Get rid of Bnps

7 games out of the 15 i played today i got at least 2 survivors with bnps. Don't know if the addon is getting nerfed soon or something because holy ######### those gens are flying.
Nerf killer please btw i should be able to 1v1 them for 10 minutes
Damn it, I just got this image ready.
I thought this was about survs being kinky.
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I mean, yeah it was probably unfun as hell, but you still got a 4k. Despite the stacked toolboxes and maybe a farm map? Idk that or Macmillan, but you still for a 4k.
So, ironically, this shows that even when survivors bring really strong things they still lose, and is (also ironically) actually supporting the notion of killer nerfs.
There are a lot of games or Screenshots you could've used to show "killer isn't as great as it could be can we nerf some of the things survivors have" but this wasn't it.
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I mean, you got a 4K.
And the BNP is basically the only Toolbox-Stuff which is actually somewhat worth it. And it is only the strongest Toolbox-Part, because the other things got nerfed into the ground.
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Thanks for supporting the cause that wraith needs some tuning with more proofs 🥰🥰
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You complain about bnp now but oh boy you should have seen the prior versions of it...
And also as others have pointed out none got out.
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Doesn't matter if i got the 4k it's still not ok for 3 gens to pop in the first minute of the game. I had to 1 hook slug them all after 2 of them made crucial mistakes."it's ok if survivors have bnps because if you somehow get lucky enough to kill them that makes them balanced" thats what i get from people like you.
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I used to be a survivor main and used insta heals and bnps every time i had one
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He doesn't you just need to git gud i outplayed a wraith 3 hours ago using the same addons as me the whole game.
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"Doesn't matter if i got the 4k it's still not ok for 3 gens to pop in the first minute of the game"
But- but that's what's meant to happen?
As a killer you have no map pressure at the start of the game, yeah? Leaving 4 survivors to split up on generators. By the time you find, chase, and down someone, all of which could occur during the first minute, those 3 other survivors will have done a generator using the toolboxes you saw them load into the game with. That's just how dbd works, because after the initial hook is when you build pressure, snowball, and eventually hit the Pressure Point of No Return®.
"I had to 1 hook slug them all after 2 of them made crucial mistakes."
Which is what you're meant to do as killer??!! Capitalise on a mistake, a chink in the armour, to snowball to high hell and win the game from there. Take advantage of one, small mistake and use that momentum to swing to victory. That's literally how killer is played what do you mean?!
""it's ok if survivors have bnps because if you somehow get lucky enough to kill them that makes them balanced" thats what i get from people like you."
Okay firstly, 'People like you' that certainly could've been worded substantially better. And secondly yes actually, you still got the 4k from it, which isn't meant to be balance. So it's actually proving that it's underpowered and BNPs need a buff.
Like I said there were many Screenshots you could've used to show your point and this was not it. This ends up proving the opposite, which is ironic like I said in my original post.
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Who said i can't play against wraith? I said that it needs tuning, not that i can't play against him 💅
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I never downed the first survivor i went to the first gen that activated tinkerer and pushed that survivor off. 2 more tinkerers activated and i pushed the 3rd survivor off and let the last gen go. 3/4 survivors are injured and 2 gens done because this is clearly a 3man swf. All the injured survivors go to different parts of the map and the healthy one goes and finishes the gen at 90.
I catch 2 of the survivors at shack healing and down them both, i find the 3rd hiding in the corn and down him as well. The 4th tried saving them all but i ended up slugging them. If it were for no bnp i would of not lost 3 gens that fast and if the survivors made no mistakes and didn't give me the chance to 4man slug them, i would've lost.
If killers are meant to 1hook slug 4 survivors then why does it take 3 hooks to kill them instead of 1? 12 hooking survivors running 3 bnps is not possible if they're good especially a 3man swf. It might be possible without the bnps
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Sure whatever you say person putting random emotes in your posts
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12 hooks takes more skill then 4man slugging and 1 hooking them. If survivors have 3 bnps then it isn't possible to get 12 hooks. The devs clearly want killers trying to achieve 12 hooks and if not then they would make it where it only takes 1 hook to kill. This addon is unhealthy for the game clearly
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You don't get much from rushing gens into getting 4man slugged. Were they somehow supposed to get 20k?
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Read my other posts
If they didn't have bnps and with the way i play wraith, i could've contested the 3 gens and possibly saved 2 from popping.
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So you are allowed to bring 2 purple addons to give you a big advantage but when survivors use a pink addon it's a problem? If those survivors were to beat you like that, they still would have if they didn't have the toolboxes and you didn't have the addons. BNP is fine, it's supposed to be strong, it's are a pink addon.
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you still 4k'd so idk why you're complaining.
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Let there be a pink item that speeds up the objective for killer ie kill survivors faster oh wait there is but they got nerfed. Why? Because survivors found it unfair to instantly die off 1st hook but by your logic it's pink so it should be that way. Bnps speed up the survivors objective with no effort at all but let a killer bring in a pre nerfed mori and it's all of a sudden unfair.
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I have
Solo survivors can also be efficient with bnps ik that because i play with crossplay off and play with good survivors everyday. "Bnps aren't strong anymore" 25% of a gen in a couple of seconds isn't strong? People in the forums really need to start showing gameplay because there's no way good players think 25% of a gen in 5 seconds is weak.
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Next time I'll purposely lose when ik they're using bnps so it makes my argument stronger. Tyvm for your braindead take
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Well let's agree to disagree then i honestly am done talking to you on this topic,would like to see more interesting takes.
Btw if you didn't care about my opinion you wouldn't of @me. Your take wasn't even good and i still humored you for a bit.
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Its not overly telling about balance when its near full power wraith vs near full power survivors.
They both went all out and skill became the deciding factor.
Also we simply don't know if this game was a down to the wire 4k nor if its an over altruistic 4k(3 man escape turned into 4 kill because of overly altruistic survivors).
Before you call me out about that possibility just remember gen rushing gives very little points and in both games I have been in(as a solo with a 3 man) and against 3+ BNPs all 5 gens can be done before any survivor gets over 15k as the rush gives very little time for BP gain.
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BNPs were already nerfed once. They are balanced now.
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Nerfed Once= forever balanced. Nice logic
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This actually screams that he was camping and tunneling, which results in the same point spread. ss of the post game is hardly a claim for anything. I need actual undoctored video.
@OP BNPs have already been heavily nerfed. Nerfing them further, BHVR may as well just delete them all together.
Discordance and Pop, but you got a 4k and 25k.. Does not scream Genrush in the slightest.
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Can't tunnel someone if they all get slugged and 1hooked. I usually record my games if I'm ready to make a video on something. Bnps are unhealthy, how is 25% of a gen in 5 seconds ok? Especially paired up with efficient smart survivors is just busted. How am i going to have a chance at getting 12 hooks against a 3man swf with 3 bnps?
The killers goal should be to try and achieve 12 hooks not 4man slug because if that was the case, it would only take 1 hook to kill them.
Not a single person has made a valid point so far against my argument
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I'm not saying things only need to be nerfed once but in this instance, it doesn't need another nerf. Interpret my comment however you want, but I definitely didn't say that.
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4k is not enough anymore. 4man 5gens is where is at.
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I don't know if you played the game while BNP wasn't already nerfed, because I can assure to you you would've seen 4 gens popping up in less than 10 or 15 seconds.
This BNP has already been nerfed also has the toolboxes themselves. It is a pink add on, it has to do something minimally strong. The real issue here is the SWF who ask themselves to bring a BNP for everyone... SWF has to be nerfed somehow, however a lot of discussions already have been made about that and nothing seems balanced when it comes for a SWF.
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"Nerf killer please btw i should be able to 1v1 them for 10 minutes"????
Nah...You get only 2 minutes. 10 minutes would be dragging the game! 😋