"Stop camping/tunneling/slugging" Posts

"Toxic Gameplay", what about camping, tunneling and slugging?
This concepts do exist and are actually allowed and not punishable, BUT, it's a matter of respect in terms of gaming, you can either play "correctly" caring for other people's experience, or just be a dick about it.
Killers camping, slugging or tunneling are as much of a dick move players as survivors clicky clicking, gen rushing or teabagging the killer.
If you need to explain reasons that allow you to be a dick to others in order to "better" achieve your objectives as either killer or survivor, you do not need them, be my guest, you can do it regardless of people complaining about this behaviour.
Just please don't be one of those people who play without caring about other player's experience and then complain when someone does that to you. THIS IS JUST A GAME, AND IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE.
No tbagging serves no purpose but to be a dick camping let's the killer win so it's not the same.
The key difference is you can only blame players for tbagging, camping on the other hand is something the devs need to address becuasr ad long as it remains an effective strategy it's not toxic to use it. Still annoying as hell to play against but different categories there.
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This what ppl call strategies is poor excuse on both sides for either being toxic or bad
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I mean if people throw the match because I tunneled a guy, I'll keep doing it
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They exist as concepts and as "effective strategies", doesn't mean we can't complain about them.
Old DS was changed despite being a part of the game, and new DS was nerfed despite being a part of the game.
Most Infinite Loops were changed (Backtracking because of breakable walls)
Old Ruin was changed.
These were all parts of the game that were changed because people complained about them, doesn't matter how effective they are. If there's an issue it has to be changed or at least addressed.
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This concepts do exist and are actually allowed and not punishable, BUT, it's a matter of respect in terms of gaming, you can either play "correctly" caring for other people's experience, or just be a dick about it.
The last time I checked. The only persons gaming experience I was responsible for was my own. That's what it boils down to. If I am playing poorly it is on me. If I am performing exceptional I am not going to shoot myself in the foot so my opponent can make a come back. Your fun is no ones concern but your own. This is a game where 2 sides are pitted against one another. Someone wins and someone loses. That is why it's called a game. If the objective is for everyone to have fun that's how you get crap like participation trophies.
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For me, clicky clicky and tea bagging is just annoying but whatever. I’m also fine with slugging and camping when it’s to punish a second state or death when the survivors are prioritizing gens over friends.
Gen rushing is a weird topic. Like what are the survivors going to do? Do the gen more slowly?
Face camping and tunneling is lame though
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Exaclty, thanks
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Ok, imagine you're playing custom mode, with friends, are you gonna camp and tunnel them? Or is it a pre game rule to even stop using BT or DS cause the "no camping, no tunneling" is pre stablished?
Ok, now, what's the difference between not camping or tunneling your friends vs doing it to strangers? So... Yes... There are other people besides you in the game... I'm not telling you to shoot your own foot if you're doing good, but more like playing wiht "fair" or "socially accurate" gameplay.
Now, the point of my post is not for you to stop tunneling, camping, gen trushing, etc. but to let people know it's ok to do so, it's a gamestyle, a dick move gamestyle, but it is allowed by the devs, not punishable, not bannable, be my guest,
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I have to take the same position on this that I always do: It sucks to be the person being tunneled, and it REALLY sucks to be the person getting camped. To be face-camped is to not play the game. It's not the slightest bit fun to wait several minutes or more to find a lobby, get into the match, and then just be restricted from doing ANYTHING because the killer wants to play cheap.
That said, it's a strategy and a fair one. Sacrifice one player, sure, but if the rest of the team is smart they'll use that opportunity to pop those gens. Being face-camped has little to no counterplay for the person on the hook, but the strategy itself comes with legitimate risk. For that reason I find it fair, if profoundly irritating.
I like to play stealthy. I prefer it. I'm already punished enough by not getting all the aggro points that others get for running around the killer (you can literally do three gens and escape and you'll still get less points than someone who did 2 and got killed), I don't need people telling me that I'm "not playing" or "just hiding all match" just because I try to stick to the shadows and choose my actions more carefully. There's no rule that I have to sacrifice myself for my teammates and I've learned that altruism usually means self-harm. That doesn't mean that I don't help out my teammates and love doing it - I do. I just play more conservatively, I try to avoid the killer as much as I can. That's how I like to play, and I find that to be a valid strategy. Now, what about the people who DO just hide all match, camping in corners, hiding in bushes, and moving from locker to locker? I hate that #########, but I've had others tell me that this is also a valid strategy, so I don't know.
Teabagging, I've heard, is a good way to psych out the killer and trick him into getting angry and making mistakes. Same with the flashlight abusers. I have to admit, it works. I've thrown entire games to focus on killing the person who did those things to me. So I can't say that those things are necessarily toxic either. They feel like legit strategies that, again, come with legit risk.
Teabagging at the exit gate? Stupid. That's done for literally no other reason than to mock the killer for not winning. Insulting end-game chat? Also a different story.
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Here's the deal, from a Killer main:
When it comes to tunneling and camping, both have their purposes. Survivors who reward camping with altruism just feed into it, so just pound the gens. Sad, but that's the only effective strat, in that case.
Meanwhile, T-Bagging and clicking a flashlight mid-match are pretty darn annoying, but nothing especially new in gaming as a whole. They serve to aggravate the Killer and prompt them to make dumb, simple mistakes.
But when you sit in the exit gate, butt-dancing like a monkey while I watch from across the map via Blood Warden, that's just toxicity. Leave already.
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So if I camp because it secures me a win and slows down gens speeds, I'm not playing 'correctly'?
This is the entitled mindset of the people who whine and scream about camping being 'toxic'; they just want to hobble Killers and get easier matches.
Don't tell me how to play. Get the heck over yourself.
Your mindset that 'cAmPiNg Is ToXiC!' is why Survivors verbally attack me & make death threats in end game chat; they figure, since I played 'toxic' by their made up baby rules, they get to be toxic back.
Camping, slugging, and tunneling are tactics; they help me win.
Twerking, flashlight clicking, and such are tactics; they anger some Killers & make them switch targets, thus saving friends.
If you can't accept the fact that the other team is going to use every method (aside from cheating/exploiting glitches) to win; don't play PvP games!
But don't come in here and say I'm not winning 'correctly' because I don't play by your made up trash rules. That's something a child does. 'Nuh! Your win does not count because you broke the no camping rule! I just made it up when you camped me!'
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If I was in a custom game my friends expect me to do the same to them as I do to randoms. They extend me the same courtesy. You are asking people to play the way you want because you are not having fun. You did not buy my copy of the game so your idea of how I should play means nothing to me.
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That talks a lot about you. You don´t care about others game experience. So you wanna win at any cost, don´t you? Although you are not allowing people to play the game
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If people are braindead its not his fault, nobody like losing, when you load in a match you try to win, since you will never have anything to do with this stranger, they're fun it's meaningless to you, like my fun it's meaningless to them.
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Slugging for the most part is fine. Survivors have plenty of counters against it.
Camping/tunneling/snowballing I do believe are legitimate balance concerns. The devs will need to address those concerns at some point.
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I do agree that it has their purposes, especially in situations where survivors just straight up do unsafe things for no reason. Like, if you unhook right in front of me, I'm not gonna be like "oh yeah I'll just let this survivor on a second or third hook go and go for this other survivor who may or may not have already been hooked." It makes no logical sense.
Even then, survivors usually carry perks like BT or DS, and good ones will probably not bother if one of these pops or, even better in the case of DS, leaves you on the ground to get picked up by someone else while the killer chases someone else. Smart killers will tunnel sparingly; there are some situations (or most, more likely) where sitting on one survivor is the dumbest thing you can do, so you should take it as more of the killer being small-brained than toxic. Don't get me wrong, some will do it because you looped them for half the game, but you should really take that as a compliment if anything; they're scared to let you go again. It doesn't make them any less of a douche, but something to think about.
I will admit that I'm not completely immune to this myself; sometimes I just get frustrated with one specific survivor and just try to secure the 1K when 4 gens have already been done and I haven't gotten a single down when going against rank 1ers, but it's always punishing in some way. Plus, I can understand where survivors come from when things like this happen; it's those types of things that happen that make me just want to do killer rather than survivor at low ranks and suffer, but there has to also be an understanding where it can't always be deemed a toxic thing. Usually it's out of desperation or a small-brained play, if I'm being honest.
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I don't expect Survivors to prolong a match, why should they expect me to?
And yes, I always try to win. If I don't give it my best shot, I feel it's disrespectful to both the other team and myself.
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Sorry to disagree again. The essence of any game is that you play it because you like it and have fun playing. Being competitive is and addition to enjoy more the game and perfectionate your skills.
If the meta game is: "i´m gonna park my bully ass here and don´t let people play", many people won´t have fun and will finish game tilted.
So they will dc, or stop playing, or insluting killer after the game. Making a bad experience, and therefore not funny for the players. With the exception of toxic players that will be very pleased and need to humilliate their rivals to feel themselves winners (i-diots).
99% of the pklayers are not playing for money or to join a professional league. It´d be nice if people wouldn´t tryhard and not abuse of ridiculous allowed mechanics than unbalance the game and ruins the fun of the game.
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There are ways and ways to win.... I don´t find any honor on doing facemp and tunneling at early game.
On survivors is different. Many times when we are at the exit door we don´t just go out and let a survivor die on the hook. And many times we go there to try a rescue knowing that is very risky and we have a little chance and propably it means our personal death.
It´s an honorable code. If there is a minimum chance, you should to try rescue an unknow player negating your own "victory/ survivence". Of course we expect killers to play at their best. But, not playing so **** dirty.
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Facecamping is pretty damn rare. Tunneling is fine, a lot of times you can't win a game if you constantly chase the unhooking Survivor. Sometimes, you just gotta kill someone off so that the game is a 3v1, because a 4v1 with 2 gens left is hard to win.
If you go back for a Survivor, you know the risks. You risk allowing the Killer to win. If that's acceptable to you, go for it.
Playing dirty is your opinion. I'd consider only facecamping to be "dirty." Tunneling and proxy'ing hooks are necessary at times.
You can't force your own standards of play onto other people.
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I know my friend people have different standards. And I know sometimes it´s the best source. But tunneling a guy since first hook ignoring all the rest of survivors (evading them literally), I think is very tryhard and dirty. It´s not the same tunneling a good premade than a group of discordinated survivors. Today I have played with a spirit tunneling first guy on hook ignoring the rest passing at their side. Game ended in 4minutes. 1 tunneled, 1 dc, and the other guys decided they had enough. Is it legit? According to DBD rules it is. But it can´t be more ruin and dirty.
Solo survivors have a veeery low win rate on this unbalanced game. So if besides that, killer uses this tactics to win because he has no skill to win pursuing and hooking different people, that tilts the survivors of course.
Some killers think they win only if they get 4k. At the end of the day I see a lot of 4Kill matches, and veeeery few with 4 escapes. If game was balanced, the average would be 2Kills 2 escapes. It doesn´t happen. 85% of the solo survivors game is 3 or 4k. It sucks. But it sucks more if u play with a dirty killer.
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"it's a valid strategy" is such an empty comeback whenever survivors complain about camping and tunneling. Yes, they are strategies, sometimes very effective ones, and at the same time they completely ruin the game for the other side. That's a clear design flaw, the game shouldn't have been done that way. Gens should be slower so that tunneling wasn't needed, emblems and bloodpoints should work in a way that encourages targeting different survivors.
Instead, what dbd does right now, is encouraging the strongest player (killer) to pick one opponent and ruin their game. People brush it off by saying "your team mates can do gens", yet points are personal. If one gets facecamped and 3 people escape, the dead one gets nothing out of it. A lot of times the only reason why all survivors have a fun match is that the killer wants to play nice, refuses to tunnel the weakest one and goes after someone else. DEVS should make sure that all players have fun, it shouldn't be the opponent's job.
People complain a lot of things in dbd whenever they find something frustrating, and that's exactly what they should do. Things are more likely to get changed that way. Unhappy players mean less money, worse reviews and more players quitting, which every gaming company should be interested in.
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As you say on your last parragraph, if people is reporting they are not having fun, is because they are not having fun with these "valid strategies". And when a game is no more funny, people will stop playing. So simple.
As survivor, for me, fun is not equal to victory (some killers think we complaint just because we are not winning). Fun = close game. maybe win, maybe lose, balanced, active. I don´t want a game where me or another survivor is 90% of his time on the hook because killer is doing these "valid strategies".
I have seem some Dbd tournaments where camping and tunneler is not allowed. And only is allowed on late-game. That makes sense for me.
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If someone is being tunneled and you aren't slamming out gens, you aren't playing well.
I try not to tunnel unless I see a need to. Sometimes it's for easy pressure since killing someone off early is better, but sometimes it's a mindgame to tilt the other team into making mistakes. Like, t-bagging or flashlight clicking.
But I always try to get the 4K and I always try to 4E
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The thing is... People have complained for five years. The complaints are completely valid. Imo, slugging is fine and necessary sometimes (not letting people bleed out, that's just a dick move) but tunneling and camping could use some balancing. But they won't be. BHVR has made it clear they consider these tactics fine. One of the Dev's themselves regularly does it on-stream, I believe (or they used to, anyways.)
Camping and tunneling may suck, but yes, as long as the Dev's say it is, it is a valid strategy. And unless they changed their minds it's not going anywhere.
#########, unfun tactics exist in literally every multiplayer online game.
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It also basically forces the Killer to lose.
High-level DBD is a joke. I wouldn't use it to justify any arguments.
The issue is that for Killer, a close game feels like a loss. It feels incredibly stressful, mentally and sometimes emotionally exhausting and unfun. Why do you think queue times are so bad for Survivor?
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Strategies that work or fail based on survivor decisions. Hook defense is good for the game, tunneling is strategic and bad saves are on your teammates, and slugging is a slow down tool that gives Survivors more chances than the hook.
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A close game for killer is stressful.... :O
Ok man......so let´s do dbd games a walk on the beach for killers. A 4 ez pz with no stress not even good performance required.
Survivors like lambs into a sacrifice...."Oh wait...killer lost me. I´m gonna light him with my lantern so he can come and kill me with no stress. What is more....i´ll stop running and wait here to be memento moried".
Stress is neccesary. That forces people to play better. Of course game must be close do it would be a challengue for both sides (close games = more exciting). A game where people refuses to play at minute 5 is not exciting neiher fun.
Killers should be rewarded for playing in another way different than tunneling and facecamping. It´s happening just the contrary.
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Actually if you are against a swf with a lot of alturism, camping could be considered a strategy.
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I will Camp, Tunnel, Slug, etc. if (and only if) a match calls for it. These are tactics and are no more "scummy" than any other. Likewise, I'm not going to complain when other people use valid, legal tactics as that would be hypocritical. I do care about the experience of other Players, which is why I always:
- Don't cheat, either by hack or lag spike.
- Don't disconnect; if I start a game, I finish it.
- I'm humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
That is all it takes to be a good sport in Dead by Daylight. Your post is an attempt to grief/shame other Players, i.e. affect the Meta outside the match. It is obnoxious and bad sportsmanship. Please hold yourself to whatever standards and behaviors you like. It is rude to try and foist your personal code on others.
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I think you misunderstand
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I play custom games with friends all the time; as I believe that is what Custom Games are for, i.e. playing with friends. We use all the same tactics against each other that we do in the game and none of us are offended by it.
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I don´t know why behaviour just consider they are good practice when people is contioniusly complainit about it. This people is who buys the skins, the dlc´s, and at the end, keep the game alive .
Too much secretism on their game stats also. Why do they save this informtion so hard? It´d be very obvius how unbalanced is this game if stats come out.
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I kind of laughed when I read this post, because your description (assumptions) about Pulsar are kind of hilarious. He and I have had our debates in the past (some good ones too). One thing I can say about Pulsar, having been on both sides of the battlefield, is that he cares about this game and does his level best to help other Players. He is nice, where I am not. I've watched him spend hour after hour patiently trying to offer the benefit of his experience to people (many complaining about camping and tunneling) so that they can mitigate or beat the problem. The people he was attempting to help were rude and obnoxious but he kept trying. He is direct and not the least bit hypocritical. In short, you just made a fool of yourself. You know the old saying about assumptions right?
Dead by Daylight is a PvP game. It has winners and it has losers. The two different roles are CLEARLY defined by their titles, i.e. Killer and Survivor. A Killer's objective is to kill the Survivors, and everything within the rules is valid, legitimate and fair. Survivors mean to Survive and everything within the rules for them is also fair. Blaming other people or the game itself for one's personal failures is hobbling to you. One cannot improve until one takes responsibility for his/her own actions. You have no power over how other people play. You have no say in how the game's rules are determined. The only thing you have power over is yourself. It is far more productive to focus your energy on how YOU will mitigate or beat the issues you have in the game. In regards to fun, you are not responsible for anyone's fun by your own. You bring your own fun. If you aren't enjoying the game, you should find another. I assume if I play you that you enjoy the game; since you already understand the rules, your expectations should not be unreasonable. If you have unrealistic expectations, your fun is going to suffer and that ALSO will be your own fault.
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It is because game balance isn't determined by a vocal minority that complain about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that doesn't go their way. Adults don't reward children who scream in the middle of the store about the candy or toy they want. Obnoxious, entitled demands generally get the response they deserve from the DEV which is either silence or a simple clarification that what is they are complaining about is a valid tactic. There will be no Deus Ex Machina here. The DEV have provided Survivors all the tools they need to deal with Camping and Tunneling. You have the knives and forks, it is up to you to carve up that steak. That is the game. That is the challenge.
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I haven't been playing dbd that long, but I quickly noticed something: Everything you do is toxic. Any style of play that is efficient for the killer is toxic! I have the feeling some people think that tunneling consists of chasing just that one survivor the whole time, until he hangs on the hook three times and the killer doesn't care about anything else. And camping consists of not leaving at the first hook, until the survivor is dead. In my experience so far (yes, I don't have that much playing time yet, just a little more than 100 hours) and also after watching some streams, these matches are relatively rare. Using this in this way is also inefficient and boring. When matches like this happen, the next one will be better.
But tunneling, as I understood, is also to chase someone who has just been rescued from the hook and hit him again because he is the one who is injured. I could also chase the rescuer (except for BT), but from an effective play style: Why should I?
"But you're ruining the fun for the others!" Am I responsible for it? Is the survivor responsible for my fun? Does he say to himself, "Hey, I'll stop in the chase so the killer can have fun after I've been looping him all the time."? Or "Oh, I'll leave the gen at 50%, I'll take the next one that has not yet started. The killer will be happy, and the game will be more interesting."? Survivors only play efficiently and the killer is not allowed to because it would be unfair? I also get looped to death in some games and run around stupidly while the gens pop.
I let the player breath. I don't stand on the hook and wait all the time. I have to check my gens too. So nobody can say that I take someone 90% out of the game. But if the opponent makes the mistake and pulls his buddy off the hook when I've just turned around, I can't help it.
It is interesting that after the game I get insulted by people who say that I play a "toxic" way They show behavior, which is really the definition of toxic. Who is the one here who is ruining the fun of the game?
I have the feeling that some people takes the whole game too seriously. Do you get paid to play? Not me! I just want to play the game and have fun. In the way I am allowed to. I don't cheat, I don't hack, and I don't body block anyone hostage. But I'm not my opponent's entertainer. Behavior is responsible, it's their game. I just bought it.
Again, I'm not talking about face camping or just following one player for the entire game. I'm talking about an effective way of playing that increases my chance of winning the game. Before being asked if I have to win to enjoy the game: No. I also go out more often without a kill. I still have fun because I'm relaxed. I just played another match as a survivor and got moried. Am I upset about it? No, that was interesting. Yesterday I was camped and pulled off the hook in front of the killer. The killer knocked me straight back and then I died on the hook. So what? Happens! It is part of it! Off to the next match!
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I know the old saying about assumptions. I have played killer at the beggining and I haven´t done these "valid strategies". And if stomped survivors, I usually gave the hatch. But nevermind. Not my intention to talk bad about your friend.
As you certainly say, I play the game because I like it. And I like the concept of assimetrical action strategy game. But, I am expressing my personal opinnion about the game I play. I think that´s very licit. You also are expressing your oppinons.
Game rules allow all the tactics we have spoken about. And that makes them licit.
Anyway, I firmly think game is not balanced for those ones who play solo queue, and I have said it on many posts. If a killer play camping, tunneling and applying these "legal" technics, chances for solo survivors are almost 0. And it´s quite frustrating winning 1 game out 10 to have to deal with this tryhard strategies as well. Looks like is horrible if a killer loses a game.
SWF can deal better with these strategies as they have real time communication and game information. Solo survivors play blinded and discordinated against a killer that sometimes play as tryhard as possible to assure a 4k victory. Solo Q need to have proper tools to be able to handle this actions. And please, don´t tell me I can get in on perks. I know I can get: kindred, bond, small game and empathy. To get the same information (or even less), than the information that the SWF have for free instead of 4 perks.
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There's difference with camping at necessary situations and with camping for no reason but to be toxic same goed for clicking flashlight if ur doing it for right thing sure but if not and just want to be toxic it ain't it for me neither of those things
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What? If you see someone hook on your face, you must do something and not pretend that you are leaving. in this case it is not to be toxic.
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I had answered you. And I edited 1 word because it was a misspelling and now the message is gone. I´m not going to write again that long message. Too much sloth. Hope you had the chance to read it.
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As I said those are situations that camping is necessary when I mean camping I mean on pointless starring at one person while others freely do gens and u ruin game for both urself and other player while other 3 gets free pass camping is necessary in endgame, when survs are near hook and doesn't even try to hide themselves etc etc that ain't no toxic in any way but starring in someone over no reason is for nothing but to be toxic or if ur very bad and can't pull the game and ur satisfied with 1k and depip
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Pulsar and I know each other here only, and I am friendly with most people I respect. But you would be making a dangerous miscalculation (another assumption) if you think for a second that our being polite and respectful of one another means we always agree. We all have things we would like to see happen in the game. I don't think the DEV are infallible anymore than anyone else. I do think, however, they probably understand what they need to do to keep the game going better than we do because our biases (all of us) blind us to certain realities. Moreover, we don't know everything going on behind the curtain. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Camping and Tunneling are tactics. They are often identified incorrectly, and almost always exaggerated in how often they come up. I don't think most Survivors are lying on purpose, but our natural tendencies as Players is to blame others before we blame ourselves. We look for scapegoats. I'm not immune to this. I have to work hard to take off those blinders. More to the point, even if Camping and Tunneling are happening ALL THE TIME (they aren't) it simply behooves us to adapt. If there has been an increase in these tactics, I would suggest the increase runs hand in hand with the increase in the number of SWF. For better or for worse, Killers must adapt to compete. Solos do take the brunt of the existence of SWF. I often make suggestions on how to deal with what I see as the root of the problem.
In regards to being camped, I've also suggested that the person on the hook who ahs gone to Stage-2 (the Entity has arrived) should lose sight of the rest of the match. We still see them struggling against the Entity's talons on the hook, but their perception is transported into a mini-game (within the game) where they solve puzzles, perhaps fight, etc. to try and buy more time and/or perhaps even unhook themselves. This would make the time on the hook less boring, and not have the person out of the game. I'm still working out some specifics before I do a proper suggestion thread on it. The real problem isn't people being Camped or Tunneled, but rather feeling powerless and impotent on the hook. We don't need to steal something from Killers, we merely need to add some content for the hooked so they have more to do than watch OTHER people play. :)
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Even in that condition, most survivors will go to rescue his team-mate. Although it´s not the more efficient play and they could rush gens. Specially on solo Q where informaton is very limited or inexisten compared to SWF.
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The stats have come out, about a year ago. BHVR themselves said "don't take these to heart, there are too many factors to decide if these have an actual bearing on balance."
And everyone flipped their #########. Also, because they value player agency. They believe it's a player's choice to camp, they don't want to take that away. I'm not saying that's good, or bad, but that is their view on things. You can't expect them to change it.
Clearly, the game is still going strong.
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Moundshorud......I have not enginnering on Maths or Stathistics. I know I have biasses as u said.
But for me the unbalance of the game is very simple when I see that survivors win 15% of the times and killers 85%.
Balance is a mathematical concept= around 50%. It happens in LOL, smite or whatever be the game. It doesn´t matter how good or bad you play. U will be around 50% win rate because the matchmaking works for that creating balanced and close games.
If on DBD balance means killers win and demolish solo survivors 85% of the times, and that´s how the win - rate must be.... Ok. I´ll just accept it, althought I think it´s not fair, not close, not exciting.
And if killers, by valid strategies like camp or tunnel, can get you out of the game so easily, it´s even mooore frustrating. I insist that I don´t know what would be the best option (devs and players with more hours and knowledge about the game may have a wider sight of the situation). I´m just pointing, as a regular survivor player, what for me is a problem and a situation I´d like to be revised on next updates of the game.
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I tried to find some official stats but I found nothing :S
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It suffices to say our experiences do not line up. I play Solo Survivor too, roughly equal to the hours I play Killer. I played a rather large number of matches the last few days to get Gnomes for myself and my gal (who has not been able to play and would miss the event). Total, between my own account and hers, I played twenty-four games to get those damn Gnomes. In my own account, fourteen of those matches are accounted for. I personally died only four times, and none of them were due to Camping or Tunneling. I was camped a total of twice, but in both cases my teammates were able to take me off the hook despite the Killer being right there. Of these fourteen games, six were wins for the survivors, i.e. 3+ Survivors got out. Four were draws, wherein the Killer got two of us and the others got away. Four wins went to the Killer with 3+ Kills. Since you understand statistics and probability, I'm sure you can parse those numbers for yourself. It suffices to say that your experience with the Killer winning 85% and the Survivors winning 15% is radically different from mine.
However, let's talk about the additional ten games I played on my Gal's account. I died only once and the Killer did tunnel me and proceed to camp me until dead. Six of these matches went to the Killer with 3+ kills, two were draws, and two were victories for the Survivors. Even these numbers do not come close to your experience. I submit, my gal doesn't have near the Perk selection I do and thus I had less to work with and didn't support my team as much as I would have normally done. :) I'll let you do the numbers yourself for the overall metrics. My point is that your experience and my experience are different. The DEV are the only ones that really see EVERYONE'S numbers. You cannot let this Forum give you a Fun House view of the game, stretching and distorting things. For you and I, this game is a luxury item. It is a diversion. For the DEV it is they JOB. Their paychecks depend on this game doing well and extending into the next decade. Who do you think has a greater vested interest in the game, them or us? :) I'm not trying to be snide; I'm just making a point. We assume, because we WANT things, that they just don't understand, aren't competent, and so on. It is hard for me not to consider that perhaps we are being a bit self-involved and arrogant? The DEV don't talk to us much anymore, but can you blame them? I wouldn't talk to us either.
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Killer win "85%" of the game (not counting people with 2000 hours because they're another discussion) it's because matchmaking sucks, that's it, and that 15% it's not close game, it's literally four man escape with very few hook, if the matchmaking was good, then the average would be 50% so we can't take into account "killer win x% of matches" for the simple reason that, the average survivor suck, and if your a competent killer you will win. And that's fair considering that if your a better player than the other, it's expected for you to win.
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no. its not. camping and tunelling slugging actually effects rank and the gameplay experience, i.e, the survivor does not get to play the game lol.
you wanna say camping tunelling and slugging are gameplay strategies but then call "genrushing" the same. "genrushing" really isnt real lol do i need to explain? the the survivors only objective. you dont like genrushing? know when to leave a chase and protect gens. (i play both roles to a half decent degree btw)
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I never realised the correct way to play online games was to care about other peoples experience. I'm gunna have to write a letter to the devs of all the other online games I've played because they're all clearly doing it wrong. 😂😂