Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.


burrmutea Member Posts: 2
edited June 2021 in General Discussions


Post edited by burrmutea on


  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    I also dont like a killer who facecamps from the start. But the devs said its allowed, so i move on. If its not bannable people can do it.

  • Doziano
    Doziano Member Posts: 57

    It's not fun when a killer is just facecamping and tunneling throughout the whole match but often if survivors play it well they can punish the killer for that. If the survivors notice the killer is camping, they NEED to do gens and get out. You will get killed for sure but you other teammates will escape and the killer will depip for not getting emblems for pressure and amount of hooks. Thus, they get punished for that.

    Camping and tunneling is considered a strategy because often the killer needs to force altruism to get survivors off the gens. If survivors know how to split well, they can get 2-3 gens done by the time the killer get 1/12 hook states. At this point, if the killer doesn't force altruism to get survivors off gens it's pretty much game over for them. Camping leads to hits on healthy survivors and tunneling forces teammates to get a chase and a hook, and if you're a survivor who doesn't try to get hooked so a teammate doesn't get tunneled out of the game, you may end up with one less person in the team, which will make it more difficult for yourself. I'm not saying that camping and tunneling are a good or even healthy strategy, but it is something that can be punishable with good teamwork from the survivor team.

  • burrmutea
    burrmutea Member Posts: 2

    i dont think they'll learn not to do it cause they're getting enough bloodpoints from the "chases" they get when survivors attempt to rescue the hooked survivor :/

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    I mean I get rocked and harassed by red rank SWF teams A LOT who will run the most toxic add-ons and perks built specifically just to screw with me until they get bored. But not once have I ever said "X perk/item needs to be banned or fixed". No, because unfortunately whether I like it or not, as cheap as the tactic may be, it's still a part of the game that I need to deal with, and yes that includes keys. I don't complain about keys either because they are a part of the game and until the devs decide to do something with them, I need to deal with them still in game.

    Now I will admit the thing I do complain about the most is the ranking system, cus I do genuinely think that it makes no sense to have rank 1s and 2s facing new rank 13 killers who barely have any perks unlocked for them to help counter some things the survivors might throw at them. That to me is the most unfair thing in this game. Also your suggestion about having survivors die slower if the killer stays close to the hook, wouldn't work because then you'll just have survivors loop around close to the hooks to buy their team mates some extra unwarranted time until they can get saved. I think I remember reading that BHVR tried something like this and that's exactly what happened, and it was broken so they had to revert those changes.

    Anyway my point is, outside of using actual hacks or using obvious bugs/glitches to your advantage, if it's something available in the game then it's fair game.

  • Doziano
    Doziano Member Posts: 57

    and that's the point on forcing altruism... If you see that the killer is camping someone and the four survivors get off the gens for a save then the killer has grouped up the survivors and generated map pressure, which is extremely positive for them... If the survivors notice the camp and instead just finish the gens for the escape then the survivors win and the killer won't get those points. Altruism in DbD is good but sometimes you gotta know when it is being used to sabotage you and turn the game around for the other side.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    What is your rank? I am asking because i am not seeing campers so much on red ranks. Tunnelling is problem but if survivors finish gens so fast you still can defeat killer.

  • Archive512
    Archive512 Member Posts: 150

    hey there! killer main here, albiet i havent played in a short while because my laptop in uni cant run this game (for those interested, i play myers mostly). first and foremost: get ready not to have fun in every game. but, dissasociating winning from having fun really helps. now, to your complaints which are all points that survivors make:

    first, the tunneling and camping. the point of killer's side of the match is to hook everyone and, well, kill them. camping a hook, as well as 'tunneling' a survivorare tactics that a killer can use, just like how SWF teams can have one or two 'runners' as i like to call them who loop the killer and annoy them to distract him or her enough to allow the rest of the team to repair gens in peace. we are seeing changes to the anti tunneling perk, decisive strike, soon because of it being abused by survivors jumping into lockers or tapping a gen when in a chase. simmilarly, we see killer perks, or raw stats, changed in order to reflect if a certain killer is doing well (see freddy). each killer player, as well as survivors, have their own set of perks that fit their playstyle. if someone is camping or facecamping (there is a difference), then the other survivors should instead go do generators. as someone here preivously had mentioned, if this continues, then said killer will lose 3 survivors, maybe 2, and either not pip or de-pip. for the points of survivor things to do, there are plenty of perks to help with chases; same for generators; and spotting the killer too, but with the added bonus of the terror radius (this isnt really in effect with stealth killers, but thats only a handful). survivors dying based on proximity to a hook would lead to survivors chasing a killer nearby, gaining the benefit of unhook windows and more time to do so. also, nurse cannot teleport across the map in an instant, she has two blinks and needs to recover after the second. but, i will say, nurse is one that is hard to go against.

    the ban after disconnecting is annoying, but needed. if there was no penalty, there would be survivors disconnecting the moment they get caught, hooked, or even against certain killers or on certain maps. if it was a daily basis, then we would see this still happen, but people would just wait till the next day and do it again. the disconnect is there for a reason, and unfortunately, the only thing you can do is, well, deal with it (ive had my fair share of disconnects due to steam or DBD itself).

    finally, the last thing i would recommend if your not having fun with DBD is simply not play, which i would assume you have done considering you said you uninstalled (unless that is for clout). i did the same, i took the game too seriously, uninstalled, and replayed it later and found it far more enjoyable when ignoring ranks and how well i did, instead just having fun.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. šŸ‘‹šŸ»

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286

    That's a valid opinion, maybe you're just tired change it up every now and then or take a break play something else for like a week try Civilization or soething.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Yes and survivor can genrush the hell out of you, using broken combos of items/perks/offering. Ab using shields, maps and second chances. Especially keys are ez win, and hatch to give ez escape. But yes, only killer can play dirty, survivor nor, cant bully. Toxic mori killers main.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Not just Spirit, a lot of killers are running Ruin/Undying.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    They definitely need to do something about tunneling and camping. Give killers some other forms of buffs to compensate, I don't really care, but going against a camping and tunneling killer is one of the most miserable gaming experiences to be had in my opinion. Luckily it doesn't happen that often to me, but often enough to be annoying.

    They've talked about some interesting changes in the future, especially moris which made it sound like they might be adding a second objective to survivors, so I hope that's when they also find ways to dscourage killers from camping and tunneling.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The wait time is what makes it frustrating. If you could jump into another game within 30 seconds as survivor then i bet people would be way more chill about being removed from the game quickly.

    I had to stop paying yesterday because i waited 10 + minutes for a game only to be found first and "tunnelled" out of the game within 2 minutes. Is the killer a dick for doing it? yeah.. Was it the killers fault? No. One of the survivors was possibly doing the unhook challenge and just couldn't wait 5 seconds for the killer to leave before tearing me off the hook.

    Nothing will change though until they address the power gap between SWF and solo players, as well as the horrid toxicity this community has.. The killer population will continue to dwindle.

    Here is a good inside to the crap killers deal with

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Play killer in the evening trust me you will get quick matches

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Seems to be this weird notion that its a killers duty to provide "fun" matches for survivors in this game. Sorry but its not.

    You may not have fun against a camping/tunneling killer but maybe that killer is having fun camping/tunneling you. How about you play whichever way you have fun and let killers play however they have fun.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I feel for you; nobody wants you to suffer. If you aren't having fun, let me kindly point you to the door. The day I stop having fun, I will likewise seek my bliss elsewhere. It seems you are there already. Other people are not going to cater to you nor is the game going to change for you. Thus, based on what you said... it is time to....