Revert DS changes!!

I see a lot of people saying that Decisive Strike was too strong but in reality it really wasn't even that useful, I rarely used it when it was pre-nerfed but now it's impossible to get any value out of it.
"I rarely used it".
Epic argument. I'm sure they'll get right on reverting it for you.
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It would be really nice of them
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here are the stats of what the ds nerf did
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Ds is fine the way it is.
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If you find it impossible to get any value out of it now, why do you want it reverted back to a state where you consider it not useful?
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If the nerf didn't change anything at all, why did they introduce it? They can undo the changes and nothing would change if you look at the numbers, more people would simply bring it.
Killers didn't like that survivors could take a perk often so they complained
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The way it USED TO BE
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"but in reality it really wasn't even that useful"
So why do you want to reverse it?
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It's really weird to make a weak perk even weaker. I don't think it's hard to change it to how it was before
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It's really weird to call such a strong perk weak. Why do you believe it was a weak perk to begin with?
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It rarely gets used in the match. Killers just let you die on the ground.
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It was too strong before. It let survivors repair gens in the killers face because they were completely invincible. Now it's actually a proper anti-tunneling perk.
Besides, if old Ds "wasn't that useful", how come you want the nerf reverted?
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If you rarely used it then why do you want it reverted so badly
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Your advocating to revert a change you weren't affected by why?
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This is why is dumb to revert ds. Back to what it was before the nerf
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Always the new forum members... always
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What does it have to do with anything? DS is even weaker now, I express my opinion.
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But why do you want the changes reverted? You have yet to give a single good reason as to why you think this should happen. In fact the only reason you've given actually supports keeping it the way it is by saying that "It was a useless perk" before the changes and that you never used it. Ok, so if you thought it was bad before and the changes never affected you in any way, then why change it back?
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DS change was to make the perk healthier. Old DS would literal punish killers for playing too well. Down survivors quickly, you'll get DS'd. Defend generators when survivors are repairing in your face, get DS'd.
Now it's a defense tool that doesn't punish killers for playing too well.
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Killers don't slug as much anymore because of its nerf I know I don't, so its effective rate didn't go down because its actually defending against what it was supposed to, tunneling. You wont be hit by a 59 second DS after the survivor has been doing a gen for that whole time, it was a fair needed nerf and should 100% not be reversed.
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If it wasn't really that useful then why did literally 90% of the survivor population run it?
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Weak bait; 4/10
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this is the most entitled survivor main thing ive read all day
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I'm sorry but if you're first post here is talking about how killers are "too strong" and survivors are "too weak", I can't take you seriously.
Go build a time machine and play back when the game originally came out. When killer vaulted windows 3 times slower, windows were never blocked, shack had 2 windows instead of one, survivors got sucked to the other side of pallets out of reach of the killer when they dropped it, before killers had noed, before trapper could reset his traps on the floor, before bloodlust, etc, etc.
You say killers have everything going for them when in the beginning it was the exact opposite.
Please before making any posts like this, learn the game for more than a month. Unlock perks, watch youtubers and streamers to see how they play, just learn in general, instead of complaining on the forums about something you don't understand.
Edit: I just looked at your post about adding Jason, you clearly haven't been here the last few months
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No thanks I don't want to have to deal with survivors doing gens in my face because they have a full minute of invulnerability. Now the perk works perfectly for if you're actually being tunnelled.
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it’s ok bro don’t let these killer mains get to you just focus on gens and use this as a endgame perk everything a survivor has is temporary. Just run deliverance ds unbreakable and soul guard and they can cry about that 😂😂😂
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No sorry you're not getting your 60 seconds of invulnerability back.
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You could stun the killer and that's it, how stunning once can be compared to invulnerability? Killers can catch you again after a few seconds again
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it used to be: i am making generetor in front of u and u cant do anything about it HAHA
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So back to when you could sit on gens in front of the killer's face. No.
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You could simply put a survivor on the ground and patrol both the gen and the downed player
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Then they just ran UB to be invincible. And they might of not even had DS.
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Anytime I see this game wide stats I get frustrated. Have you played with the majority of survivors? They can't properly loop. DS was a problem for a subset of players (skilled survivors) who abused it. Behavior doesn't release these numbers stratified by MMR for a reason.
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DS is fine dude, a lot of people still use it, its finally balanced, once you work on a gen or get healed your are in a safe spot which means it should deactivate, its an anti tunnel perk, not a 60 seconds of invulnerability perk
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Well if you get tunneled more that can help your teammates pop gens faster.
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We need to go even further beyond and demand the first iteration of ds back. That one was what every survivor perk should be
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Its supposed to be a anti-tunnel Perk. So if you get tunneled you get a get out of grab free card.
What you want to get out of it, Might not be what BHVR consider a healthy use of the perk.
Remember how Survivors used it as a 1min of time to bully killers? yeah, no more.