Complain about maps not killers.

Every one always hates the player but not the game. I've come to realize when you have a compatint lobby with a good connection everything just comes down to the map its not all "oh this killer needs a buff or this perk needs a nerf" sometimes the games decided before it even starts. it's just down to how many things are there to run circles around, where Df are these hexs gunna spawn and how many of these random warehouse pallets are going to appear.
I was thinking There should be some sort of pre game set up where the killer can see a map layout an pick hex spots while in exchange survivors could do something like roll a dice for #of pallet spawns (would go great with luck addons) or choose indavidual spawn locations on a blacked out map (shroud addons would go good w this)
Alot of games have a pre game setup phase an I think this would bring alot of balance to the game giving pepole more strategic options and increse player knowledge as a whole.
Personally, I blame the maps, RNG and matchmaking for 90% of players troubles in this game.
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if people would start complaining about maps then i think they would finally rework haddonfield, but there is just too much angery salty swf mains who always have a haddonfield offering and still trashtalk at the end of the game
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Haddonfield already reworking, they working on it
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Sometimes you get Coal Tower with 5 T-L's and sometimes you get it with 5 Jungle Gyms.
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Nothing to do with the maps.
They aren't actively played by someone with a brain.
Then again, neither are most survivors.
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You actually think there are not many people complaining about Haddonfield?
also Haddonfield is confirmed to get a rework pretty soon, it’s literally one of three map realms that will definitely get a rework in the Realm Beyond updates.