Basement is the most corny thing in the game.

All the killer has to do is sit at the top of the stairs and he gets a kill. It takes nothing for a killer to do this and I feel like its the killers equivalent to hatch. I think this shouldn't even be part of the game and I am a killer main. I stream where the killer just sat there to get a kill and its like how is this even fun for you. This shows nothing when it comes to skill.
While the basement is certainly the Killer's strongest point on the map, it is not a guaranteed Kill. You also have lots of ways to mitigate the basement, if you choose to use them. The basement would be more aptly compared to the strongest, safe Loops on the map. Most maps have 3-4 strong, safe loops. All maps have one basement.
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Rotten fields
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It’s only really bad when a hag huntress or trapper gets involved
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since the rework on hooks and nerf on Toolboxes, there's no reason to have any more basements. A sabotaged hook restores really fast and nowadays you have killer perks that help you avoid aggressive survivors like Hangman's Trick, Starstruck, etc (bodyblockers/saboteurs/etc). not to mention that there are offerings that make the hooks closer or create more.
Basements is like bloodlust, mechanics that are outdated and makes the game less healthy.
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There’s nothing wrong with the killer capitalising on a Survivors mistake or carelessness.
If a survivor wants to lead a chase around, or near the basement, that’s on them if they get hooked down there.
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Also, there are offerings that let you control where the Basement will be located, i.e. in the Killer shack or the main building. I tend to like putting it in the shack so the Killer is kept away from the center of the map. :) *Well most of the time. There are a FEW maps where there just is a shack in the center.
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But these offerings are not guaranteed. It only increases the chances and if there are no offerings accumulated among the survivors, this will hardly happen (solo =/=swf).
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There are still many maps where its possible to get a bad hook spawn. But Basement does not help with that most of the time anyway.
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Basement is usually the reward for the killer outplaying the survivor at a strong loop (shack/main building), don't play around basement if you don't want to go in.
Killer's that force the basement with Agitation + Iron Grasp and then camp are scummy as ######### though and I wish I could tell my teammates to just do gens and leave.
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Please don't do this to yourself. It makes you your own worst nightmare. Don't be a person who focuses on what you can't do or what might go wrong. Focus on what you can do to mitigate odds and get better. You can't control how other people play. You can't change the structure of the game. You only have power over yourself. That is where your energy is best spent.
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Hey, I am not scummy!
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I am fine deleting the basement if we delete the hatch too
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Of all things to complain about 😂😂
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They mean when a survivor dies on a hook and that hook is destroyed for the rest of the game.
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Just like with every dbd problem, the solution is perks. Bt, ds, metal of man, all of these help in basement rescuing.
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Understood. Agree
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"I'm a killer main" so I was playing survivor right and....
Lol had to, honestly basement isn't that bad, a killer can camp anywhere people just need to be smart about saves and not just rush it. I do believe abilities should be disabled downstairs though.
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The basement is iconic, ######### are you talking about
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IF a killer legit sits on the stairs he's getting either a kill or a trade. There's really not much you can do in that scenario. Borrowed will def get the survivor on the hook out of there but the savior is most def 99% of the time getting hooked. I won't put anyone in basement and if I do I don't sit at the top of the stairs waiting for a savior. I just think it silly is all.