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General Discussions

I don't wanna be negative but that new autoban system is worrying.



  • Member Posts: 550

    With how well the chat filter works (it doesn't) I don't think we should sit tight. Many of us don't have confidence BHVR developers are going to be able to implement this in a way that doesn't let it be abused and me personally, feels like is a waste of time for BHVR to even work on. Especially since they have stated how long ago they were working on console optimization and MMR which aren't in the game yet. Maybe you could take this feedback to the team before the commit too many resources creating something the community doesn't really want.

  • Member Posts: 4,092
  • Member Posts: 1,245

    As soon as I heard it mentioned I knew with 100% certainty that the forums would be full of hysteria and hyperbole. It's not surprising since that is the general mentality of a lot of posters on these forums. BHVR should have held off on announcing it until the system was completed and had been tested thoroughly internally. If they had announced it with specifics the hysteria would have been lessened...not completely gone.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    If it makes you feel any better when I moderated the THQ forums it was always like this whenever an announcement of any kind was made. Not specific enough, too little too late, jumping to conclusions, etc.

    Everyone should just relax and allow them to do their jobs. We can present our concerns without arguing with them. The whole point is that we don't like toxic people right? We should do what we can to show that we don't belong to that group ourselves.

  • Member Posts: 3,089
    edited May 2021

    Agreed but auto ban in this game dosent work especially when people dont play how you want them to the only thing I could see to working in is hacking because its pretty obvious when someone's hacking

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Well unless BHVR gets a stroke and bannes ppl for literally no reason LUL

  • Applicant Posts: 39

    No, that's definitely not the case! ❤️

    To clarify, what I mean is that different features may require knowledge of different programming languages, software or actual experience that goes into the job. For instance, not every game designer is a well-versed programmer! While that fact is obvious to many, it's still worth mentioning, since many people hop on to read these comments, and we can't expect everyone to know exactly how game dev works. ☺️

    That said, hiring more people to do one specific job doesn't always bring in better results either. Obviously, I can't speak to how teams are organized and hired, but I do know that it's usually not as simple as moving over people from one feature/project to another!

    Anyway, I'm definitely not the person that has all the answers, but again, hope this gives a tiny bit more insight into things. ❤️

    Hope you guys have a fantastic day ahead, and once again, we'll let you know when we have any more info we can share! 😊

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Yeah I think this is bad idea at least if it's being developed in the way it was presented, and the way everyone is assuming. You will have people who lose report mainly killers lets be honest. Of things like camping and tunneling, and even for so what people believe is toxic. Which is something I think we can all agree should not be something killers should be banned for. I hope it's things like this are being taken into consideration.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    I got one for teleporting out of the basement... as nurse

    another for crossmap as huntress I decided to play freddy I

  • Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2021

    I got told i was going to be reported cause i blinded him at pallys... or i decided to not kill everyone at the end cause they came up to me knowing they were done for so im was like fine go....

    but yah this is a dumb idea . it could be a good diea only if a a lot reports came in and then the so person was being "WATCHED by a real person on their game play and who ever was in charge or watching says okay yah this person is abuseing so and so and a ban." but not a oh this rank 8 got reported by salty rank 1s for killing them or this killer didnt kill so and so, so report and now they have 20 reports it ban them.

    but i will have the urge to report killers that are like yah go open that door ill will SO LET YOU GO, but i wont and just watch you die to the end game or keep downing you and nodding...

  • Member Posts: 503

    I'm all for it, it sounds great, a system that can ban toxic behavior. I hope it also tracks people who try to abuse the auto ban system, and bans them too. People need to stop being dicks to each other.

  • Member Posts: 147

    Ok so like how do we report the people who abuse this auto ban system? We're not going to know who's abusing the system. This kind of makes me scared to stream now...

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    If it works as good as the filter and the first MMR iteration I guarantee 50% of the playerbase is going to be banned in less than an hour, Im even willing to bet some people will patch the game, boot it up for the first time after the system goes online and they are going to be banned already.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    Not to be rude, but this is the exact reason why people diss and badmouth BHVR all the time. Lack of communication. If it's still a work on progress, tell us. If you know how it's going to work, but want it to be a surprise, still tell us. We can give our feedback, and if necessary, you guys can make the proper changes.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    They are valid, because they are supported by the devs. However, they are most certainly not necessary.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I’m worried because they can’t figure out hackers. Look at this guy I follow on YouTube.

    He could easily get auto banned for harassment even though he didn’t do anything

  • Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2021

    Well, since the devs evidently do jack all about reports, they decided to make a program to do it for them. Truth be told, imagine manually going through all the BS reports salty players send out. I'll presume an account will just get pinged after a certain amount of reports within an X amount of time and then file through it.

    I would like them to also review players that have a high volume of reports going out, especially if/when an autoban system takes place.

    Post edited by VikingWilson on
  • Member Posts: 789

    Will BHVR include in the system oversight of high volumes of reports coming from individuals and respond to their activities appropriately?

  • Member Posts: 329

    Honestly speaking, if you as a killer camp and tunnel, you deserve a ban since you ruin other's fun with this kind of unsportsmanship during the game.

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