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Unspoken Rules

Member Posts: 429

Just like the game of baseball, I noticed that we as a community have some rules we try to follow in a normal match of dbd.

Comment Rules you go by for survivor or killer. Love to see what you all follow

I appreciate all those who keep playing despite the Tbag/Flashlight clickers or the Face Campers.

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  • Member Posts: 1,327

    There are no rules. That's why this game is such a clusterfuck, well that and the overabundance of bugs.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Winning as killer is also losing

  • Member Posts: 2,203
    edited May 2021

    When you crouch under the hook right after being unhooked or right after finishing a generator, it means: "Can you heal me, please?"

    When a Killer hit the air while carrying me, I understand they want me to stop wiggling because they want to bring me somewhere. I had a Bubba who wanted to hook me in the basement. He hit the air two or three times before I stopped wiggling, as I eventually understood what he was asking for. I was the last Survivor alive, so I saw no reason to not let him hooking where he wanted to. (He got the three others in the basement, so I thought he had a challenge to be done.)

    But there is one I still don't know what it means, and I hope I don't use it the wrong way. I shake my arms when I'm hooked to let people know that no one is coming for me. As soon as I see someone coming my way, I stop. I've heard it means the Killer is camping, but each time someone did that in my lobby, the Killer wasn't camping at all, so I thought it was to say: "Come save me, please!"

    (I mean, it was what you asked for? English is not my native language, sorry if I misunderstood a word from your message.)

  • Member Posts: 341

    I like to give survivors who genuinely out play me more than once hatch if I can. But I guess thats more of a personal thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    There are no rules, so long as you aren't hacking or doing anything that can get you banned anything goes.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    My personal rule for myself is no tunneling or camping.

  • Member Posts: 429

    You understand my post well. I wasn't aware of the shake the arms on hook. Noted though.

  • Member Posts: 248

    Yeah, the arms on the hook thing is really inconsistent. Since it's the only thing you can do on the hook, it basically just means "I'm trying to communicate something" which is about as vague as you can get. I think I've seen it used for both the cases you mentioned, not sure if there's a real agreed upon usage.

  • Member Posts: 341
    edited May 2021


    Me and you

    We will make this game friendly again one hatch at a time :)

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    A personal rule I set for myself is to not use more then 1 meta perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    My personal rule is just to have fun and not be a sweat, so my playstyle is the one I would like to play against. If a unhooked survivor bumps into me I'll knock him down but move on to the other survivors. I play pretty chill like nowadays but That doesn't mean I'm giving off free gifts I show "mercy" only when I can afford it and I'm in a position to because I don't see a reason to sweat in that scenario

    But yeah my playstyle is pretty unsweaty

  • Member Posts: 429

    If you're a killer, you will probably get crap 1 in 3 matches. Just do you as long as it's not cheating.

  • Member Posts: 429
  • Member Posts: 429

    I personally hate being meta...makes my builds feel less unique and I like to have my build stand out.

    I have a rule that you can't be titled about NOED, especially if you have Adrenaline.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    If a survivor stops while being chased and crouches, they are admitting defeat.

    Dropping an item on the ground is trading for mercy.

    If the killer is chasing close enough to hit but not attacking, they are trying to communicate a new goal.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I mean I don't really get mad at noed anymore. Detectives Hunch is permanently in my build now so all totems are gone

  • Member Posts: 143

    As a survivor, I'll unhook my teammate and hide so they get tunneled. Better them than me.

    As a killer, my only rule is to try my best.

  • Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2021

    Never face camp is definitely my primary rule.

    If you are clearly newish or just bad then I almost always let at least one person go. Also let good players go if it was a fun and competitive match, challenge dependant though.

    On survivor side it would be great to have a universally understood meaning for the arm movement on the hook, if a teamate is creeping in to get me and the killer is near or coming back to check I normally use it to try and warn them, but just as easily could be interpreted as "come get me now"....

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Oh, I see. I would like a way to let know people when no one comes... When I'm on the opposite side and I know I'm kind of alone, I do hope my teammates go for it. If I'm near, I'm trying to get the save but sometimes we are like the whole squad coming for the rescue. 😹

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    That's very noble of you, indeed. Most killers do the opposite: if a survivor outplays them or loops for too long, they just camp and tunnel the ######### out of them.

  • Member Posts: 429

    Hey I let anyone go unless a challenge must b done or TBAG is tossed my way😂. Flashlight blinds are fine, cuz thas my b, just TBAGS and clicky clicks might get you a m1 after I hook ya.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    It is always the Killer's fault

  • Member Posts: 341

    I dont think It's nobel of me i just think they deserve it more than the claudette who sat in a locker for the 2 minutes they ran me for. Its just a given to me y'know.

  • Member Posts: 429
  • Member Posts: 341

    TRUE. How could I have forgotten. Gah now shes gonna teabag at hatch like she did something. I just had a match about an hour or so ago where they did that btw.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Well at least your rule isn't "If you outplay me I will let you finish the last 3 gens by yourself and actively block the other survivor from helping you then kill them and let you out the exit gate"

    I had that happen in a game against a ghost face once. they even admitted that's what they were doing. good thing I recorded that :)

  • Member Posts: 341

    I feel if you survive better than the rest then you deserve a reward befitting your effort. For me they have to survive the other ones and outplay me multiple times ( that may sound hard buuuut play me once and you'll see it aint) then you get hatch and if u wanna ill let you smash a couple pallets over me (had a couple survs who had a challenge for that and I let them complete it). Not a bad reward for such good survs if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    that's fine. but the ghost face in question did this while I was still alive and was actively blocking gens so I couldn't help fix them. and this person that "outplayed them" they had many chances to hook them, they chased them and did nothing. they even led the other person a a gen I was working on and forced me off of it so they could finish it by themselves.

    that's not being outplayed that survivor teaming.

  • Member Posts: 341

    Yeah I'm not saying that was good I just never gave my opinion on that I don't like that they don't deserve every point, but if they outplay me personally I'll give them a reward worthy of their effort i.e. hatch

  • Member Posts: 341

    Also I didn't know you were starting another conversation I thought you were just saying your experience so sorry about the miscommunication .

  • Member Posts: 252

    If I ask you to follow me in the basement to show you where I'm putting down a key, don't take it... just leave it there so if you are the last surv, you will know where it is.

    If I am hooked and you are a Urban evasion Claudette who clearly see the killer is away on somebody else and dont come help me, be absolutely certain I won't help you for the rest of the game.

  • Member Posts: 82

    That arm shaking thing is actually pretty interesting as I never knew people used it to convey any meaning. I usually do it because it's sometimes funny spamming the grunt sounds survivors make (especially Yun Jin).

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    If I’m killer and dominating solo que players, and the best person who tried their best “gives up,” I’ll let them be and escape. Especially if they’re last or have only 1 other teammate remaining. They usually indicate this by dropping whatever item they have in their hands then proceed to crouch like they’re submitting and awaiting their fate. I do the same when I’m survivor. It’s like “my team sucked so bad I spent most of my time unhooking & healing, and by the time I get to do a gen- you found me. I give up. I’m ready to go on the hook now.” Lol.

    I give hatch if someone ragequits.

    Im disappointed that the newbies ruined the arm flailing on hook. For a VERY short time it used to mean “come save me, it’s safe to do so.” Now it just means “I’m entitled, come get me now, and I don’t care if you get downed attempting to do so.” 🙄 I once had someone flail in the basement with a bubba who had Insidious. One of the dumbest mistakes I ever made in this game. I already knew about basement bubba, but surely my own teammate isn’t that entitled to set me up, right? Wrong. After that I realized flailing meant nothing any more. Nowadays you have players flailing even though they see you coming for them. So what does that do? Pull the OTHER player off their gen because they can’t see you already going for the save. I see this cause I have kindred. So frustrating. ######### like this is why SWF & solo que are two different games for killers. But I digress.

    Someone else above brought up crouching for heals- especially after a gen is completed together or an unhooking

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    • When first greeting a survivor it is curtesy to tbag.
    • Survivors must be shamed if they miss a skillcheck on a gen your working on with them (AKA point at them).
    • In a 2v1 hatch situation, the survivor caught should suicide on the hook asap.
    • Survivors with more hook states left should take pressure away from other survivors that are e.g. on deathhook. (AKA Don't hide and let the guy on deathhook be found first if the killer is coming).
    • Almost always 99% doors

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