Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Reduce the Grind

That's basically it; reduce the grind for players new and experienced in the game. There should be no reason that we have our current, archaic, progression system. There needs to be a change, and I have suggestions. Take whichever route would suit the game best, all that needs to just be done is to not make the game feel like it's an excessive grind from the start under any circumstance:

  • Reduce the cost of all Bloodweb items so that the playerbase can get these items much more easily.
    • Common: 3000 -> 1500
    • Uncommon: 4000 -> 2000
    • Rare: 5000 -> 2500
    • Very Rare: 6000 -> 3000
    • Ultra Rare: 7000 -> 4000
    • This would give more incentive for players to actually get more things within the Bloodweb and also makes it so that they can unlock the staggeringly immense amount of perks, for each Killer and Survivor, and not feel so overwhelmed when progressing.
  • Increase the amount of Bloodpoints earned per scoring event and the cap of Bloodpoints you earn at the end of the match.
    • This means each scoring event is doubled, and the capacity of Bloodpoints earned in a match (at base) is increased from 32,000 to 64,000.
      • Yes, this would basically mean that Barbecue & Chili would make it upwards of 128,000 per match.

Additionally, I think a couple more suggestions for progression would definitely be in order. These would be practically good under any circumstance and wouldn't hurt the game's health whatsoever:

  • Increase the Bloodpoint cap from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 for every player.
  • Increase the amount of Bloodpoints earned in Archive events and Daily Rituals.
  • Make Perks more common in the Bloodweb.

I think it's time we actually did something about the grind instead of letting it just stagnate and become one of the most despised aspects about the game. There is no point in keeping it as is, since the grind is only tied to gameplay and gameplay alone. I do not want an alternative to the system whatsoever, and I don't want the Experience system to be changed.

I just want the grind for Bloodpoints to be reduced for all players. What I suggest benefits everyone in the end, and your current system, BHVR, needs to change.

You are not Overwatch.

You are not Resident Evil: Resistance.

And you are not other games; your game's progression is lackluster for no reason. There's nothing we, as the players, gain other than the additional Perks, Add-Ons and Offerings, as well as some cosmetics upon getting a prestige level. You talk about wanting to introduce new players into the game and finding ways to make the experience less frustrating, but you never highlighted one of the main reasons why the game can get frustrating to begin with: the grind.

So please, do us a favor, and reduce the grind.


  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    They need to be reduced more than that. that is merely maxing bps 2x as worth it when we have over 50 and more coming characters starting june 15th. It is unreasonable that you have to spend 2000 hours to get them to p3 and get perks you want. Perks should be allowed to be purchased (not at random) and bloodwebs should also be shrunk in size. put another -500 on all of the things you listed and dont lose items or perks when going next prestiege... or at least get them back at the level you had them when they appear in the bloodweb... and that is a much better start.

    Cutting the bps down on items, even by half, is not indiciative of how big the game has gotten since they came in, nor how many items and perks have been added to purchase. You should be able to p3 all survivors in a couple hundred hours. its purely cosmetic and they make money of micro transactions. p3 used to be bc there were only one outfit... bloody or not.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly for balance sake, I think its time they strongly consider simply cutting out rank 1/2 of perks. In that way they can more precisely balance a perk based on its needs and don't have to worry about its 'lesser versions' anymore. That would also immediately cut out a good deal of grinding, and make prestiging feel more feasible for regular people. (Although technically an above and beyond mechanic, so they'd probably add a new set of prestige during these changes like they did last time.)

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    We should just get the max value perk, tier 1, 2, 3 makes no sense and makes prestiging a chore. The bloodweb would work better if perks didn't have ranks at all.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    All of these are good suggestions overall.

    The reduction I feel would be good only if they added the increased Bloodpoint earnings. If you reduce how much you need to spend by half on (most of) them, as well as boost the amount of Bloodpoints earned in matches, you'll level up your character within around 4 to 8 levels per match, which is what should really be the case rather than possibly leveling them up once or twice.

    And I also think that Prestige should allow you to have more Perk Slots available to you in base; so if you prestige once, you get two slots to start; you prestige again, you get three, and the final time, you get all four. Gives you more incentive.

    I also do agree that something needs to be done about the Prestige system. Perhaps considering how much Bloodpoints are spent to prestige anyway, they should reward you with around 250,000 Bloodpoints per Prestige perhaps, that way you can kickstart your progression faster.

    That or maybe all universal perks are available right from the gate?

    I can understand why they have ranks, which gives players a sense of "progression", but I also do agree that leveling up perks is too archaic, at least in their current way.

    If they had to keep them, I would argue that we should be able to level Perks up by themselves with Bloodpoints, rather than having to sort through them in the Bloodweb. That way you only need to obtain one of each Perk in the Bloodweb, then focus on leveling them up in the Perk menu. Again, an innovative way to really make grind better without having to force people into the Bloodweb and spend so many points to possibly not even go up a level.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I still just wish that I could choose what I want. Having to spend tens of thousands of BP on crap that I don't want just because I need to follow the path to a good perk or useful item seems like such an arbitrary roadblock. If anything it's to the player's DISadvantage not to buy everything they can get, so I don't really see it as any kind of imbalance to the game if we were given a selection of things to purchase each match and got to simply choose them, close the level, and move on. That removes the need of playing matches to earn the BP necessary to work through threads of the web that contain items you don't want, thus making those matches not feel like a grind.

    I mean, think about it. Some of these bloodwebs have literally like 30 items on them. If I only want, say, 7 of them, that's a good 90,000 I have to waste to get them.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Initially I would have agreed that having perk tiers was necessary so that there was any progression at all. However they don't have to worry about 'power progression' per se because of the large diversity of perks available, now they can instead focus on 'mechanical progression', that is to say, 'power' comes from the diversity of builds possible ranging from FOOS, first order optimal strategies, to increasingly more complicated strategies and mechanics for both sides to employ. Unfortunately I think BHVR and DBD is in this sort of gangly youth stage where we are in the middle of the need for that transition, but it hasn't quite happened yet as a game design decision making mentality shift.

  • JasonS
    JasonS Member Posts: 100

    Anything that is just a flat increase in BP gained or reduced cost will mess with the availability of keys/medkits/map offerings/killer addons/etc. I don't think this is a good idea.

    Instead I think the simple solution is to just remove perk-tiers. Each perk only has to be found once and you have it at max power.

    Lots of perks have weird scaling that doesn't make sense (why does Discordance have a range of 128 meters when that's literally the whole map?) just because every single perk needs to have NUMBERS attached to it that can go up with higher levels.

    Having 3 tiers of every perk not only increases the grind, but it also limits perk diversity because every perk NEEDS to have numbers attached to it so that they can make 3 different versions that increase in strength. So not only would removing the tiers help reduce the grind, it would open up more options to develop future perks (or rework old persk) in new ways that were impossible with the old system.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Add-ons/items/offerings need to be expensive. Otherwise players will always put in the best possible add-ons, and there will be no need for a weaker version of the addon and I think the game is not balanced around always running the best add-ons/items/offerings.

    Instead i think that perks should be made completely free in the bloodweb. Or maybe even all perks should be available immediately. The bloodweb would be used only for add-ons, items and offerings, because only those need balancing.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    I'd argue that this could be fixed by just reducing the availability of add-ons, items and offerings of rare or higher to higher levels of play. This would serve three purposes and hit those goals quick:

    • It would increase player progression at a significantly faster rate.
    • It would make these items in the Bloodweb mean something due to their newfound rarity.
    • It would still make people use lower tiered items, add-ons and offerings as a means of progression.

    How I would also make it is that the progression, i.e. your Survivor-Killer level, determines which add-ons, items, offerings you get. This means over time, you will progress to get even better things over time, while still reducing the overall spending of the items within the Bloodweb.

    So if you're at level 1-20 for a Killer without prestige, you'll more than likely end up getting common add-ons and offerings with the occasional uncommon/rare ones. And the more you progress, the better things will get overall for you.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Just please don't make it depend on prestige, because if prestige is necessary to get better add-ons, then you are actually increasing the grind with your suggestion. Currently prestige has almost non-existent effect on add-ons, so doing prestige is really just an optional thing at the moment.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    The reduction I proposed literally makes bps more worth it.

    More perk slots is a horrible idea. You want people to run 4 hexes, and 2 chase perks? Or bt, unbreakable, soul guard, adrenaline, dead hard, etc? no one wants that.