DBD probably has one of the worst throwing for content issues.

I mean I was just playing demo and two TTVs followed me around trying to give me medkits the other two were pretty obviously not in on it and actually trying to play the game. I don't mind things like that if you are in a 4man doing it but like ruining 2 peoples games for content is just dumb. Its the same with people who act like a baby survivor in front of streamers to get a reaction they are literally going out of their way to miss skillcheck and do stupid things just for some views.


  • NightmareKiller
    NightmareKiller Member Posts: 181

    Because it's one of the few games in which being bad is funny. If you miss skills or whatever in LoL or Overwatch or CoD, etc you just lose and nobody finds it funny. A baby dwight crouching the whole map and failing easy pallet saves is hilarious.

    Dunno why it bothers you though, throwing is literally the least harmful thing someone can do. Specially compared to other people who "play toxic for fun" and in their content constantly call the killer trash and try to humilliate him. Even "wholesome" streamers like Otzdarva have videos to humilliate killers titled "Never play like this killer" and spends the whole match criticizing him.

  • Zro
    Zro Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2021

    I think it's funny when people just do something stupid. You can't take the game too seriously. Even if it's a bit dumb for the two players who play the match seriously, but it's only for one match.

    Last week I played as a survivor against a piggy-basecamper. I was, stupidly, the first to hook in the basement. And every time someone tried to save me and also got hooked. I had to laugh so much every time when a teammate ran into the basement one after the other and while laughing I just called out to myself "Nooooo! Guys, the killer is here!" And again one lay on the ground! Wonderful!

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    Ehhh, I don't think so honestly, if you've played hundreds of games before this and people played normally I wouldn't call the one instance it does happen an issue.