What is the point of Shrouds of Binding?

NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

Every single time I've played Survivor lately, I always spawn with at least 1 of my teammates-- If not my whole team. So legitimately-- What is the point of Shrouds of Binding if this is something that is basekit? It's just more useless fluff in the Bloodweb.


  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Because it’s still random.

    Shroud of Binding helps improve the chances in the off chance a killer chooses to use Shroud of Separation.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422

    Shoutout to the time a Killer played a Shroud of Separation and I spawned with all three of my teammates even though the only other offering played was a bloodpoint one.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    I mean, I suppose, but I can't even remember the last time somebody setup seriously used a Shroud of Seperation.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Like map offerings, Shrouds only increase the chances of the described outcome in the offering, it doesn’t guarantee it.

    The only 100% guaranteed offerings are Mori ones and Bonus BP ones.

  • Archon
    Archon Member Posts: 43

    Why would you want to spawn with team mates? It more efficient to do your own gen. If the first person can run the killer for a few mins...that could be 3 gens done.

    Offering is bad

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422
    edited June 2021

    Because you are completely wrong.

    Every single offering guarantees their effect. The only, ONLY offerings in the game that simply increase the chances are map offerings, and the only reasons they increase the chances instead of guaranteeing it is so it doesn't conflict with other map offerings. Every single other offering has a guaranteed effect. Coins guarantee an alteration of the numbers of chests in the trial. Oaks guarantee an alteration of the hook spawns. Reagents guarantee an alteration of the mist. Luck offerings guarantee an increase in luck. And Shroud offerings guarantee an alteration in Survivor spawns—or at least, are supposed to.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583
    edited June 2021

    Yhea I would agree this is just another thing in the bloodweb.

    This serves no practical use outside of SWF, and can actually end up harming the Survivors if going into trails solo for these reasons:

    • If the killer happens to be near you for any reason; and now your team is near by they're now is potential for the killers flexibility of options, as well as the ability to quickly access which are the more experienced survivors encountered if found with this being hard not to be found due to density of survivors making it harder to hide.
    • If the survivors predominately are spawned next to each other then they (obviously) are not separated doing different gens, so if the killer comes to this gen during a rotation off of 3 other gens it is entirely likely the killer can drastically up the pressure during that game as now the survivors have to worry about the killer possibly downing someone and hooking near this gen, and also it regressing due to ruin or kicks least they forfeit the gen. In doing so however they have to admit they have wasted time, and this gives the killer a headstart in the match.
  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    No, they do not. Blueprints only increase the chances of where hatch/basement will spawn. Shrouds only increase the chances of how survivors spawn. Map offerings only increase the chances of going to particular realms. Sure luck offerings do provide a definitive numerical value to increased luck, but they still don’t guarantee a self unhook.

    Only BP & Mori offerings are 100% guaranteed, oh and my mistake, coin offerings, provided they don’t exceed the chest spawn cap.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422

    Shrouds do not "increase the chances". Look at the description.

    "All Survivors start the trial separated."

    Not "tremendously increases the chance of all Survivors starting the Trial separated from one another." Not "slightly increases", not "moderately increases", not "considerably increases". There's no chance increase about it. It's a guaranteed spawn, unless it bugs out like it did to me or someone plays a conflicting offering.

    Speaking of which, let me reiterate: Do you know WHY map, hatch, and basement offerings only increase the chances? It's very simple: So that they do not conflict with one another. Map offerings increase the chances in case multiple map offerings are at play. Same for basement blueprints, and hatch blueprints. You can only play on one map. You can only have one basement. You can only have one hatch. They don't cancel each other out, they simply alter the odds of the gamble. Which is why when only one map offering or hatch blueprint or basement blueprint is played, the outcome of the map or hatch or basement is always what the offering said it would be. Because the only thing that prevents them from being guaranteed is another offering.

    Offerings guarantee their change. The alteration caused by an offering happens 100% of the time. The only, and I mean ONLY, thing that can offset an offering's guarantee is another offering. That's when they either cancel out or simply become a gamble.

    Shrouds guarantee their spawns unless a conflicting Shroud is played. Ergo, because the Killer played a Shroud of Separation and none of us played any Shrouds ourselves, we should not have spawned together. But we did, because of a bug.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There is very little point in any of the shrouds.

    1. Most Survivors, as already noted, spawn near other Survivors.
    2. Only daft Killers (or new) use the Shroud of Separation because having the Survivors start all over the map and able to jump on 3+ different Generators at once is NOT to the Killer's benefit. :)

    Basically, the Shroud of Separation should be a SURVIVOR Offering because it works to the advantage of those who want to maximize the first 1-2 minutes of Generator Rush when the Killer can't be everywhere. The Killer should have the Shroud that starts the Survivors together OR a Shroud that spawns the Survivors as far as possible from Lit Totems. Only those designs would have any real value. Right now the Shrouds are just there to waste your Blood Points and fools unwary newbies.

    But then again, MOST of what is on the Blood Web is entirely useless or detrimental. :)