Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Bring old Hillbilly back

Member Posts: 472
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

They literally said in the nerf patch notes that they were happy with how Billy was, but decided to nerf him anyway. NOBODY asked for a nerf to his basekit; only his stupid addons (mainly charge time/carburetor). EVERYONE was unhappy with the nerf. EVERYONE wanted old Billy back. And now, after the nerf, there are maybe 4 people on the planet who actually play him - myself being one of them.

So I'm going to update this thread, every day, until BHVR listens and brings old Billy back. You know we want it. You know what you need to change - just gut the charge time addons, and every single problem with old Billy is gone. Here is my list of demands, and I will post each day until every one is fulfilled.

  • Complete and total removal of the overheat system, including a rework of all addons related to it. If the old addon wasn't related to charge time, you could restore its old effect, like reducing his cooldown or stun on collision with terrain. This is the biggest demand.
  • Chainsaw locks onto survivors vaulting a pallet, not the pallet itself. This is how it used to be.
  • A guarantee that Billy's flick's link to controller sensitivity stays as it is now. Increasing controller sensitivity allows Billy to flick harder, which enables the playstyle of "curve Billy", in which he uses his initial turn to curve around loops to hit survivors. This is a playstyle that the vast majority of players find fun to play as and against, and it should be encouraged as much as possible.
  • Decrease his chainsaw hitbox to what it used to be. This gives him a more precise hitbox to curve around tight corners, which is integral to the curve Billy playstyle. If it helps, make Heavy Clutch basekit.
  • Keep both Engravings addons as they are now. They enable curve Billies to utilise the extra speed boost to curve even more effectively, without being overpowered.

I encourage community members, especially old Billy mains, to put any other ideas down in this thread.

EDIT : For clarification, I won't be making an entirely new post every day. I'll just be making a post in this thread with a progress report on how many bullet points have been fulfilled. If the need arises, I can just edit this original post as well. No spam required.

Day 6. No demands fulfilled.


Post edited by Jallybwan on

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