Facecamping Bubba is not a thing

To all those who constantly complain about facecamping: it literally takes longer to charge chainsaw than to approach a hook and unhook a survivor. So facecamping someone with Bubba is technically impossible after Bubba's rework. And if Bubba was the strongest facecamper, that means facecamping doesn't exist as some people describe it. Any camping can be countered by a single Borrowed Time with nothing else: just unhook and that's it, the Killer can't do anything to prevent it. If you got facecamped in a game, it means none of your teammates wanted to save you, and that's it. Blame your teammates, and not the Killer. Every successful facecamp is a result of survivors' mistakes and nothing else.
Just because another survivor can hook trade (or get both of you killed if the unhooker isn't running BT) doesn't mean facecamping doesn't exist.
That is a very strange definition of facecamping you have there...
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I've been facecamped by Bubba so I'm not sure what to tell you.
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pretty sure it is it's just that facecamping with chainsaw Rev permanently isn't possible anymore
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You're a funny dude.
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This ain't it chief.
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"Not a thing"
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Bubba can flutter the chainsaw.
Even if they just stand there,the chainsaw can be charged and released the moment the hooked survivor gains control. Given the right addons (or position), you can chase down the unhooked through BT within the same charge.
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Bubba can down someone who has been unhooked with BT during his chainsaw sprint. Idk where you're trying to go with this.
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Yeah this ain't the right argument here my guy...
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If Bubba is face to face with the survivor on the hook he's face camping.
If he's standing in the corner with insidious he's just a camping bubba.
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I saw some pro bubba facecamper wih time. Dudes know perfectly when start to charge the chainsaw when the survivor is in the right place to down him. Pro never lie...
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Only with ultra rare addons AND if the survivor doesn't loop him around corners or a window properly.
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Sad thing is, both will get you killed.
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Well, what I meant was to address what many people here keep saying about facecamping: they say it can't be countered and forces the victim to die of first hook. It isn't true if survivors can just trade hooks, so nobody has to derank just because they got facecamped. That was the point.
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Chilli and Doom Graving, Purple and Green addons. I'm sure you could get by with less if not none.
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That's fair, but I've seen so many survivors run straight towards bubba in the middle of a dead zone because they think bt will protect them.
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lmao yes it is, ever since ranks failed to reset it is just brown ranks who had more time to reach red ranks. they play exactly like rank 21's