About 6 months since the Moris nerf and the keys remain unchanged

TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

You can no longer use the excuse that changing keys takes more time than Moris because they will create new animations for keys. In 6 months you have been able to create any type of animation, if they haven't, it's because they don't give a **** about the keys.

Specifically in patch 4.4.1 (on December 8, 2020) this change was made, so in about two weeks it will be half a year that the Moris were nerfed. And you're telling me that they haven't made a single big change to the keys yet (except that the hatch closes earlier when they open it)?

Yes, that change they made helps, but it is light years away from being enough to fix the key problem.



  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    They said with that smaller key change that the bigger one is coming soon I’m predicting this chapter

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    People have been complaining about the Moris and the Keys for years, yes, the only difference is that that simple change to the Mori completely destroyed it and the change to the Hatch was in the vast majority of occasions useless.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    They don't even need to nerf keys, just nerf the hatch spawn conditions.

    Or make opening hatch a 10s+ long animation that can be cancelled like totem cleansing

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,448

    The mori nerf was was pushed into an unrelated hotfix because of the Twins shitstorm happening at the time. A mori nerf at a later time would have caused another shitstorm. They pushed it out when they did not because it took them that long to implement this change but to avoid having to deal with the outcry.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    It'll come soon. REmember that Bhvr works on updates at a snails pace.

  • DaDuck
    DaDuck Member Posts: 35

    The keys will never get changed... Devs can't live without them.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    What? Do you want an exact release date? Because if they give us one then all you'll see until then would be keys.

    That is exactly why the mori nerf happened out of nowhere, so people didn't have time to use them every match before their nerf.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I really do understand your frustration with keys and I agree they should be changed. But can we please not turn this into a killer vs survivor post. I can already see people saying "they didn't change keys yet because the devs are survivor sided , and want to make killer unfun" this is most likely not the case.

    Can we please just kill that before it starts.

    (Again I totally agree keys should be changed like mori)

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    It's so true but the sad part is it doesn't fit their narrative so therefore they're not going to accept that argument

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I believe it. DS was a weak perk, made even weaker. Now punishes for playing the game to keep it. Even before the nerf, if the killer didn't tunnel it wasn't used. Now, you can heal and they tunnel for free. Horrendous change and had no effect so it made the game less enjoyable for survivor side.

    You can't finish the M1 repair if the killer interrupts you and that is what usually happens. You either have to help a teammate or the killer is interrupting you. Then with killer perks, the progress is lost. No matter how good you are at looping if a killer can press a button and deny the loop, the meta killers totally denys looping, the ONLY defense you have against killers but is denied by killer powers.

    What I am reading is that you are upset an item has a small chance of countering your guaranteed sealed in the bag victory. The end game is when killers are the strongest and you are upset a key is countering your ultra powerful build.

    If killers can pick perks that make their game easier, survivors should have something to make their end game easier as well.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Ignorance is bliss. Keys and hatch create a lot of this game's problems.

  • Wrathclaw88
    Wrathclaw88 Member Posts: 51

    Keys are the worst thing actually in the game. When you are a Killer that plays for the win (the 4k) you have a completly stressful game before you, when a survivor brings a key along with him.

    So many Survs are complaining about beeing slugged the half game, but dont give a [Bad word] about the Killer. Survivor dont need to complete their full objectiv - just a few you know (3/1 2/2 or 1/3) and not that to mention that only the keyholder survivs - no the whole rest of the group.

    When you dont want this as a killer you have to spend 25% of your perkslots only for the use of franklins (and it takes 2 min for 1 item to disappear) - and every surv on the map can pick it up (i said SWF with voice and franklins is totally useless, unless you camp the item for 2 minutes) - And how many Gens can be done in two minutes by 4 survs???

    The change to 10 sek is rididcules - no normal surivor just goes through the hatch without their mates.

    Yes moris before the nerf was very ugly - but the keys are much much more ugly.

    And now - just for fun - lets think about a mirrorpart for killers for one moment. Imagine there is an offering that allows killers to instant kill the WHOLE Survgroup when he hooked everybody twice and gets a insta win. I cant imagine how much complaining in this forum would be.

    (sorry i am not the best writer in english :D) but i think everybody understands what i mean

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 573

    I thought keys were unfair too until last night where every red rank killer I played against had iri and purple addons. People keep saying that survivors that bring keys don’t care about the killers enjoyment but the same could be said about killers that bring iri addons every game. Keys are only unfair against killers with 0 addons.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256
    edited May 2021

    "DS was a weak perk" - lol. Following your overwhelming logic that the DS was weak and is now MORE weak, why do the stats show that it is not weaker? Hasn't the probability of escaping even been reduced by 1%? Ha ha, sure.

    "You can't finish the M1 repair if the killer interrupts you and that is what usually happens" - There are 4 survivors and the killer can only be with one, I think you have forgotten that.

    "Then with killer perks, the progress is lost" - It bothers you that the killer has 4 perks but it doesn't bother you the 16 perks in total that you have the survivors among them, right?

    "No matter how good you are at looping if a killer can press a button and deny the loop" - What button? What button does the Trickster have to press to deny that loop? 16 times the right click? That isn't pressing 1 button, it's pressing it 16 times. What do you mean by pressing a button?

    "If killers can pick perks that make their game easier, survivors should have something to make their end game easier as well." - I mean, hello? Do you know that survivors have perks too? Now I understand why you complain so much about killers, you've never used perks from what I see.

    If at least your arguments were logical I would feel like I'm doing something useful in arguing against you, but all you do is defend the keys and survivors because you are bad at the game, not because you have a good reason.

    Post edited by TheBus4K on
  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    I am hoping the reason it's taking them so long is because they are reworking hatch entirely.

    It'd be nice if they just replaced it with a final chase.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    At this point I don't believe in a hard nerf for keys. Otherwise they wouldn't have introduced hatch offerings. They probably give keys a 1 second opening animation and that's about it.

    Let's face it, keys are here to stay.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Yes you can still use "changing keys takes more time than Moris" as an excuse, because it does. And also, developing a game like DBD is not easy, it takes time. Keys are not the only thing they are working with.

    They are patching bugs and glitches, they have been working on chapters like the RE chapter, they have to deal whit this community, and much more. They are not working 24/7, it will take time for them to nerf keys.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Got to watch a survivor key out today. Thanks to weird latency and the game rarely letting me get a hook grab, I downed Dwight mid-unhook but... Meg still came off the hook and ran straight to the nearby hatch to key out (with a key found in a chest). I got to watch her do it as the post-successful-hit animation finished. I get so tired of playing against not only four survivors but an unknowable number of different problems within the game. How can I counter weird latency and broken grabs and a key and survivors all at the same time?

    Hatch shouldn't spawn until there's only one survivor left or all five gens are done. Being able to key out like that is ridiculous.

  • NightmareKiller
    NightmareKiller Member Posts: 181

    I wish but there is no way they would remove the free win with no effort required mechanic off the game. Survivors love getting free #########, it's why Spirit "stand still" kills infuriate them so much, they think only their side should have the easy victory.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256
    edited May 2021

    You could use the excuse that "changing keys takes more time than Moris" when Moris were nerfed, but not 6 months later.

    Keys aren't the only thing they work on, but there isn't a single person/team in charge of everything, which is what you seem to believe. A single person or team isn't in charge of creating killers / survivors, rework maps, fixing bugs, changing perks, etc.

    What you cannot do is think that the keys cannot be changed because they are working on other things. Following your logic, they would never end up with anything because they are always working on things.

    If the game weren't programmed in a spaghetti code, they would have to work on fewer bugs and glitches, but of course, as it's not the case, they have less time to change the keys, I understand.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    You misunderstood everything I said, so let's just end it there

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I think it should be:

    Attempt to use key. Faced with hard skill check/s when trying to open hatch. Fail a skill check? Key breaks.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256
    edited May 2021

    Unless you were being sarcastic in your previous comment (I hope so, because what a comment), I don't understand why you say I have misunderstood you.

    If you were really sarcastic, sorry for answering you like that, considering the existence of Sluzzy, I wouldn't be surprised if there was another main survivor around here who really put that comment.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133

    I mean .... DS used to work on pick up for about a years. BT used to give endurance to BOTH people for about a year, OoO was unchanged for 4 years.... give it "a bit" before we start to look at numbers that indicate that there is a posibility of a problem existing around key usage.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    Keys were introduced in patch 1.1.2 (late 2016) and have never been changed, unlike the perks you have named. Where do you want to get with your comment?

  • latigresa
    latigresa Member Posts: 88

    The problem isn't keys. Its hatch. A lot of survivors just hide and wait from everyone else to die and go for hatch. Red rank, 1000hr survivors play like this.

    Hatch should only spawn for 5 gens done or 1 survivor left. No spawning but closed, no gens/survivor alive math. Either do gens or everyone else dies. Its playing the prisoners dilemma because if a person try to do gens and playing as intended, they will get killed while people who aren't contributing are vying for hatch.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    6 months?? god every day is the same

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Then keys would be terrible, which they shouldn't be, since they have high rarity and take up an item slot. They still do need to be useful.

    Moris are offerings, so making them extremely weak was warranted.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Bring back hatch escape interrupt. Boom, key counterplay.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited May 2021

    Well, it's fine to doubt their stats if you have a good reason to, but "well, DS was nerfed" isn't really enough. There are other factors beyond just the balance of DS at play here. The numbers have to be from different patches, for example, so unless they're normalizing for the balance of that specific patch somehow that's probably more of a factor in the kill rate for DS users than DS itself.

    Neither side's role is easy and SWF is not as strong as you're making it out to be, especially in public matches.

    Old Moris were substantially more busted than old keys:

    • Offering slot (unlike keys, Moris can be combined with top add-on combinations and the power differential with other rare offerings is substantially higher than keys with other rare items)
    • No available counters / easier and more reliable to use (survivor builds are already fixed by the time they even know there's a chance of a Mori being in play, and plus a killer can almost always re-down the first survivor hooked relatively quickly; if a killer is set on tunneling for an early Mori, a bit of bodyblocking isn't going to stop them; meanwhile, keys have a handful of solid counters and can be planned around from the lobby, or even dodged)
    • Larger overall impact on the game (keys change little until the hatch spawns and most frequently save 0 or 1 survivors, whereas Moris can be used at any stage of the game and basically ensure a 3k + hatch or 4k assuming decent matchmaking; Moris nearly always have a large impact on the game, while keys sometimes have a large impact but are often irrelevant; if you escape through the gate, if you escape through the open hatch or die before being able to use the key on the closed hatch as the last survivor, if you die earlier in the match and you're either running a weaved ring or your teammates don't locate your key, if you lose your key to Franklin's, etc. your key did little for you and just took up a slot that could have been filled with a more broadly useful item)
    • Higher drop rate in the bloodweb (there are more ultra rare loadout items for survivor than for killer, so keys show up less frequently than Moris)

    I'm not saying keys are fine currently. They are inconsistent, but their ceiling is very high and they also frustrate people, so I do think a rework makes sense. I don't think there is any equivalence between the two, though, so threads like this one get a bit tiring. Superficial comparisons of "tHeY bOtH mEaN yOu DoN't NeEd To Do YoUr ObJeCtIvE" and such are ignoring how much stronger Moris were than keys. I realize you didn't say this in your comment, but many people do.

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    You know that they have other things on the way too? They didn't prioritize key rework first and rest of the game later. Key rework is on the door and my guess is that it will happen same time when RE chapter comes or the next mid-chapter. You don't realize how hard it is to rework keys when there is whole community shouting "fix this, fix that, nerf this, nerf that, this perk needs rework/nerf, this map is unbalanced"? Also they need to rework realms and that takes whole bunch of time.

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    "SWF is not as strong as you're making it out to be"

    • Are you telling me that SWFs aren't as strong as I say? So you've never been to a SWF / never played a decent one. With SWF I don't mean 4 people with 100 - 300 hours each, but 4 people with 2k - 4k hours each, who know how to loop perfectly taking advantage of each window / pallet / long walls / etc., they know how to choose which gens to repair (in other words, they don't repair many gens that are close to each other), they can decide who rescues someone from the hook and who continues to repair, etc. I repeat, if you really think SWFs aren't as strong as I say, you've never been into one or never gone against a decent one.

    "a killer can almost always re-down the first survivor hooked relatively quickly"

    • Not against a SWF (which, according to you, aren't that strong) that 100% of the time have BT, and if you try to down someone who has 4k hours and above with Endurance, good luck. Obviously the amount of SWF is much smaller than the rest of the players, I'm not saying that the Moris don't deserve the nerf, but It's funny that you say that you can "always" down a survivor.

    "keys have a handful of solid counters and can be planned around from the lobby, or even dodged"

    • Solid counters? Could you tell me? You don't happen to be talking about Franklin's Demise, are you? That perk becomes completely useless the moment the survivors from the start of the game leave the key on the ground / in a chest for the entire game until the hatch appears. And exactly what are you planning in the lobby? Are you going to become aware that there are keys and therefore are you going to play better so that survivors repair fewer generators? Do I have to exchange my perks / addons / offering just for a key? Are you telling me that I have to dodge a lobby and find another lobby for another 5-10 minutes because of a key? ...

    "while keys sometimes have a large impact but are often irrelevant; if you escape through the gate, if you escape through the open hatch"

    • Keys are a problem the moment the hatch appears, but repairing 5 generators isn't the same as winning the game. Killers with one-shot abilities or with perks like NOED, No Way Out, Blood Warden, etc., can turn the game around and kill multiple survivors before they open the doors and / or escape through them. This happens especially with "weak" killers, normally they usually repair the 5 gens before you have killed someone (or just one), so if you see someone with a key and you go with a weak killer, the survivors are quite good so they manage to repair 5 gens while you haven't killed anyone or you have only killed one, there is no possible comeback, because no matter how many perks you have or oneshot ability, a key doesn't care about that.

    With all this I don't mean that the keys are as problematic as the old Moris were, but people make it look like the keys are incredibly more balanced than the old Moris, and that's not true.

    At least I have been able to argue with someone who provides normal arguments, not like Sluzzy's arguments like "killers are very op and survivors are poop."

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I never said that wasn't the case, there are definitely problems on both sides. But I will say, for me it always feels worse when I play killer. Survivors disappearing because of frame drops, bugged grabs that don't even let me injure a survivor, the different problems each killer has that screw up their powers... Frame drops screw me as survivor sometimes, and there are some hits that make me go "really?" but I can't remember the last time I had a problem as survivor that made me go "Screw it, I give up, I can't play like this."

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited May 2021

    Those teams are going to be strong with or without comms, though. Good luck playing against four solos with meta builds, impeccable looping skills, and tons of game sense. These teams are also vanishingly rare in public matches.

    It is extremely easy as killer to redown the first survivor that was hooked. Like, think about it; if you can't down an injured survivor reasonably quickly in a chase in order to Mori them, how would you ever be able to win that match in the first place? You'd have to be thoroughly outclassed beyond the survivors having comms, and at that point matchmaking is the issue, not SWF. BT has a 12 second timer and DS is irrelevant when you have a Mori. Realistically all you need to do is stay somewhat in the vicinity of the hook, close enough that you can get back quickly but not too close that people wait to save, and then zoom back to the hook once the unhook happens. No amount of voice communication is going to stop that. The most they're going to do is buy some time by bodyblocking and forcing the you to hit them, but even if successful this will necessarily come at the expense of doing gens. They're just not going to be able to buy time for long.

    Franklin's can work, especially with Hoarder, but I don't think it's a reliable enough counter to justify the perk slots (especially since keys don't both me as killer). I think Franklin's is best when used against medkits, actually, but I digress. You can do a number of things against keys:

    • Play well enough to prevent the hatch from ever spawning. Old Moris used to be the best counter to keys, but it's still very much not necessary.
    • Tunnel the person with the key, especially once the hatch spawns. Some survivors will loot keys from dead teammates, assuming no weaved ring, but many either won't think to or don't remember exactly where their teammate died and can't justify leaving their gen to look.
    • Tailor your loadout to the key; for example, prioritize perks like CI that help in the early game instead of perks like NOED that help in the late game, generally make sure you're running strong perks, and bring an offering for a killer-sided map. To preempt a "well, what about chest keys?", chest keys aren't really a concern at the normal drop rate, even with Plunderer's and coin offerings. Any escapes you get with them are basically paid forward by the time you're spending searching chests instead of doing gens and the perk slots you're dedicating to them that otherwise could have been lengthening chases and speeding up gens.
    • Dodge the lobby. In the evenings this only wastes like 20 seconds of your time.

    I really do feel that keys are and were a lot more balanced than old Moris, but that's not exactly a hard bar to clear when literally everything in the game was more balanced than old Moris :) I don't even think keys are the best survivor item; I'd give that honor to medkits. One match in twenty a key might allow you to get three people out of a losing match against a brutal three gen and a minority of the time they'll let one person escape who otherwise would have died, but the majority of the time they do next to nothing and just prevent you from bringing a more useful item, like a toolbox or a medkit. They are even more directly counterproductive for survivors some of the time; for example, I've been with many a teammate who has doomed all remaining survivors by leaving through the hatch early in a winnable match.

    The worst part about keys right now are the common offerings to spawn the hatch in a specific location imo. That makes it a bit too easy; survivors should have to keep an eye out for the hatch and choose between searching for the hatch and doing gens, not just run to the shack in the late game when the going gets rough.

    Lol and thanks though - Sluzzy's perspective is definitely pretty one-sided :)

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Especially on console I think your experience is a pretty common one, unfortunately. On PC I actually have more trouble on the survivor side because the game will regularly freeze for a moment when a status effect is applied (e.g. M1'd with Sloppy Butcher, use an exhaustion perk). This often results in me wasting a critical speed boost by running into a wall. As killer I thankfully don't get many freezes or frame drops at all.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Comparing keys to moris is ridiculous, it just proove how low your knowledges of the game are

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Okay well what's really terrible is the fact that survivors can 3 gen themselves but then get a free get out of jail card from something they found in a chest. Not saying they should be removed from chests because keys are items. But keys would still be useful at endgame because you can 4 man coordinate an escape and not have to worry about NOED or bloodwarden.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited May 2021

    Chest keys are honestly not a concern. A three-gen situation is one of the few situations where a chest key might give a solid benefit and even then the odds of being in that situation and also getting a chest key are extremely low. Maps have 3 chests by default and chests have a 7% key drop rate. Some of these keys will also be green and can't open the hatch, so the percentage is effectively even lower. For the sake of comparison let's say that there's a 4% chance of getting a purple or pink key; now this is exactly as likely as pulling yourself off the hook. No one's complaining about that, though, and for good reason; it will rarely save one or more survivors, but it's so unlikely and only helpful in such a specific situation that it's not really a concern.

    If you're running Plunderer's and stacking coin offerings you can raise your odds quite a bit of getting a key, but this will always be weaker than just bringing a key into the trial; it's just wasting lots of time, offerings, and perk slots for a decent chance at getting something you could just bring into the match and have right from the start. These sorts of builds are useful for farming items, but that's about it. They really just lower your chances of escaping out the gates in the first place, which should always be plan A.


    It is common for one side's build to hard counter another side's build. A survivor runs Iron Will, the killer runs Stridor? A survivor runs a medkit and a healing-based build and the killer is a Plague? A survivor runs Spine Chill and draws a stealth killer? A survivor runs a flashlight and draws a Hag or Wraith? You get the idea - a key being a decent counter against end-game builds is just one in a long line of counters in DBD. It's not a reason to change them on its own. This is especially true given how comparatively weak chest keys are and that killers can adjust their loadout for lobby keys.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I've seen people switch keys last seconds of the match. Its frustrating that I have to tunnel out the key user or slug every survivor so they don't hatch escape. Yes they have to do the objective but 4 survivors could easily do 2 gens while I down 1 survivor. And that's the best case scenario for them.

  • qqq
    qqq Member Posts: 3

    Sluzzy is on here spitting logic at these super biased players who refuse to see how vastly different keys and moris are. Made an account to give you props for proving these people wrong while not being disrespectful. Anyone who thinks keys have even remotely the same impact as moris has never played both sides of this game

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588
    edited May 2021

    They have actually changed keys since then, plus you cant just change keys without thought, it needs to be done right. Just like how games are delayed because it's not done. If you release an unfinished game, its not fun

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213
    edited May 2021

    There is absolutely no problem with keys because of their unsignificant impact on average gameplay. You see a key user like every four or five games and even then this person gets hardcore tunneled most of the time. So bringing a key is actually more of a risk than benefit for survivor.

    Also changing the hatch to just another door mechanic with just another progress bar would make this game more boring, too predictable and less diverse.