FAN-MADE Chapter(Weaving Another's Death)

Gnarly Member Posts: 429
edited July 2021 in Creations


THE CHEMIST(Jane Mindley)


At a young age Jane's mother died from an illness, leaving her alone with her father. As she grew up she would be antagonized by him whenever she would do anything not considered traditional by women standards. When she got into high school, she would be bullied for her being taller than normal, she was intimidating to the other kids there. Seen as a freak, she never had any friends. This isolation become a strength for her, studying a passion she developed of over chemicals. Becoming a self taught chemist.

Still during this time, she was still antagonized by her father, all that mistreatment build up inside to become rage. A victim no more she thought. So she made a batch of a special mixtures to have her father drink. She didn't want to kill him however, she preferred to use him as an experiment. Testing and recording the data of these mixtures. He eventually become bedridden and hospitalized.

These mixtures would all become finalized over time, all having their own special properties, some enhancing, while others harming.

The treatment by her father build a hatred of men that she would carry throughout her life. Convincing men to go on dates with her, and by the end of the night, she would have one of her mixtures ready for them

All those tests would come to an end when the police kicked in her door and arrested her. She was sentence to death by chair. When she got into the chair, she closed her eyes and as the lever was flipped...

Nothing, she opened her eyes and found herself in the world of the entity, promising her more test experiments for her mixtures.


•Terror Radius: 32m

•Speed: 115%





(Shared Stock of 6:Reloadable)

•Mixture Toss(Red)

(Costs 1 of Stock to Use.)

-A mixture that can be applied for a limited time to gens, pallets, windows, and hooked survivors. When a survivor interacts with the mixture, they will be put into the mending state.

-A mixture that can be tossed at survivors. When hit, they will apply mending.

•Mixture Tampering(Yellow)

(Costs 1 of Stock to Use.)

-Using this mixture in the same way as toss. Instead applying a tracking effect, making whatever it applies on will glow yellow for a short duration.

-The mixture that can be applied to a downed survivor, this effect will stay on the survivor for 60 Seconds after. Anything they touch as well their blood will glow yellow.

•Mixture Combination(Purple)

(Costs 3 of Stock to Use.)

-Combing the two will make the mixture an explosive chemical reaction. Tossing this mixture will cause a blast radius. If the survivor is healthy, they will be put into mending. If the survivor is injured, they will be put into the down state.


•My Domain

You love to establish what's yours

-When a survivor goes into the basement outside your Terror Radius, this perk activates.

-The survivor will see your aura for 3 Seconds when entering the basement.

-When the survivor leaves the basement, they will be put into the Exposed effect for 40/50/60 Seconds.

This perk has a 90 Second Cooldown.

•Ain't No Rest

You never give the survivors any time to breathe.

-Any survivor in your Terror Radius when hooking a survivor will scream and will become Exhausted for 40/50/60 Seconds.

This perk has a 60 Second Cooldown.


You can be picky with your victims at time as it makes things more fun.

-When hitting your obsession with a basic attack, this perk activates for 30 Seconds. Next time kicking a generator it will instantly reduce by 5%/10%/15%.




•Self Assured

You will find a way back to your loved ones.

-When unhooked by another survivor you recover from all effects and gain 150% Haste for 3 Seconds. This effect will put you in the Exhausted state for 60/50/40 Seconds.

-Your scratch marks will be hidden for 30 Seconds.

-When healed you recover from all negative status effects.

Perk will deactivate once any actions are attempted similar to DS.

•Burning Flame

You have a drive to survive when the cards are stacked against you.

-When last alive in the trial this perk activates. Your blood trail and scratch marks will not be seen.

-You receive 50%/75%/100% Bonus to Bloodpoints for rest of trial.

•Dragged From The Ashes

You know how to survive against all odds.

-After getting a safe unhook, the perk activates. Next time you are injured, your aura will be seen by 1/2/3 Survivors and they will recieve a 15% healing action bonus on you lasting 60 Seconds.

-If you are not healed within that time you will recieve a 15% bonus to all actions besides healing for 30 Seconds.

Post edited by Gnarly on


  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    Well, one, the power is kinda meh? Also, why does a 115% speed Killer have a 28 meter terror radius?

    Tampering is literally useless. It might be nice finding slugged Survivors, but only might be. The time isn't long enough for them to be hooked, unhooked, and then for you to get good use out of it. The Killer also has no movement abilities or slowdown, legitimately making them seem like a worse Legion, who at least has a decent speed boost in his power. Also how long does it take to reload and apply the mixtures? Does it slow them down to throw the mixture toss? Why is this Killer so much like Clown?

    My Domain is kinda gimmicky but it's not like its bad or anything, with Territorial Imperative it makes going into the basement a death sentence, but it also makes long distance basement camping as Demo, Hag, or any high mobility Killer even better, so I'm iffy on it.

    Ain't No Rest is actually really stupid. Picture yourself as a Survivor against a Doctor with a Calm addon. Already not very fun, right? Then you also realize after using your Sprint Burst that you aren't recovering from exhaustion at all. Then when you use Deliverance you don't recover from Broken either. That sounds ######### miserable. Also, this perk has no perk tiers. I'd say it should be reworked.

    Maneater is better Pop Goes The Weasel, which is potentially among the top 5 best killer perks in the game. Don't.

    Self Assured is just Decisive Strike before its nerf with a spice of pre-rework Borrowed Time. Don't.

    Burning Flame is... cute? There's not really a point to it honestly.

    For Dragged from the Ashes, how long does the healing bonus last?

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    And on top of all of that, Greg O'Malley is just a straight up terrible name.

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    I am definitely open to those suggestions and criticisms. I prefer a weak killer that can be buffed later than a Killer that destroys everything. So I was a bit conservative on the abilities.

    Drag From The Ashes it be 40/50/60 seconds.

    Do appreciate that fair points you make❤

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66
    edited May 2021

    these mixtures make no sense most cause mending which can only happen if you injured the one gens, are u saying it also injures them? plague can infect gens but it takes a long time to for that reuslt in injury, you did say you were working on them though so i will ignore the power

    my domain is a better territorial imperative, and it can active while the killer is still in the basement horrible perk the promotes camping people in the basement this should only active if the killer is x amount away from basement, this is also pseudo make your choice as well this perk if it will stay how it needs to be nerfed alot,30%2F25%2F20%20seconds.&text=of%20all%20Killers-,Unlocks%20potential%20in%20your%20Aura%2Dreading%20ability.,cool%2Ddown%20of%20several%20seconds.

    edit misread self assured its reversed borrowed time which is a big nono one the perks can overlap and one do nothing, and also who would ever run this over BT basicly if all for survivors have this its the same affect of BT but assures they have it 100% if it isnt this perk could be rework of BT but never exist along side it

    the other perks for survivor and killer I like

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Problem is no one seems to run it whoever I play with and I don't appreciate the farm😅. More of a frustration and DS just has that stigma so I don't like using it.

    I do understand what mean. Appreciate the opinions.

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    thats what DS is for it still is strong and does exactly what it should

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    Just joking bud. There are definitely some interesting aspects to your killer, but he seems underpowered as the others have mentioned.

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    That's good though. Rather buff a killer than nerf em. So I try to b safe ya know. Total aware bit underpowered. But Legion mixed with trapper be kinda cool to me.

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    So she is like clown but with mending, glowing and injuring though you need to reload after each Mixture Combination to use it again -> seems like an even weaker clown, because to actually hurt someone she will need to reload everytime.


    My Domain - okay, helps camping basement which isnt cool and will probaly lead to boring games, because survivors will try to stay as far away from the basement as possible or they unhook with two people : first guy gets the effect, runs away and hides + second guy unhooks

    Aint No Rest - okayish, kinda like blood echo, but they scream and only in terror radius

    Maneater - way too strong, because for "Pop goes the Weasel" you need a hook to instantly regress the gen by 25%, and for this you just need a quick hit (should be like 5%-10%)

    Self Assured - if you dont get healed immediatly and you just recover from status effects, it would be a decent perk

    Burning Flame - you will probaly get no use in 8/10 games from this perk

    Dragged From The Ashes - good

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Made some fixes. Hopefully that helps, did agree with you on somethings.

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    The killer willen kind of weakI am afraid. But I absolutely love the perks! well done!

  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    OP Note: After many conversations over the chapter, I fixed many of the perks and buffed the killer from last time. Killer might still need a buff, but feedback can help with that.