new survivor perks just hurt me

the making of this perk was fueled by the distortions that killers are over powered
1. bbq and chili aura reading is now useless
2. nurses calling when you really need it now basically gives that Claudette crouched behind a crate a free escape
3. no scratch marks for 10 seconds is ludicrously unfair altruism is going to be unbearable
4. whenever you hook someone with bbq and chili their is no way of knowing now if anyone is near the hook the token on distortion will fade giving the altruistic survivor time to sprint burst over to the hook undetected and whispers will still go off because they haven't fixed it yet camping is now a NECESSITY WHY?

id rather go straight home thank you very much
1. unlimited aura reading yeah i dont see anything wrong with that
2. as if sfws needed to be even more accurate
3. once again way too much altruism camping is a NECESSITY
4. not even killers get aura reading like this

im going to have a breakdown if this goes live without changes
1. hangman's trick is now essential that makes two essential perks on high ranks guess we dont get a choice on what we want to run
2. now not only will the first survivor you finally get stab you and get awaty but the second will be rescued from under your nose then when you manage to down the rescuer guess what hooks broken and they wiggle free
4. i get jake needed a buff after sabotage was nerfed but this is overkill

and what did the legion have

2 people working on a gen is already known as discordance why do we need a perk that does nothing but tell us that i mean its not like 4 survivors each do a gen at the same time... right

mad grit
its ok and thats it not seeing much grit here

iron maiden
weren't lockers already death traps?

to anyone that says this game is killer biased tell me just tell me how that is the case WITH PERKS LIKE THESE!

huff... huff.... huff... huff....

sorry just needed to rant but actually these 6 need to see some major nerfs and buffs before they go live
comment below what you think would make these perks balanced



  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    I think your overreacting mate, also those 3 tokens can be easily wasted by all the perks and add-ons for killers. As I see it the only perk I might use out of all of them is aftercare since I'm a solo player and I want someone to feel like they have to protect me.

    after care is fine with solos but with sweaty sfws it gives them way too much accuracy also if the only way to counter a perk is to use an addon then something is very wrong

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    I think your overreacting mate, also those 3 tokens can be easily wasted by all the perks and add-ons for killers. As I see it the only perk I might use out of all of them is aftercare since I'm a solo player and I want someone to feel like they have to protect me.

    How can you waste the 3 tokens easily? explain that^^

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    I think your overreacting mate, also those 3 tokens can be easily wasted by all the perks and add-ons for killers. As I see it the only perk I might use out of all of them is aftercare since I'm a solo player and I want someone to feel like they have to protect me.

    How can you waste the 3 tokens easily? explain that^^

    probaly with scratched mirror myers

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    I think your overreacting mate, also those 3 tokens can be easily wasted by all the perks and add-ons for killers. As I see it the only perk I might use out of all of them is aftercare since I'm a solo player and I want someone to feel like they have to protect me.

    How can you waste the 3 tokens easily? explain that^^

    probaly with scratched mirror myers

    just spam stalk

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    @friendlykillermain not really since if you use an add-on that constantly reveals auras like scratched mirror or huntress aura add-ons or pigs arua add-on or hags arua add-on... You get the point. If one of those constant aura add-ons are being used those tokens will fly off that perk which would make it pretty useless. 
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    @friendlykillermain not really since if you use an add-on that constantly reveals auras like scratched mirror or huntress aura add-ons or pigs arua add-on or hags arua add-on... You get the point. If one of those constant aura add-ons are being used those tokens will fly off that perk which would make it pretty useless. 

    yeah but the fact the only counter is an addon something is very wrong

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    I think your overreacting mate, also those 3 tokens can be easily wasted by all the perks and add-ons for killers. As I see it the only perk I might use out of all of them is aftercare since I'm a solo player and I want someone to feel like they have to protect me.

    How can you waste the 3 tokens easily? explain that^^

    probaly with scratched mirror myers

    Yeah well but good luck geting looped with that speed :smile:

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Master said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @Master said:

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    I think your overreacting mate, also those 3 tokens can be easily wasted by all the perks and add-ons for killers. As I see it the only perk I might use out of all of them is aftercare since I'm a solo player and I want someone to feel like they have to protect me.

    How can you waste the 3 tokens easily? explain that^^

    probaly with scratched mirror myers

    Yeah well but good luck geting looped with that speed :smile:

    and thats were the problem lies

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    @AChaoticKiller said:
    @friendlykillermain not really since if you use an add-on that constantly reveals auras like scratched mirror or huntress aura add-ons or pigs arua add-on or hags arua add-on... You get the point. If one of those constant aura add-ons are being used those tokens will fly off that perk which would make it pretty useless. 

    yeah but the fact the only counter is an addon something is very wrong

    Not just add-ons, perks too. Its just that add-ons that have an aura reveal affect are more sutable. 
  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 745

    His perks are okay. Not too bad or too strong.
    Distortion is just good against BBQ or Nurses Calling. And tbh I saw many Rank 1 Killers just using BBQ if they have a aurareadingability, thats all. Distortion is not gonna be that impactful on high ranks.

    Aftercare is my new favorite perk. I saw someone saying that he thinks that perk is useless, because bond is doing his job better, but for me aftercare is better. I like seeing 3 survivors all the time (if I dont get hooked) instead of seeing maybe 1 or 2 if they are near to me. Dont forget that the other 3 survivors can see you too.

    Breakdown can be annoying if you combine it with saboteur. But nothing too strong, because you can easily counter it with Hangmanstrick, Agitation, Iron Grasp or just slugging. And just because things are annoying doesnt mean that they are OP. Like Sprint Burst or Spirit Fury.

    Some people are just overreacting. Like with the new killer. He is not weak, if you understand how to play him.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited November 2018
    I don't get all this crying about bbq, i only use it if i need more bloodpoints asap.
    I always go check the gens since i gotta keep the map pressure, i don't really care if someone is close by.
    About aftercare, i think i read it goes off when you get hooked.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493
    edited November 2018

    Honestly I think this perk is quite fine. I mean if it becomes another meta perk I wouldn't mind, the more variety in viable perks the better. I think 10 seconds is too long, especially if scratchmarks don't appear as well. I'd reduce the effect of Tier 3 to 6 seconds, and maybe get rid of the fact that scratch marks disappear. Although the second maybe isn't necessary. I just feel like using Tattoos Middle finger on clown for example could easily hurt you when playing him against people using distortion.

    Don't see a problem with that perk at all. Seems very balanced to me. Especially since the aura is lost if you get hooked.

    This perk will still be changed, I'm pretty sure of that. The problem I have is that I don't know how long the hook stays destroyed. If it's just like sabotaged hooks, that could easily become a problem with a swf group all running that perk and even sabotaging hooks. Very fast there would be many areas with no hooks at all. So the killer would camp once he gets a hook.
    However I do like the idea of this perk. It's another help against camping, and more so, tunneling. However a hook that is broken by this perk should regenerate after 30 or 40 seconds. No more. Then the perk would be perfect.

    I do agree that the killer perks are very disappointing. New killer perks are one of the things I was looking forward to the most. But two of them are so situational and just not effective enough, they seem almost useless to me. The only perk I could see being useful and good is disordance, since it can really help with pressuring the gens more. But I was really hoping for another perk that helps in chases. Having another perk for different builds that help killers in chases would always be nice, so I really hope those kind of perks will come with a fututre killer. I mean we've already got so many different tracking perks.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Just is a counter to BBQ. Yey
    YES now i my altruism pays off even more
    2 saves per person so that's max of 8 broken hooks (if they stay like sacrificed). If it's coordinated SWF that want to "bully the killer" then yes. This will be strong. Other than that it will be meh/okay at best

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @Milo said:
    Just is a counter to BBQ. Yey
    YES now i my altruism pays off even more
    2 saves per person so that's max of 8 broken hooks (if they stay like sacrificed). If it's coordinated SWF that want to "bully the killer" then yes. This will be strong. Other than that it will be meh/okay at best

    Well BBQ already has got a new counter which is hiding in lockers. But the perk does seem fine.
    But regarding breakdown, that's exactly what I am worried about. I like the idea of the perk, but hooks broken like that need to be repaired after like 30 or 40 seconds, so it could not be abused by swf groups to get rid of many hooks.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @ad19970 said:

    @Milo said:
    Just is a counter to BBQ. Yey
    YES now i my altruism pays off even more
    2 saves per person so that's max of 8 broken hooks (if they stay like sacrificed). If it's coordinated SWF that want to "bully the killer" then yes. This will be strong. Other than that it will be meh/okay at best

    Well BBQ already has got a new counter which is hiding in lockers. But the perk does seem fine.
    But regarding breakdown, that's exactly what I am worried about. I like the idea of the perk, but hooks broken like that need to be repaired after like 30 or 40 seconds, so it could not be abused by swf groups to get rid of many hooks.

    It's still PTB. As we saw with Autodidact we can see changes to perks happen with numbers so let's wait. Other than that this chapter i like :3

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    Let me prescribe you Codeine. That'll help. 
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @Milo said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @Milo said:
    Just is a counter to BBQ. Yey
    YES now i my altruism pays off even more
    2 saves per person so that's max of 8 broken hooks (if they stay like sacrificed). If it's coordinated SWF that want to "bully the killer" then yes. This will be strong. Other than that it will be meh/okay at best

    Well BBQ already has got a new counter which is hiding in lockers. But the perk does seem fine.
    But regarding breakdown, that's exactly what I am worried about. I like the idea of the perk, but hooks broken like that need to be repaired after like 30 or 40 seconds, so it could not be abused by swf groups to get rid of many hooks.

    It's still PTB. As we saw with Autodidact we can see changes to perks happen with numbers so let's wait. Other than that this chapter i like :3

    Yeah exactly. If hooks right now do stay broken just as long with this new perk as with sabotaging hooks, I do believe they will change it. It would be too good for a sabo swf group otherwise.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Master said:


    Guess what happens if the killer sees noone on BBQ lighting up, yes survivors are swarming the hook, we all know what to do.


    Another SWF included perk, doesnt bother me tbh


    If survivors want to have a boring and annoying game, then they can have one. I know how it feels to bleed out on the floor, spinning circles and just waiting for the timer to tick down. If thats the gameplay you wanna have, fine go ahead and pick the perk. That one doesnt bother me either tbh

    The only relevant perk this DLC is distortion imo

    My biggest issue with the patch however is the BT buff

    Just wait until they realize Unbreakable is a perk. No slugging.
    With the new Breakdown perk you as a killer get punished for playing the game.
    You chase down a survivor, DH, hit him again, DS, chase again, put him on the hook, breakdown, chase him again, DH, chase further, no hook, slug him, Unbreakable, he up and walking again, and you got a perkslot free for personal flavor(SB,SC,BT,SD ect.)
    And now think of this 3 times for each survivor. When the first survivor dies on the hook, already 3 hooks are gone. With the new perk you need now 3 different hooks for each survivor...only chance is now an Ebony Mori...
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    Can someone please post what the ######### these perks say? Their actual meaning? Not what they're meant to do, like...copy and paste, please.
    Hard to believe I trust people on these forums with their misleading headlines.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited November 2018

    @ad19970 said:
    The problem I have is that I don't know how long the hook stays destroyed.

    By default, it stays destroyed for 3 minutes.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    the new survivor will be the most unpopular ever:

    • not well-defined/topical personality
    • fat and fugly
    • meh
    He thicccc tho 👀
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    i have to say im starting to see the sense for distortion if they nerf the timer to 8 or 6 seconds i dont think anyone will really have a problem.

    after care i still dont like the permanent aura i feel it should be more of a radius then from across the map but hooking does remove it

    breakdown still needs a nerf though

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I don't see the problem with Aftercare because it resets after each hook.

    Breakdown however....yeah this is going to be toxic. Bringing this out + buffing sabo it's obvious what the devs want.

    Guess its slugging time.
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @The_Crusader said:
    I don't see the problem with Aftercare because it resets after each hook.

    Breakdown however....yeah this is going to be toxic. Bringing this out + buffing sabo it's obvious what the devs want.

    Guess its slugging time.

    honing stone and fastening tools im going to enjoy this

  • This content has been removed.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    3 perks and you all talk like every single survivor will use them in every single game.
    Guess what happens if they all use these 3 'crutch' perks? They won't be able to use adrenaline, selfcare, borrowed time and DS. The arch nemesis perks of the forum killers.
    Distortion is unbearably unreliable, you don't get to choose if the perk is gonna get activated or not. Freddy, some killers' aura reading perks and addons will quickly consume all the tokens. BBQ could be hard countered but it is already nerfed through locker changes. Instead of this perk, you should talk about that.
    Aftercare seems very good on the paper but in reality, it is difficult to get stacks. This is why autodidact is not used much.
    I don't see much problem with the breakdown. Instead of equipping that perk, just get a toolbox and sabo the hooks. It would be problematic if the effect was permanent but you guys are just creating a problem that doesn't exist. Still, I am not sure how much the hook stays sabotaged but if it is the same duration with normal sabotage, I don't really see anything.
    Forum killers literally whine about every single thing that goes against their way. I mean every single one of them. I genuinely don't believe anybody takes you seriously.
    In the past, forum had better killers that actually cared about balance and the game being fun.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Personally, I think distortion is gonna be the new meta. It's the only perk that I feel is going to kind of suck. I feel like this is gonna cause a meta-shift for killers. I don't feel like BBQ/NC will be reliable anymore, what's the point of them now?

    I don't really mind that BBQ/NC has a counter but what bugs me is BBQ officially has a counter and DS is still doesn't. We've been waiting forever for a DS fix and they pull this out of their butt. Uhg, this is just getting old.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @iceman2kx said:
    Personally, I think distortion is gonna be the new meta. It's the only perk that I feel is going to kind of suck. I feel like this is gonna cause a meta-shift for killers. I don't feel like BBQ/NC will be reliable anymore, what's the point of them now?

    I don't really mind that BBQ/NC has a counter but what bugs me is BBQ officially has a counter and DS is still doesn't. We've been waiting forever for a DS fix and they pull this out of their butt. Uhg, this is just getting old.

    yeah it really is distortion needs a rework before it goes live maybe a cool down instead of tokens

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    At one time in this game, we didn’t get aura abilities and perks.  We still found people, we still killed people.  It was a lot harder to catch a Survivor then too.  Aura reading makes me a lazy Killer.

    I am glad they are introducing a counter to BBQ.  It gives me hope they still care about the stealth aspect of this game.  

    All the “I only use BBQ for the points” gamers have quietly disappeared.  
    Again you saying this crap after I disproved you in the other thread? Lets count for the second time the BBQ counts

    1 stay behind a get (no perk needed)
    2 fake direction ( no perk needed )
    3 stand still for 4s then walk/run wherever you want ( no perk needed )
    4 distortion
    5 sole survivor
    6 stay in the 30ish radii from the hook the go to a get ( no perk needed )

    I might have missed some but you get the point even if I'm not sure since even in the other thread you are so stubborn and won't see facts.

    Stealth aspect, like giving a survivor one perk which include dance with me and aura counter? Sure.. I'd like stealth buffs but that's no the way

    Buff lightweight or rework it, they buffed ironwill but lets ignore that right? Buff calm spirit, oh wait they did. Use something that makes you walk atghe same speed even as crouching, like urban evasion?

    I play mostly stealthy and I find just a lot of options to use, this new perk just makes others even more useless and you don't even need a brain to counter. Just equip it

    I love the unhook sabo perk that endorse sabostyle but this one I just dumb. You have at least 4 ways to counter BBQ and company and you still need this. Guess they did this, a ton of survivors crying about BBQ because they won't adapt ( sounds familiar? ) 

    "All the “I only use BBQ for the points” gamers have quietly disappeared"
    Yes cuz as far as I can read all survivors would cry even about that. There is no way to have a discussion if they even challenge their own ideas. What everybody should do before sharing it then share it to challenge it to other individuals. Most of the time results in just an echo chamber thread

    Now tell me again like in the other thread how if you face nurse or billy you can't fake direction. That part was hilarious since nurse is really weak to stealth and if you are decent you can loop billy or escape him anyway. I'm a terrible looper, more of a stealthy player and still can lose him or use some broken loops, if somebody bad like me can,anybody can. Won't always work I give you that, but that's what's needes to see your own improvement
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited November 2018

    Funny thing I think about distortion....

    Allot of killers liked to come on here and say how BBQ and Chili wasn't really ever OP cause once you get good a finding survivors, killers just take it for the double BP it offers.


    Once some killers see a small nerf to the aura reading part... It seems all hell has broken loose because the aura reading part of BBQ is being effected.

    So... What is it?... Was BBQ and Chili always OP as some survivors suggested?

    Or does it really matter?... Since when you are good with playing killer, you didn't need the aura reading part of BBQ and Chili.

    So with that said...

    The only killers that are really effected by that new perk, distortion, are new killers and those killers that heavily relied on the aura aspect of BBQ.

    Basically doesn't effect high rank killer play.


  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @TheBean said:
    Funny thing I think about distortion....

    Allot of killers liked to come on here and say how BBQ and Chili wasn't really ever OP cause once you get good a finding survivors, killers just take it for the double BP it offers.


    Once some killers see a small nerf to the aura reading part... It seems all hell has broken loose because the aura reading part of BBQ is being effected.

    So... What is it?... Was BBQ and Chili always OP as some survivors suggested?

    Or does it really matter?... Since when you are good with playing killer, you didn't need the aura reading part of BBQ and Chili.

    So with that said...

    The only killers that are really effected by that new perk, distortion, are new killers and those killers that heavily relied on the aura aspect of BBQ.

    Basically doesn't effect high rank killer play.


    but you cant admit it came in handy every once in a while and now with it completely gone it will probably make a much bigger difference then we think

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited November 2018

    @friendlykillermain said:

    but you cant admit it came in handy every once in a while and now with it completely gone it will probably make a much bigger difference then we think

    Thats the point though... It will make a little difference. Since those in the high ranks probably won't be taking distortion... I bet it doesn't change the meta too much for higher rank play.

    So it isn't completely gone, but even without distortion, survivors can just jump into lockers now anyways.

    If anything I would be more concerned with, is survivors hiding in lockers to remove all aura reading.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    TheBean said:

    Funny thing I think about distortion....

    Allot of killers liked to come on here and say how BBQ and Chili wasn't really ever OP cause once you get good a finding survivors, killers just take it for the double BP it offers.


    Once some killers see a small nerf to the aura reading part... It seems all hell has broken loose because the aura reading part of BBQ is being effected.

    So... What is it?... Was BBQ and Chili always OP as some survivors suggested?

    Or does it really matter?... Since when you are good with playing killer, you didn't need the aura reading part of BBQ and Chili.

    So with that said...

    The only killers that are really effected by that new perk, distortion, are new killers and those killers that heavily relied on the aura aspect of BBQ.

    Basically doesn't effect high rank killer play.


    So BBQ is the only aura reading perk for killers? Okay whatever, I guess nurse calling, bitter murmur doesn't count or some killer add ons etc

    Think before posting, BOO YAH!
  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    I don't care about any of these perks as a killer. There are a couple minor adjustments needed maybe but at least if they are mixing these in then survivors will need to give up some Self Care, Adrenaline, urban evasion, sprint burst, D-strike, etc. They can't run everything.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2018

    Aftercare might be part of BHVR's plan to buff solo Survivors to around SWF level and then start nerfing SWF.

    Distortion was not needed because all of the aura reading perks are easily countered (BBQ has four of them) and seems to be the result of Scrubvivor whining. Hopefully BHVR realizes just how strong this perk is and nerfs it before it goes into the live build.

    Breakdown is just too strong and needs a nerf before it goes to the live build. Not only does it lessen the variety of Killer builds at high ranks, but it punishes you for hooking a Survivor. The breaking hooks part should either be removed and have the perk reworked into something else or it should be nerfed. I was thinking that if the perk isn't reworked, then the hook should either stay broken for around 10-40 seconds (definitely nowhere near the current time), only break when the Killer is within X meters (probably around 15-20 meters) and there are no Survivors near the hook for X seconds, or the Entity blocks the hook if you try to put the recently unhooked Survivor back on that same hook until they heal or a timer (not sure how long, but it would definitely be less than 60 seconds) runs out (both options would be available, but only one has to happen for the Entity to stop blocking the hook). The Killer would be able to know when the timer is up and the Survivor can go back on the hook.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Aftercare might be part of BHVR's plan to buff solo Survivors to around SWF level and then start nerfing SWF.

    Distortion was not needed because all of the aura reading perks are easily countered (BBQ has four of them) and seems to be the result of Scrubvivor whining. Hopefully BHVR realizes just how strong this perk is and nerfs it before it goes into the live build.

    Breakdown is just too strong and needs a nerf before it goes to the live build. Not only does it lessen the variety of Killer builds at high ranks, but it punishes you for hooking a Survivor. The breaking hooks part should either be removed and have the perk reworked into something else or it should be nerfed. I was thinking that if the perk isn't reworked, then the hook should either stay broken for around 10-40 seconds (definitely nowhere near the current time), only break when the Killer is within X meters (probably around 15-20 meters) and there are no Survivors near the hook for X seconds, or the Entity blocks the hook if you try to put the recently unhooked Survivor back on that same hook until they heal or a timer (not sure how long, but it would definitely be less than 60 seconds) runs out (both options would be available, but only one has to happen for the Entity to stop blocking the hook). The Killer would be able to know when the timer is up and the Survivor can go back on the hook.

    i 100% agree with you breakdown needs a major nerf aftercare as well and distortion was results of whining

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Aftercare might be part of BHVR's plan to buff solo Survivors to around SWF level and then start nerfing SWF.

    Distortion was not needed because all of the aura reading perks are easily countered (BBQ has four of them) and seems to be the result of Scrubvivor whining. Hopefully BHVR realizes just how strong this perk is and nerfs it before it goes into the live build.

    Breakdown is just too strong and needs a nerf before it goes to the live build. Not only does it lessen the variety of Killer builds at high ranks, but it punishes you for hooking a Survivor. The breaking hooks part should either be removed and have the perk reworked into something else or it should be nerfed. I was thinking that if the perk isn't reworked, then the hook should either stay broken for around 10-40 seconds (definitely nowhere near the current time), only break when the Killer is within X meters (probably around 15-20 meters) and there are no Survivors near the hook for X seconds, or the Entity blocks the hook if you try to put the recently unhooked Survivor back on that same hook until they heal or a timer (not sure how long, but it would definitely be less than 60 seconds) runs out (both options would be available, but only one has to happen for the Entity to stop blocking the hook). The Killer would be able to know when the timer is up and the Survivor can go back on the hook.

    i 100% agree with you breakdown needs a major nerf aftercare as well and distortion was results of whining

    Distortion also encourages camping because the Killer won't be seeing any auras. BBQ is supposed to discourage it by showing Killers where the others are, but how is it supposed to do that when the Survivors have a perk to hide themselves from the aura reading? I can already see the number of camping complaints rising if Distortion is not nerfed.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Aftercare might be part of BHVR's plan to buff solo Survivors to around SWF level and then start nerfing SWF.

    Distortion was not needed because all of the aura reading perks are easily countered (BBQ has four of them) and seems to be the result of Scrubvivor whining. Hopefully BHVR realizes just how strong this perk is and nerfs it before it goes into the live build.

    Breakdown is just too strong and needs a nerf before it goes to the live build. Not only does it lessen the variety of Killer builds at high ranks, but it punishes you for hooking a Survivor. The breaking hooks part should either be removed and have the perk reworked into something else or it should be nerfed. I was thinking that if the perk isn't reworked, then the hook should either stay broken for around 10-40 seconds (definitely nowhere near the current time), only break when the Killer is within X meters (probably around 15-20 meters) and there are no Survivors near the hook for X seconds, or the Entity blocks the hook if you try to put the recently unhooked Survivor back on that same hook until they heal or a timer (not sure how long, but it would definitely be less than 60 seconds) runs out (both options would be available, but only one has to happen for the Entity to stop blocking the hook). The Killer would be able to know when the timer is up and the Survivor can go back on the hook.

    i 100% agree with you breakdown needs a major nerf aftercare as well and distortion was results of whining

    I'll probably run the same build i've been running for months, so yeah, go ahead, ask for nerfs instead of trying to adapt.
  • ConsoleNurse
    ConsoleNurse Member Posts: 170

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Aftercare might be part of BHVR's plan to buff solo Survivors to around SWF level and then start nerfing SWF.

    Distortion was not needed because all of the aura reading perks are easily countered (BBQ has four of them) and seems to be the result of Scrubvivor whining. Hopefully BHVR realizes just how strong this perk is and nerfs it before it goes into the live build.

    Breakdown is just too strong and needs a nerf before it goes to the live build. Not only does it lessen the variety of Killer builds at high ranks, but it punishes you for hooking a Survivor. The breaking hooks part should either be removed and have the perk reworked into something else or it should be nerfed. I was thinking that if the perk isn't reworked, then the hook should either stay broken for around 10-40 seconds (definitely nowhere near the current time), only break when the Killer is within X meters (probably around 15-20 meters) and there are no Survivors near the hook for X seconds, or the Entity blocks the hook if you try to put the recently unhooked Survivor back on that same hook until they heal or a timer (not sure how long, but it would definitely be less than 60 seconds) runs out (both options would be available, but only one has to happen for the Entity to stop blocking the hook). The Killer would be able to know when the timer is up and the Survivor can go back on the hook.

    i 100% agree with you breakdown needs a major nerf aftercare as well and distortion was results of whining

    Distortion also encourages camping because the Killer won't be seeing any auras. BBQ is supposed to discourage it by showing Killers where the others are, but how is it supposed to do that when the Survivors have a perk to hide themselves from the aura reading? I can already see the number of camping complaints rising if Distortion is not nerfed.

    Before the BBQ and chili, what was your playstyle? Or if u do not have BBQ on some killers what are you doing then? You hook and camping them? You guys are so bad players 
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @PigNRun said:

    @ad19970 said:
    The problem I have is that I don't know how long the hook stays destroyed.

    By default, it stays destroyed for 3 minutes.

    Yeah that's not good. Should be 30 or 40 seconds, no more.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    At one time in this game, we didn’t get aura abilities and perks.  We still found people, we still killed people.  It was a lot harder to catch a Survivor then too.  Aura reading makes me a lazy Killer.

    I am glad they are introducing a counter to BBQ.  It gives me hope they still care about the stealth aspect of this game.  

    All the “I only use BBQ for the points” gamers have quietly disappeared.  
    No we just dont have a reason to argue over this?
  • This content has been removed.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited December 2018

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Aftercare might be part of BHVR's plan to buff solo Survivors to around SWF level and then start nerfing SWF.

    Distortion was not needed because all of the aura reading perks are easily countered (BBQ has four of them) and seems to be the result of Scrubvivor whining. Hopefully BHVR realizes just how strong this perk is and nerfs it before it goes into the live build.

    Breakdown is just too strong and needs a nerf before it goes to the live build. Not only does it lessen the variety of Killer builds at high ranks, but it punishes you for hooking a Survivor. The breaking hooks part should either be removed and have the perk reworked into something else or it should be nerfed. I was thinking that if the perk isn't reworked, then the hook should either stay broken for around 10-40 seconds (definitely nowhere near the current time), only break when the Killer is within X meters (probably around 15-20 meters) and there are no Survivors near the hook for X seconds, or the Entity blocks the hook if you try to put the recently unhooked Survivor back on that same hook until they heal or a timer (not sure how long, but it would definitely be less than 60 seconds) runs out (both options would be available, but only one has to happen for the Entity to stop blocking the hook). The Killer would be able to know when the timer is up and the Survivor can go back on the hook.

    i 100% agree with you breakdown needs a major nerf aftercare as well and distortion was results of whining

    Distortion also encourages camping because the Killer won't be seeing any auras. BBQ is supposed to discourage it by showing Killers where the others are, but how is it supposed to do that when the Survivors have a perk to hide themselves from the aura reading? I can already see the number of camping complaints rising if Distortion is not nerfed.

    Before the BBQ and chili, what was your playstyle? Or if u do not have BBQ on some killers what are you doing then? You hook and camping them? You guys are so bad players 
    Ok, why didn’t I get a notification about your post? Is it because you’re in jail? 

    I look around the area for a couple seconds after I hook someone and then I leave. I still look around to make sure that I didn’t miss anyone as I’m leaving. My playstyle is the same even if I don’t have BBQ. I only camp when the gates are powered.

    Also, I love how you’re automatically assuming that I’m bad before I even tell you my playstyle.