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Freddy Doesn't Need A Buff..



  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Because he is easy to loop. Easy to deny his power. Hard for him to defend stuff like ruin.
    So the answer is what I expected.

    Because he encourages breaking LOS and has variety add-ons that was game changing at the time. Both sides praised him when he was released.

    Are you seriously arguing against the notion of players enjoying mechanics in the game? [BAD WORD] lol.

    Survivor only "enjoy" playing against killer that are easy to defeat.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    @Wolf74 said:
    Survivor only "enjoy" playing against killer that are easy to defeat.

    I get your a fan of projecting your experiences but you really need to get your priorities checked when you're trying to find a gotcha moment against someone that wants the game to be fun, regardless of the role.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Survivor only "enjoy" playing against killer that are easy to defeat.

    I get your a fan of projecting your experiences but you really need to get your priorities checked when you're trying to find a gotcha moment against someone that wants the game to be fun, regardless of the role.

    Do you remember WHY Freddy got nerfed after release?
    Because to many people just straight DCd as soon as they heard the nursery rhyme.
    Survivor do not want to adapt or change anything they do.
    They want to play ring-around-the-rosie and pig-in-the-middle.
    That's what they "enjoy".

  • Member Posts: 3,293
    edited November 2018

    @Wolf74 said:
    Do you remember WHY Freddy got nerfed after release?
    Because to many people just straight DCd as soon as they heard the nursery rhyme.
    Survivor do not want to adapt or change anything they do.
    They want to play ring-around-the-rosie and pig-in-the-middle.
    That's what they "enjoy".

    What does Freddy have to do with you having a problem about both sides being able to enjoy the game?

    Barely anyone likes him. Many find him tedious to play as and against like I said. And as I said he needs changes. In fact both sides of the community want Freddy to be changed simply because they do not enjoy him, even after he got nerfed.

    What the ######### are you actually arguing here? That survivors shouldn't have fun? That Freddy doesn't need changes?

    From my point of view it seems more like pointless bitching about how much of a Disney villain the survivors are.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Do you remember WHY Freddy got nerfed after release?
    Because to many people just straight DCd as soon as they heard the nursery rhyme.
    Survivor do not want to adapt or change anything they do.
    They want to play ring-around-the-rosie and pig-in-the-middle.
    That's what they "enjoy".

    What does Freddy have to do with you having a problem about both sides being able to enjoy the game?

    Barely anyone likes him. Many find him tedious to play as and against like I said. And as I said he needs changes. In fact both sides of the community want Freddy to be changed simply because they do not enjoy him as he is, even after he got nerfed.

    What the [BAD WORD] are you actually arguing here? That survivors shouldn't have fun? That Freddy doesn't need changes?

    From my point of view it seems like more pointless bitching about how much of a Disney villain the survivors are.

    Freddy just needs some QoL changes, not a complete rework.
    Killer do not like playing Freddy, because he is to weak.
    Survivor do not like playing against Freddy, because they don't want to change their playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    @Wolf74 said:
    Freddy just needs some QoL changes, not a complete rework.
    Killer do not like playing Freddy, because he is to weak.
    Survivor do not like playing against Freddy, because they don't want to change their playstyle.

    Survivors don't like playing Freddy because he's anti-stealth and relies on meta perks to beat.
    QOL changes on Freddy won't fix the problems most killers have with him.

    He needs a rework.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Freddy needs a buff right now he is the worst killer freddy is only good in low to mid rank on high rank you will get destroyed bacurse freddy needs mind games he can olny work if people fall for mind games thats the olny thing freddy has his left click and nothing more. I am a rank 1 freddy main btw

  • Member Posts: 213

    Freddy needs a buff right now he is the worst killer freddy is only good in low to mid rank on high rank you will get destroyed bacurse freddy needs mind games he can olny work if people fall for mind games thats the olny thing freddy has his left click and nothing more. I am a rank 1 freddy main btw

    It doesn’t matter what rank you are or what you ‘main’. Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy if you go off their base power and don’t add perks or add ons into the mix. I’ve already explained myself you obviously haven’t bothered to read.
  • Member Posts: 1,737

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

  • Member Posts: 213
    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.
  • Member Posts: 2,213

    So you are good with Freddy.

    That's all this proves. What it doesn't prove is that he is good/doesn't need buffs.

    Good job.

  • Member Posts: 387

    … Someone explain to me how tf he's good? He's still the worst killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    Freddy doesn't need a buff he needs a rework.

    Nobody likes fighting him because he's broken. If they fixed a few of his flaws he would automatically become ridiculously overpowered.
  • Member Posts: 160

    And I have the proof right here:


    I was asked to do this a while ago on this forum because I was arguing that he was fine where he was, and people were being smart asses. Well here it is I did it.

    Stop complaining that he needs a buff, he doesn't.


    Nice Rank 16. Maybe try him on Rank 1 on PC(Console Survivors aren’t that good)
  • Member Posts: 1,737
    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.
    Keep dreaming, bro.
  • Member Posts: 387

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.

    You gotta be kidding me, you did NOT just said that.

  • Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2018

    I understand Freddy being the weakest Killer in the game, fine...he needs to be reevaluated readjusted etc, np.
    My one big issue when it comes to discussions about Freddy is the tier people put him in. People putting Freddy in F or D tier is an EXTREME exaggeration. Thats basically saying (F tier) that he cannot 1K the majority of games which CLEARLY is not the case because i've seen top Survivors get 3k'ed 4ked by a so called "weak" or "bad" Killer. This logically does not make sense. Im not saying that Freddy cant get 0k's (all escape) at times but its certainly not common. When people bring F tier or D tier into they're ratings they're saying he cant even get more than 3 hooks per match and basically are sh*ting on player skill, potential and they're own game unwittingly

    Freddy is B+ imo which means that he can get 2k's 3 or 4 times out of 5 games. That's not a bad Killer. He's weaker than all the other Killers I agree but he's not "bad" Your top players say the same thing about Pig and I strongly disagree with that. Sh*t Killer, bad..I dont get nor agree with this notion.

    How do you buff Freddy imo?

    • Reduce the time (either slightly or considerably) needed to put you in the dreamworld
    • Add a counter system to Survivors to get out of Dreamworld so no getting out with just one missed Self Care or Generator Skill Check. One missed Skill Check = 1 Counter so you need 2 or 3 to get out of DreamWorld
    • Increase the time it takes for another Survivor to snap the other out of Dreamworld by (x seconds)
    • Buff some of Freddy's Add-On's

    There you go, now Freddy is causing Havock. He is moved from B+ to A+ with these suggested changes

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @Edilibs said:
    My one big issue when it comes to discussions about Freddy is the tier people put him in. People putting Freddy in F or D tier is an EXTREME exaggeration. Thats basically saying (F tier) that he cannot 1K the majority of games which CLEARLY is not the case because i've seen top Survivors get 3k'ed 4ked by a so called "weak" or "bad" Killer. This logically does not make sense. Im not saying that Freddy cant get 0k's (all escape) at times but its certainly not common. When people bring F tier or D tier into they're ratings they're saying he cant even get more than 3 hooks per match and basically are sh*ting on player skill, potential and they're own game unwittingly

    That's not how a tier list works though. Tier list is a ranking of characters from best to worst. You break them into tiers where the difference in strength is noticeable between one tier and the next.

    Putting a killer in F tier doesn't mean you can't 4k with them, or that it's super hard to 1k or anything. Rather it means that, compared to the rest of the killers, Freddy has the most weaknesses and fewest strengths. MEASURABLE ones too. The fact he needs to wait any amount of time before he can hit you is already a HUGE drawback no other killer needs to deal with. The closest you have to that is Wraith needing to uncloak before he hits you, but he only needs to do that once and he can hit anyone. Freddy still has to wait for each new target.

    Freddy also doesn't have the tools to help in a chase. He is literally just an M1 killer at the end of the day. Wraith and LF at least have some options in a chase. Wraith can cloak and try to body block a window or pallet (since he is faster), plus he can more easily get the drop on you than Freddy can. LF has a one shot and a way to force pallet drops in some cases, as well as a tool to destroy pallets faster. He also has the strongest defense in the game, something Freddy completely lacks.

    Don't look at a tier list like "this character will always win, this character will always lose". Look at it like "this character has more options and fewer drawbacks than that character". In other words, when played to their maximum potential the high tier character will be more effective than the low tier character simply because they are mechanically and statistically better.

  • Member Posts: 213

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.

    You gotta be kidding me, you did NOT just said that.

    Yeah I did. It’s actually quite easy to understand: Freddy’s base power is better than the wraith or cannibals base power. You obviously haven’t played much of the game if you’re laughing at that. Id like to see you contribute something to the discussion next time you post please. 
  • Member Posts: 213
    LRGamer said:

    And I have the proof right here:


    I was asked to do this a while ago on this forum because I was arguing that he was fine where he was, and people were being smart asses. Well here it is I did it.

    Stop complaining that he needs a buff, he doesn't.


    Nice Rank 16. Maybe try him on Rank 1 on PC(Console Survivors aren’t that good)
    Did you even read the whole post? No. Please don’t make yourself look silly. This is on the PC also.
  • Member Posts: 213
    Acromio said:
    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.
    Keep dreaming, bro.
    Not a dream.. bro. It’s actually quite easy to understand. Freddy’s base power is better than the wraiths or cannibals base power. Wraith and cannibal have no way of slowing the game at all. Freddy has plenty of bomus’ With his power. 
  • Member Posts: 387
    edited November 2018

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Toxicity23 said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy
    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.

    You gotta be kidding me, you did NOT just said that.

    Yeah I did. It’s actually quite easy to understand: Freddy’s base power is better than the wraith or cannibals base power. You obviously haven’t played much of the game if you’re laughing at that. Id like to see you contribute something to the discussion next time you post please. 

    Then explain to me how Freddy's power is better than the Wraith and Cannibal's Powers. The Cannibal can insta-down people (even though the Hillbilly does it better, but nonetheless, punishes people who stay in groups) And the Wraith's power had recently been Buffed, earning him a free hit if he uses his power JUUUUST right. Infact you can use both Bubba's Chainsaw and Wailing Bell without add-ons and STILL use it effectively. Yet you can't really do much with Dream Demon on it's own... At least... Not against High Ranks. This guy does wonderful against newbies, but not against pros. It's likely the video you showed us was against people who didn't know what the pallet was. Care to explain mate? If you wanted us to believe he doesn't need a buff, at LEAST do it against people who know how the bleedin' game works!

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Acromio said:

    BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.

    Keep dreaming, bro.

    Not a dream.. bro. It’s actually quite easy to understand. Freddy’s base power is better than the wraiths or cannibals base power. Wraith and cannibal have no way of slowing the game at all. Freddy has plenty of bomus’ With his power. 

    Slowing the game down is useless if you can't actually catch the survivors. Freddy is the worst killer in the game, get over it.

  • Member Posts: 213

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Toxicity23 said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy
    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.

    You gotta be kidding me, you did NOT just said that.

    Yeah I did. It’s actually quite easy to understand: Freddy’s base power is better than the wraith or cannibals base power. You obviously haven’t played much of the game if you’re laughing at that. Id like to see you contribute something to the discussion next time you post please. 

    Then explain to me how Freddy's power is better than the Wraith and Cannibal's Powers. The Cannibal can insta-down people (even though the Hillbilly does it better, but nonetheless, punishes people who stay in groups) And the Wraith's power had recently been Buffed, earning him a free hit if he uses his power JUUUUST right. Infact you can use both Bubba's Chainsaw and Wailing Bell without add-ons and STILL use it effectively. Yet you can't really do much with Dream Demon on it's own... At least... Not against High Ranks. This guy does wonderful against newbies, but not against pros. It's likely the video you showed us was against people who didn't know what the pallet was. Care to explain mate? If you wanted us to believe he doesn't need a buff, at LEAST do it against people who know how the bleedin' game works!

    You obviously didn’t read the post properly because I linked the whole PLAYLIST there from rank 16 to 1. Wraiths power barely ever grants a free hit unless you have add ons, and the cannibal can instadown, but let me know how ‘easy’ it is to use that effectively with no add ons. Freddy slows down the game quite a lot while the survivors are in the dream state, can see survivors outside of his terror radius in dream state, and he’s also invisible to survivors who aren’t in the dream state. So tell
    me how that is worse than the other two? Oh, it’s not.. 
  • Member Posts: 213
    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Acromio said:

    BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Acromio said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    Wraith and leatherface are far worse than Freddy

    Laughed my ass off.

    I’m taking into account the base power and not adding perks and add ons. If you ran with just the base power you would do much better with Freddy than you would leatherface and wraith. I’m laughing my ass off that you don’t know that.

    Keep dreaming, bro.

    Not a dream.. bro. It’s actually quite easy to understand. Freddy’s base power is better than the wraiths or cannibals base power. Wraith and cannibal have no way of slowing the game at all. Freddy has plenty of bomus’ With his power. 

    Slowing the game down is useless if you can't actually catch the survivors. Freddy is the worst killer in the game, get over it.

    He really isn’t. You’re telling me that you cannot catch a survivor with Freddy, but you can catch a survivor with let’s say the wraith. Both of those killers are LMB killers. Think before you post buddy. He’s far from the worst. 
  • Member Posts: 387
    edited November 2018

    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

  • Member Posts: 213

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

    Because Wraith and Cannibal are worse if you just compare the base powers and what they contribute to the game. I'm not saying Freddy is the best killer I'm just saying he's better than what everyone thinks.

  • Member Posts: 699

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Edilibs said:
    My one big issue when it comes to discussions about Freddy is the tier people put him in. People putting Freddy in F or D tier is an EXTREME exaggeration. Thats basically saying (F tier) that he cannot 1K the majority of games which CLEARLY is not the case because i've seen top Survivors get 3k'ed 4ked by a so called "weak" or "bad" Killer. This logically does not make sense. Im not saying that Freddy cant get 0k's (all escape) at times but its certainly not common. When people bring F tier or D tier into they're ratings they're saying he cant even get more than 3 hooks per match and basically are sh*ting on player skill, potential and they're own game unwittingly

    That's not how a tier list works though. Tier list is a ranking of characters from best to worst. You break them into tiers where the difference in strength is noticeable between one tier and the next.

    Putting a killer in F tier doesn't mean you can't 4k with them, or that it's super hard to 1k or anything. Rather it means that, compared to the rest of the killers, Freddy has the most weaknesses and fewest strengths. MEASURABLE ones too. The fact he needs to wait any amount of time before he can hit you is already a HUGE drawback no other killer needs to deal with. The closest you have to that is Wraith needing to uncloak before he hits you, but he only needs to do that once and he can hit anyone. Freddy still has to wait for each new target.

    Freddy also doesn't have the tools to help in a chase. He is literally just an M1 killer at the end of the day. Wraith and LF at least have some options in a chase. Wraith can cloak and try to body block a window or pallet (since he is faster), plus he can more easily get the drop on you than Freddy can. LF has a one shot and a way to force pallet drops in some cases, as well as a tool to destroy pallets faster. He also has the strongest defense in the game, something Freddy completely lacks.

    Don't look at a tier list like "this character will always win, this character will always lose". Look at it like "this character has more options and fewer drawbacks than that character". In other words, when played to their maximum potential the high tier character will be more effective than the low tier character simply because they are mechanically and statistically better.

    Right,however im not judging tiers based on kills, wins, losses alone. I factor all of that stuff in. Strengths and weaknesses amongst each one respectively. I see what your saying about him having to pull you in the Dreamworld before he can get the hit but isnt Freddy at the highest level always gonna get the hit anyway? At least the majority of the time because of situations. Since you cant see Freddy that in my eyes means he isnt F tier or even D tier. Although you get his theme and or heartbeat when he's near you still have to guess where he's coming from.

    Taking into account his defense i completely agree that his low defensive options hinder him. As a reference point again, people (top players) saying Freddy F tier or bad Killer and either play with him or against him then either lose to him or get 3 or 4K is a contradiction to they're statement. If Freddy sucked so bad you'd be able to loop and counterplay him at ALL times and again thats not the case because the game is (in a sense) balanced out so that ALL Killers can get hooks so technically, mechanically there is no F tier, thats just ludacus

  • Member Posts: 387

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

    Because Wraith and Cannibal are worse if you just compare the base powers and what they contribute to the game. I'm not saying Freddy is the best killer I'm just saying he's better than what everyone thinks.

    ... Huh. Nonetheless he still needs a buff. Maybe a Rework of his powers. Just because he's better than 2 killers does not mean freddy suddenly doesn't need a buff.

  • Member Posts: 213

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

    Because Wraith and Cannibal are worse if you just compare the base powers and what they contribute to the game. I'm not saying Freddy is the best killer I'm just saying he's better than what everyone thinks.

    ... Huh. Nonetheless he still needs a buff. Maybe a Rework of his powers. Just because he's better than 2 killers does not mean freddy suddenly doesn't need a buff.

    He really doesn't need any changes. It's piss easy to 4k with him if you play him right. Even with no perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,758

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

    Because Wraith and Cannibal are worse if you just compare the base powers and what they contribute to the game. I'm not saying Freddy is the best killer I'm just saying he's better than what everyone thinks.

    ... Huh. Nonetheless he still needs a buff. Maybe a Rework of his powers. Just because he's better than 2 killers does not mean freddy suddenly doesn't need a buff.

    He really doesn't need any changes. It's piss easy to 4k with him if you play him right. Even with no perks.

    I've seen monto get 2+ks with a 100% ms tier 1 myers on the burgerking build, does that mean that all killers need is 100% ms now and they'd still be viable according to your flawless logic?

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

    Because Wraith and Cannibal are worse if you just compare the base powers and what they contribute to the game. I'm not saying Freddy is the best killer I'm just saying he's better than what everyone thinks.

    ... Huh. Nonetheless he still needs a buff. Maybe a Rework of his powers. Just because he's better than 2 killers does not mean freddy suddenly doesn't need a buff.

    He really doesn't need any changes. It's piss easy to 4k with him if you play him right. Even with no perks.

    I've seen monto get 2+ks with a 100% ms tier 1 myers on the burgerking build, does that mean that all killers need is 100% ms now and they'd still be viable according to your flawless logic?

    That's survivor logic.
    Killer always need to get balanced around the best possible player available, like the top killerstreamer.
    But survivor always need to get balanced around the most average or better most crappy player imaginable.


  • Member Posts: 72

    Freddy doesn't need a buff- he needs a rework.

  • Member Posts: 213

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:

    @Toxicity23 said:
    Wait a minute, I just realized something. Why are you only comparing Freddy to Wraith and Leatherface? Is it because someone brought them up, now were not bothering with comparing Freddy to other killers?

    Because Wraith and Cannibal are worse if you just compare the base powers and what they contribute to the game. I'm not saying Freddy is the best killer I'm just saying he's better than what everyone thinks.

    ... Huh. Nonetheless he still needs a buff. Maybe a Rework of his powers. Just because he's better than 2 killers does not mean freddy suddenly doesn't need a buff.

    He really doesn't need any changes. It's piss easy to 4k with him if you play him right. Even with no perks.

    I've seen monto get 2+ks with a 100% ms tier 1 myers on the burgerking build, does that mean that all killers need is 100% ms now and they'd still be viable according to your flawless logic?

    It's not flawless logic. I have the proof in the playlist. He's easy.

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