New chapter: The Predator Chapter(Updated)

DeBest2879 Member Posts: 11
edited August 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
I myself believe that the predator would be a very unique and fun killer. His main attack weapon can be his wrist blade. You can have him cloak, but he can't hit and his vision switches to thermal so he can detect survivors' heat signature. He could use the smart disk as a second ability, he could throw it and by using the the tracking lasers to guide it, you can maneuver around objects such as pallets etc. You would have mild control over it though. You just look in the direction and it will guide it. The smart disk can be used while cloaking, but survivors can see him while he is holding it up close. Upon throwing the smart disk, he will become uncloaked and have a 5 second slowdown time for him to recalibrate his cloaking device. His mori could be the spine removal, he walks up behind the survivor, steps on them and then reaches down and rips the spine out.


Collectors Pride: After successfully downing a survivor, there will be a decreased wiggle speed by .75 seconds, 1.5 second and 2.25 seconds, when downed survivor is hooked, they have a decreased chance of jumping off the hook.

Warrior's Power: You are more resistant to decisive strike, survivors are penalized for using decisive strike and survivors gain exhaustion from stunning you with pallets.

Hunter's Dedication: Increase lunge range. Air lunges have a chance to instantly put survivors in dying state, Survivors put in dying state can not recover more than 50%/ 25%/ 0% and have decreased recovery rate. Speed is countered by unbreakable.

Survivor: Dutch


Enemy Intelligence: You take advantage of the completion throughout the trial. After generators are completed dropping pallets, unhooking survivors and window vaulting is increased by (.2% / .5% / .8% / 1.1%) at tier 1, (.5%/ .8%/ 1.1%/ 1.4%) at tier 2 and (.8%/ .1.1%/ 1.4%/ 1.7%)

In Plain Sight: Decreases aura reading ability against survivor. Tier 3 makes survivors immune to all reading abilities. (This perk effects Evil within, The Predators Thermal, Wraith's blood auras, Deerstalker, bitter murmur and Barbecue and Chili.)

Military Training: Will cause killers to see the auras of destroyed hooks as if they were available whilst being carried within 5/ 15/ unlimited meters and stunning a killer will give them a extra stun penalty of .4/.9/1.5 seconds

Map: Hunting grounds: Central American Jungle.
Post edited by DeBest2879 on


  • TG_Cid_Orlandu
    TG_Cid_Orlandu Member Posts: 73

    Make the Alien a survivor and you are sold!!! :chuffed:

  • DeBest2879
    DeBest2879 Member Posts: 11

    It would be cool but the alien is more of a killer as well sadly, so it wouldn't make sense.
  • KroolTheField
    KroolTheField Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 47

    I think you aren't the first person to ask for the Predator and ... well I don't like the perks you want him to own.
    ( names are also kinda bad )

    Alpha hunter : Harder skillchecks and items not lasting as long as they normally should seems useless to me. I'd rather have something that affects their obsession perk is a stronger way or smth else... I don't really like this perk.

    Kill for sports : If you could do the opposite of this perk i'd be satisfied. Hitting the survivor should give you more lust to kill and the perk as you currently designed it would be useless in the end game if there are no pallets.

    Ugly mother ( what ? ) : This should be how monstrous shrine works. Nothing else to say

  • DeBest2879
    DeBest2879 Member Posts: 11
    I have changed around the perks names and effects. Hope you like them.