Killers perks are free while survivor perks require the stars to align properly

With the exception of perks like sprint burst, self-care, etc, the good survivor perks are so situational the stars have to align to use them. Sometimes an entire build has to be devoted to 'maybe' use them only one time, such as the case of Power Struggle. In those cases, the survivor is playing the game handicapped.
Meanwhile, strong killer perks are simply "given" for playing the game normally or when the survivor plays the game: BBQ, Tinkerer, Ruin to name a few. Killer can play the game normally to reap in huge benefits of the game being tilted in their favor massively.
I think this is unfair and the devs should stop showing favoritism for one side. If killers are to have game changing perks guaranteed to benefit from, survivors should too.
And fix dead hard. It's been a coin-toss since dedicated servers. If a perk like BBQ was a coin-toss perk it would have been dealt with immediately.
Make your game fair.
Sluzzy please do better than this next time.
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Oh so this is Sluzzy. Okay Cool.
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You're losing your touch.
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Now on to day 🖰︎🖲︎🗄︎🗏︎ of "People will still take Sluzzy at complete face value".
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BT activates no matter what.
Adrenaline activates when all gens are done.
DS activates every time you are unhooked.
Dead hard activates when you are injured.
Those sound pretty consistent wouldn't you say?
Also, killers running ruin + undying will only have 2 perks for the rest of the game if they are cleansed. You can't really get rid of survivor perks that easily.
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Cherry picking.
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What's the deal with you and bbq?
You were funny for a while but jesus... No perk in the world will help if the players base skill isn't there.
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It's too much advantage for a fast killer. With Ruin also, it's too much. Killers should have to hunt for their prey not be told where they are all the time.
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Sluzzy threads at this point:
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At least he is consistent. Compared to the equivalent killer posters his posts are more funny than anything else.
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Well, the same can be said about killers. Perks such as Blood Echo, Remember Me, Dragon's Grip and Dead Man's Switch are rarely seen for a reason: they are situational.
This isn't an issue of survivor perks, or killer perks, just perks in general.
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I still enjoy old Peanuts cartoons, so your point stands. 😁
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I was like "what!?" Until I saw who posted this....
The fact its the opposite that's true just makes this funny
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I'm sorry, what?! I can survive NO PERKS with ANY survivor, when you actually become a good player you can play no perks and use those "situational" perks at your advantage for specific situations, that's it. While, on the other side, MOST KILLERS are perk dependant, there's no way you're getting a 3k+ unless you're facing potatoes or you're using strong perks.
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you are taking a known Forum troll at face value mate
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In that case, tinkerer is much more problematic than bbq, literally free information + undetectable for not understanding where to apply pressure
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And killers can win perkless even easier. You have to be a good killer, there's been actual killer streamers play perkless and annihilate the team. Unfortunately, there is no perk combo survivors can equip and beat a good killer. The power creep of killers are so much, a rank 1 killer is unstoppable. You can notice the power imbalance when you feel confident in winning with a certain killer loadout vs a survivor loadout. As survivor, the only way to win is for the killer to be incompetent and all four survivors to be super stars. That's not balanced.
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You were funny at the start, but this is honestly starting to get boring. You should break character for once, judging by the fact you only respond to people who take your post seriously.
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Yea, Sluzzy is a legned
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It's sad your so bad at Survivor that you believe this.
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Well, 39k Blink Attacks sounds legendary enough.
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Sluzzy had a touch?
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Why is he a legend? is the question .
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Everything Sluzzy posts are on a higher level of existence. It's so dumb but still so amazing. Therefore, Sluzzy is a legend.
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He’s just trolling on the forums so I wouldn’t take him seriously. Plus I played a game with him and he was actually kinda good as survivor. Ran the killer for 3 gens (rank one)
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Yeah. His old posts used to be believable
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Eh, I actually think Sluzzy is coming close to having a point here.
A lot of killer perks are far more consistent, with hooks that are more likely to occur, like someone touching a regressing gen, a gen getting fixed, someone getting injured, downed, picked up, etc.
In contrast, there's a ton of survivor perks that are very conditional, even the ones that, at first glance, don't seem to be. Take Borrowed Time, a strong perk that works whenever you pull someone off a hook. That's good, right?
Except it only works if the killer smacks the unhooked survivor within 12 seconds of the unhook.
Similar to Babysitter, which has the same activation condition. Except that one requires the killer to be coming back to the hook, but not fast enough to get visual on the unhooked survivor, but fast enough to the point where they'd have seen scratch marks without it.
And stuff like Deliverance, Red Herring, Solidarity, Second Wind, stuff like that is never picked purely because it's almost never going to kick in at all.
It's the primary reason why survivors just rarely vary their builds.
EDIT: To clarify, the specific perks mentioned are still strong despite how conditional they are, but I'm referring to a general issue with survivor perk designs.
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"Killers should have to hunt for their prey"
Huh? Who's hunting? I like playing hide-and-seek. I go stand in a bush or behind a tree and it's up to survivors to find the EW1 Mikey hiding somewhere on the map. Best way to play. I wish it rewarded BP, but I guess fun gameplay is its own reward.
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No, no they didn't. The only people who found them believable (even from the start) WANTED to believe them. They were always this ridiculous.
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They were ridiculous, but way better made.
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He isn't. Some people confuse fame with infamy.
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I know it's a Sluzzy post but still, just to point out the obvious, "BBQ, Tinkerer, Ruin".
BBQ requires survivors to not get in a locker, be further away than 40m, and not to stand behind gens.
Tinkerer relies on the gen that triggers it being within walking distance, otherwise it still pops before you can get there.
Ruin can get cleansed immediately.
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Yes, there are killers who can obliterate survivors while perkless, but please give me stats doing that with Legion, Clown, Demo, Hag, Plague, Nurse. Now do it ON CONSOLE. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's not common. Now, on the other side, IT DOESN'T matter which survivor you use, you can get a 3 men escaped 3/5 games no problem with a good team, now add SWF? You get my point?
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Ruin is probably the most situational perk ever. It's either spawned right next to the survivor or in the middle of no where. And there are many killer perks that need a build to work like Nemesis, Blood Echo, Oppression, or Lullaby.
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Not your best work man, do better next time. 👍🏻
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