Flashlights should be entirely reworked

As it stands now, flashlights are in a weird place.
As a killer, the only times I ever encounter survivors using flashlights, it's usually red ranks who are already looping me really well. They don't need the flashlight to win, they're using it to flex.
There's only two times you can use the flashlight. After a pallet stun, and when the killer is breaking a pallet. Flashlight saves are too hard to pull off to be worth it, and any other flashlight usage is incredibly easy to avoid, at least on pc where it's very easy to look away.
I would honestly love flashlights to be stronger in more situations, while shortening the blind duration to make it less frustrating to play against. Also put a short pause between turning it on and being able to turn it off to prevent flashlight clicking because it's simply annoying.
They're just useless and annoying right now, and the people who are good with them are the ones who are good anyway. I want to see green and purple ranks get usage out of their flashlights.
They're not useless. Flashlight blinds can be incredibly useful for losing the killer and flashlight saves are invaluable. It's just that they're incredibly difficult to use properly, as evidenced by the baby meg aiming a flashlight at my knees while I'm barreling them down full-speed in the middle of nowhere.
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It took me forever to get good with flashlights. I still feel a bit klunky with them. If you lower the skill threshold for new players, you will frustrate killers and massively boost red rank usage.
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I think I once made a perk to help easing flashlight blinds and it kinda works like Pharmacy for flashlights :
Backflash guarantees a Sport Flashlight in your first chest search
While running, you may aim the flashlight beam behind yourself. You do not slow down while using the flashlight
Increases flashlight efficiency by 15%/20%/25%
The problem with flashlights is that you lose lots of momentum using it. With this, flashlights can be used to annoy the killer during chase, forcing them to look up and down and allowing you to get away or something.
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honestly for killers it be nice to see a flashlight resistance in play to prevent flashlight trolls and people abusing killers by constantly blinding them while trapped behind a pallet and another survivor ducked behind you blocking you in while 2 others on either side of you blinding you as you spin with wide fast acting flashlight. and the fact that they can blind you from your side makes it impossible to track where they are hitting and they have 180 degrees of space to blind the killer. the best flash lights take 0.3 seconds to blind a killer and if they have it pimped out 32 second battery even 10 seconds for some one who knows how to use it make that last all match and killer doesn't have a chance to turn out the light so i would propose that we see a killer blindness resistance come into play or a penalty for flash lights similar to feral fury from legion hit the survivor 2 times in fury legion loses the meter and is stunned while survivor still running away. ad a flash flair as a penalty for re-blinding a recovering killer blinds the survivor for the same amount of time just like looking into the sun for to long or adjusting again to the dark even or kill the flashlight battery instantly after blinding a second time before fully recovered. gives killers a bit of a break from flashlight heavy games memers and trolls, more solace and serve justice to the trolls that thrive off making killers angry and quit because of flashlights.
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I have been blinded from every angle known to man. I have been blinded from behind, through stone walls and for literally 30 seconds, yet all of the sudden whomever was blinding me is 3 miles away. I have been blinded by red ranks and people that are rank 20 with 3 hours of game play, are they cheating? Maybe, but how would I know? Could be a lvl 1 on their baby account, why would I want them to do anything with flashlights that doesnt make it easier for ME to play?
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wow you and me both hence why think there should be a penalty to double blinding flashlights or deteriorating effect (on the killers side) over time spent blinded (resistance build up), or the instant dead batteries for renewing blinds with out allowance to fully recover, or flash flare (blinds survivor same as the killer.
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I'd be fine with flashlight's having a 1 or 1.5 cooldown so they cannot be spammed.
I don't mind survivors using it to try and tease the killer, if you can tilt your opponent making them play worse, then that's valid.
However, I recently faced a survivor that clicked his flashlight extremely fast and it was horrendous to look at. I don't even have issues with seizures, but I imagine if someone is susceptible to that, that is an actual hazard to those people.
Aside from that though, I think flashlight's are fine. Flashlight saves can literally destroy more than a minute's worth of a killer's time. So they should be hard to pull off. It's easier if survivors play smart.
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Flashlight saves should be less timing dependent. If you blind the killer during any point in the pick up animation it should drop the survivor.
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I absolutely agree with you... from the start I always thought it was stupid. I mean, if the killer gets blinded to the point they drop a surv... then what on earth makes them invulnerable of that in the middle of the animation of grabbing a surv... like #########
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Because during that point, they are unable to do anything with the flashlight. At least with pallet blinds, you're just possibly ending the chase. With this, you can end up losing a survivor they've chased for long periods of time, possibly after hitting them twice
Also, I think there was a period of time when flashlights worked like this and it really messed up que times