Buff/Nerf for Trapper and Idea for adding new Maps

B_Random Member Posts: 370
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay, so let me start by discussing this "NERF" to a Killer who really doesn't deserve one, but there is a reason to add it and it's involving the BUFF idea I got for him. Trapper, the face of DBD and one of the handful of very weak killers currently in the game. Yes, I'm well aware you can still win games with Trapper even in his current state but sometimes it's not as easy as most other weak killers because of the way he's made. So, lets get the nitty-gritty out of the way first:

NERF IDEA FOR TRAPPER: Survivors can pick up and place traps around loops to aid them if ever in a chase, after disarming a trap they can pick it up which will grant them the Hinder Status effect and oblivious status effect until they put down the trap. When they set the trap down, the traps aura will not appear to the trapper until he steps on the trap. Survivors will see the Aura of the trap they set when they're in 15-28 meters away from said trap, survivors have a 50% chance to get caught by the trap they set but the other 50% will allow them to hope over said trap.

NOTE: Traps can not be set at the edge of the maps, traps can only be allowed near the Killer Shack or the Main Building as long as they're 32 meters away from either. If the traps are placed near the edge of the maps within 10-20 meters then the traps will respawn at a close distance from the trapper himself.

(The Buff can only work if he can get caught in a trap, another idea was to not allow trapper to easily get caught in his own traps considering he can see their aura so that should entail that he knows it's there.)

BUFF IDEA FOR TRAPPER: IF the trapper gets caught on his own traps or ones set by survivors, he's granted a 30 second boost to all actions. If he's caught on his own trap that he set, his actions: Breaking pallets/walls/generators, vaulting, picking up traps, setting traps, checking lockers, picking up survivors, and stun recovery (Except by DS) will be increased by 10%. If he's caught by a trap set by a survivor then his actions will be increased by 20%, and it will all last only 30 seconds (this effect can not/will not have any addons to increase it's effect or time). A new action in this "Enraged" mode will be the ability to WALK THROUGH (Breaking Through) breakable walls (ONLY).

NOTE: Timer starts to countdown as soon as he's OUT of the trap, not immediately when he's in the trap and in the undoing animation. If the trapper is running: Brutal Strength, Fired Up, or Bamboozle, then this buff will overwrite those perks action speed, but it will not overwrite Bamboozles vault blocking effect.

Now this might sound a bit OVERPOWERED and might sound like rewarding the killer for messing up, however if you think about it a little it could make sense. It's either this or not allowing trapper to get trapped by his own traps, but to keep a mechanic already in the game, I think this is better. It can help strategically plan for Trapper, if a survivor Dead Hard's over a trap or goes past it somehow, it can add a sort of boost for trapper to help him get back in the chase a lot faster. Think of this BUFF like the Antidote for the Clown, it's not much but it aids the clown none-the-less so I thought why doesn't Trapper have something like this to help improve his chases? Thinking that the devs might also never remove the ability for Trapper to get caught in his own traps, why not make the negative into a positive so he has a little leverage. Personally I feel it's a fair idea, and it probably won't hurt the gameplay too much, so if a Dev or someone from BHVR could read this thread and consider this then that would make me very happy. I'd love to also hear the thoughts from the community on what they think about this idea.


I was thinking to myself about how DBD has quite a few maps, but also how it kind of gets just a little tiresome to always play the same map every now and then, while watching a horror movie (SCREAM) I thought to myself why can't there be Variations to certain maps or just extra maps like: Gas Heaven. Except a little different.

I was thinking making variations of maps out of: Macmillan's Estate, Autohaven Wreckers, Coldwind Farms, and Crotus Prenn Asylum. Making maps based on a few of the killer's outfits with assets already in the game or completely new buildings to spice things up. The Skins in question I would think are: Macmillan Miner, Blast Furnace, Beast of Nature, Marrow Miner, Shadow Walker, Mangled Wreck, Phantom of Vengeance, Frontier Miner, Auto-Repair Reaper, Sunday Slaughter, Waste Management, Until Death Parts, and Ashen Lady. These skins could have potential to make some interesting maps and allowing to have a bit more of a challenge for survivors and killers alike. I was also thinking possibly varieties of other existing maps like Father Campbell's Chapel, adding a blighted version of the map surrounded with pustula flowers while looking a bit more decrepit due to the flowers. This could add a bit more variety or give a nice look to existing maps with minor changes such as weather or time setting or so-forth. It sounds like a lot of work and I know it most-likely is quite a bit of work, but I believe it would be both interesting and a little fun to have a few new things other than just skins and charms alone. Spice up the game and how it's played, it's not much and possibly won't make much of a difference but it's something a little different and new. I would enjoy to have some helpful feed back and hear thoughts from everyone who reads this thread.

Be sure to share this thread with friend to get people considering about this idea, maybe even get some of the Dev's attention too if bringing this thread up enough.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370
    edited May 2021

    In a way. It doesn't always benefit them, it can back fire on them too. I didn't also want to make the buff too strong so that it seems like it's overpowering the trapper in a drastic way. Just a minor tweak that can help him.

    Also considering the "Getting Caught in your OWN TRAPS" has been here since the beginning of the game and since they haven't removed that ability I doubt they are going to remove it. So I tried making the negative positive.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    Ok, so there's 1 massive problem with these proposed changes. It makes playing Trapper as the machete man instead of the Trapper better, and makes regular Trapper worse. It encourages him to just not use his power.

    If I were to buff Trapper, I would make the Trapper Bag basekit, for one. Two, give him a speed boost when someone steps on a trap and for 5 seconds afterwards (prob a 15-35% speed increase). Three, I'd make all trap spawns be close to the center of the map.

    A giant rework like you proposed is just unnecessary, and all things considered, kind of stupid.

  • HowsItHanging
    HowsItHanging Member Posts: 6

    This entire change is just letting survivors use Trappers power to hurt him, 10% is pretty useless in terms of stun recovery and 20% on all actions is just Fire Up except it's limited timed and I have to stun myself to use it. On top of that, the breakable wall part is... Not helpful? I can get a map without breakable walls or just not need to break specific walls and so that entire part while not "bad" isn't helpful enough.

    The change would make Trapper damn near unplayable against a SWF, if he wasn't already.

    Also as a side-note you could just take his traps and place them in spots he's never going to find because he can't see the auras, amd he just won't have a power at all.

    The idea is just too easy to abuse and is an enormous nerf for very little benefit as breaking pallets 0.3s faster for 30 seconds after stepping in a trap is not an ideal power in a game with characters like Hag, Nurse, or Spirit...

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    You could of just said unnecessary and I would of got it, the "stupid" part wasn't technically necessary.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Thats why I'm just thinking about this. But honestly I was just trying to think of a reason to keep the fact he can get stuck in his own traps, considering he can see the aura of said traps, how he gets stuck in them to me I find really stupid. Since sometimes traps placed by trapper won't trap survivors but they will trap him instead. So this is more of those moments. Or BHVR can find a way to fix that issue so that doesn't happen all the time or even better, just remove that ability to get stuck in them.

    But since they've had it for years, I highly doubt they ever will remove it.

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    I dont get it, why exactly do you want to delete the penalty for stepping in your own traps. It is NOT an ability, its in the game to punish players, who step in their traps even though they can see them. It exists to make sure that people use their brain when placing traps, because they cant just go through them (like in real life). This mechanic makes 100% sense, even though it hurts the trapper, it makes the game realistic and provides better gameplay.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Well the problem with said penalty, is that some times the traps don't trap the survivor or they can just run past it. However trapper will get caught in his traps when the survivor couldn't. I'm not talking about Dead Hard over the traps, I'm talking about how survivors hitboxes allow them to squeeze through where the trap is located sometimes and ignore it all together. Along with the fact that traps at windows, survivors can usually either ignore it when clearly walking right into it, or they jump over it without getting punished. So how is any of that fair?

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2021

    This only happens when you put the trap too close to the window or too far away from the pallet (+ sometimes trap hitboxes are just trash), solution: keep that in mind and set your traps better, nothing else you can do and absolutely no need to change (besides maybe increasing the traps hitbox and their size to buff trapper

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