Truth about DH complaints ( opinion )

*Most people who complain about DH obviously don't play survivor and / or never use DH.
otherwise they would have known it does NOT work most of the time or to be fair ( a lot of times ).
*A lot of killers bait it, and you don't always get value of DH just for the sake of gaining distance.
in other words: it's not always a guarantee you will Press E for distance and make it to a pallet or window without getting cucked by Dedicated servers and latency and get downed regardless of your Dead Hard being in it's Mid animation.
and if you did actually get the value, then killers must remember it's a perk in the game just like any other perks. learn to deal with it.
A lot of people can't even run a ( TL ) wall properly !!!
as survivors they can't even play the game properly as in : look behind - know the distance with killer - run tiles correctly.
I don't wanna say bots, but like kind of new players.
I feel like these type of players are mainly who are complaining about DH when they are playing killer. The people who can Only use sprint burst or BL because they are easier to use.
Lastly, I feel like people who say ( it's just a 1 button Press E .. It does not require any skill are the ones who are actually bad with DH and don't know any ins and outs of the perk. It is certainly not a Just press E perk..
Stay safe out there everyone I just had to say something after reading all these DH complaints lately from people who probably have been playing the game for 20 hours and got tired of Dead Hard.
See you all in the fog.
I used to use Dead hard all the time but it's too inconsistent, I always get exhausted on the ground, and playing Killer it's so annoying to go against. I run Lythe now because I get so much more value than Dead hard will ever give me.
It's not because the survivor is bad at using it, it's because of latency and other variables. I don't use it because I don't like it and I want to not annoy killers because I know it's a struggle. I'm good enough without dead hard anyway
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Although I respect your opinion, I find it somewhat OP and I constantly use it unless I'm using a meme build. To me, it provides so much value and although on the occasion it doesnt work, that's when I try to use it for avoiding an attack and not for distance.
I consider myself above average when it comes to looping so DH feels like it helps a lot and helps even if I didnt necessarily make a mistake but if the killer made a smart move.
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yes.. it's a perk that does not work a lot of times. Couldn't agree more.
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Whether it is effective or not isn't really what the complaints are about.
Playing a tile correctly and mindgaming a survivor so you down them because of their mistake is the primary thrill of chasing as killer. When you do so correctly, and are denied the down because of dead hard, it punishes you for playing correctly.
It doesn't necessarily win games, it feels bad to go against, and having something that has little or no counter when used correctly is a justified complaint. Things like stridor spirit, dead hard, bamboozle, endurafury, old ds aren't problems because of the strength as much as because you are punished for playing correctly or facing something that has no legitimate form of counterplay.
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I mean, I'm pretty split on the DH argument. I personally don't give a ######### about it. Dead Hard for distance is incredibly annoying and borderline uncounterable, but the intended use of the perk doesn't work so I don't really care. Also, no, I don't have only "20 hours" in the game, I have over 2000.
But it is 100% a "Press E to outplay" perk. Dead heard is not skillful, don't try and pretend it is. It doesn't take some big brain to know when to dead hard.
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Its still the strongest survivor perk in the game
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I feel like ( looking at your comment ) ... devs need to remove half the game .
I just want to explain something, people need to work with the perks and not hate them..
I don't know why you think endurafury has no counter play.
much love for sharing your thoughts <3
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debatable. I'd say Borrowed Time .
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ok :)
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" Most people who complain about DH obviously don't play survivor and / or never use DH. "
Stopped reading as your post is the typical "if you don't agree with me you're a killer/survivor main" bs.
Dead Hard counters:
- hits (inconsistent, I agree)
- grants distance to get to a loop
- allows for flashlight saves that would otherwise been impossible to get
- counters most killer powers in the game which is particularly triggering when you would have hit them with a projectile killer who are often tricky to use in the first place.
- allows to greed virtually any loop with no risk (unless you can't evaluate the distance correctly)
It does too much considering it requires EDIT: a small level of experience.
Post edited by Yamaoka on8 -
I'm curious. How do you counterplay endurafury when your teammates threw two pallets and you aren't aware of the killer having the combo?
You stun them, correctly winning this section of the chase, and instead of gaining distance and continuing the chase for performing correctly, you just go down because you were unable to react or be aware of perks that were being used. There is no possible way to counter this set if you aren't aware of it unless you decide to drop every single pallet early. And wasting resources because a potential perk combo in play isn't really counterplay, it's just bad design.
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I had to stop reading when I read FLASHLIGHT SAVE .
I'm way past that point as a killer, sorry . but I feel your pain.. I been there. Flashlights are annoying when we start playing the game.
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you're more clear now.. you added ( awareness )
well, welcome to DBD .. it's the fun of this game with it's surprised.. oh #########.. they had Coup de grace I never knew.. oh ######### they had endurfury I never knew before now..
should we remove these perks or just love the game with all it's perks and all the thrill of surprise and bla bla ???
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I personally don't mind using it to dodge a hit up close. That requires the Survivor to make a read and time the use of it correctly. Even if I'm in a heated chase, if someone uses DH to legit avoid a hit, I reflexively say "Noice". Sure, I just lost a bit of time, but the player opened my cheeks and read the first chapter, which happened to be titled "Clap".
Now, when the Survivor is at a distance and they use it to push themselves to a new tile they wouldn't have otherwise made it to, which extends the chase considerably, THEN I don't like it. That doesn't take skill. That just takes the player saying "I'm not gonna make it, so I bEtTeR pReSs E fOr SkIlL".
Skill doesn't even start with E. That's just dumb.
I'd love it if DH was fixed to work better as a close dodge, but I'd hope in the process that it'd lose it's ability to be a "Imma counter everything" booty scooty when the Survivor is 10 feet out and needs to fart as hard as they can to make it to that new tile.
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I said it multiple times, but as long as bloodlust exists, dead hard for distance is PERFECTLY fine
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Nice try at belittling someone. Childish.
Even long term streamers who literally play for a livingget flashlight blinded every now and then.
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I think it's wrong to say that Dead Hard requires 0 skill.
If a 0 hour player picks up the game uses David and equips Dead Hard, they are just going to get slaughtered without Dead Hard doing much for them.
I've seen survivors use Dead Hard too late and lose momentum for a fast vault and get hit in the medium vault. Or dash too far from the pallet and get vacuumed back into a hit while also dropping the pallet.
You also can't simply use Dead Hard in the middle of nowhere, because without being around safety it won't do anything to extend the chase longer than a few seconds.
The last thing with Dead Hard is that you can use it to Greed loops an extra time, but you do need the skill to determine if you have enough distance to do so. I've seen plenty of Dead Hard survivors try to greed a loop only for them to realize too late that I was too close for them to do so.
Good use of Dead Hard requires good positioning and good timing. You can't simply press E without having some skills to back up that decision. Dead Hard itself doesn't just automatically dash you to safety.
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I don't think I was trying to belittle anyone. I feel like you're kinda angry
you started your first comment on my post with things like BS .. and you were putting words in my post that I never used.
if you feel the urge to connect DH to flashlight saves in your DH rant.. I really really am past the point to even think about mentioning flashlights as killer. Sorry If you thought I'm disrespecting you but I really am not.
stay safe.
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also, even I get flashlighted once in a while still. I'm not saying I'm immune to it. I just can't imagine myself seeing flashlights as an issue nor DH. maybe I played a lot man I don't know I'm just over these old complaints for me I like to call them.
again, sorry If you thought I'm belittling you. I apologize but that was not my intention.
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that's what I mean when I say people who say it does not require skill have no clue what they are talking about
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You're right. Guess I exaggerated in this regard. You do need some level of experience to get the most value out of DH.
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alot of perks are uncounterable in " some situations "
alot of things happen in DBD with a single button press ( although you should read above someone explained better than I did why DH does actually require skill )
alot of perks reward bad plays ( I'm assuming you can fill this blank )
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It’s the circle of nerfs: the most complained about thing gets nerfed and then people move onto the next thing.
DS was nerfed so now it’s either DH or BT that will get complained about endlessly. Same thing with survivors: Freddy got nerfed so next they complain about Twins or whatever.
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Okay here's the thing, DH is the best exhaustion perk WHEN USED CORRECTLY BY A GOOD PLAYER. Is it inconsistent, sure it can be, that doesn't really take away from it being very strong when used properly
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When good connection and a good survivor is involved it's a problematic. When those aren't can be lackluster.
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Dead Hard needs adjusting.
That is all.
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While it does take some skill, it's absolutely nowhere near enough to justify the power of the perk.
The "skill" involved is mostly basic pattern recognition (assuming that you're actually using it to dodge) and the ability to realize the direction that you're facing so that you don't charge directly into a wall.
If killer is based almost entirely on punishing survivor mistakes, being able to just erase the fact that you let the killer get close enough to hit you after injuring you beforehand is not fun or fair.
It doesn't matter all that much that it doesn't work sometimes. That's like saying infinite T3 Myers is fine because he can be genrushed.
There is a reason that DH is the only perk complained about as much as NOED. And no, BBQ and BT don't even come close to that amount of controversy.
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Dead hard should be nerfed as soon as they remove auto aim from M1 killers. It's only seen as oppressive because killers rely on blindly lunging and spinning their mouse around for a free hit with no aiming at all.
Survivors have 3 ways to protect themselves...Pallets, windows, and movement. Devs have already made it easy enough for auto-aim M1 killers by nerfing movement jukes... dead hard in it's current state is almost necessary as there is no other way to protect yourself in the countless dead zones added to make m1 killers that much easier.
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It is way too good at its current state. I always pick it up because it is so versatile. An exhaustion perk that lets me dodge a hit or gain enough distance to get to another loop every 40 seconds. It may be inconsistent sometimes but I'd still take that risk if it could make any chase longer.
It the best survivor perk int the game imo.
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and that's why some games have devs that literally keep the communication with player base to an extreme minimum cause it's a mess when the communication gets so available
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BT can reward for bad plays, but it was before change, now it's more fair and easier to wait so those bad plays don't reward that much too
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A bug doesn't mean the perk isn't strong, especially since that bug mostly applies to basic attacks.
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I'd say the fact that "it doesn't even work half the time" is an indicator of how strong it is, rather than how weak it is.
I mean if it were a weak to average perk that "didn't work half the time" nobody would be using it at all.
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i play survivor and use dead hard a lot, and i only ever use it for distance (which is my biggest complaint about the perk)
i havent been exhausted on the floor in a long time using it that way
and im not saying its overpowered or anything, just annoying being outplayed by a press of a button rather than the survivors skill
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it's a perk in the game. I don't know what you mean by skill. this game takes practice.
also sometimes you need both ( distance + hit dodge ) before you make it to safety.
all in all, it's not OP at all.. just less experienced players rant about it non-stop.