Be honest: Would you be happy if every Killer was just an M1 Killer with no power
No it would be hella boring on both sides. Survivor gameplay would be the same every single match which would just get stale very quickly, also the killers I like to play are all the ones with completely different play styles because it's fun to have a challenge and put effort in to learning a different power and way to play.
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I simply wanted to talk about game balance with the Nurse discussion. But no of course not, some of my favorite killers to play and face are not M1 only killers.
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they have to guess what the killer will do
so survivors don't want to think about ######### ?
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No, that isn't what I'm saying, playing against Deathslinger is more or less a 50/50.
The survivor has 2 options:
Try and preemptively dodge his shot seeing as the harpoon is so fast that you cannot react to it, ultimately allowing him to catch up to you faster if he doesn't shoot
Or call the killer's bluff and just run in a straight line
Whichever choice you make, you're still thinking about what you're doing, you literally just have to guess which choice the Deathslinger is going to make.
Don't put words in my mouth.
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Is that not what you ultimately have to do against all killer's though. If Deathslinger is firing his weapon most likely he's at least 10 meters away from you ,so theoretically aren't you enough distance to either loop a wall or a pallet, and so what if you have to use a little energy to move to the side of the shot.
So how fast should a harpoon fire ,from a high powered rifle? How and why would they slow it down then the add-ons and just firing the damn thing would make no sense at all.
That's what all chases should be 50/50 either you're skill outweighs the opponent or not.
I didn't also put any words in you're mouth, I asked a question to what you said.
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No. Boring as hell. Even as a Wraith main I love to switch it up for Billy and soon to be Nemesis. BUT to each their own! If you want to master an M1 killer then go for it! It's all about personal preference
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Are they? I asked a question. I've assumed nothing; you are assuming my motives and contributed nothing. Anyway, nice talk.
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Now THIS I like. I actually would like to see Killers' powers having a bigger effect like this, but I'm fairly certain it wouldn't go over well as any fundamental changes a Killer caused would require learning new mechanics for Survivors and with as many Killers as there are that wouldn't go over well.
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Yes I would, I think M1 chases are the most balanced, fun and fair chases in the game, and I say this as a killer main. The game would become a bit boring after a few weeks though.
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No. Killers having no powers would be quite boring.
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Because you can sit at corners and remove the coinflips out of the equation, plus with the lack of Killer powers, you have complete control over the chase and the person at the other end has to hope you make a mistake.
You're just proving the topic creator right, you know.
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Nope. Killer powers are interesting.
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Why do survivors always cry about killers, I know victim blaming is a trend but this is getting corny, I barely be on here but every time I do it’s a survivor main crying about how x killer is unfun and boring or has no counter play.
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So what your saying if a killer can only m1 and have no power to make them scary?
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No most people don't want there to be basic M1 killers.
However the extremely vocal minority of survivors who tend to be both sore losers and sore winners tend to make it seem like most want just M1 killers by complaining about any killers power.
Its just another case of a vocal minority stigmatizing a majority with their toxicity.
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Literally nobody wants every power to be removed, people just want powers to have meaningful play that allows you to avoid them if your timing or awareness is right.
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God that sounds awful. The game is at its best and most engaging when killers are at their peak.
I truly miss old the old mori from the Survivor standpoint. In most cases every killer had to be treated seriously and teammates avoided the first chase as long as possible.
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I just hate going vs hag bc i get spooked
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Why so toxic when someone was pointing out why some Killers aren't very fun to play against?
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No way! The Killer's Power is what really diversifies a match.
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Where did I say that? I told the OP that he shouldn't imply that all survivors want killers nerfed because it isn't true.
Complaining about an aspect of a killer that is unfun ≠ wanting that killer nerfed
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I guess every multiplayer game is unfun in sense that snipers can one shot and magic users can kill multiple people at once with their spells, that’s your opinion but I find killer more fun than survivors
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I'm still debating on whether or not you're a clever parody or actually, genuinely like this.
I've a little too much faith in people sometimes, but there's just enough there to actually believe it.
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If facts are toxic then it's the facts you have an issue with, not the person stating them. That means maybe those facts need to change, no?
By the ways, thanks to everyone who actually answered the question and engaged in a meaningful conversation. It wasn't for no reason; i got to thinking for some oddball reason that it might be an interesting experiment if we could see what the game would be like with just 115 M1 Killers; it'd give a good idea where Killers were at a baseline. I've found that a lot of the time I end up ignoring my power and just being a basic M1 Killer anyway. I noticed a big majority of my downs even on Killers with instadowns (I play a lot of Leatherface) are from M1 attacks and mostly powers just make the chase end a little bit quicker. I even did a good dozen no-chainsaw games and still did alright with no slowdown perks, but mind you this is as a rank 2 going against rainbow ranks.
And the mix of ranks and random SWF's is what did them in. The skill levels were all over the place to the point that the more experienced Survivors using more advanced tactics almost hindered the noobs because they just didn't understand what was going on. That in turn got me thinking about matchmaking and how it being so bad might be a good thing in a weird way, but that's a topic for another thread.
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The only facts in your post were stated by the original comment concerning the reasons why some powers, strong or weak, are unfun.
No where did that comment state something was OP, just merely the problem people have with it.
The "facts" you stated are really just poorly executed attacks against Survivors . Hence why you're toxic.
Feel free to respond; I consider this conversation over.
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K. Bye.