Particularly at the moment, every match I'm in the killer has devour hope and/or NOED and blood warden. Disgusting and boring play.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    Sadly, you have to track it yourself. I started doing this, recording every match and graphing how things went after I watched a video by Otz on how not to get tilted. I found it very helpful. I am basing win, lose, draw metrics on the loosely agreed upon notion that 3+ Kills/Escapes equals a win for the respective side, 2 Kills/Escapes equals a draw, and 0-1 Kills/Escapes equals a loss. I will openly admit that I'm a VERY competitive person, or I would not be doing the extra work. I found (as Otz said I would) that reviewing videos of matches revealed all sorts of mistakes I made (that I wasn't aware of at the time), things I could do better, things which happened due to bad luck, and things that happened because the Killer or other Survivors did well. I tend to learn MORE from matches I lost than I do the winners. :) I highly suggest reviewing, recording, and graphing. It is the fastest way to get better at this game. However, I understand that most people do not want to do homework for their games. :)

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I just DC if the killer is playing scummy. The match was already ruined I can come back and play another day. The killer doesn’t need my points.

  • Dylandal99
    Dylandal99 Member Posts: 85

    when I see a survivor using terms like ( camping - Tunneling ) I just realize they are new to the game. Any OG player won't complain about something that is in the game.

    people feel like everyone should play the way THEY want. Entitled people. hey don't camp me? hey don't tunnel me ? hey do this hey do that..

    like just play the game, you can't get camped if you don't die in the first place

    you can't get tunneled if you don't get downed in the first place.

    let's play entitlement games ... I'm as survivor gonna ######### talk killers for camping and tunneling and killer ######### talk me for doing generators

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Ummm no,, it does not matter how long you have been playing. If you start a match and after 20 seconds you are on the hook because you spawned near the killer then he sits so close you can smell his internet breathe lol and if you are lucky to have someone go for broke to save the killer goes right back for you again totally ignoring the one who saved you,, how was that a fun game for that player? Isnt this game supposed to be fun for both? You are lying to yourself if you say this doesn't happen more than not. I have been playing for months and this is happening so much more now than it was when I first started.

    My guess is there is sooooo many sweaty killer mains trying to gain the ground they lost with regard to the debacle of this recent rank reset they are pulling out the lazy game plays to win because they know it works and its easy. I worked my way up to red rank survivor the hard way by solo q the entire time. So if I get camped and tunneled and lose a hard earned pip or rank it sucks because some sweaty killer main wants to get his rock off by being a dick and fw people for the sake of it and their perverse sense of enjoyment. To say nothing of the fact that the game devs seems to have no problem with it this makes them think this is okay. The answer to this is to make these killer mains play solo survivor only for a few months and I bet they wont do this crap anymore,,, well maybe those idiots who never learn will do it. Its a never-ending thing until there are penalties put in place for sitting by a hook no mater what the occasion but, we all know this will never happen. So in the end, why even do these threads they should be deleted as soon as they are made no one EVER see's the other players side ever!

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2021

    People have different opinions on what is fun and how they want to play, you can't say someone can't play a certain way because you don't find it fun.

    When you play online games you open yourself up to play against people who are going to play however they like as long as it's within the rules, that's just how it is so if someone doesn't like that then they should stick to offline games.

    Post edited by Kirkylad on
  • Dylandal99
    Dylandal99 Member Posts: 85

    ummmmm, no

    again, I can't control how people want to play the game, Never cried or ranted really.. I will never do ( maybe did when I was new myself) can't remember it's been 4 years I play this game

    I'd just go next. and I'll try not to get downed in 20 seconds at the start lmao.. that's the majority of survivor player base these days not only you btw.. can't get chased for more than 20 seconds.

    20 seconds in the match and they are on the hook...LMFAO.

    also who cares about pips are you serious ?? how long have you been playing this game?

    your entire comment gives me the new player vibes sorry mate I respect your opinion but I'm still standing where I am.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342
    edited May 2021

    I have never been downed in a game like that I run Kindred and Bond so I see it all, but nice try.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I think its hard to tell if camping or tunneling is a bad thing in itself.

    Sometimes camping is the best choice: All gens done, gates are open, survivor 1 in basement, what are you to do to get any pressure? Run to the wrong gate, look like an idiot and hear the unhooking sound? Come one, you can not except people to play suboptimal.

    Same if you 3 Gen a team and hook one person in the middle of your 3 Gen. It is the optimal choice, hanging the surviror where the action takes place. Do you except the Killer to go out of his way to hang the guy at the edge of the map, just play "nice"? I sure as hell don't.

    Most times camping is also punished pretty badly if your team reacts: Killer face camps? Do gens, get a 3 man escape and show the camper that his choice was wrong.

    Tunneling is a similar thing, sometimes it is just the best play. Survivor got unhooked, his friend ran of and I only see that one injured guy. Should I just ignor him, let any pressure go and search the stealthing Claudette in the corner? Of course not, I go and hunt what I can see. And if you unhook without Borrow Time, why shouldn't I just hit that guy again. You got Borrow Time and want to eat that hit, sure, why not I hit you. But then again, why shoudn't I hunt you down if you run to a deadzone or a bad tile?

    There are so many scenarios where "tunneling", "camping" or "slugging" is just the optimal choice that I will do it. Unless the survirors go out of their way to and make the bad choice by themself. Sometimes I give respect: You found your Glyph? I will wait. Your friend throw you under the Bubba-Chainsaw truck? I will hunt him not you. You want to finde the gnome? Lets search. But in the end those are bad choices made by me and you can not expect me to make them.

    Just like genrushing, bodyblocking, running Deceisive Strike or finishing the Gen when I down your teammate right next to you. You make your choices, I make mine. If I feel generous I will play suboptimal, but never expect me to do so.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Yes, this should be how people should think about a GAME.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    The irony of someone complaining about Devour Hope in a thread full of complaints/comments about camping isn't just funny, it either shows someone doesn't understand how the perk works -- or how some people simply won't be happy, no matter what their opponent does.

  • DupstepAlex078
    DupstepAlex078 Member Posts: 33

    Bruh, stop taking us to Haddonfield.

  • Tjiani
    Tjiani Member Posts: 78

    But post after post about genrushing, teabagging and all those swat SWF team you all run into all the time is just fine or?

    You can’t compare clicking with a flashlight or teabagging at the exit gate to tunneling and camping.. tunnel and camping a survivor out of the match is a sure depip for the survivor that is targeted, but as a killer you don’t waste an entire match, waiting 10 minutes in que just to secure some scumbag a hell lot of blood points on your behalf while the only “reward” you get is a depip? You can do almost nothing as killer and still get more points than a survivor doing totems, saves and gens. A few chases and a kill or two and you are on your way.

    I get that camping can be nessesary during end-game or if you have a hard time keeping up with gens, but 9 out of 10 matches the tunneling and camping begins with the very first survivor found, so it’s bullshit. Most killers do it because it’s easy, require no skill and gets rewarded by BHVR for some odd reason. Their reason for nerfing ruin back then was for “killers to improve their skills and not just rely on ruin” but apparently its fine to refuse to play the game and taking a survivor hostage until they die without giving Them a chance to play?

    Had the pleasure of two tunneling rank 1 huntresses this evening with Iri hatches... the fact that this is still even a thing is beyond me. But noooo this game is definitely survivor sided 😂😂😂

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    tbagging is a strategy it's psychological warfare. So is camping slugging and tunneling.

    Do what is necessary to win even if it's provoking the other side into making mistakes.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Rofl. You act like camping somehow forces Survivors to reward it. Like, it's the Killer's fault you went for the unhook with them nearby. Then again; 99% of people who whine about 'camping' really just want free unhooks.

    The second bullshit in your post is how 'unfair' 'being knocked out of the game' is. That's the POINT of being Killer. You don't get to decide the where or when.

    You don't get to say 'Ok, I did 3 generators; NOW the Killer can hook me'.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I'll tunnel, camp, and slug. I'm only one person I need to make sure a survivor is dead by camping or tunneling or get some extra time by slugging. No one likes these things I don't either but its part of the game and I want to win. I'll either be called a tunneler or camper or worse but I'm not playing to make sure survivors are having fun I'm playing to win.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    LOL xD I actually laughed out loud cause ya you're right how is gen rushing even a topic when the only objective is for survivors to avoid killer and get gens done as soon as possible? I mean the killers job is to kill the survivors and doesn't say don't face camp and or tunnel. But I get what you're saying. I don't think I see tunneling/face camping and gen rushing the same. I guess if both are effective strategies in comparison maybe? But I guess it all comes down to perspective and what actually works. I mean if I am being honest I personally don't enjoy myself as the killer just tunneling or face camping. I also think one or both of these tactics can turn on me quickly and cause me to lose. I do feel like it is toxic gameplay cause I rarely see it work. And for gen rushing??? Umm... I guess if survivors were to try and do totems and well ya that's why I laughed cause I don't know what else a survivor can do besides doing gens and saving people and looping. LOL. But at end of the day I think it's up to the individual player to be prepared for all scenarios.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited May 2021

    I can't remember the last game where survivors said anything but nice things to me post game. And I'm rank 1, but I don't resort to tunneling or camping so go figure.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562
    edited May 2021

    Because you don't get to decide what's a 'toxic' play style.

    Maybe, if it's posted enough, you will understand it:

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    You're a broken record at this point Power_Guy. I've made counter points and you've put fingers in your ears.

This discussion has been closed.