General Discussions

General Discussions

About Teabaggers

Member Posts: 699
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

Everyone has the right to do what they want in games and people have ego's. Depending on the individual, a person can have a ego (sutle which is needed to be a person and or player to function in 3-D reality) and then you have the lower based or negative ego which is used to control others or make others feel inferior, bad etc. Teabagging goes way back but Im talking specifically about DBD Teabaggers from the Killers perspective so this is what I've noticed/know about them

-- In some or even most cases a teabagger is a person or persons in SWF

-- Decisive players

-- The Exit Gate ones where the Killer can do absolutely nothing about

-- The Pallet ones where they teabag at the Pallets

-- Teabaggers on top of the Hill (These are the real bold ones although they may have Balanced in most cases)

People do them for different reasons. Some do it to insult the Killer which is the most common. Lack of respect or to disrespect the killer. To be obnoxious, to mind game (get the Killer to chase them pallet loop to pallet loop the majority of the game), or to frustrate the Killer. Thankfully the majority of the DBD community is not like this but they can be really annoying and throw you off your game, unless you ignore them or stay headstrong

It is very satisfying to Hook these morons. Teabagging in a nutshell is just disrespect to a player. In fighting games people do it when someone is stunned and or about to win the round (or game)
Where i come from if you teabag, as a rule of thumb you better not lose or in DBD's case, get caught and or sacraficed or Dead. If you defeat a teabagger it crushes they're pride and they will (in some cases) either one, not struggle when you down them or two disconnect to save face or protect they're ego and pride. One of the best and most satisfying plays against teabaggers is Blood Warden

I think i covered it all. What do you think about teabaggers? Do they affect your game? Do you ignore them? Do you go out of your way to destroy or ruin they're experience the rest of that game? Please tell me your opinions

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  • Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2018
    I do it in fun.  Never to disrespect killers or others.  I just find it funny. I am not a very good looper and I tend to get caught.  Its just for fun honestly to me. I think what most people loose sight of is... Its just a game. You win some you loose some. Just have fun with it who cares if you win or loose if you Pip or depip? I think if most people just looked at it that way tbagging, camping, Ds, tunneling type of things won't matter. I always say at the end I just drop a gg and move on. :) 
  • Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018
    Teabagging doesn't bother me much. 

    There's worse they can do, like camp the gate room, flashlight spam, coordinate and/or organize into something 4 solos shouldn't be, trying to get the hatch escape over the gate, especially when they were in the gate room.

    As a survivor, I try to do it sparingly. If a killer is camping, and I want to draw them away, or something. 
  • Member Posts: 387

    Don't care much if they teabag in exit gates. Just means free bloodpoints 4 me.

  • Member Posts: 772

    Constant teabagging is disresptful. Period.

    I wont say i never did in DBD. But I stopped doing it a while ago. I can't ask for respect, if I'm not willing to give it myself.

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    edited November 2018
    I'm a killer main and I don't t bag often. I might try to bait a camping killer or get me smacked at the exit. But what about killers t bagin? Trapper, hag, and of course, the pig can ;)
  • Member Posts: 3,688
    Sometimes survivors tbag at exit gates not to be toxic but to buy their team time. I.e. if they're at an exit gate and they know their teammates are still opening the other exit, they'll tbag to get the killer to chase them out just to buy that extra few seconds for the rest to open the door.

    And some do it just to be toxic yeah.
  • Member Posts: 3,823
    When i play as a survivor there are 2 main reasons why i t-bag and/or spam the flashlight:
    - To killers who camp for no reason or hit the hooked survivor (i usually do that at the exit gate)
    - To lure the killer to me and maybe prevent tunneling.
    When i play as a killer sometimes i meet t-baggers, but i find t-bagging funny, so it doesn't bother me.
    Same when i've given a 3 to 5 gens run to the killer, downs me eventually, hooks me and nods at me.
  • Member Posts: 3,162

    @Vietfox said:
    When i play as a survivor there are 2 main reasons why i t-bag and/or spam the flashlight:

    • To killers who camp for no reason or hit the hooked survivor (i usually do that at the exit gate)
    • To lure the killer to me and maybe prevent tunneling.
      When i play as a killer sometimes i meet t-baggers, but i find t-bagging funny, so it doesn't bother me.
      Same when i've given a 3 to 5 gens run to the killer, downs me eventually, hooks me and nods at me.

    really...for camping..really campng is fine dont tea bag just because someone is trying to learn the game a bit more treat them with respect and tell them good game and good day to you regardless son a win or loss if we all can do this then only children will complain and we can just ignore them as they have short fuses and get reckless

  • Member Posts: 230
    The ONLY time I teabag is when the killer trys to tunnel one of my friends so I do it just to get them to chase me for the full game BUT I am nice if am still alive when exist gates are open an am at one I will just stand there an let the killer hook me when everyone leaves so they can get a kill (providing the other 3 survivors have existed) so technically am a nice teabagger lol
  • Member Posts: 3,162

    @Maelstrom1313 said:
    The ONLY time I teabag is when the killer trys to tunnel one of my friends so I do it just to get them to chase me for the full game BUT I am nice if am still alive when exist gates are open an am at one I will just stand there an let the killer hook me when everyone leaves so they can get a kill (providing the other 3 survivors have existed) so technically am a nice teabagger lol

    wow you are one of a rare breed i respect you for being this respectful and for a survivor this is truly exceptional! i wish save travels in the fog and never forget that the entity watches over all of us

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited November 2018
    Thanks man 😆 but I do see where your coming from with your message as I am a killer main originally an mainly only play survivor with my friends but yeah I don't think I've seen a survivor do what I do, surprisingly I get the odd few messages of killers saying thanks for hook but most of time it's something g like 'haha you ######### up its what you deserve' lol
  • Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    When i play as a survivor there are 2 main reasons why i t-bag and/or spam the flashlight:

    • To killers who camp for no reason or hit the hooked survivor (i usually do that at the exit gate)
    • To lure the killer to me and maybe prevent tunneling.
      When i play as a killer sometimes i meet t-baggers, but i find t-bagging funny, so it doesn't bother me.
      Same when i've given a 3 to 5 gens run to the killer, downs me eventually, hooks me and nods at me.

    really...for camping..really campng is fine dont tea bag just because someone is trying to learn the game a bit more treat them with respect and tell them good game and good day to you regardless son a win or loss if we all can do this then only children will complain and we can just ignore them as they have short fuses and get reckless

    Yup, camping without reason might be a legit "tactic" but gives little/zero chance to that survivor to get more points and especially sucks if they used a party streamers.
    I never camp nor tunnel because i don't need neither of them to do well and i rarely find a survivor t-bagging at me.
  • Member Posts: 3,162

    @Vietfox said:
    friendlykillermain said:

    @Vietfox said:

    When i play as a survivor there are 2 main reasons why i t-bag and/or spam the flashlight:


    * To killers who camp for no reason or hit the hooked survivor (i usually do that at the exit gate)
    * To lure the killer to me and maybe prevent tunneling.

    When i play as a killer sometimes i meet t-baggers, but i find t-bagging funny, so it doesn't bother me.

    Same when i've given a 3 to 5 gens run to the killer, downs me eventually, hooks me and nods at me.

    really...for camping..really campng is fine dont tea bag just because someone is trying to learn the game a bit more treat them with respect and tell them good game and good day to you regardless son a win or loss if we all can do this then only children will complain and we can just ignore them as they have short fuses and get reckless

    Yup, camping without reason might be a legit "tactic" but gives little/zero chance to that survivor to get more points and especially sucks if they used a party streamers.
    I never camp nor tunnel because i don't need neither of them to do well and i rarely find a survivor t-bagging at me.

    well of course as a killer main i am not a camper unless situations arise where i must make sure the hooked survivor reaches stage 2 though i will not deny i am a tunneler of sorts but only in the way of if i see a rescue i will attack the first thing i get to which is usually the unhooked victim but rather than with malicous intent it mostly boils down to being at the wrong place at the wrong time

  • Member Posts: 3,162

    @Maelstrom1313 said:
    Thanks man 😆 but I do see where your coming from with your message as I am a killer main originally an mainly only play survivor with my friends but yeah I don't think I've seen a survivor do what I do, surprisingly I get the odd few messages of killers saying thanks for hook but most of time it's something g like 'haha you [BAD WORD] up its what you deserve' lol

    mmmm yes their are those who gloat when you show acts of human decency read my instant karma post if you want to see a funny story of that but you still are a decent person theirs not enough of us out their though

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    My rule is: If a killer tunnels me hard, and I'm dead on hook. He's the one who will get rekt. I will literally loop him or her as efficiently as I can and I will teabag them to oblivion. I've only had to do this once in my year and 4 months of playing DBD. And that leatherface almost got me but adrenaline hit in and I got away. I then messaged him saying 'gg ez looping git gud tunneler.' (This was on xbox) most the time, I'm a respectful survivor. I will pallet loop and window loop and get facecamped a lot but I'll never bm unless I'm mad.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    As killer I dont let teabaggers get to me, and I bm them by a short nod, and a smack on the hook. I never resort to facecamping even if gates are open. The survivors rarely appreciate my fair gamestyle but idgaf.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    unless they teabag me at the exitgate, they die.
    thats my solution.
    and it works.

  • Member Posts: 43

    @iceman2kx said:

    @EvilBarney666 said:
    I do it in fun.  Never to disrespect killers or others.  

    Do you ever flip off people for fun? Just make sure you tell them "no disrespect meant".

    Do you often compare real-life situations to things in video games?

    Oh, wait.

  • Member Posts: 462

    @MrMyers said:

    @iceman2kx said:

    @EvilBarney666 said:
    I do it in fun.  Never to disrespect killers or others.  

    Do you ever flip off people for fun? Just make sure you tell them "no disrespect meant".

    Do you often compare real-life situations to things in video games?

    Oh, wait.

    You do know REAL people play video games right? Disrespect is disrespect man. If you think just because you're playing a video game or on the Internet it's cool to blatantly disrespect people, you're part of the problem.

  • Member Posts: 946
    I wish exit gates blocks players who tbagging inside it. The revenge would be so funny and sweet!
  • Member Posts: 43

    @iceman2kx said:

    @MrMyers said:

    @iceman2kx said:

    @EvilBarney666 said:
    I do it in fun.  Never to disrespect killers or others.  

    Do you ever flip off people for fun? Just make sure you tell them "no disrespect meant".

    Do you often compare real-life situations to things in video games?

    Oh, wait.

    You do know REAL people play video games right? Disrespect is disrespect man. If you think just because you're playing a video game or on the Internet it's cool to blatantly disrespect people, you're part of the problem.

    If you're sweating this much about disrespect in a video game, you're clearly taking the game you play to HAVE FUN too seriously.

    My advice for you: Man up. We're all trying to have fun. If people find it fun to do that in a FICTIONAL situation, it's fine with me. However, if it is done in real life, I would completely agree with you.

  • Member Posts: 647

    T-Bag goes way before DBD. Also pig can do it which is why she is my favorite. Your reaction to a T-Bag is justified since you can take it a certain way while others don't

  • Member Posts: 469

    I see tea-bagging as a viable tactic (like a provoke power in an mmorpg.) Some of us killers are non-provoke-able however. We understand when we are being looped to waste time and use tactics to get around that. I'm not going to fault a survivor for teabagging, I AM however going to laugh whenever they try to teabag me and get downed because they weren't paying attention. Nothing pleases me more than grabbing a teabagger of a hatch and they rage-dc.

  • Member Posts: 650
    edited December 2018

    Teabagging is a viable tactic for your teammates survival. If you can force a killer to tunnel you for 5 gens and face camp you, so your friends can escape, the killer loses the game (although killer will think they are the real winner).

  • Member Posts: 965
    They leave game unimmersed like there is no horror in us killers. Sad thing is ebony mori is when some survivors can take you seriously.
  • Member Posts: 614
    iceman2kx said:

    @MrMyers said:

    @iceman2kx said:

    @EvilBarney666 said:
    I do it in fun.  Never to disrespect killers or others.  

    Do you ever flip off people for fun? Just make sure you tell them "no disrespect meant".

    Do you often compare real-life situations to things in video games?

    Oh, wait.

    You do know REAL people play video games right? Disrespect is disrespect man. If you think just because you're playing a video game or on the Internet it's cool to blatantly disrespect people, you're part of the problem.

    For a guy with the name Iceman, youre pretty hot headed .
  • Member Posts: 259

    I don't see why anyone is still getting offended by tbagging, I tbag if I'm winning, losing, or just because I feel like it, it's not exactly a personal attack on a killer.

  • Member Posts: 129
    The problem with people who taunt the killer is that they’re unafraid of them. Which is stupid in a horror game. But, that’s why I prefer Spirit, Nurse and Billy.

    But, as was pointed out, these are usually the same people who DC when they’re caught, get a map they don’t like, or face a killer they can’t bully. That’s free points for me, and a harder match for the rest of their team.
  • Member Posts: 8

    I've only played a week and already ignore distraction tactics 😂

  • Member Posts: 8

    Honestly I enjoy hooking those the most, the exit teabaggers, yes that's happened a few times 😂

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Holy necro.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I think they are being gay or lesbian.... some teabaggers do to enhance sexual nature which is frowned upon in real life.... virtual reality gives players the courage to be more open because players hardly ever know the gender of another player.... its an invitation to condone a certain type of sexual behavior no matter the gender.....I'm just being honest....

  • Member Posts: 10,196

    There's less toxic ways of getting the killer's attention, like running towards them and then running away, or running in circles after a safe pallet drop.

  • Member Posts: 10,196

    That's a joke of a counterargument that I've heard before, btw. "Just hit them and they can't do it anymore." Gee, I just didn't think of that. Let me get them real quick. Oh what? 5 gens have been done and all the person has done was instadrop pallets? And they escape because of Adrenaline and body blocks? Well done. Amazing advice. I should try that more often.

  • Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2021

    Wow, you really spent over 20 minutes of your day making a forum post about t-bagging. Yikers...

  • Member Posts: 313

    Teabaggers are only annoying when the killer is losing the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    This thread is over two years old.

  • Member Posts: 137

    I played Ghostface last night and spent 20 minutes tbagging in a circle with them around the campfire. Tbagging is a celebration!

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