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There is no Gen-rush?



  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213

    First 3. Last one is garbage.

    I wonder how I even manage to 3 or 4 k 90% of my matches. Regarding the statements here it must be impossible to play killer nowadays. Poor Otzdarva, TrueTalent, Dowsey, Hexy, Umbra, OhTofu, Zubat, Monto...

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Most of us have 3 or 4K most matches. 4 escapes so rare for me but that is not point. Point is playing survivor is easy and chill. But killer games are sweaty. Kill rates are not confirm anything, killers showing more effort. And that is because of gen times.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Ironic how the very streamers you mentioned posted a video on how easy it is to loop a killer for 4 minutes...

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213

    The second part of your statement absolutely contradicts the first one.

    So you basically admit that you win most of your matches but still complain about gen speed? How do you want the game to be balanced? Chilled 4 k every single match? Not gonna happen.

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213

    Only if the killer makes a lot of mistaker or it's cowshed 1 vs 1 where you are allowed to waste every pallet.

    But even there most survivors lasted not longer than 1-2 minutes against Otzdarva.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I wanna chill games as killer too. I really do not care about 4K, i wanna fun. Not sweaty games all matches

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    Gen Rush Hackers needs to be stopped!

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    So, the only thing Survivors suppose to do is bad to do? I mean, how can you say "GenRush", when you have basically nothing else to do except open gates? How is that any rush? And how you can rush it? How can i do gens faster than usuall?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited June 2021


    Killers are getting about a 68% kill rate which is incredibly lope-sided. Even with the ability to gen-rush and use keys, killers are getting an average of 2.72 kills per match. If anything, gens needs to go faster for survivors, not slower.

    It's 2.72 kills per match. Even at 2.5, that's still to many kills in a match, but your math is wrong. It should be slightly less that 60% to be more fair, so under 2.4 kills a match.

  • Krunga
    Krunga Member Posts: 159

    I cannot believe still one chase is good enough for 2 gens to be done. At this point I just want solo repair to be gone.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,971

    My opinion:

    You prepared for a genrush, the killer didnt prepare against a genrush, which is by far the biggest reason they lost.

    I could prepare for rushing kills as a killer, and if survivors didnt prepare against rushing kills, I would get a kill before they even finish the first gen. You cannot really call something broken if the opponent didnt prepare for it.

    Just to break it down:

    He saw 4 toolboxes in the lobby, brought Ruin, Bitter Murmur, NOED and Make Your Choice. At least NOED made some sense here, but here's what I prefer to bring if I see 4 toolboxes in the game: Corrupt Intervention, Thanatophobia, Pop, Ruin. It delays survivors from touching gens early on, giving me space to injure survivors and chase them off gens. Meaning any toolbox progress they made will go down. Thana means gens progress slower, making Ruin hurt even more. Since they would have 1 person searching for Ruin at that point, I can dedicate to a chase for a hook, by the time I get them on a hook, 2 toolboxes are empty, 2 gens probably popped and Ruin is likely to be destroyed at that point, meaning I can use Pop instead on the last gen that wasnt regressed to 0. Considering most of them are still injured and didnt heal up(if they did heal, no more than 1 gen is popped, if they didnt heal, Thana ends up doing quite some damage to them at 3-ish stacks).

    It comes down to the killer being ill-prepared. And yes, if you are not prepared against a strategy, you tend to lose. I dont really see a problem in this game. The killer was too stubborn to adapt to the information he was given in the lobby, didnt use a sacrificial ward or map offering to counter the map offering(although, map offering vs map offering is a bit broken) and just played too merciful in a game he couldnt afford to be merciful. The killer has the advantage that they do not give any information to survivors while in the lobby. This killer didnt use any of that, losing him the game.

  • Wrathclaw88
    Wrathclaw88 Member Posts: 51

    just one thing - what will you bring if you dont know what they will bring - the word ist toxic switch

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I use to record all of my matches. I got over 100 on YouTube because when I record, I don't take out my losses. Its a game. Tell me when I get curbstomped at Rank 1 by any group.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    And nthis is already with you missing the 2nd bp skillcheck.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Bro its trapper.....

    He's not doing anything to "Prepare" against a gen rush.....HES TRAPPER! His kit out of the gate as soon as the game starts hamstrings him with set up time. He's the most basic of basic M1 killers in the game. He doesn't have some sprint, or charge, or secondary objectives....he's Trapper. Even if he would have come in like a commando with every gen slow perk in the game, he could have saved what maybe.....30 seconds? He can't chase every survivor at the same time, and he can't be everywhere at once like nurse or spirit or hillbilly or blight. He doesn't have 1 shot downs to cut his chase time in half. He gets a trap. Thats it. He could have used Thano, and dying light sure. But in the first 30 seconds 2 gens are gone. Thats not even enough time to start your first chase considering the killer always starts a decent distance away from survivors, and usually they start you facing the opposite direction in which the survivors spawned at. He could have logically added a few seconds onto the 3rd and 4th gen popping if he manages to end a second chase quickly, and get lucky enough to quickly start a 3rd chase within that time limit. But by that time its too late. Trapper doesn't have compelling secondary objectives, once those chases are over and people are unhooked thats it. He has to aim for hook states. He doesn't have reverse bear traps, or force survivors to cleanse some disease, or sit around and mend. You could say well.....if he brings ruin that'll add a secondary objective right?

    No.....Ruin can be fully in play while a gen rush is going on and you can still drop all 5 gens in record time through ruin since it doesn't slow progress. It just makes survivors commit to gens.....<----WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT A GEN RUSH TEAM WANTS TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,971

    You do realize that in very high tier gameplay, pretty much all killers rely more on their m1's rather than m2's right? Bubba gets more downs if he uses M1's, Billy gets more downs if he uses M1's, Huntress will tend to get more downs with her M1's too unless the map is quite open.

    The build I added was considering his traps were going to be rather useless. Note how I didnt even add addons in the build. That's because that build didnt rely on his M2. Dying Light is terrible when it comes to a genrush. Thana works because it slows down the game a bit. Ruin works because it forces at least 1 survivor off a generator. Corrupt works because it blocks 3 generators that are very likely within survivor vision. Pop works because of Ruin likely to be gone when you need it to be gone.

    "But in the first 30 seconds 2 gens are gone. Thats not even enough time to start your first chase considering the killer always starts a decent distance away from survivors"

    Which is why I said he should have used Corrupt Intervention. To prevent survivors from hopping on gens that are nearby. Sure, he could be unlucky, but that's an issue with RNG, not the gen rush build.

    "Ruin can be fully in play while a gen rush is going on and you can still drop all 5 gens in record time through ruin since it doesn't slow progress. It just makes survivors commit to gens.....<----WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT A GEN RUSH TEAM WANTS TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

    If Ruin stays up, you want to keep bullying survivors off generators. Survivors cannot stay on generators that a killer is patrolling without risking injury. Thana ensures that survivors want to keep healing or get rid of Ruin. 4 stacks of Thana with Ruin is strong enough to have 5 standing gens(thus 3 gens left) and have a powerful patrol since everyone is injured. All you have to do then is decide if a chase will be short enough to down or if you need to keep patrolling.

    YOU SHOULD NEVER DEDICATE TO A CHASE THAT YOU KNOW WOULD LOSE YOU THE GAME. Since everyone is injured(if Ruin is up), all you need is 1 unfortunate survivor making a mistake. So instead of chasing 1 survivor and wait for them to make a mistake, which is inefficient, you chase them off gens untill 1 of them makes a massive mistake. Heck, you could slug them instead if they refuse to go search for Ruin. A slugged survivor cannot work on gens for at least 20 seconds(if they have unbreakable), so you can literally afford to keep patrolling gens. By the time they get saved, or use Unbreakable, you only needed to patrol 3 gens while 1 gen gets regressed.

    If they dont cleanse Ruin, take that chance to use Thana against them and slug, if they do cleanse Ruin, start hooking for Pop. It's not like killers cannot change strategies mid-match.

  • n0suchluck
    n0suchluck Member Posts: 35

    This is definitely interesting to see. Do you think reworking skill checks for higher ranks would help?

    The way it is now skill check difficulty is exactly the same at rank 20 than rank 1. I don't even have crazy hrs on the game and I can get great skill checks with ease. Survivors messing up on gens a little would slow the game down a bit while also helping killers locate people.

    Ultimately, I think good swf groups will still win but it would make games more interesting and more bps.

  • Wrathclaw88
    Wrathclaw88 Member Posts: 51

    Yeah it would be a possibility - i would love to see that skillchecks would need more than one button

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Rank 17 playing worst placed killer in killer tier since long time who needs time to place traps on loops... Try this with another killer not trapper, he losses gens anyway even if u did not have all of these that's how trapper works after all just like Myers he loses gens to get his power to make it best out of it later same goes for trapper...

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213

    Not really. You would just punish bad survivors with slow pcs / bad internet connection.

  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Member Posts: 213


    And this trapper still got 1 k due to NOED. So even when gen rushed killers can do a lot to achieve kills during the endgame.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561
    edited June 2021

    So you basically went out of your way to do everything possible (equipping perks, items, swf) to gen rush a match which is something that doesn't happen naturally while playing solo? seems like a bad conclusion to me. The average survivor playing solo queue plays with no items most of the times and with no gen speed perks. It also depends on the skill the killer player has to push gens, sometimes not even a full 4 man SWF teams take those perks or items...