Again.. Key nerf when ( 5.0.0 )

Yeah gotta love how they refer to moris as "toxic" when its literally just saving hook time and showing a cool animation. Not even mentioning if you have pop or BBQ your screwing yourself out of more BP or gen regression.
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Hopefully sooner the better. Personally I'd like to see the aura reading aspect of keys reworked into a new item along with their add-ons.
Then keys (Well, specifically just the Skeleton Key) could be an item you can ONLY find during a trial with an extremely low chance of finding from chests (Plunderer's wouldn't affect this and Appraisal wouldn't be usable to roll for them either). That way when and if you use a Skeleton Key to open hatch during a trial it gets used up and it's a mechanic unique to trials and not something survivors can bring from the Bloodweb.
I just want to be able to use the aura reading power without killers hating me. It's why I have a growing stash of keys I never use lol
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To be FAIR - and trust me, I despise Survivors more than anyone - Mori is "toxic" and does more than "save hook time" because Survivors have a PLETHORA of things they can do between point A and point B to stop that hook from happening.
THAT BEING SAID, this plethora of things that Survivors can do is completely obscene and needs to be changed. You could down Survivors 100 times in a game and get 0 hooks. It's offensive. Survivor strength needs to be literally halved.
And - of course - keys are also "toxic". And way more so than Mori's.
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Being the optimist i am, i´d say by 7.0.0 maybe 8.5.0
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Honestly it could be another 4-6 months who knows.
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That soon?
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To be FAIR - and trust me, I despise Survivors more than anyone
Jeez man, you need to take a chill pill. If you are getting to the point where you despise survivors and despise them more than anyone you really need to take a rest from the game. That kind of resentment and bitterness is just gonna kill the game and any enjoyment you can get out of it for you real quick, if not already
Its not a good thing to have for you
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Well, in the anniversary stream it was mentioned keys are going to become a base-line mechanic (base-kit).
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They are probably planning to make it a mechanic like the new flashbangs. I hope they don't tie that in to a perk too like they already did with many essential things.
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Just like you said breakdown may take a couple of months to fix?
I wouldn't go by your estimates :P
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Am I the only one that paid attention to the part where they said they'd make changes to keys around the same time as the 2nd round of mori changes?
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Lmao. Did they say anything other than both features becoming base-line? That's all I heard.
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I am more realistic so probably around 10.0.0 or 12.0.0
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From what I remember of watching that part back about 30 times to write about it, yes they'll be making it baseline but they'll also be adjusting them accordingly due to them being really strong. Yes it was brief and didn't go into details but it was there
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And i´m being optimistic here! 😅
It looks like some other people didn´t get the joke.
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If anything happens, I still want 4 people to be able to escape through the hatch. I earned that achievement fair and square, so they better not pull an R6 Siege on us and remove it.
(R6 is known for making constant changes to trophies, and even removing two)
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Tell your friend they have announced to have plans for Keys, no specific date given.
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I don't want them to announce when a key change is coming, just to do it. I still remember when they announced the instaheal nerf and there were four per match until it actually happened. I played a lot of plague.
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To fix the issue with keys we desided to give survivors free keys for tormenting the killer.
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First time I have ever heard a game dev say a game mechanic is "toxic"
What the hell are they even talking about?
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THAT BEING SAID, this plethora of things that Survivors can do is completely obscene and needs to be changed. You could down Survivors 100 times in a game and get 0 hooks. It's offensive. Survivor strength needs to be literally halved.
That is not the reason survivors are OP at the top level, The reason is just how fast they can bang out generators.
Flashlight saves and sabotaging should be encouraged more as that gets people off of generators. Current counters to that stuff is:
- Flashlights - Look at a wall and check to see any nearby possible hiding places someone could be hiding at If you want to face that location.
- Sabotaging - If its one person then you simply go to a different hook, If its multiple of them then you slug.
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Yes, sure, but it's more straws in the haystack. There are 10,000 reasons Survivors are busted. And yes, chases being 2-3 minutes while that's also enough time to clear out 10-15 generators, that's also a huge issue.
Also, those "counters" to Survivors trying to prevent a hook aren't really counters. They're lose/lose decisions. While you're dicking around with these options as the Killer holding the Survivor, the wiggle meter is filling up. Even plopping them on the ground, the wiggle meter is preserved, AND now that Survivor can inch away from your destination anyway while you handle these other things.
Lose/lose decisions is the concise summary of playing Killer in 2021's Dead by Daylight. And the game needs to be rebalanced around SWF's, instead of balanced around pubs where SWF basically becomes god mode. The goal of pubs should be to try to play as effectively as SWF's as you can.
Basically, SWF's at peak performance should be VERY MARGINALLY stronger than Killer at peak performance, and pretty good pubs should be about as strong as pretty good Killers. That's admittedly very hard to precisely achieve. However, BHVR clearly makes no effort at this whatsoever anyway, so I'd at LEAST like to see an attempt at it, regardless of hitting the mark...
(Right now, pretty good pubs are about as strong as peak performance Killers, and above average SWF's are god mode.)
Post edited by TGB on0 -
They said nothing about key exept its going to get change when mori get change so i expect this to be done never
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As long as they don't get changed while I burn through mu hatch offerings and keys I am fine with it...3 man escapes are fair sorry killers for go patrol that 3 gen you have
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It explains everything right. They probably think trickster is OP. But it makes sense when the devs don't bother playing their game in high ranks. But let's nerf pig.
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Im sure they were referring to mori's in the past tense, as in not the current way to trigger mori's.
Mori's used to not require hooking, then only required one hook before the current system.
Killers would hook, wait...then immediately run back to the hook the moment the survivor got unhooked to mori them. The survivor could potentially not have had a single moment spent out of chase before being killed.
Toxic also doesnt have to refer to an action directly towards another player, but to the game's health as a whole.
I would agree with them that one-hook mori's were unhealthy for the game. I would also say it's current implementation is more than a little awkward.
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Nooooooo leave her alone she's had enough dammit!!
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for real why nerf her???