Is a 3-man SWF a solo survivor's worst enemy?

Why are solos treated like garbage? (Warning: Story incoming.) I was memeing around as Blight, the three-man was memeing around looting chests and forming a collection in the basement, and the fourth survivor was doing gens.
After showing me their loot, one of the three later pointed to the fourth one. She stood there, didn't run or anything, so I figured they were all friendly and I downed her so they could take turns healing each other. The other two came over and they all just danced around the girl on the ground, teabagging, so I picked her up and let her get off my shoulder.
They went off, I was hoping they were doing the last two gens and I didn't bother them so they'd do them quickly, but instead I got noise notifications that the three of them body-blocked the fourth into a damn corner. I freed her and vowed at that point that if I didn't see their asses on gens, I was slugging them.
Guess what? Less than 60 seconds later, the three of them were in the basement, an area notoriously devoid of gens. So I slugged them. The fourth came over at one point, took a look, did a quick teabag, and walked away. The three bled out, and of course I let the fourth one get the hatch. It was a half-hour match for no good reason. I just wanted one last quick match goofing off to end the night. That was painful.
I'm sorry they did that to you, random solo survivor. Thank you for doing gens.
Is being slugged to death how they wanted that to end? I really don't know what they wanted or expected. Even if I didn't sympathize with the solo, I can't condone what they're doing, I can't participate, it's griefing.
Anyone else seen this situation occur? How do killers usually handle it?
I will never teabag the random in situations like this. I also won't point out their location cuz it's up to them if they want to farm or not. I will however teabag my friends, often followed with farting noises.
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Now see, this I get! If I played with friends we'd totally teabag each other and stuff. But some random? No!
I've come to recognize when a survivor wants to be left alone; I try to pay attention and respect their wishes. The random wasn't hiding when the one pointed her out, the two were just standing in front of me. That's why the 3-man's behavior surprised me, the random understood I wasn't a threat and was probably willing to screw around with them, but instead they turned on her.
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Oof, I hate when this happens. At least you were able to give the random the karmic intervention they needed. Once I had a friendly game as Huntress - I brought BPS and mostly just wanted to practice my aim. Three Kates and a Bill. The Kates all reacted to my friendly overtures as a hivemind, but the Bill needed coaxing on his own. Alright, SWF and a solo. At one point the Kates gesture me to a hook and I figure they want hook farms, so I hook one of them and they unhook. They point to Bill, who's just sitting there placidly, so I hook him next.
They won't touch him. They just fake out unhooking him and tbag, and after half a minute of this they wander off to a nearby gen. I shake my head no at them and eventually pluck one off the gen to bring back to Bill - I wiggle them off next to the hook and kebab poor Bill to get my point across. No dice, the Kate just runs back to the gen. I do this again to the same result, and Bill dies on hook.
I was going to turn hostile at that point because I was really upset about that, but another one of the Kates had built me a shrine of items and I was just disgruntled and confused, so I waited out the rest of the match to ask them why the hell they let Bill die. Their response was "bill stinky" and "haha no boys allowed."
Poor Bill. They did grandpa wrong.
Come to think of it, I had a Hag match yesterday where I turned nonhostile towards the end (Steve was gesturing in chase so I started doing silly ######### back and it eventually turned to friendliness), and the first thing he and Claudette do once it's been established I'm not going to attack them is lead me to a locker with a Bill in it. I just let Bill step out of the locker since I don't like when survivors react to a friendly killer with sell-outs, but Bill was pissed in endgame chat over it.
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Yeah, after a few bad experiences, I won't hook a survivor if others point at him: I only hook the survivor if he himself points at the hook. I can't save anyone off the hook myself, but if I only down him then I can get the survivor back on his feet if the others refuse to help.
Ugh, survivors selling out other survivors when they discover I'm friendly. I really dislike that, it makes it more difficult for me to earn points organically (chasing, hitting, hooking with no intention of killing but without the boredom of mutual farming) because if the one that got sold out doesn't realize I'm friendly, they could report it.
I'm on PS4 with messages turned off, so I don't get the fun chat at the end. Usually I'm happy not to have chat, but every once in a while I'd really like to ask "#########???" when matches go awry.
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"Why are solos treated like garbage?"
Elitism and entitlement, maybe with a little immaturity thrown in to boot. You have to admit though, it does create a sort of unexpected(?) synergy with your username.
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Not all the time-- Sometimes I get a great coordinated team to help me in solo and other times they mess around instead and I depip haha, but my 3 mans usually play normally and I baby the random if they're super new or adorable. I had an Ace in my last 3 man who was excited about my map beam and I had to protect him ;w;!!!!
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Truthfully, before having experienced playing with a toxic 3 person SWF, I failed to see how toxic a SWF group could be. I'm not really a gamer, the few games I played regularly before DBD were pokemon and fire emblem (I'm also a Switch user, so I never see the chats) and while I understood how toxic multiplayer games could be, I had no reason to think DBD could be like that.
Then I was matched with a toxic 3 person SWF.
They farmed me. They'd bring the killer to me or do something to trigger a loud noise notification; miss skill checks, vault, jump in and out of lockers or drop pallets. I honestly just thought they were REALLY new to the game. I was still unhooking, healing and finishing gens when I could if I wasn't in chase.
It wasn't until I got hooked for the first time and all three of then came to my hook and started vaulting and jumping in and out of lockers to attract the killer, then unhooked me when the killer got there just to body block so I could get downed that I realized what they were doing. I know, I'm slow.
The rest of the game just kept going downhill but I still finished the game cause I didn't want to de-pip for DCing. It was the worst experience playing DBD I've had yet. Thankfully, this was my only bad experience with a toxic SWF.