The grind needs to be addressed.

With bloodhunts being essentially deleted from the game (last one was November 2019). Double bloodpoint offerings being exceedingly rare compared to other trash filling the bloodweb. And now 95 survivor perks, and 84 killer perks which all require three tiers to max out.

It's insane. It takes almost 10,000,000 BP to p3 all perks a killer, and with 24 killers (including Nemesis), good luck getting that done if you have a job and family.

It feels awful to have to dump millions of BP into a killer before you even get BBQ, or other perks that you actually want to use.

While this isn't my idea, what if perks were automatically levelled up the level of your prestige. Like if you were p3, all perks would already by tier 3 in the bloodweb, and the same for p2. This would actually give a reason to prestige and would dampen the most annoying parts of the grind.


  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    I'm pretty sure there was a blood hunt during Holloween last year

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Why do you P3?

    If there were 10 tiers instead, would you P10?

    Why to have P3 if it is easy to achieve?

    And I am not saying that the current state is good. E.g. P3ing is really discouraging on characters where you already have a lot more perks unlocked. This whole thing is probably from old times when after 50 levels you already unlocked all perks, but the system was never reworked for the current state when we have a lot more perks.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The grind was addressed... by adding 3 new characters and 9 new perks.

    Technically the last Bloodhunt wasn't in November of 2019. That's just the last time we got a double bp Bloodhunt. We've had a couple 1.5X Bloodhunts that are double the duration of 2X bp. I actually prefer 1.5X to 2X due to the duratiom increase.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Right now im watching streamer who just started playing and is brand new to the game. From his perspective, game is really hostile grind-wise.

    How about implementing a starter-kits? Whenever you buy a killer or survivor, you get few (just a few and not too strong) power addons / items with addons and few random perks? So at very least game is a bit more beginner friendly.

    Also we could remove one of perk tiers and go to low tier / high tier perk differentiation OR remove tiers all together. With that change we could maybe, just maybe, decrease a little bit the spawn of very rare and ultra rare addons and items in bloodwebs, so with reduced grind people wont just spam them every game.

  • crustyselenium
    crustyselenium Member Posts: 28

    That's a pretty interesting idea, would encourage people to try out new killers instead of just playing 1 or 2 until they got bored and stopped playing the game.

    I've heard the remove tiers all together, but I believe that would reduce the grind way too much, I would be able to p3 all perks all the killers within 3-4 days of average gameplay.

  • crustyselenium
    crustyselenium Member Posts: 28

    I'm a hardcore completionist, I probably would've given up on the game if the grind was this bad and there were ten prestige tiers. Probably would eventually P10 if a system like I described was in the game.

    I got roped in because the grind was thick but bearable, but they've added so many new survivors and killers that it's hard to keep up.

    P3 is already easy to achieve anyway, the hardest parts of the grind is getting all the perks unlocked and getting them t3 on all killers. Getting to prestige 3 is only like 3 million BP, which isn't really that bad compared to the 10 million is takes to unlock all perks.

  • crustyselenium
    crustyselenium Member Posts: 28

    True, but my point is that they're becoming less frequent.

    When I first started playing, it felt like they started an extra bp event every other week. Now it's usually those lame offerings which don't even give you very much extra.