So apparently, Wraith becomes viable and people are already complaining
You don't want to reduce things to sides yet you do just that.
The thread is talking about why people are saying wraith is unfun and why people are complaining, so I gave an anecdote based on my personal experiences as to why that might be.
Also, I never even said bamboozle was meta, I said it was annoying and not fun to go against when paired with Wraith's mobility and addons and that lots of wraiths are running it (Which they are)
Actually baffled that you take someone's personal opinion and try to discount it as 'survivor sided comment'.
I don't see how it's survivor sided to criticise a style of gameplay that I don't find enjoyable.
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To be fair i cant spend 40-50 seconds to down you sorry with how this game works ill lose gens pretty quickly.
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Again I didn't at all say the strat wasn't effective or time efficient, that wasn't the point of my post.
I provided a reason why people think it's frustrating and/or boring. I also mentioned the problem of overexposure where you keep facing the same thing over and over again which in wraith's case applies to me personally given how on some days like 50% of my games are vs a wraith doing the stuff I mentioned previously
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Wow, i'm glad to see you enjoy facing my boi this much.
Hope that i can grant you a nice and very thrilling match one day! 😉
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Most of these people will find anything to complain about on here I'm not surprised, I don't really notice much of a difference with wraith to be honest
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Your boi rings his bell too much.
I can't shake the Bing and thre Bong out of my head now,
It's stuck in my mind like the Huntress's lullaby...
Curse you >=I
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Come on wraith was never weak, many just didn't know how to play him.
I never ran windstorm ever and almost all of my games were 3 or 4k as rank 1.
I got messages saying they had little change and I was always on top of them.
Others then again reported me of hacking because they didn't win 🤷♂️
If you knew how to play him before his buff than you could do so serious damage, even against some very strong and well coordinated swf.
But yeah people always find something to complain about, especially when they make a killer or buff one to become more viable.
Then all of a sudden it is unfun or OP
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That's the plan. 😈
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Yeah for the people who try to abuse the speed boost at short loops by repeatedly using it
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So wraith should have a cooldown for uncloaking?
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Not even close to op. He has moved up a tier or so but not to nurse and spirit level etc. Survivors please stop Complaining when we get good stuff on killer side.
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There is a little thing called adapting which isn't hard to do
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He is in a good spot now. We like him having a good buff and it's making me liking it. He's like a good killer to play against.
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Let me simplify:
Wraith is mid tier at best.
Bamboozle is a pathetic perk to complain about.
Play the game for more than 8 hours before giving anecdotes.
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Honestly, I think the lunge buff was completely unneeded after making windstorm base kit. Been playing him a lot recently and running MYC with Dragons Grip, BBQ, POP, Clapper and Swift hunt is absurd in terms of snowball potential. His addons either need a rework or the lunge needs a tweak. I know someone's going to say "JuSt PlAy ArOuNd WiNdOwS!" but with how many maps have generators in complete deadzones that simply isn't always an option. Being exposed when there's only unsafe pallets around against a killer who excels in getting the opening hit isn't a great experience.
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You drew a lot of assumptions from a couple of opinions on a thread, the most impressive of which is assuming I only have 8 hours which if were the case I doubt I'd be as interested in engaging with people who can't formulate a decent response such as yourself
I appreciate the attempt though, the smiley face at the end really brings home the point
Have a nice day.
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No a slight delay after cloaking where he cant start the uncloak animation
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Also really fun to play as! :)
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😂 What sense does that make?
When he clocks, he can't hit you.
When he uncloak he can't attack until he's fully uncloacked, which takes what, 3 or 4 seconds?
And that is with swift hunt.
Which means he waste time by cloacking and then uncloacking again, which costs time on his side.
If you still go down after that than you were going anyway or you let your routing be dictated by him instead of following your own routing.
But if we are going to ad a little delay when he clocks and uncloak, why not giving the survivors a cool down with any actions when they stop and want to continue it again.
Like for example you heal someone and you or that person got spooked but realise that there is no-one there.
Then you can't heal or do any other progression for a x amount of time
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Wraith was one of the few killers who was a threat to survivors choosing not to heal and that's has been alleviated more. And the map is often a make of break for how threating he can be.
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Give me a break. Are you really saying that using a killer’s ability the right way is abusing it? You people really make me laugh.
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It is simply this. Look at all of the killers that survivors complain about (only 1 or 2 are justified IMO)
- Spirit
- Nurse
- Wraith
- Deathslinger
- Pyramid Head
- Hag
- Freddy
What is the common element of all of them? You can't loop them normally, you need to play differently against them because their power allows them to either ignore loops, shorten them, or requires you to play vastly differently at loops than you normally would.
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I don't agree with the whole "survivor bad killer good" stereotype. In fact, I think it's immature, and that both sides have their "bad sides."
You're allowed to have your own opinion on Wraith, so yeah that's fine. Although as surv you need to learn how to loop to get the most out of your chases. There are many great guides out there on how to loop as surv on YouTube.
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Because if you are playing him like a hit and run you wouldn't be uncloak every 2s and then you could change swift hunt to reduce the cooldown its 3s to uncloak so If your using him wrong he's gonna feel clunky now I there is sometimes where you cloak and theres a surivor next to you you could use you speed to block them during the cooldown
Btw its 3s uncloak without swift hunt
And it's only when he cloaks he still plays the same when he uncloaks
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The game doesn´t consist in running in circles.
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Huh no I'm saying as a way to prevent people from abusing it I've played against some wraiths at low loops that just abused the speed every time they missed and left you with almost no time to try and gat to a nearby loop
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Good thing I didn't say that
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As someone who played wraith a stupid amount of time, I'm very sure it is 3s with swift hunt.
But ok, give him a cooldown and do the same for the survivors.
They still play the same as before the stopped a progression action.
Apparently not everyone plays him as a hit and run, but there comes the survivor perspective in play.
If you know he's not playing like that then you adapt your playstyle.
There are matches when i play killer where i find it unfun the way a survivor team is playing and vice versa.
But I'm not on the forums or messaging them that the way they play is unfun or unfair.
Everyone has their own playstyle and you can't force someone to play differently with cooldowns just because you don't like that playstyle.
It's all a matter of adapting to how the match goes and how a certain person plays.
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So how did you do this with old wraith where he ran windstorm add on? 🤔
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Complaining about Bamboozle implies that.
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Again, all I said was bamboozle on wraith is annoying because of his high mobility and addons that let him vault basically instantly
I don't see how that's me going "yeah the game needs to be nothing but running in circles"
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“abusing” is just a word like “toxic” in the dbd community, it has lost it’s original meaning. people using stuff for their advantage are “abusing” it, people doing stuff others don’t like are “toxic”.
like the definition of “tunneling” or “camping”.
just semantics.
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Sorry, but this is a profoundly simple understanding of why survivors have grievances with those killers. Seeing every critique being reduced down to "survivor cant loop therefore complain" is a boring and tired trope that needs to die it's long overdue death.
- Spirit is rightfully complained about because there is no indication of when she's phasing. You have no meaningful interaction beyond a complete guess and hoping the killer doesn't have decent sound. No, the shards on her lighting up is not good enough because A) you have been really close to even see it at which point it's gg and B) a lot of her cosmetics completely obscure them. Stridor doesn't need commenting on for obvious reasons.
- Nurse is complained about (albeit far less due to how little she's played) because her power fundamentally breaks the game. Anyone who can line up their blinks or rarely misses will steamroll all but the top teams easily. Even then it's still heavily weighted in the nurses favour due to the fact that teleporting in a game like DBD can never be properly balanced.
- Deathslinger's main complaint is that he get's free zoning from just existing. I only have to start spamming M2 for the survivor to instantly lose distance as they can't be sure if I'll take the shot. Sure, he lacks map pressure in terms of mobility but below a certain range the survivor isn't going to be able to react to a quickscope. I've played FPS games for years, landing shots at medium and below range isn't that difficult. The only real counterplay (assuming you aren't at a high wall loop or LOS blocking) is to pre-drop pallets, a number of which you can pull the survivor around anyway and still get them with the lunge.
- Pyramid Head was for the lose-lose situation and the fact that his cages actively encouraged tunnelling someone out (since they bypass DS / BT - not sure if they still do). Since he was adjusted I've not seen people complain about him, yet he's still rightfully regarded as an A tier killer.
- Hag - Nothing to do with her "chase", it's the incredible camping power she has due to the rescuer and rescued having to crouch away without risking setting off the trap. Binding teleport to mouse wheel and instant swinging makes reacting to her difficult (assuming you know where the trap is to bait it in the first place). Sure, you can harass a hag early or use flashlights (assuming you have them) but most players, particularly solo's, do not have the coordination or luxury to spend all game activating her traps and managing to avoid the potential instant teleport swing. It's only due to how rare she is that people haven't brought this up more.
- Freddy - He literally has a multitude of powers, none of which he has to work for. Not withstanding the slowdown addons which were a relic of the past, he suffered no drawback for spamming his snares, doesn't have to do anything to make survivors fall asleep and has incredible map pressure when paired with tinkerer/ruin/pop. His power actively bypassed pre-buffed BT, currently still makes it hard at times to discern where he's approaching from due to the oblivious effect and doubles the time required woken up by another survivor. Yes, the clocks now are more powerful against him now but you still have to spend time traversing the map. As I said, he still has a significant toolkit which requires him to do absolutely nothing. The nerfs were fully justified considering how easy he is to use.
Apologies if any of that comes across rude, just tired of the disingenuous takes people have on here at times.
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I have been playing hit and run style wraith a lot. It's funny that survivors complain abaut it when they have been preaching for years that "just chase someone else" and now they are literally saying that i should commit to the chase if survivor reaches strong loop like jungle gym window chained next to a shack? I don't think so. I get hit, break pallet or two and switch target depending on the situation.
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After the speedboost came to fruition, everyone abuses the boost and constantly cloak and uncloak. Its obnoxious. So obnoxious to the point that I hate Wraith so much just because of the add-ons and the BS playstyle.
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How is using a killer's power effectively abuse? Might as well say survivors abuse med-kits, BNPs, etc.
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Where are these killers who struggle? Every game I see on YouTube is a 4K. As a rank 4 survivor, I die more than I escape. The stats show a 4K kill rate at over 60%. What exactly do you mean by viable? How much easier do you want it to get that 4K? They’ve removed a lot of pallets, boarded up windows, nerfed ds, etc. I could go on and on.
They can’t build this game around red rank killers when the majority of players are casual players who want to have fun without being instantly killed. Where are these hard to play killer games?
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That's... literally how people played Wraith to begin with.
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Have you ever played against a decent SWF on Haddonfield? Well if you haven’t, then there’s a perfect example of a hard killer game. You people gotta stop acting like the game is in the killer side, or vise versa as a matter of fact.
PGTW got nerfed, Twins got nerfed, totem spawns can be put in the open, gen speeds go so fast because of bad spawns, and many others reasons I can think of that doesn’t make the game killer sided.
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He is only disliked now, because its harder to loop round the same pallet multiple times, because he will just swat the hell out of you before you have time to react to the drop pallet button lol