Current State of DBD Killers and Balance Suggestions Thread

In this discussion I would like to invite everyone to give their nerf/buff suggestions for killers who are either underpowered or overpowered, as it goes without question that the game state is currently far from balanced, with some killers tremendously overperforming others, regardless of the skill of the player.
I will list all killers below and state my opinion and suggestions for change (if necessary). I invite you all to do the same, lets see what the community thinks. I'm going by release date.
Here's my thoughts on where each killer stands:
- Trapper (Underpowered). Suggestion: Fix his trap spawn locations to make sure there are available traps in every area of the map, and it does not occur that one area is overloaded with traps while there are very few to be found in another. Furthermore, the RNG factor of the escape attempts can be kept, but make it more consistent. It makes no sense that one survivor escapes on the first attempt, while the other cannot do it in 5. It would be a much better idea if the escape chance starts low and increases after each attempt. For example escaping on your first try stands only at 10%, while after say the 5th time it's closer to 60%. That way it would have more predictability both for the Trapper and survivors.
- Wraith (Balanced). After the buff, I think he's in a pretty good spot. Nothing to change here.
- Hillbilly (Balanced, but on the weakish side). I'm not sure how you would change Billy exactly without breaking him, but he does feel somewhat weak-ish. Maybe buff his add-ons abit.
- Nurse (Overpowered). Despite that, I wouldn't touch her to be honest. She does have weaknesses and can be outplayed, it's really a battle of skill in games versus a Nurse. As strong as she is, I've never played a game as Nurse where I felt I got kills I didn't deserve, and when I lose with her, it's because I wasn't on point and survivors were better than me. She imo is Overpowered, but also... fair.. if that makes sense.
- Myers (Underpowered). Without add-ons, probably the worst killer in the game right now. I'll prolly get hate from Myers mains, but cmon. Like, seriously this dude has no ability whatsoever without addons, just status effects. Tier 1 he's basically a weaker M1 killer with Undetectable that moves at 105% and has no lunge. Then he has to stalk to basically become a basic M1 killer with no ability whatsoever. That's exactly what he is at Tier 2, a Trapper with no traps. And at T3, he is just a killer with no ability and Exposed status effect. Like unless you're playing with addons (which I enjoy, he has great addons), what's the point of him. Give the guy something. Suggestion: Give him a brief speed boost after leveling up to T3, which extends once hitting a survivor. It shouldn't be anything crazy, but enough to give him at least something special.. like you've been working for that Exposed status whole game, and the NOED guy gets his movement speed for free, why shouldn't you?
- Hag (Strong but balanced). I wouldn't change her, she's at a good spot, battle of skill.
- Doctor (Balanced). Nothing to change here.
- Huntress (Balanced). Great deal of skill involved here, can be either very weak or very strong depending on the killer's skill. As it should be.
- Cannibal (Balanced). Annoying and barely any skill involved, but balanced regardless. There is outplay potential for sure. The fact that Bubba players sometimes play toxic is another story, but it's them to blame.
- Freddy (Balanced). After the nerfs. Before he would be put in overpowered. Great job BHVR, good tweak.
- Pig (Underpowered). Suggestion: Make the timer a bit shorter. Her traps do not seem like a threat at all, which is her main power. I've never died from a trap personally, I don't know...
- Clown (Underpowered). Suggestion: Add a meter to his purple bottles, so when the meter is full (after 4 bottles or X number of seconds within the cloud), the survivor affected does not get a skill check warning when repairing or healing. The meter resets and the effect is negated the first time a skill check is missed.
- Spirit (Overpowered). Unlike nurse, it's less about skill battle than guessing battle, which naturally is in Spirit's favor. Suggestion: Add a very slight visual indicator of her position when she's phase walking. Even if it's just 10% of the Wraith's cloak transparency, just give survivors something to look for, even if it's hard to see. Not all maps have grass.
- Legion (Balanced). Maybe on the weak-ish side, but viable.
- Plague (Balanced). Nothing to change here.
- Ghostface (Balanced). ^.
- Demogorgon (Balanced). ^
- Oni (Balanced). Strong, but wouldn't change much. Again, a game of skill. Can be very strong and unfun to verse, or a piece of cake.
- Deathslinger (Balanced). Nothing to change. Gearhead nerf made no sense.
- Pyramidhead (Balanced). On the strong side tho.
- Blight (Balanced). Very strong, seems fair however.
- Twins (Balanced). Suggestion: The Viktor hit nerf made no sense. Reverse it..
- Trickster (Underpowered). Suggestion: Main event often hurts you more than it helps you. The window of activation makes no sense, the ability is already quite bad, at least make it so when you unlock it, you can decide when to use it.. my dude is useless.
Hopefully Nemesis will be balanced. That's my opinion on every killer. What do you think about my suggestions for nerfs, buffs? Feel free to tell me and add yours.
so spirit. I actually saw a suggestion I think would be really cool and give her more of a ghosty-ghouly feel. This person's suggestion was have have spirt have a dim shadow on the floor that would give her position away. so would give her counterplay but only to those who are attentive. I really like this because she would feel more like a ghost that way. Also myers might require a straight rework he's REALLY outdated.
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That sounds great really. And it really makes sense, considering that... she's a Spirit. I think that change would really make her more fair, without it necessarily being a nerf, as a good Spirit will not be phased by that change at all. However, at least it will make her more fun to verse, so survivors actually have something to look for, instead of just hoping for the best.
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I think that we need to consider more than just overall strength. Bubba is the perfect example of this, his over all strength is fine, but he's way too easy to play for how strong he is. Bubba needs a nerf/buff. Nerf some of the things that make him powerful that are easy to do and then buff some of the things that require skill. He should maintain his overall power, but become a bit harder to play.
As a blight main, I actually think he's a bit too strong. And there are flicks that are only possible when your DPI is over 2k. How good you are at Blight shouldn't be dependent on what mouse you're using, just like being good with Spirit shouldn't depend on how good your headset is.
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that actually reminds me. @lolifasad have spirits hearing set to a certain amount so stridor doesn't do #########-all to the survivors while she's phasing.
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That's a very good point, I haven't thought about that at all. I totally agree with what you said, no killer should be dependent on your equipment (mouse, headphones etc.). It really says something about flawed character design, when you have to adjust your mouse sensitivity before playing certain killers (Billy is also an example). Also Spirit is basically unplayable on speakers, I've tried it once and it was terrible, so that says something about bad design for sure, yeah.
You've mentioned Bubba and I agree with your point, that's the reason why I did not suggest any change for Nurse, because as strong as she is, everything you get from her is deserved, you'll never win with a Nurse, just for the sole reason you're playing Nurse, you have to be good with her. How would you change Bubba though, I've been thinking about it and nothing really comes to mind, if you nerf his chainsaw to a one-survivor only hit it would be way to similar to Billy, only without the mobility. Hmm...
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Doctor need to be removed from this game.
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I'm seeing a lot of people complain about Doctor hahah. I don't know man, to me he is more annoying than he is strong, I played Doctor a lot and good survivors really know how to go around my power, I've felt humiliated through the entire game. He seems fine to me.
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I guess its not an easy one to play but as survivor and the current state of his static blast, the doctor is [BAD WORD] annoying (and maybe sometimes upset peoples).
That static blast can show you the position of the survivors gave no chance for espace in some situation (like face camping btw).
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That's the problem, some killers are just built in a way that makes them perfect for players who want to play toxic and facecamp. Bubba and Doctor are great examples of that. The issue here is still the player that decided to play that way tho, not the killer itself.
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face camping is another issue. but I will say doctor is annoying but very balanced.
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What spirit needs is punishment for somehow managing to not get a hit out of her power. She's as destructive as Nurse, but if Nurse gets outplayed, she's stunned for 3 seconds and can't see anything. If Spirit gets outplayed, she just resumes the chase as normal.
If Spirit misses her phase, there should be a real threat of losing the survivor you're chasing, like a couple of seconds where you can't see the survivor, nor their scratch marks, nor hear anything.
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General Killer:
-More BP for facing a swf. Acknowledged post game.
-Rework Blindness effect. Only serves to harm solo survivors and does nothing to players on coms. Could prevent seeing skillchecks except for the great section. Knockout could be changed as well.
-FOV Slider with a max of current shadowborn. Shadowborn and M&A now provide higher Gamma/Brightness
-Remove overheat. Don't touch addons.
Solo Survivor(Underpowered):
-Make kindred base kit without the killer aura reading/show teammates auras for 5 seconds after someone is hooked. Coms can provide this
-Show if any teammate is being chased, not just the obsession. Coms can provide this
-Add more emotes/Quick chat menu "Heal me" "Im on a gen/totem" "Stealth killer" etc. Coms can provide this
-Notify survivors when a totem is cleansed without a totem counter. Coms can provide this.
-Show teammates rank/ping in lobby.
-Show killer ping in lobby.
-Improve hit validation and latency correction or bring back a slightly smaller pallet vacuum if impossible to fix hit validation
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I don't think that the fix for Pig should be making her traps more lethal. To my knowledge they're not supposed to be overly lethal, just lethal enough to get you to get your hands off of gens and into jigsaw boxes. The real power in her traps is the slowdown she gets from forcing people off gens with the threat of death if they don't search boxes.