Why isn’t Kindred base kit?

Solo survivor is the weakest group of players right now (killers and obviously SWF are stronger). Why are they gatekeeping knowledge that SWF get for free, as this results in multiple survivors getting off gens, which is fantastic for the killer. It would make playing solo survivor way less clunky, and wouldn’t be too impactful to killers. Imo, this basic knowledge shouldn’t be locked behind a perk, and it’s honestly baffling that this is still an issue 5 years after launch.
Obviously, I don’t think the seeing the killer part of Kindred should be base kit.
It Should be basekit, Kindred itself should just show the killer aura.
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I think that's a good idea.
Make the survivor aura base kit, and then give Kindred the killer aura effect.
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Yep, that sounds good.
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Kindred is super powerful and making it basekit would take a lot of fun out of the game for me as a survivor. The fun of the game is not knowing what other people are doing and having to make decisions based on the information you do have.
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it is, when playing solo, where if playing SWF you get that info anyways.
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Sadly SWF is part of the game and you can't balance the game while solo survivors are this weak.
NOTHING will persuade BHVR to nerf swf.. they generate to much cash.
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Solo survivor is the weakest group of players right now (killers and obviously SWF are stronger).
Killer are not, survivors control everything in or out of SWF unless you are playing vs a great Nurse, in that case you can have your cake back.
Why are they gatekeeping knowledge that SWF get for free, as this results in multiple survivors getting off gens, which is fantastic for the killer.
Because one is a grey area (SWF), and the other is a mechanical change (What you are saying).
It would make playing solo survivor way less clunky, and wouldn’t be too impactful to killers.
Yes it would, giving better survivors even more information just makes the game that much less balanced then what it is.
Survivors control the trails pressure, map, and basically the entire damn game. No need to now give them even more.
Imo, this basic knowledge shouldn’t be locked behind a perk, and it’s honestly baffling that this is still an issue 5 years after launch.
You do realize you are advocating for base wall hack during a point in which the Killer should be rewarded for his OBJ, right?
Obviously, I don’t think the seeing the killer part of Kindred should be base kit.
No that is not obvious at all, wth?
That is like saying "DS should be base kit", then saying "Obviously only when a generator is done".
Its both a bad idea, and for us to come to the assumption that there should be conditions on a perk other then its norm coming to base for either side would be super weird. We aren't mindreaders, we don't know what you are thinking.
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Hello! I read your first statement and saw you're new to the game so I'll keep it short: Solo Survivor is the hardest role in the game as of now and if you disagree, PLEASE prove me wrong.
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Same reason why BBQ and Whispers are not base kit either.
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I hope devs remove bloodlust from the game and transform it to a perk
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I do agree! I was thinking about it, as having the Killer's aura without the perk would be a bit too OP.
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I like this idea!! Would make solo queue a tad bit easier but we need it.
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Once everyone has the same or nearly the same information, you can balance the game around it. Currently we have seal team 6 on one end and a pack of seagulls flailing wildly on the other, with everything in between.
It makes the game impossible to balance.
Ping system to convey location or totems etc as well as a quick chat is the answer but bhvr refuse to put any effort or time into it from what i can tell. Nothing is more telling then what they did to small game and the "we hope solo survivors find it useful"
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At red rank, killers are absolutely stronger than solo survivors. At lower ranks though? Killers are way WAY stronger
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Used Kindred a lot today and I still died on he hook while the killer was on the opposite side of the map. Another survivor was just the next room on Saw map.
Even if this perk should be obvious to take, you can't force people to play in team.
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Since I been getting matches with Rank 16's and the like... not even base kit Kindred could save me. Had a Claudette and Yui doing more walking and hiding than actual progressing the match the other night. Yui saw me on a gen and decided to take a very long and slow shark circle around it and stop behind obstacles to check if the coast was clear for about half the gen time with me soloing it before walking over and touching it... to run cause a distant heart beat. At least she ran straight into the Killer...
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I hope devs remove pallets from the game and transform it to a perk that spawns 1/2/3 of them randomly around the map.
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I hope the devs remove the terror radius from the game and transform them into a perk.
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Once everyone has the same or nearly the same information, you can balance the game around it. Currently we have seal team 6 on one end and a pack of seagulls flailing wildly on the other, with everything in between.
Then that is because those seagulls didn't follow they're instincts and do what they are suppose to be doing.
Such as survivors who are newer to the game won't do gens. Giving survivors that information won't chance too much for the lesser experienced players, and would literally change the meta and the game outright for the more experienced players.
Again, this is a stance advocating for wall hack during the time the killer is suppose to be rewarded.
It makes the game impossible to balance.
Depends what you mean by balance, true or objective balance is always impossible no matter what.
Balance enough that it feel right to play (Chess for example) and there is no serious way to break a games balance is what most look for. Giving wall hack for being punished as a survivor is not balanced.
Ping system to convey location or totems etc as well as a quick chat is the answer but bhvr refuse to put any effort or time into it from what i can tell.
Holy crap man, I doubt they wouldn't even consider this (I hope). You are taking information and wanting it to be easily accessible to a overpowering degree.
You clearly do not understand the balance of DBD, this game is not a team vs team game, its a 4v1. And at that Survivors already are strong enough considering they control the game.
Nothing is more telling then what they did to small game and the "we hope solo survivors find it useful"
You took that out of context, they hope that perk would be more useful because it was (and still is mostly) completely useless.
You are only touching on the fact the devs touch things that no one cares about. By the way Spine Chill exists.
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I think this would be a great way to help reduce the imbalance between SWF and solo survivors. It would make solo survivors much more reliable.
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Hello! I read your first statement and saw you're new to the game so I'll keep it short:
Hi, and I saw you assertion and laughed as it was ironic so I will keep this short as possible.
Solo Survivor is the hardest role in the game as of now and if you disagree, PLEASE prove me wrong.
Because killer is the hardest role in the game by far.
If you are not playing the best killers then you basically have lost unless the survivors don't know what they are doing.
They control everything, from the map, to the allowed pressure the killer can be gave.
Lets go over the basics of what is allowed by a normal survivor(s):
- 3 potential base hooks
- Perks that give additional lives (Some can be used along with others potential giving more then one live, or in other cases can be reused giving a number of lives such as Dead Hard + Unbreakable as a simple combo)
- Choice of map,4 / 1
- Pressure, unless the Survivor is playing a great nurse or Spirit, the killer is forced to wait for mistakes by the survivors
- Bias Maps, most maps (if not all, at least that I can think about currently) offer survivors a multitude of areas so safe, that unless the aforementioned Killers are played, they can be looped for a solid 30 seconds (roughtly) before having to drop the pallet, and in some situations without even having to drop the pallet. (Tree loop is a great example)
- Low gen time. gen time is quite low, in theory AT BASE (no perks, toolboxes, ect to help repair) all gens can be done in 5 minutes, we know however this can drop down to 3 minutes at competitive play.
Any one of these issues would not be too significant, but because they all culminate, it seriously is a issue.
Survivors can take charge by simply doing gens, and offering the killer chases in which they don't instantly go down. SWF are not a issue because they are the only group that capitalizes on these things, but because they are the only group that can organize with these things.
Meaning in theory everything a SWF does can have a purpose, it can be organized making it more efficient, and not only that but the information spread can be game changing in itself. These are the reasons most consider these a issue.
If a single survivor does what he is suppose to be doing, then they will likely still win.
The only reason the killer wins any games, is because:
1.) They are genuinely much better then the survivors they are playing against (Many say because of broken matchmaking which is likely)
2.) The survivors are not trying, such as just BMing, griefing, dcing, ect
3.) Survivor is too immersed, or doesn't understand what is happening and dies incredibly soon
4.) Lastly, because the survivors are making mistakes, if the killer is playing a decent killer, such as Huntress, Plauge, Ect and not Nurse, then the only way progress is made is when survivors do not understand what they are suppose to do in a situation, or they are failing to do what is needed. You will never see a game in which survivor's (not even in SWF) win because of the killer is making a mistake, unless it is one of the better killers and it happens consistently
Also you haven't replied to any of my points I made previously, yet called me new. That is genuinely intriguing and I just notice it.
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Kindred's critical value isn't knowing where all other survivors are, it's knowing when someone else is going for the rescue. And that takes practically zero effort to communicate.
The only alternative to basekit Kindred is quick comms, giving survivors the ability to tell others whether they can rescue or not at the push of a button.
Otherwise, Swiffers will just massively outshine solos, and killers can't be buffed to match the Swiffers since that'd make solo even more impossible.
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How wrong can someone be? Even Trapper and Trickster are viable against solo survivors at red rank lol
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They intend to even it out! Just by giving perks solo survivors have to run. :) Just run Kindred to get information SWF already has, Small Game to know how many totems are done (something SWF also know by default), Buckle Up to see how far survivors have recovered on the floor (something SWF already know by default), Bond/Empathy to find out where other survivors are (something SWF can just say without a perk). That's 4 perks to even out between SWF and solo, but oh! You also gotta run BT to counter camping and DS to counter tunneling, Iron Will to counter Spirit etc
Gone a bit over the top with my post, I just really want Kindred and Totem Counter to be basekit for survivors. Would help out tremendously.
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Also you haven't replied to any of my points I made previously, yet called me new. That is genuinely intriguing and I just notice it.
Sorry I literally log in twice a week or smthing I have a life and studies to take care of.
Choice of map,4 / 1
I was talking about SoloQ sorry if you misunderstood that. You have 0 communication with your teammates.
Pressure, unless the Survivor is playing a great nurse or Spirit, the killer is forced to wait for mistakes by the survivors
Okay this is hilarious. So, from your POV, survivors almost always play perfect and that's why we're OP? In tournament play, survivors are much stronger than killers. However, we're talking about SoloQ. If a SoloQ tournament was hosted, the killer would pretty much have the advantage.
Bias Maps, most maps offer survivors a multitude of areas so safe, that unless the aforementioned Killers are played
I can agree with this but still, you can win in any map as any killer. Maybe not as Myers or Legion, but that's not the entire role. Bubba is an avergae-ish killer and he's good on any map, for example.
Lastly, because the survivors are making mistakes, if the killer is playing a decent killer, such as Huntress, Plauge, Ect and not Nurse, then the only way progress is made is when survivors do not understand what they are suppose to do in a situation, or they are failing to do what is needed. You will never see a game in which survivor's (not even in SWF) win because of the killer is making a mistake, unless it is one of the better killers and it happens consistently
To this point I'm begging you please play SoloQ. I know people who play in red ranks that didn't know Plague was until her tome was released. 90% of the survivor playerbase is braindead. We soloq players are the weakest.
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Sorry I literally log in twice a week or smthing I have a life and studies to take care of.
As does everyone, yet I am still here able to reply consistently. Doesn't take that long to reply to someone, unlike what you imply.
This is still not justification of your claim here, but ok this point was really mute and wasn't meant to be replied to in the first place. It was a remark based entirely from your remark, nothing more, nothing less.
I was talking about SoloQ sorry if you misunderstood that. You have 0 communication with your teammates.
Yes I am too, if survivors bring multiple map offering its more likely that survivors are picked. It doesn't matter if one survivor wanted The Game, and another wanted The Swamp and both survivors don't get they're way, the survivors are still getting they're way more times then not.
Okay this is hilarious. So, from your POV, survivors almost always play perfect and that's why we're OP?
No, whenever the survivors play correctly. Hypothetically if both party's played perfectly Survivors will typically win or draw the game. Rarely would the Killer win. If its a nurse, then most games the killer would win or it would be a draw. This is because few killers like the Nurse actually take control from the survivors and give it back to the killer. Of course. this killer still has to prove though that he/she actually can pressure the survivors as exceptionally strong killers like Nurse.
If all survivors do what they should be doing then its hell for the killer to make any real traction, we are at a point to where meta strats involve not even healing after taking a hit, there is a reason for this.
In tournament play, survivors are much stronger than killers. However, we're talking about SoloQ. If a SoloQ tournament was hosted, the killer would pretty much have the advantage.
Its weird you can admit that considering there are factors on why that is which you ignore.
In any case no, again if the survivors do they're job they will be fine. They don't need info, they would however be at a disadvantage strictly if a top tier killer were played in this specific situation you gave were reenacted. Although who knows, maybe the survivors would bring information perks considering you are talking about tournament play and therefore they would know what they were getting into before hand.
I can agree with this but still, you can win in any map as any killer. Maybe not as Myers or Legion, but that's not the entire role.
If you mean to say you can play any killer and win vs a competent solo squad of survivors, then I would say I agree.
You know, the same way you CAN get killed for no reason as soon as you walk outside. Or you CAN get hit by a car while on the sidewalk.
Lots of things CAN happen, but its not likely.
Bubba is an avergae-ish killer and he's good on any map, for example.
No he isn't, he fails entirely on any map with lots of windows. The Hospital is a great example.
Even on maps he is good to play in, assuming a survivor can't make it to a window they have plenty of counter play, Bubba has to guess if they are throwing the pallet they are at or keep running. If they guess wrong then they get a even longer chase.
To this point I'm begging you please play SoloQ. I know people who play in red ranks that didn't know Plague was until her tome was released. 90% of the survivor playerbase is braindead. We soloq players are the weakest.
I have multiple times, and do.
Every time my teammates are decent its a win, every time they aren't decent its a loss.
Everyime my teammates understand the basics of what they are supposed to be doing its a win, every time a teammate dc's, or doesn't know what he is doing its a loss.
Majority of my games as survivor I have loss have been because of SoloQing, with that being said however, the reason has always been specifically because the survivor doesn't know what he is doing.
If he understood the basic meta, how to anti-stall hooks, the importance of gen pressure, and the ability to loop the killer for a typically chase then it wouldn't of mattered at all if he was in a group or not.
In fact, had he been in a SWF, they equally would of loss most likely with how bad some people are that I find as teammates.
Just because you are in a SWF doesn't instantly make you win.
Again "Meaning in theory everything a SWF does can have a purpose, it can be organized making it more efficient, and not only that but the information spread can be game changing in itself. These are the reasons most consider these a issue."
If they can't organize and aren't decent they are no better then survivors soloing.
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I have multiple times, and do.
You literally wouldn't have stated Killer is weaker than SoloQ if you've ever played SoloQ end of discussion.
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I didn't see this till now.
In that case, you are a murder because I feel like it. End of discussion.
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lol this game is already too ez on survivors and you want to give them a buff that would basically make it a cake walk more than it already is XDDD, if you want to make it base kit which would take a lot of the fun away in my openion cause it's scarier and making a choice is always fun to do but if they add it as a base kit then killers should get barbeque & chili that allows him to see all survivors with out any limitations to range as a base kit, and most importantly when they are inside lockers because that's how strong a default kindred actually is.