Survivors underperform

I maybe new to the game but it seems so unfair!! Killers need to be weaker, they have everything in the world to win again and again! The game seems so unfun because of perks like NOED. I wish the developers listened to survivors more than they listen to killer mains.
once you rank up you'll be doing much better.
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idk man, the kill rate gets higher the higher the ranks. Statistically speaking survivors do worse in red ranks.
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I am a rank one survivor, wdym?
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Oh God, not another one.
The Developers listen to both sides plenty.
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"I maybe new to the game"
There's your problem.
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Yeah. You're new to the game. You don't know what you're talking about.
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You're seeing NOED in red rank games? Like sure every once in a while I'll see it, but not all that often. Though I will say that the perk feels cheap, like you'll have a survivor who is obviously way better than the killer, and they'll get oneshot with NOED because of course survivors aren't meant to last forever verses a killer, let alone a killer that's basically gets free bloodlust and then they get camped to death next to their totem and there's no way to overcome that situation.
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I don't agree, they mostly listen to killers to make things harder, they need survivors to buy DLCs for good perks. How else would they escape against killers like the Spirit?!
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Tofu just released a video on that issue. TLDR: Rank one contains players with wildly differing skill levels. You can be less than ideal of a looper that played for a month as well as a 6k hrs veteran that laughs about anything that isn´t an S tier killer and end up in the same lobby, leading to huge frustration for both sides. Also if you can, find some friends to play with, I honestly wouldn´t play if it weren´t for the fact that I had a dedicated SWF.
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I had reached red ranks already, how long should it take for me to get even better?
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What tofu?
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How many hours do you have? Because most of the time, getting to red-ranks doesn't mean #########.
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OhTofu, he´s a DBD content creator and Fog Whisperer. Plays both sides on a high level and has been around since beta, I can only recommend you check him out, he´s a chill dude :)
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It doesn't matter if you don't agree, them listening to both is just fact.
Freddy was nerfed recently. Listening to Survivors.
Wraith was buffed. Listening to Killers.
Undying was (rightfully) nerfed a few months after release. Listening to Survivors.
DS was (rightfully) nerfed years after it's change. Listening to Killers.
They do things that weren't asked for on both sides.
The Lucky Break buff (then nerf, imo it needs a bit of a buff)/ +1 to Survivor.
The MYC buff. +1 To Killer.
I can do this all day, bud. Another thing-- Literally most of the Survivor meta is free. Literally.
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It's not that survivors under perform, it's that as a red rank survivor you'll most likely get matched with teammates that are really new to the game. I have 1300 hours and I get matched with teammates who only have 75 or 80 hours sometimes. Hopefully this gets fixed with the new matchmaking system they are coming out with.
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They underperform since most red rank survivors fail at basic fundamentals of survivor gameplay and can't loop for #########.
If red ranks actally played like red ranks and not like rank 20s, they wouldn't underperform so much.
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Freddy wasn't nerfed that hard, he's still too strong. He can teleport, put bloody puddles on the floor or make these awful fake pallets, he can doo too much
Wraith is unfair now, he used to be fun but not anymore. He's nearly like the Spirit
Undying nerf was rightful, the totems on some maps are so hard to find. I'd change some totem spawn locations as well, I can't find any on Autoheaven
DS wasn't even that strong. I wish it was a non-perk feature
Killer mains cried about lucky break so it got nerfed
Everything still tells me that the developers listen to killers more
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Red Ranks are hell. That's all I have to say
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Oh boy. I can't wait for your posts after you try killer too.
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I had, it's so easy
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"The devs only listen to killers in this game."
Which is why the devs went and nerfed the hell out of moris and haven't bothered touching keys yet right? 🙃
Sorry I just wanted to be the first one to throw that argument out there lol.
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How many killer games you had?
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enough to judge how easy it is to win
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Yeah, I'm gonna call bs on that.
How do you have 2,000 hours, yet are still "new" to the game? Can you show some proof of this claim?
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Freddy, I can somewhat agree on. His nerf didn't do much to him, but he doesn't need anything more. Part of me wonders if they shadow nerfed his puddles, because half the time they don't do anything when I'm playing survivor. And fake pallets are weak, what are you talking about?
Wraith is nowhere near the level of Spirit. Wraith could use some changes (Mainly add-on changes, imo) but he is nowhere near the Strength of Spirit.
Old DS was strong.
Lukcy break, yes I agree. It was nerfed too much. 90s-- Too much. 45? Too little.
I like how you completely ignored my point of the Survivor Meta being free.
Old Mori's (once again, rightfully so) into the ground. Listening to Suvivors. Whereas, Key's remain untouched.
Billy nerfed to the point where he's barely played anymore. +1 Survivors.
Pyramid Head was nerfed within a few months of his release as well. Listening to Survivors.
Twins got a nerf. The Twins, a killer rarely played anyways. +1 Survivors.
All people like you are trying to do is making the Dev's seem worse than they actually are, and driving the already wide wedge between Killer's and Survivor's even further.
They listen to both sides and make decisions, both questionable and justified, for both sides. Stop trying to act like they don't.
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do yourself a favor go play killer to rank one and then tell us killers are op thats the one issue this game sees every single day a huge amount only play 1 side
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Keys are alright, they allow survivors to get out of dire situations. Keys are rare as well
Moris ended games too early without even letting survivors do anything, the change was necessary
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I'm sure I play better than most people here as the killer since they cannot understand how easy it is to earn 4 kills
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If you are new to the game, then don't post these kinds of threads.
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Stop saying stuff that can be debunked easily, killers are the overlords of this game.
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Then debunk it.
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How can I debunk something that doesn't have a solid logical base to begin with?
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Ok I try to usually remain nice here but bro...really? You say you're new to the game, but have 2000 hours of game time? Yeah well I'm a lot newer than you, clocking under 150 hours and have only been playing for two months now.
Judging from all that you've said you sound like an entitled survivor main who just wants the game to be easier for you. I'm a killer main, mostly cus I personally just don't like the playstyle of survivor. But even I can admit when things are unfair here for survivors. Reading what the old moris did, yeah I agree they were pretty op. But now? They're kinda useless 8/10 times. Keys on the other hand...yeah they need to tweak those a little. Gens as they are now are pretty easy to knock out especially if you run the right add-ons and perks, so you can end the game reeeeaaally fast anyway. Keys kinda exasperate that problem even more. I do think there could be a happy medium that can be reached for both moris and Keys, and I'm really intrigued on what sort of changes the devs are planning with those.
But yeah all that you've said so far in this thread can be summed up to "buff survivors, give them free DS, and make killers always lose." It doesn't work that way. And before you say anything, no I don't think killers are entitled to having constant 4ks either, and I don't want to the game to cater to me so that I can get them all the time either. Hell personally I'm happy if I can get 1k and not displease the entity in a game. If I can get that I consider it a win for me lol.
Edit: Forgot to add in my rant. As a newer player and having read the forums and experienced this wonderful matchmaking system the game has, I agree with the majority of people on here in terms of balance. The real imbalance in the game is that SWF are op and solo queues on both sides are about even. No I don't have a fix for it because it's not an easy thing to fix that won't handicap solos or people for just wanting to play with their friends.
Apart from that I don't really have the experience to say which side is more op than the other because again I'm still figuring stuff out here. Also doesn't help that matchmaking is so bad that you can either get paired with people who are so beyond your skill level that they just ROFLstomp you in to the ground without breaking a sweat, or you get those games where your opponent(s) is just a literal potato on a keyboard, and you end up steamrolling them without a sweat. I have been in both situations and have been in decently balanced matches and have both lost and won my fair share of them.
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Not just here. If you find it easy to 4k against experienced survivors every game you are better than anyone else in the world.
I am not saying either side is easy or hard because that depends on a lot of factors but judging by your posts you are clearly tilted and one sided. You played survivor you lost and you are venting your frustrations here claiming that the other side is op because of that.
It is okay to lose and a little bit of self reflection would help you to see things more clearly. Playing both sides enough too.
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You literally just created an account just to make the typical main survivor complaints lol.
And this, even you don't believe it. 😁
I recommend that you return to the forums when you have 500 hours so that you have an idea of how the game is.
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At least I play both sides to know for sure that killers are stronger by default, I highly doubt he ever touched survivors
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As the OP is becoming argumentative, I am closing this thread. Please keep comments towards one another civil and respectful; even if you disagree with someone and their opinions. Also, everyone's opinion is equal, valid, and welcome on the Forum, just always remember to keep them within Forum Rules, listed here: