Survivors’ gameplay is way too nerfed

Is it just me who noticed how terrible survivors feel right now? I play both survivor and killer but noticed how unbearable survivors had became especially with the upcoming chapter? Not only is the new killer can break pallets instantly (the only defenses survivors has) with a long range attack, but also zombies roaming around the map that can block gens, body block, and facecamp with no way of defeating them other than luring them away which is time consuming and not at all a good way to get rid of them (with the classics: entity blocking windows and giant hitboxes) mixed with a map that is downright unplayable with zombies that are blocking the small and narrow hallways. It’s way too oppressive and I can’t believe how patient survivors have to be regarding the new chapter, not to mention the only 4-limited vaccines.
I suggest to implement a single one-use pistol scattered somewhere in the map that will defeat one zombie since they are way too ridiculous (also true to the franchise’s lore).
Additionally, it’s time to give killers different speed/range to lunges, how many vaults it takes to block one window, when bloodlust is initiated and control of killer instinct: having them fixed in every killer is problematic as those killers with great powers is never at a disadvantage, for instance, spirit has a very reliable and consistent power but at the same time she has bloodlust and crazy lunge therefore it’s fair to nerf her lunge range. Another example is nurse, she has a teleporting power that shuts down any windows and pallets therefore make windows unblock-able for survivors in compensation and it wouldn’t be broken/op since survivors already keep vaulting the same dropped-pallet infinitely with nurse but she gets them anyway in the end thanks to her over-worthy power. Additional example, Freddy should have less killer instinct since he can teleport across the map. Nemesis, Pyramid head and Charlotte, should have less speed in lunge since they are able to hit through obstacles and the list goes on. Survivors are getting way too nerfed and it’s overly favoring the killers as they are getting buffed, ridiculous maps are getting reworked, their perks are becoming reliable and fun and overall in a far better state but they have yet to compensate to survivors therefore leaving them in-need-of-buff state to be on par with killers. Just my thoughts.
,,long range attack"
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Look, I hate to be the whattabouter but I really do have to say it: What about killer?
This isn't just a survivor problem, there's a lot of incredibly dull and boring gameplay that killers have to deal with that, somewhat depressingly, most of the "boring" killers were created to counter (predropping pallets, holding W, slamming gens, broken tile setups, etc). The core issue really is the uninteractive gens driving chases to be artificially shortened with stronger and stronger killers.
Also, I have no idea what you are going in about with all this talk of "killer instinct", I never even considered that mechanic a problem, it's just weaker aura reading (that can't be countered by lockers or perks, so also it's stronger in a way) that some killers have access to if certain conditions are met.
Overall, the game is still survivor sided, and survivor is without a doubt far easier and far less stressful than killer, but it's not really a one-sided game because the matchmaking is absolutely awful and always puts opponents agasint one another who have significant advantages, for example a SWF meta team agasint Myers or... any killer against pure solo's.
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"it’s time to give killers different speed/range to lunges"
This is not a good idea. It has been done before, some people here might remember when Huntress and Hag had shorter lunges because of their movement speed.
It got changed for a reason.
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I agree about the map, it's gonna be a nightmare to play on for everybody, and the zombies will probably get annoying eventually on indoor maps, but survivor is still fine. So is killer.
And I'm not sure what you're trying to say with the last paragraph. Have you played killer before? But I'm gonna assume you're referring to bloodlust where killers get faster the longer they're in a chase. I agree with that, this mechanic is ######### awful and should be removed, but I think there's more important things they need to address first like map design and spawn RNG being terrible and the core problem of the game's balance.
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Zombies: Those will be annoying once they are live. Not saying that they will be OP or anything, but nobody wants to get smacked down by a Zombie who suddenly appears in front of you during a Chase (especially on Indoor Maps), this is funny on the PTB but will be frustrating on the Live Server.
However, the once change I would like to see for Zombies is to block them from Facecamping. That they turn in another direction after getting X meters to a Hook. The Killer should not get a free facecamper just because of RNG.
Regarding different stats: It would totally make sense for some Killers. That the stronger Killers are not that supported by game mechanics. However, we are at a point were we need to think about what a strong Killers is. E.g. Oni is a very strong Killer, but also a Killer which is not easy to pick up. So if we increase the requirements to gain Bloodlust (which should go anyway, but I am using it as an example) or increase the number of Window Vaults for Survivors before the entity blocks them, newer players have a harder time to get access to a Killer.
Then on the other end there are weaker Killers like Legion, but if you go against a really strong Legion and they get a Entity Blocker after two vaults already, a good Killer player gets support from game mechanics while probably not even needing it.
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Survivors are strong role, so yes killers need buffs and survivors needs nerf. But devs doing that so slow. For example, keys are still so strong but moris are not problem anymore.
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I feel like zombies are the only real issue here. Most killers feel the same to face these days. A Huntress, Deathslinger and Nemesis will be very similar in a short loop and Demogorgon, Blight and Nemesis will be very similar against pallets. If one of them were to feel bad, many other would too.
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I feel like you are either new or have not played much killer. Strictly for the reason your complaining about killer instinct. Also killer has been getting buffed because a few of our killers are either bugged to hell and back, or they just suck and the devs are trying to fix that. I don't play survivor a lot but somehow im rank 7 I don't know how I got there or how to get back down. I only play survivor when my friend and I wanna goof off or I have a daily. My killer rank is rank 6 and that is with tons of hard work and dedication. So survivor feels pretty easy to me.
Also can someone please tell me how to get out of rank 7 as survivor I keep trying but all I do is rank up. HELP! I don't wanna be here anymore I wanna go back home to rank 15!
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Many of the new mpas have screwed over survivor like Shelter Woods or Wreckers Yard. But it seems more are against killer with maps like Badham Preschool, The Game, Father Campbell's Chapel, or Groaning Storehouse.
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Nice bait
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More like Smol range attack
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I'm just wondering when sluzzy's going to respond.
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Sluzzy alt?
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Why does this keep happening? I feel like certain killers are too strong but it makes no sense to talk about it here. Killer mains will come out in mass to disagree with you much in the way that survivors will disagree with killers. No one wins...
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Welcome back to 2016 where Trapper needed ages to set traps and windows were never blocked and fast-vaultable from every direction/distance.
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I do say that Nurse needs her short range lunge back since she can literally blink through stuff. Nurse was respected because you had to literally blink on top of a survivor. Now you can blink 3 steps away and still hit a survivor. That drives me up the wall more than it should but it does.
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That doesn't sound like a bad suggestion, to be honest.
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The developers implemented a grenade and you still complain? lol
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Thank you. The reason the Nurse was loved and hated was due to you having to memorize her blink distances plus try to accurately blink a second time to actually land on the survivor for a hit. That quick thinking is why people love Blight and hate Blight. Giving her a normal lunge took that out because if you get "close enough", you can hit them. It just took a lot of the skill out.
I know it sounds like I'm ragging on her but I was one of the few people who enjoyed going against her and just wanted her blink add-ons changed and thats it but giving her a normal lunge destroyed her skill gap. You could run a bad Nurse years ago but even bad ones can get a hit even if their blinks are cheeks now.
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Well, I believe that explains the certain respect people have, or at least used to have, for good Nurse mains. Thanks for the small "history lesson", by the way. This change was made on Patch 1.9.0, if I am not mistaken, and I wouldn't join until 2.4.0 So most of the things I know come from old videos and wiki information. I have done A LOT of "research", if I may put it that way, about Dead by Daylight's past but it is always nice to talk to someone who was actually there.
And don't worry, I understand your point and agree completely.
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@GeneralV Here's a prime example of why Old Nurse was more balanced than new Nurse with counterplay in mind. Old Nurse had to blink on top of someone for a hit, right? There was an old counter you could do at a pallet after they blink. You stand on one side of the pallet and they had to choose to either fatigue because they could get stunned by the pallet since their lunge was too short but if they used that second blink, a survivor could run and slap the pallet down when she blinked to the other side if you was quick enough.
If she blinked at the ground, she would either he slapped still or let the survivor runaround the loop again and try to use your 2 blinks again to catch them. New Nurse can swing through the pallet so now you have to decide if she's gonna swing on you or throw the pallet and she blinks through and hits you/grabs due to the animation lock, making Nurse even easier just due to the lunge alone. That one counter is now forever gone.
No more mindgames at pallets. They're all unsafe and if you stand near a wall to see where the Nurse might blink, you might get unlucky and she just walks up, causing you to lose distance because the new Nurse can juat lunge normally so she doesn't have to fully rely on just accurate blinks. Hope that explains why the new lunge actually makes her skill gap even shorter.
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It sure did, my friend. It sure did.
Wish I was here to actually see that in-game. Must have been a much better time to face Nurse.
Well, I can add that to the extremely long list of good things I've missed due to the unfortunate fact that I didn't know about Dead by Daylight's existence until late 2018.
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Old Nurse was probably the most fun you could have if you knew how to face her and if she was really skilled. It was never a dull moment and you never truly felt safe but you also never like you was a punching bag with no counters either. She was a Beast but took a lot of time to actually do well with her.
I've played this game for years but even now, I'll disagree with someone and I'll get labeled a survivor main or a killer main even though I play both sides. Ive been on the side of asswhoopings from old Nurse and I took my lumps learning her as well. Just really fun times. I sometimes miss old DBD but my only anger is when the devs try to balance something that was already balanced because they don't know how to face a killer or play a killer.
Nurse was just an unfortunate mishap. I don't always reply to threads but just saying, I've been playing this game for about 5 years now and I've always had fun. I use to do crazy plays and got rewarded for it. Now it seems any type of fun gets ripped out over the sake of balance. You make a funny post, immediately get backlash.
We stopped enjoying the game somewhere and now its all about being competitive but people need to play both sides and see if something is just brutal. You might like a killer a certain way or have a map that can be looped safely forever but you got to realize that other's are human.
If you don't want to get curbstomped every match as survivor/killer then you also should play the the other side and see if its fun to go against it. If its not, speak up even if it makes the game a little harder. Everyone deserves fun but balance should be #1 but don't make it unbearable to play at the same time. (Speaking in a general way)
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The killer is supposed to be the power role in this asymmetrical horror game, not the survivors.
And lol no, survivors are not being nerfed that hard because of a random aspect to a killer power that is still subject to change.
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I know what you are talking about. I have my fair share of dissatisfaction with the current state of the game, yet not for the same reasons.
Sometimes we would do anything to return the our good ole' days, wouldn't we? Back when the game was different, the community, everything was different, really.
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Completely agree. Man, I have so many fond memories of the old DBD. When people would play Dwight Locker Roulette, Duck duck goose and even would try to farm with players if everyone threw up cakes or BPS's. Those days are far gone. I remember playing as a Wraith and just clanging my bell to show I was friendly and farm because I had a bad day. Those are rare now. You do that ######### now and they just rush the ######### out of the gens or the killer will do their best to kill everyone quickly to try and piss everyone off who threw the cakes/BPS's. It's sad, really.
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It truly is, my friend. It truly is. I've already lost my favourite killer and my favourite maps, and I don't even have words to express how much I miss them. I would do anything to return to version 2.4.0 or better yet, even further in the past.
This is not the game that I fell in love with back in 2018, and that is what disheartens me most. I want my game back.
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I'm with you. Some of the balances were needed but we lost what made the game really enjoyable. This game has become killer/survivor instead of just a chill game. The first time I saw 4 Dwights in all red duck walking across Haddonfield was probably the most funniest ######### I have ever seen lol. Man, those were the days.
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Glad to see that you agree. We truly lost what made DBD special, what made DBD fun. I still remember my first killer match: Old Freddy on Torment Creek. It was on that exact moment that I realised I had found my favourite game.
Now, if I don't watch a few old videos every time I want to play, it gets difficult for me to truly enjoy my trials. All I want is my game back. All we want is our game back.
Is that too much to ask?
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My only real issue with old Freddy was his gen regressing add-ons being stacked and the fact that you couldn't hit someone for 7-9 seconds (can't remember the correct time) so you just had to stand there, while someone cleanses your hex in your face or finishes a gen in your face. It drove me up the wall lol.
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Never had a problem with his add-ons, to be honest. Waking up was enough for them to disappear, and it was kinda rare for me to run them. I prefered things like the Block add-ons, Pill Bottle, Class Photo, and the list goes on.
As for the Dream Transition, 7 seconds was fine. People doing stuff in your face was a problem, and I actually have a solution. This is staright from my own idea for a Freddy rework:
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see The Nightmare intermittently and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
Problem solved. I actually have a full concept with the power and add-ons :) I really, really, really, REALLY miss my main, so this topic gets me excited.
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Incapacitated would have been great for old Freddy. It would have made him able to protect his hexes and gens.
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Precisely. It would be the perfect buff. Together with Dream Projection, of course.
Old Freddy with mobility would be sweet.
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I'd prefer the constant aura over dream pallets or blood pools any day xD
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Same, my friend. Same.
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Use Paint Brush xD with Monitor and Abuse and you could see auras from like 5 feet away xD that survivor wasn't mindgaming ######### xD those were the days. Like a scarier version of Tier 1 Myers xD
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Ah yes, back when Red Paint Brush reduced your movement speed. This combo was devastating on Lery's.
But one of my favourite add-ons was Pill Bottle. No glimpses during the Transition was basically a free hit 100% of the time.
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Stop trying to take sluzzys crown it's never going to happen. 😂😂
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That was probably his best add-on, honestly. You never saw that guy coming until he slept you and you still didn't know where he was xD That put the fear of Freddy in a lot of people xD
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So killers are finally threatening, and now people think this game is killer-sided.
Great :P
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Perhaps Class Photo was a little bit better, but that might be debatable.
And this conversation makes nostalgia hit me like a truck! I really want my main back.
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I wouldn't say survivor gameplay is nerfed. It's just repetitive. We just have a HUGE discrepancy between perks. The perks are either meta or useless and there is no in-between. It forces a very repetitive play style. A lot of perks made to counter strong killer perks are often not good enough.
Like Breakout, it sounds like such a fun perk but it requires you to run empathy to find potential survivors. And chasing the killer around may or may not result in a drop. So you could just be wasting time. So I think Breakout could use an additional effect. Maybe similar to empathy but with far less range.
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Nostalgia is just the love of the game that we'll never forget.
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Well said.