Create Your Own Perk



  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    The game is already survivor sided, whats the point of 2 d strikes?

  • quazzi76
    quazzi76 Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2021


    For those pesky swf players who stand/kneel in your way while hooking, a first time hook, receive a broken / hemorrhage status for 80/100/120 sec penalty for impeding killer.

    Hidden/Random totems -

    Only able to find if using small game or detectives hunch. Stops survivors who play endlessly whom know where all totems are without even trying to find them.

    Wiggle worm.

    Faster chance / hard skill check to escape killers grasp (nulls iron grasp). Cool down dev choice.

    Survivor perk - Karma.

    Activates automatically if killer tunnels or babysits. acts like decisive strike & deliverance. Dev choice on time could be hard skill challenge (?).

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Silent Shield: The sound of a dropped pallet is reduced by 60/80/100%. Dropping a pallet is reduced in speed by 30/20/10%. For the next 10 seconds, the Entity blocks the pallet. Silent Shield goes on cooldown for 120 seconds.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    This is purely a joke but it'd be funny.

    Chad Blessing:

    Be good to others and you will be treated the same. Spread the wealth.

    If you repeatedly crouch with other survivors within the first minute of activating the reunited score event, gain a token which gives 50% bloodpoint bonus to the altruism category. The most you can gain is 4 tokens for obvious reasons. If you nod at the killer while slowly crouching at the exit gate, the killer gains a 100% bonus to the deviousness category.
  • Lenny197
    Lenny197 Member Posts: 133
    edited June 2021


    Quick Getaway:

    • You cannot stand seeing other survivors dying to the hands of the Killer.
    • When within 10 meters of a hooked survivor; sounds of breathing, grunts of pain and scratch marks are disabled for 10/15/20 seconds and will persists for another 10 seconds when unhooking a survivor. (This does not stack with the time when the perk activates, it replaces the time with 10 seconds.)
    • This perk only activates when you are within the terror radius of the killer while injured. (For when killers are camping, if they are not near then this perk doesn't activate and you unhook normally).

    (This is most useful during End game when you are injured and wants to save the survivor while staying hidden from the Killer.)

    Illusion: (For a survivor who is a magician, maybe?)

    • When near a vault (windows or pallets), press Active Ability button to activate this perk.
    • A noise notification will alert the Killer and a line of scratch marks will appear behind this vault with a length of 2/3/5 meters. (It's a straight line so maybe if the Killer knows you are using the perk, then they will not try to vault the window.)
    • This perk has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.


    • You have an acute sense of intuition that helps you avoid getting caught.
    • After staying still for 4/3/2 seconds, a still image (aura that doesn't move) of the Killer will be revealed to you for 2 seconds when the killer is within 36 meters from you. (If the killer is farther than 36 meters, the perk will not show the killer and will not deactivate.)
    • This perk has a cooldown of 40/30/20 seconds.

    (When you're fixing a gen, this perk is always on as long as you stay for 4/3/2 seconds, and will deactivate as soon as the Killer walks into the 36 meters radius.)

  • KoboldsInATrenchcoat
    KoboldsInATrenchcoat Member Posts: 22

    Killer perk - Heavy Lifting: grants the ability to carry two survivors at once, the survivors have their own separate wiggle meters, but their influence over the killers movement is amplified 10%

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Pesquisa: After chasing an individual survivor for 60/40/30 seconds, you can see 1/2/3 of their perks for 2/4/6 seconds.

    This would work on all survivors.

    This perk would come with Ulquiorra Cifer. Pesquisa is an arrancar ability that allows the arrancar to judge an abilities strengths and weaknesses, as well as the level of an enemies reiatsu (spiritual pressure).

    Sonido: After getting 7/6/5 hooks, press the active ability button to move at 500/600/700% speed for 2/3/4 seconds.

    Sonido is a Hollow ability that allows Hollows to move at the speed of sound. The Hollow equivalent to Hirenkyaku or Shunpo.

    Hierro: You can no longer be stunned by pallets. Decreases movement speed by 7/6/5%.

    Hierro is an arrancar ability that allows the arrancar to have skin tougher than iron by compressing their reiatsu into their skin.

    These would all come with Ulquiorra

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Cunning Prey.

    Upon breaking into a run you immediately throw out scratch marks within a 16m radius of the location you first began running.

    Causes the exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. You don’t recover exhaustion while running.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Hex: Burned

    A Hex Rooted in achieving power when survivors believe they can elude you with their favorite toys. Any time a Survivor Blinds or Light Burns you, Hex: Burned Gains a token with a maximum of 5. Each token gained Increases your Movement Speed while decreasing your Missed and Successful basic attack recovery speeds by 4% for 6/8/10 seconds After recovering from the blind effect.

  • whosthenurse
    whosthenurse Member Posts: 1

    Sounds pretty fun!

    To Never Die

    Your keen endurance and wits about life have guided you, even until your last moments.

    Whenever you are in the downed state, you can pick up and put down items. Also, you can interact with said items you are holding to aid you in the trial. Certain items have certain effects;

    Toolbox: Using 15%/10%/5% of a toolbox's charges, you gain an extra 10% chance of escaping on the hook. You can only use this effect once per toolbox whenever you are on the ground.

    Medkit: Using an entire 100%/90%/80% of a medkit that is a green rarity or high, you can recover to the injured state. You can only use this part of the ability once per trial.

    Flashlight: If you are holding a flashlight whenever you are picked up by the killer, you can engage against the killer. The killer moves 10%/20%/30% slower. You and the killer each commence 5/10/15 skill checks (Think DC's skill checks) and if you succeed, you escape the killer's grasp. If the killer succeeds, then you cannot wiggle against them for 5 seconds. If it is a tie, then the killer moves 5% slower the entire time they are carrying you until you get hooked or put down.

    Map: Carrying a map gives you the ability to use it and reveal all readable auras around all other survivors in a 5/10/15 meter range for the amount and duration of the map.

    Key: Using a key whenever you are downed gives you the ability to use the key and its aura reading ability. You can use the key to also open The Hatch.

    All other items you pick up have no effects or give you no special abilities.

    "They say I'm too extra; I say they're just underprepared." - Kain

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Hex: Deathmatch (or something I’m making this up as I go along)

    • When 2 survivors are injured, and not in a chase Hex: Deathmatch activates

    • 1 dull totem will become a Hex totem, and it’s aura will be revealed to both survivors.

    • The first survivor to cleanse it will automatically go to the healthy state, but also scream, revealing their location

    • the survivor who failed to cleanse the totem will go into the dying state, and recovery process / healing speed goes down by 100/150/200%

    Im dabbling around with making perks that make survivors need to work against each other.

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170

    Survivor perk:

    Police Line Do Not Cross

    "You improvise to stay aware of your surroundings. In skilled hands even a cut from a fishing line and a small bell can make a difference".

    Crouch near the pallet, window or locker and hold action button for 7/5/3 seconds to attach barely visible fishing line to mark an object. Only 1/1/2 objects can be marked at a time.

    When any person interacts with with that object - bell is triggered and you hear a loud audio warning. Others hear bell jingle in the 8 meters radius.

    You don't trigger the marked object, unless it was a rushed action.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    It's supposed to say "When you put a Survivor into the Dying State, you will see the Auras of all Injured Survivors for 5 Seconds"

  • BubMickey07
    BubMickey07 Member Posts: 296

    "Where they'd go?"

    When entering a locker you come out of the nearest locker

    "Where they'd go?" Has a cool down of

    80/60/40 seconds

    "Im not even one percent of my power"

    -norville "shaggy" rogers

  • Xlol
    Xlol Member Posts: 7

    Let me know what you all think! It’s my first perk I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes lol

    I know it’s kind of confusing but I rushed these lol so let me know what I can add to make these better

    Note: I forgot to add this but predictable does count when body blocking hooks and getting hit or almost getting hit so you still gain a token or can dodge while doing this. There is no token cap and it’s almost like a dead hard but will motivate to protect someone else instead of just yourself.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,651
    edited March 2023


    At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:

    • The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.

    Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

    • You gain the Undetectable Status Effect until the Survivor is unhooked
    • If a Survivor is sacrificed on the Scourge Hook, the 3 closest hooks to it will permenantly emit Terror Radius to all Survivors who's within 32 meter from any of them.

    Each time a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:

    • Your Terror Radius is copied over to both the unhooked Survivor and the Survivor who unhooked them for the next 60 seconds.
    • Any healing or repair skill checks performed by the afflicted Survivors will cause loud noise notifications to appear to you for the next 20 seconds.


    Whenever a Survivor is sacrificed or killed by any means, any totem that has been blessed by that Survivor becomes corrupted and is turned into a Hex Totem as well as increasing the range of the totem's radius itself from 24 meters to 72 meters.

    All Survivors who enters the radius of said Hex Totem will be afflicted by the opposite effect of what the Boon Totem's original benefit was.

    • Boon: Circle of Healing = Suffer from a Healing Speed penalty by 50%
    • Boon: Dark Theory = Suffer from the Hindered Status Effect by 2%
    • Boon: Exponential = Becomes unable to self-recover regardless of perks.
    • Boon: Shadow Step = Survivors leaves scratch marks regardless of how they move and their aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds when within the totem's radius whenever a Survivor gets hooked.


    Whenever you carry a Survivor, Ravager activates. Any Survivor that gets hit from a basic attack will also injure every other Survivor who's within 12 Meter from you as well.

    Survivors who takes a Protection Hit while the perk is active will be afflicted with the Deep Wound Status Effect.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,942
    edited March 2023

    There are so many here, so my apologies if there are any repeats, but here's a few:

    Survivor perks:

    Prospector: You may not know the realms, but you instinctively know what's available.

    The perk allows a survivor to notice anomalies within the map. Rumaging through them may bring unusual items that convert to additional BP, add-ons or even Iridescent Shards once the trial ends.

    The perk grants a 12%/25%/50% chance of success when searching.

    Tit For Tat: Despite the overwhelming power of the killer, you have enough in you to fight back.

    When in a healthy state and hit by a basic killer attack, you become wounded and gain the deep wound status. However, the killer becomes stunned for 2/3/4 seconds before wiping their weapon and moving again.

    This perk activates on death hook/second hook/first hook and can only be used once per hook stage.

    Rig: The trials have taught you to make the most of every part available.

    Once you have repaired a generator for 70%/60%/50%, running into a locker allows you to craft an explosive rig device. This can be placed on an breakable wall. The wall will now have a prompt whenever it's within eyesight, so triggering it will blast the wall outwards from where the rig was. Any killer hit will be stunned and suffer blindness. Any survivor hit will be hindered for 6 seconds.

    If a survivor additionally sabotages a hook within the killer's terror radius before crafting, the rig will explode automatically when a killer is within range of the wall without player interraction.

    Post edited by Marc_go_solo on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,942

    Killer perks:

    Scourge Hook : Silence is Lonesome: You desire for survivors to embrace the loneliness, free of the burden of others.

    4 hooks become Scourge Hooks in the trial. Whenever a survivor rescues another from one of these hooks, the rescuer will no longer be able to hear, see or interract with any other survivor. They will be notified of where a glyph appears on the map and will need to interract with the glyph to remove the silence. However, the survivor who is rescued will gain an additional 6 seconds of haste and immunity.

    The glyph will spawn randomly within 40m/80m/120m away.

    Tunnel Vision: Those you stalk you wish to see the world through your eyes.

    Hitting a healthy survivor with a basic attack inflicts the survivor with the "tunnelled vision" effect. Within 5 seconds, the survivor's viewpoint changes from 3rd person to 1st person. This affect lasts for 20 seconds.

    The perk takes 60/50/40 seconds to reactivate.

    This Slaughter Life: Swat the flies about you!

    Whenever there are 2 or more survivors within your terror radius, this perk activates. You can now swing your weapon without a cooldown for a missed hit, and a 20%/30%/40% cooldown reduction for a successful hit. The affect lasts until only 1 survivor is in your radius.

    There is a 80/70/60 second cooldown for the perk. Whilst swinging, the killer's speed is reduced by 0.2/0.3/0.4m/s

  • philward1953
    philward1953 Member Posts: 208

    Gates of Hell (Killer Perk)

    You know their way out.

    Every time the a survivor is hooked, Gates of Hell gains a token up to a maximum of 5 (3, 4).

    For each token, Endgame Collapse timer increases in speed by 5% (3%, 4%)

    Simple perk, but I feel it could lead to tense endgames.

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135


    The job takes longer than expected, you want to finish faster the more time it takes you even at risk of injury.

    Overtime has a maximum of 4 tokens, each time you break a pallet gain a token.

    For each token your breaking action speed is increased by 6-7-8% for a maximum of 24/28/32% faster breaking action speed.

    You lose all your tokens when getting stunned, once stunned Overtime has a 10 seconds cooldown.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,126

    Been wanting to have a Control chapter, so here's a survivor perk for Jesse Faden.

    The Hotline

    In the fight against the Entity, you are able to call in a favour from the Board of Directors.

    This perk spawns a red bakelite phone somewhere on the map. After working on a generator for 90/80/70 seconds total, the phone will start to ring and reveal its aura to you. You can then interact with the phone to call the Board and have them assist you.

    If a survivor is on a hook and the killer is within 24 meters of that hook, the Board will halt the hook timer for 60 seconds.

    If the conditions for the first effect aren't met, and there's only one gen left to do, the Board will halve all regression on one gen, highlighted in white, for 60 seconds.

    If neither of the conditions for the first two effects are met, the Board will highlight a random hex totem, and prevent the killer from reading your aura by any means for 30 seconds.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    Hex: Entitlement - The killer is here for the amusement of the survivors. For every time you hit a survivor with a basic attack, they received a 5% boost to movement speed and gen repairs. Once cleansed survivors maintain any stacks they recieved whilst the hex was active.

    Hex: Laws of Physics - Not many have the strength and dexterity to tank a hefty blow from a piece of heavy or motorised weaponry, least not a dainty botanist. Dead Hard will NOT activate when hit by a special weapon for as long as this hex remains.

  • Luminor
    Luminor Member Posts: 10
    edited January 20

    Post edited by Luminor on
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,225

    I should have added that it can only be used once per trial.