How Weak Killers are Winning?

I am not playing low tier killers, specially if they have not map mobility. Only Legion sometimes. Anyway my question to low tier killer mains. Pig, Trapper, Trickster, Clown etc mains.

I stopped play as Trickster after i get adept, he was joke. I wanted play with different killers. And i can not just stop generators. They are so fast. When i get someone down, going to gen takes time. I have not same problem as Freddy or Blight. But even i get them down, i am losing gens. And half of them escaped. How you are dealing with them? What is your tactics? And how long time takes your chases?


  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,853

    Trickster with no gen delay perks and all of my perks are at tier 2. Keep chases short, recognize when you can achieve a hit and when you canโ€™t in a realistic time. Generally for me if I canโ€™t get a hit in around 15 seconds or a pallet thrown in that time I rotate away.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Stacking slowdown on most weaker killers will usually increase your chances of winning against decent teams. If its 4 players that are genuinly good at looping and spreading hooks you'll be boned outside of a lucky snowball.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's a simple As luck. Alot of people dont often see good teams, while it is just practice to be good with most killer people always seem to go oh this streamer can do this without thinking of average players or killers. Simple answer just play them and try learn them, you cant win every game and if a full team has no weak links most killers will struggle.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Pig is not bad? Dude i am not Pig main but all Pigs were tunnelling me when i face with them. I never saw one Pig is not tunnelling, all of them i faced were tunnelling. I am not complaining about tunnel becuase it is legal tactic but if any killer needs that, that is mean they had bad game or they were going lose or killer is weak.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    For Pig, watch Scorpionz. He is an actually good Killer Main at this game (way better than bigger Streamers, also complains a lot less about the game). He plays Pig without any Slowdown-Perks (in fact, I have only seen him using Surge as Slowdown on his Killers).

    Good Killer players usually dont need to stack Slowdown-Perks. Let alone that this is the most boring and cheapest way to play the game.

    And well, regarding weak Killers... Every Killer is strong enough to win at Red Ranks.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Bad red ranks yeah, I was playing killer today and games ended within the first 2mins, you seriously cannot call these people red ranks lol.

  • FengisKawaii
    FengisKawaii Member Posts: 309

    They....donยดt? At least most of the time lol. Itยดs become so rare to have somebody die except from endgame noed camping when we get unlucky with the totem spawn. Dead by Daylight is so weird, like, 3 killers are wildly overpowered, 3 or 4 are decent and the rest are just plain bad.

    I played a bunch of soloq the past couple days and you will find your answer there if you really wanna know how they win :D

  • pedrolito
    pedrolito Member Posts: 50

    If players need to tunnel with the pig, it's not the killer's fault. Specially with his perks. Only weak killers or people seeking for challenge (books) or achievement will tunnel with pig. Maybe they don't play well/often with Amanda.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Dont do solo Q on weekends! Seriously talk about the worst players in existence ๐Ÿ˜‚ legit been getting 12hooks with 4 gens left or the whole game over in 2mins as killer lol. All rank 1s as well, its embarrassing lol

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Every killer is viable in any rank period

  • pedrolito
    pedrolito Member Posts: 50

    Learned it the hard way today. People let you die for your first hook to take the hatch, even if you specially get hook for helping them.

    So... Go solo, you'll lose all faith in mankind (inside video game :p)

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    hope you verse bad players, which you probably are. It's really just up to the survivor player skill and not the killer player skill if they escape vs a weaker killer.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yep I refuse to play survivor on weekends, I'm use to bad players but god damn weekends are something else lol. So I just do killer on weekends now instead ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Zro
    Zro Member Posts: 56

    I just play the killer I'm enjoying and in the mood for at the moment, even Trickster every now and then. I don't pay attention to the meta, even though I know I won't be successful with a bad killer. The different options of killers I can choose are more fun than necessarily having to win.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Or EXTREMELY terribly, more often then not very terrible.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    Blight and Freddy aren't weak to begin. I play a lot of Pig because she's super fun and unless I go against gods I usually do good. The problem is her stealth: it's almost completely useless, I only use it if a gen gets highlighted with Discordance.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    They have the potential to stall very well, or hardly at all.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    You can win with a perkless, addonless Trapper if the survivors you play against are uncoordinated or foolhardly enough. Obviously some killers are strong and some aren't, but if people are wandering around lost instead of doing gens, or running up for flashlight saves every time, you don't exactly need to be playing Mother-Daughter Spirit to massacre them.

    As for mains... every killer's got their strengths, even the low tier ones. When you play a killer for a while, you learn what situations they excel at and where you can capitalize. A good Trickster knows exactly when they'd get more value out of M2ing into an M1 and when to spam blades when a new Trickster would just M1, a good Clown knows exactly where to put his bottles to catch the survivor fastest, a good Pig has her loop mindgames worked down to a science and spaces out her traps for the most slowdown, a good Trapper has a game plan worked out from the start of the game and knows which gens he wants to defend, and sets up his traps specifically to catch survivors running away from those gens (and knows which trap spots have the least visibility, and has the predictability/return threshold all worked out.)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Pig's stealth is pretty bad compared to the rest of the stealthy bois, but it has its uses. I like to use it at the very start of the match for a possible free hit - survivors won't expect it unless they saw a Jigsaw box on the way to their first gen. Then I run around the map not even touching stealth for most of the game... and get sneaky towards the end, because once again they expect me to have a terror radius and I can get some free hits out of subverting expectations. (It's the same thing with pallet breaks; I religiously break pallets at the start of the match, and then I ignore them at the end because I've already trained the survivors to drop the pallet and run.)

    Piggy's not very reliable, but she's super fun.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I think it helps if you don't crutch yourself on S tier Killers that spoil people into thinking they should 4K almost every match cause Spirit, Blight, or Nurse are broken especially with certain perks. I've always played Killers that were either considered weak or unpopular. I mained Hag back when she had a stun on her teleports and still played her through out her YEARS OF BUFFS. And it took so long for people to realize how oppressive and strong she could be... I already knew.

    I played Wraith when I didn't really want to think hard. I knew he wasn't the best, but he was super easy to use and get free hits. I was one of the first to be like "Err, we really want to keep buffing him?" cause I knew he'd become a problem. Not cause he is some super over busted in power Killer, but he is the easiest Killer outperforming a chunk of the cast for very little effort.

    I played Pig cause I found crouching fun when I started to be friendly with Survivors. I moved onto GF afterwards since I like him more. Pig is pretty lame in character traits. But grabs at the start of the match are insane advantages that most people overlook. It's why the old Prayer Beads Spirits was one of the most broken add ons in the game, even more broken than IH huntress. Nullifying chases before they even start is huge.

    I played Twins till Trickster came out. Everyone thought they were some super weak Killer for awhile after release. Turns out they aren't, people just needed time to figure out how to play a two unit Killer. Now I'm not saying their game play isn't messy cause it is, but it's hilarious how long people pretended this Killer wasn't strong.

    Now I'm on Trickster. Love the dude. Is he S or A tier? No. Is he F tier? No. Is he the weakest Killer? Nah. He has some really strong strengths and some large glaring flaws. He is a better design than many other Killers though, he just needs some adjustments. I still win quite often with him, but it's probably cause I'm use to playing old Hag, Wraith, Pig, GF, Twins, and even Trapper here and there through out my years of DBD. I never had to crutch on Nurse, Spirit, old Billy, Freddy, or Blight. And I dropped playing Hag nearly as much when I realized just how oppressive she was becoming as she ate years of buffs either direct or indirect.

    Basically this thread would be like a Survivor being like "How can anyone Survive without DS/DH/BT/UB or whatever the meta is?" Crutches are crutches... and some Killers are crutches.