Bring old Hillbilly back

They literally said in the nerf patch notes that they were happy with how Billy was, but decided to nerf him anyway. NOBODY asked for a nerf to his basekit; only his stupid addons (mainly charge time/carburetor). EVERYONE was unhappy with the nerf. EVERYONE wanted old Billy back. And now, after the nerf, there are maybe 4 people on the planet who actually play him - myself being one of them.
So I'm going to update this thread, every day, until BHVR listens and brings old Billy back. You know we want it. You know what you need to change - just gut the charge time addons, and every single problem with old Billy is gone. Here is my list of demands, and I will post each day until every one is fulfilled.
- Complete and total removal of the overheat system, including a rework of all addons related to it. If the old addon wasn't related to charge time, you could restore its old effect, like reducing his cooldown or stun on collision with terrain. This is the biggest demand.
- Chainsaw locks onto survivors vaulting a pallet, not the pallet itself. This is how it used to be.
- A guarantee that Billy's flick's link to controller sensitivity stays as it is now. Increasing controller sensitivity allows Billy to flick harder, which enables the playstyle of "curve Billy", in which he uses his initial turn to curve around loops to hit survivors. This is a playstyle that the vast majority of players find fun to play as and against, and it should be encouraged as much as possible.
- Decrease his chainsaw hitbox to what it used to be. This gives him a more precise hitbox to curve around tight corners, which is integral to the curve Billy playstyle. If it helps, make Heavy Clutch basekit.
- Keep both Engravings addons as they are now. They enable curve Billies to utilise the extra speed boost to curve even more effectively, without being overpowered.
I encourage community members, especially old Billy mains, to put any other ideas down in this thread.
EDIT : For clarification, I won't be making an entirely new post every day. I'll just be making a post in this thread with a progress report on how many bullet points have been fulfilled. If the need arises, I can just edit this original post as well. No spam required.
Day 6. No demands fulfilled.
Well, I look forward to seeing this post everyday until the OP either stops or the game dies.
I guess we'll see who's will is stronger. The OP or BHVR.
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I guess that is one thing us Old Freddy mains have in common with you Old Billy mains: we both want our killers back.
I don't think spamming it is a good idea, but I admire your efforts. Welcome to our world, my friend.
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Maybe, maybe not. I lose nothing. The only reason it'd be a waste of time is if BHVR once again shows they don't care what the community has to say, and I hope they prove anyone who says they don't care wrong.
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As long as Insta-saw isn't brought back, I'm fine with Billy getting buffs
Old insta-saw (Tuning guide + Thompson mix) was not fun to go against, I don't care how many people act like billy was the most fun killer to face back then - he wasn't. Those addons deserved to be gutted
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I am in full support of this thread and Old Freddy being a selectable variant
Old Billy for Dead By Daylight!
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Trust me, I understand. I used to play old Freddy a lot as well. The difference is that old Freddy was hated by a few people, while nobody wanted Billy nerfed - not even the devs. I'd love to see old Freddy back as well; I just think Billy's change was even more unfair.
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Absolutely, those addons should've been gutted. Nobody liked instasaw Billy. But only those addons should've been gutted, and instead they screwed up his entire power. He's still an alright killer, but he should be reverted to what he was before - minus the instasaw.
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Yeah this is about to stay
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I don't even disagree
If it were up to me, I'd probably reduce his base chainsaw charge time by a little bit and give him some better addons. Not sure if i'd remove overheat though, I get it's not even that bad for him, it's just annoying.
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I'm staying until one of two things happen.
- The list of demands is fulfilled.
- I'm banned from this forums by giving BHVR reasonable feedback. The reason I didn't post this in the Feedback section is because I want people to discuss how old Billy was compared to current Billy.
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Its likely going to be moved to feedback and spamming might get you banned.
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You forgot to mention for them to fix Billy's animations and get rid of that stupid roar.
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Yeah, having a slightly buffed old Billy in the game would be great - especially since Nurse, Spirit, Oni and Blight exist.
I'd absolutely remove Overheat though, since it's a dumb mechanic that nobody asked for. It doesn't gut him entirely, but it's another example of the result of not listening to the community at all.
Furthermore, overheat hurts curve Billies more than other Billies. Curve Billies' chainsaws don't cool off mid-chase like non-curve Billies' do, and since you heat up faster while revving, the longer charge time on Engravings addons means you reach the limit faster. It needs to go.
Other than that, totally agree. I just want old Billy back (minus instasaw), and by the sounds of it, so does everyone else.
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knew it
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I always see people mention his animations but I'm not 100% sure what they mean by it - do you think you could explain it?
I've always just assumed it was because they made his 1st person animations match up with how he moves in third person (He limps and when he breaks pallets he looks down with his saw and so on)
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If it's moved to feedback, it's moved to feedback. I won't fight that. And I'm not going to make a new post every day, I'm just going to post in this thread with a progress report on how many demands have been fulfilled.
I'll edit the original post for clarity; thank you for bringing it up.
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That too, although I don't personally mind the roar too much. It doesn't affect gameplay, and I see it as a nice little touch to show the "violent frenzy" Billy's chainsaw whips him into.
I see how you'd dislike it, though. Maybe they could bring back that beastly sound he used to make when stunned in 2016?
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I appreciate the support, my friend. Thank you so much.
I say it proudly:
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Back in the day, Billy's animations looked much smoother than they do now. I'm pretty sure it was a bug that caused his animations to get messed up, but if it was an intended feature; it was a pretty stupid one in my opinion, since so many people advocated for it to be fixed.
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I remember at one point when Billy/Wraith were carrying survivors, they would use trapper's carrying animation instead of their default walk cycles like they do now (How Billy limps and Wraith does his little stomp walk)
It's weird how killers have different first person animations and feels. It's disorienting at times
I'm pretty sure it was intentional
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I have a weird feeling I know which one is more possible.
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Yeah, the roar personally gets annoying for me after awhile.
I wasn't around to play the game in 2016, so I wouldn't know what the "beastly sound" he made was.
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As do I.
Just because my thread about Old Freddy died, doesn't mean I will stop my campaign.
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Well, that fact that Behavior hasn't fixed it yet makes me also think it may have been intentional.
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And that is the right thing to do, my friend. None of us will give up.
I've seen the backlash. Most people still think Freddy is boring to play as and against. If this is not enough proof that something has to be done than I don't know what is.
It is about time we get our old killer back. We deserve it!
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Oh, that is nice! It is always a pleasure for me to meet a fellow Old Freddy player.
And I understand your point, my friend. Both changes were unnecessary and unfair and we deserve our killers back.
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I have walked with a limp in the past and trust me my vision has never bobbed like billy's camera ever has even when the limp was at its worst.
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You could tell Billy was limping in his animations before, his hammer was always bobbing up and down even before the change. What's he talking about is in the change Hillbilly now stares at the ground after ending his charge (both successful and missed), and he has this annoying ass roar that he makes whenever he begins the charge. It's harder to describe how the chainsaw sprint looks worst, but it just does.
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Hillbilly needs a reREwork. Rework his animations, rework or completely remove overheat, rework his add-ons (excluding LoPro), and bam.
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Yeah, definitely. Even if old Freddy wasn't fun to play against, new Freddy sure as hell isn't either. So what do we have to lose?
Now that new Freddy is here though, I hope BHVR gives us the option to switch between the two versions. Somewhere out there is a person who really likes new Freddy, and I'd hate to take that away from them like old Freddy was taken from us.
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Indeed, this is what I've been suggesting for some time. The devs need to give us a option to play as him again, and this can be done without deleting his new power.
New Freddy mains do not have to experience what us Old Freddy mains had to endure.
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Yeah. Maybe just a button that shows up when you select Freddy in the menu. Hell, maybe two Freddies. Old Freddy can be the original Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy, and New Freddy can be the remake version. I haven't seen the movies so I don't know how different they are, but the point is, it'd be really really good to have both at once.
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I would rather it be an option than another killer, to be honest. Because I actually like the remake, I thought it was a good movie.
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Ah yes, an alliance has been made.
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As it should, my friend. We want the same thing, just different characters:
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Punctured Muffler, Offbrand Motor Oil, Big Buckle, Leafy Mash, Black Grease, Tuned Carburettor, Pighouse Gloves ALL need a rework. Give him a few new charge addons or something and then remove the overheat. Give him a new mori and that's what I want.
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If we get old Freddy back I'm buying him. But give him Dream Pallets and Gen Teleport. That'd be fun.
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Especially the teleport. Old Freddy with that mobility would be very sweet.
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Indeed. I shall lend the Old Hillbilly mains my full strength and support. I know the pain of losing your beloved killer. It is a cruel fate I would not wish on even my worse enemy.
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Same, my friend. Same. What happened to us Old Freddy mains was extremely unfair, and no other DBD player should have to go through that.
To lose your favourite killer + hours of playtime and dedication... It is not right.
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You know how many people are saying: ,,Bring back old billy, this is your priority'' ? This is not the worst killer in the game, we have clown, pig, legion and more, hillbilly is still fun to play as, not good vs swf but when you're good as him you still can win (if it's lery's memorial institute then F)
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Nah, he'll be banned within a few weeks because the moderators don't know what fun is.
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Agreed, Clown and Pig may be in more desperate need of buffs, but there's one thing I feel separates Billy from these two - Clown and Pig players don't have anything to miss. Neither of them have been significantly reworked in any way (Clown's piss bottles don't really do much, and either way his purple bottles still exist).
Billy, on the other hand? He went from one of the most played, most balanced killers in the game to one of the least picked killers in the game. And there's a good reason for that; why play Billy when Oni exists? Why play Billy when Blight exists? Old Billy mains lost a lot of reasons to play their killer because of some "minimal" changes that BHVR made that were not at all minimal. We're coming up on a year since the nerf, and it hasn't been reverted. Why?
Here's a video by Scott Jund better explaining the topic of this thread.
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Yeah, the reduced cooldown addons (Vegetable Oil, Shop Lubricant, Thompson's Mix but without the charge time increase) need to be brought back. Bumper Billy too! (Reduced penalty for bumping into objects - Depth Gauge Rake, Light Chassis)
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Now I was one of the odd players who absolutely HATED Billy. Like I just despised him. Not really sure why but something about him just got under my skin. (Might have been because every Billy player I ever faced was an instasaw, endfury, NOED garbage can but I digress.)
The Billy rework short. Bad. Just awful. I didn't play Billy, but speaking to any old Billy mains and hearing about how their main was completely GUTTED in the rework is absolutely appalling. If the Freddy rework hadn't turned him into a dumpster fire of game design that both boring and unfun to go against, the amount of ire people have against the Billy rework would honestly have me convinced that the Billy rework is the worst one that BHVR ever pushed out.
He didn't need his basekit changes, he just didn't. I never see Billies on the admittedly rare occasion that I play survivor now and it's honestly really sad. He's apparently buggy, clunky, and unfun. BHVR needs to fix that, even if I doubt they will because as we all know
BHVR doesn't do anything unless it directly effects their profits.
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And here I am, once again, to show my support. I really hope this thread take us somewhere. After everything Old Freddy mains and Old Billy mains had to endure it is about time we get our killers back.
Never lose hope, my friend, even when everything seems lost.
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Absolutely. I know a lot of people hated playing against Old Freddy as well, but everyone hates playing against New Freddy. At least with Old Freddy, he was around low-mid-tier. Now he's just stupidly powerful for very little skill requirement.
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You know, it was extremely rare for me to meet someone who hated playing against Old Freddy. Most were actually happy, because they thought it was going to be an easy victory. I always did my best to prove them wrong.
As for Billy, in my experience some of his add-ons were a little bit unfair, but that can be debatable. Still, nothing will ever justify Freddy's rework and Billy's nerf. Nothing.